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where did we go wrong ,the cannabis genetic pool

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Active member
the only logical thing i can make from this whole thread, is that the lower branches could possibly make the best healthiest clones, due to there stalk/stem being more woody and less prone to harboring virus/pathogens.
not to mention that hallow stalks are a pain to work with (breaking and snapping).
But the idea of the lower branches somehow sealing in the dna makeup as a backup (say damage will kill top of plants first, leaving the bottom to regrow in nature) is kind of far fetched and nonsensical.
also, the mention of
as I see it . that un born infant first nude resting in its nesting place has the abilities to root and grow the full cannabis plant from bottom to top ...and is triggered by cold temps ...
seeds re triggered by HEAT to grow. that is why grass grows in the spring, trees start to produce their leaves in the spring. because temps are warming up, telling the seed its time to sprout.

I get that you are trying to discover something new about cannabis growing. or see some form of personal enlightenment. And i dont think anyone here will say they know, or any one knows all there is about growing. But when something is so polar opposite from everything we have personally experienced, its kind of hard to get on board with and believe.
I haven't read all of the replies, but I did read the original post and I have to say,

Your logic is problematic, your understanding of plant biology is suspect, and your methods and conclusions are unscientific.


I think the way people are breeding now a days will prove to be very damaging.

Ppl are just piling the same family of strain on top of it self generation after generation.

All of og smashing is going to homogenize everything. Diversity is key. Mono cultures leave us susceptible to all sorts of bad shit.

How about the rampant cbd infusion into the genetic pool.


if it smells like fish
theres good things happening overall...some folks are not making hybrids and saving their lines...others like me love hybrids... the gene pool is fine ,,come on in and swim....yeehaw..my cold temp strain is mity mite x passion 1,,x c99...but theres no cold where I am at now

Jericho Mile

I have no need 4 assumptions ,that's where the web comes in ...lol

nothing is never that simple ....lol

Ok, dude. I stopped by and gave this a look based on the dramatic title of the thread...that's it

"where did we go wrong, the cannabis genetic pool"

who is we?....and who went wrong?...and what does that have anything to do with what you are doing?

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

it is simple.

you can also grow cannabis plants upside down or in the tops of trees....even indoors.


Ok, dude. I stopped by and gave this a look based on the dramatic title of the thread...that's it

"where did we go wrong, the cannabis genetic pool"

who is we?....and who went wrong?...and what does that have anything to do with what you are doing?

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

it is simple.

you can also grow cannabis plants upside down or in the tops of trees....even indoors.

this coming from some one that idolizes a murderer......are you named after the TV movie or the facts in the real case . ....I was a 5 miler so I under stand the movie ... you don't have to kill someone to prove your point ...and that's why he was in doing life in first place . he had a choice ,he made the wrong choice ...! was he more then a common killer ...?

Jericho Mile

this coming from some one that idolizes a murderer......are you named after the TV movie or the facts in the real case . ....I was a 5 miler so I under stand the movie ... you don't have to kill someone to prove your point ...and that's why he was in doing life in first place . he had a choice ,he made the wrong choice ...! was he more then a common killer ...?

Quite uncalled for, dude. I wasn't even attempting to unbalance you. Now...well...

you've fallen off the pace


are reading way into things

making conversation


* can't one just enjoy a retro movie?.....killing the mile to Sympathy For The Devil. Wowzies

In reality though: I am...Smoke In Brush..and an ultra marathon runner. Trails and Mountains...desolation pathways to the grinding attritions of the walls


Quite uncalled for, dude. I wasn't even attempting to unbalance you. Now...well...

you've fallen off the pace


are reading way into things

making conversation


* can't one just enjoy a retro movie?.....killing the mile to Sympathy For The Devil. Wowzies

In reality though: I am...Smoke In Brush..and an ultra marathon runner. Trails and Mountains...desolation pathways to the grinding attritions of the walls

sorry Jericho

running is a real bad topic with me ..i was the 3rd fastest runner in the state ,long ago ...

maybe your reply was a little uncalled for to ...

you don't know me , ... latter


Active member





back to the topic ,

there is real good reason to grow like this . for one a breeder , un like a grower has to keep strains year round .. many do not have the best conditions and many modern strains can not take the cold ....

in fact you just don't see cold weather strains in the genetic pool any more . back when I started in the early 70"s you did see a few cold weather strains ..now and then ..

but with the internet ,they are not as common as they once were ...and then we get into the debate about fair weather strains ... weak or the lack of conditions to a wide types of environments ,if your seed companies only make fair weather strains it could in fact effect the full genetic pool ..much the same way as fem and auto flowering ...

many breeders already refuse to use fem seeds strains in their breeding.... I agree with that ..as I watch a internet interview with DJ short not back crossing beyond 3 gens ...

as cubing has been isolated to a very limited test groups

the logic to define a true cold temp growing system is a worthy study ....I was only sharing what I am researching ....it dose not mean the world should try this ...

your conditions and environment should define how you grow or breed your own strains


Speed of Dark
I actually read the whole thread.
I have done actual research in gardening with my sister who has a degree in biology, my degree is in physics but there is overlap in all the sciences.

For the most part everyone posting seems to understand the basics of genetics, if you are breeding rats and you cut off the tails of all the males at birth for one hundred generations it will make no difference to the DNA, the male rats will continue to be born with tails.

Being able to spell words correctly does not mean the context is understood. Genetics are well understood and the cutting edge is the crispr machine that can actually remove alter insert and combine fragments or complete sequences of DNA. Other than that the regular rules of heredity apply as they have been understood for over a hundred years.
Not a mystery and no surprises, chemically enhanced hybridization is new but based on the same old facts of DNA inheritance. It is our level of control over the process that keeps improving, the rules for acquiring that control are unchanged.

Trying to make sense to a person who lacks a grasp of the principles involved is futile. The concepts are not just misunderstood, his conclusions are based on total misunderstanding of how and why plants grow and reproduce.
Logic does not apply to those who understanding is based on imagination rather than physical reality.

Being mental is just another fact, not a personal failing but merely the way things are.
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