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where did we go wrong ,the cannabis genetic pool

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i have been working long hours and working alone to long ,,,...maybe were just like the old strains , vanishing and never know when or why ...

the other day a friend told me he has been growing the same g13 strain for 15 years .

sh** i got strains 3 times older then that ...lol

the other night i was going to take a ride on my bike when i got on the bike i was to stoned to ride ...who needs the out side world ,,....right ?

yes ( Abducted X SSSDH X G13 ) X (Tangerine Dream) ..

this sh** rocks !

what was topic any way ..?


Originally Posted by tazz11 View Post 79.
back to the topic ,

there is real good reason to grow like this . for one a breeder , un like a grower has to keep strains year round .. many do not have the best conditions and many modern strains can not take the cold ....

Are you sure about this?

in fact you just don't see cold weather strains in the genetic pool any more . back when I started in the early 70"s you did see a few cold weather strains ..now and then ..

but with the internet ,they are not as common as they once were ...and then we get into the debate about fair weather strains ... weak or the lack of conditions to a wide types of environments ,if your seed companies only make fair weather strains it could in fact effect the full genetic pool ..much the same way as fem and auto flowering ...

Fem seeds effect the whole gene pool? If you refer to intersex then using intersex parents will give intersex progeny as will dioecious parents if they carry intersex traits, STS transformed females to make pollen to make Fem seeds or real males to make pollen. Using STS to change sex is merely sex expression, it does not change the sex chromosomes. The effect is transitory.

many breeders already refuse to use fem seeds strains in their breeding.... I agree with that ..as I watch a internet interview with DJ short not back crossing beyond 3 gens ...

as cubing has been isolated to a very limited test groups

the logic to define a true cold temp growing system is a worthy study ....I was only sharing what I am researching ....it dose not mean the world should try this ...

your conditions and environment should define how you grow or breed your own strains

Greetings Sir Skunkman, I am a young independent researcher from Jamaica, with a letter from UWI allowing me to do some planting and research. Throughout my travels in the embryonic Ganja Industry in Jamaica I have heard your name many many times and I am supposed to have met you a couple times I believe....but it didn't happen. I know you have been a Master Cultivator and Collector from before I was born, which is my aim, I wish to take my dreams seriously; to build a Natural Standard for Jamaican Medical Ganja that is Internationally Accepted and to breed strains selectively from LANDRACE strains(not watered down hybrids), that are genetically sturdy enough to withstand the rigours of our climate and produce not just weight, but resin.....how can I learn from you, maybe even do an apprenticeship with you? How can I access the strains I seek?


Active member
I'll tell you where we went wrong. Mankind thinks they are Gods.

In this case, they find landrace Cannabis plants, select the so-called elite plants, destroy everything
else and in time their Garden of Eden with their elite plants population collapses from all the inbreeding
depression because the scientific geniuses thought they were Gods.

Then they go out in the field searching for more elite plants and do it all over again.

Sound familiar?


I'll tell you where we went wrong. Mankind thinks they are Gods.

In this case, they find landrace Cannabis plants, select the so-called elite plants, destroy everything
else and in time their Garden of Eden with their elite plants suffer from inbreeding depression because
the scientific geniuses thought they were Gods.

In time, their elite population collapses and they go out in the field and do it all over again.

Sound familiar?

I think I have landed into the right company....there is so much sense(bit of nonsense too) being spoken here. Would people like you also like to help? I am certainly not a god, just a human being with an intense thirst for knowledge and an idealistic belief that an Alchemical Approach is vital to approaching this plant with seriousness, meaning that as one changes the plant's composition positively through breeding, he must also transmute himself, carrying both himself and the plant, to Gold status. Genetic material and knowledge is what I seek....money is nothing, it will come and when it does.....more Work


I'll tell you where we went wrong. Mankind thinks they are Gods.

In this case, they find landrace Cannabis plants, select the so-called elite plants, destroy everything
else and in time their Garden of Eden with their elite plants population collapses from all the inbreeding
depression because the scientific geniuses thought they were Gods.

Then they go out in the field searching for more elite plants and do it all over again.

Sound familiar?

Except the population hasn't collapsed, there are plenty of landraces, and we now have the scientific tools to select and correct like we never had before. It's great cannabis time to be alive.


a few years ago many believed the genetic pool was falling apart ..so if the pool is as clear as so many hopes it is then why did that ever take place in the first place ...?

less IBL . less true land race ... the true logic is simple . if you select pheno types and remove them from a strain then you no longer have the strain ..you remove the + trait only to leaf the match - trait ..balance . it is all about balance and stabilization ...

see a true Land race has many pheno hidden with in year after year they are consumed by the strain . thus those pheno traits help stabilize the land race strain .. and those traits are conditioned to the environment of the land race ..when you take a land race out of its environment it starts casing phenol types .. much the same way all strains do ...a IBL will do the same thing ...the rate and odds change as dose the environment , cause and effect .. simple logic ...

the real art of breeding is for the breeder to observe his strains so closely that he notices every little detail . no matter how small or how un expected the changes are ..

in fact ,I just saw a good example of this ... in a room full of hybrids only one plant has shown female gender .. .. OK .. is it a pheno or not ?????

yes .. a early flowering trait vs the mass ...what I found interesting was it was a F2 not a hybrid ...to make sure I will watch to see if any other plants do the gender change soon .. but the fact remains . this one has shown gender early .. is it a trait from the under tune strains or the base strain .. we may never now but the mass dose not show this trait ...the fact the strains in this room are open pollenated define the pheno ratio ...

the logic .. even a IBL has more pheno types then hybrid they just are far more stable and are better conditioned to a set environment ...
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a few years ago many believed the genetic pool was falling apart ..so if the pool is as clear as so many hopes it is then why did that ever take place in the first place ...?

less IBL . less true land race ... the true logic is simple . if you select pheno types and remove them from a strain then you no longer have the strain ..you remove the + trait only to leaf the match - trait ..balance . it is all about balance and stabilization ...

see a true Land race has many pheno hidden with in year after year they are consumed by the strain . thus those pheno traits help stabilize the land race strain .. and those traits are conditioned to the environment of the land race ..when you take a land race out of its environment it starts casing phenol types .. much the same way all strains do ...a IBL will do the same thing ...the rate and odds change as dose the environment , cause and effect .. simple logic ...

the real art of breeding is for the breeder to observe his strains so closely that he notices every little detail . no matter how small or how un expected the changes are ..

in fact ,I just saw a good example of this ... in a room full of hybrids only one plant has shown female gender .. .. OK .. is it a pheno or not ?????

yes .. a early flowering trait vs the mass ...what I found interesting was it was a F2 not a hybrid ...to make sure I will watch to see if any other plants do the gender change soon .. but the fact remains . this one has shown gender early .. is it a trait from the under tune strains or the base strain .. we may never now but the mass dose not show this trait ...the fact the strains in this room are open pollenated define the pheno ratio ...

the logic .. even a IBL has more pheno types then hybrid they just are far more stable and are better conditioned to a set environment ...

I'm gonna go out on a limb and risk saying this: Taz11, you are misunderstood, I think that people have such issue with some of what you say because you take a spiritual approach with your breeding. You as well look at the plant as a body, connected just as a human body is connected rather than having separate parts. You view the plant as sentient, having a mind that is conscious.....am I right?


I'm gonna go out on a limb and risk saying this: Taz11, you are misunderstood, I think that people have such issue with some of what you say because you take a spiritual approach with your breeding. You as well look at the plant as a body, connected just as a human body is connected rather than having separate parts. You view the plant as sentient, having a mind that is conscious.....am I right?

I would have to say I am about 20 times beyond that but yes .. if trees can communicate to each other and with in a mass, then we would be foolish humans to think all plants don't . the fact is, if they do how much and how ..and if they do can we learn from this . we do not under stand their reactions to each other or the mass , but we only need under stand the causes and effects, in the case of plants their communication level is far from our place on the scale but as I noticed being blind we do have the abilities to sense their reactions . sadly in the modern rat race few humans have the time or peace of mind to isolate them self's to a level to communicate with plants ..

if I cut a plant dose it bleed ..?
can I hurt or kill a plant yes ..

can a plant show it is happy in its environment yes ..

do they show gender and mate and have off spring yes ...
do they reflect the need to communicate in a mass yes ..

are they beings at another level of life then us ...yes ...

how long would you wait to hear a plant speak to you how long would you share their world at the scale they live..
would you name each of them to tell them apart or define who each of them are ...? or would you just tag them for profit ...

being a breeder means something totally different to me ....my skills go beyond my own world and under standing as a logical human ..
sharing a live with a plant is a gift and knowing them as living beings gives us the gift of sensing the world and environment they live in . life means more to them then the next pay check in a foolish world of rats that lost the true meaning of reality..

as for knowing the parts of a plant .. we as humans are always waiting to see where the replacement arm or leg or body part needed will come from .. few want to face the fact we are less alive then the plants we grow and breed ..

life is a gift don't waste it don't tell your self plants and animals are any less meaningless beings then we are ..

once I waited in the dark for 4 hours just to sense them growing as a mass around me .. don't fool your self they know we are here and they are alive ....

once I started what is known as echo sounding in a dark room and I could tell their reaction to it was different then when the light was on .. were they sleeping, did I wake them ..? or did they fear a unknown the same way humans do ...?

I am 1/3 Mohawk . we have been using white sage to purify the spirit world for more then 13,000 years and to help guide spirit in the after world ...plants are closer to the spirit world then we are ....
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I would have to say I am about 20 times beyond that but yes .. if trees can communicate to each other and with in a mass, then we would be foolish humans to think all plants don't . the fact is, if they do how much and how ..and if they do can we learn from this . we do not under stand their reactions to each other or the mass , but we only need under stand the causes and effects, in the case of plants their communication level is far from our place on the scale but as I noticed being blind we do have the abilities to sense their reactions . sadly in the modern rat race few humans have the time or peace of mind to isolate them self's to a level to communicate with plants ..

if I cut a plant dose it bleed ..?
can I hurt or kill a plant yes ..

can a plant show it is happy in its environment yes ..

do they show gender and mate and have off spring yes ...
do they reflect the need to communicate in a mass yes ..

are they beings at another level of life then us ...yes ...

how long would you wait to hear a plant speak to you how long would you share their world at the scale they live..
would you name each of them to tell them apart or define who each of them are ...? or would you just tag them for profit ...

being a breeder means something totally different to me ....my skills go beyond my own world and under standing as a logical human ..
sharing a live with a plant is a gift and knowing them as living beings gives us the gift of sensing the world and environment they live in . life means more to them then the next pay check in a foolish world of rats that lost the true meaning of reality..

as for knowing the parts of a plant .. we as humans are always waiting to see where the replacement arm or leg or body part needed will come from .. few want to face the fact we are less alive then the plants we grow and breed ..

life is a gift don't waste it don't tell your self plants and animals are any less meaningless beings then we are ..

once I waited in the dark for 4 hours just to sense them growing as a mass around me .. don't fool your self they know we are here and they are alive ....

once I started what is known as echo sounding in a dark room and I could tell their reaction to it was different then when the light was on .. were they sleeping, did I wake them ..? or did they fear a unknown the same way humans do ...?

I am 1/3 Mohawk . we have been using white sage to purify the spirit world for more then 13,000 years and to help guide spirit in the after world ...plants are closer to the spirit world then we are ....

I am a Muslim and Allah says in the Qu'ran that the trees and plants were not created here, but in the Spiritual World.....I know I have Native, Taino blood in my veins, as I have Maroon background, and I have seen Genetic Dreams/Memories in which people called themselves my family were calling me to look at my land, their hair was long, straight and jet black, they were short but good looking, obviously good looking and they spoke a little English but another language I've never heard before.......we need to talk, I'll soon be at 50 posts


You must have watched the movie Avatar.
its a good movie but just a movie . I am talking about real life in all creation ...and beyond ...

so if we are talking about real life then lets look be open minded about ... humans did not create it . they don't under stand it and they can not recreate it ..

we compare one thing to another to define if there is any common ground they share or to define what something is .. every thing you see has been given a name that was made up to create a under standing about what it is and how it fits in to the human under standing of creation that is in fact a very small dust speck in the logic of space and time .. we in fact as human have no idea the vast size of creation it self . we guess . when we don't know we make up the tag and call it something for the price of fame ..
or write a book naming things so others think we knew what they were in the first ..

the human logic is that of fools .. if we were to tag everything the human race has ever seen .. we would have next to nothing compared to creation it self ...

most of everything the human race knows is less then 3 thousand years old ...

we can guess we can make up theory and look at the logical sequence and pattern but it dose not change the fact !

and we know almost nothing beyond the life you live now ...so theory and imagination are the best hope to gain a under standing of any unknown ..

that said .. lets see it threw the eyes of a boarder line Savant .. the trees talking back and forth between them the blades of grass meaning less by them self's yet their numbers cover the earth like a soft blanket ..the insects hidden with in at any time could wipe the human race off the earth in days .. so what tree speaks and what tree under stands what is said ... or is the words a level of under stand we yet do not know or are we so disconnected we no longer think for our self's , will our children learn what is told to them and lack the abilities to think beyond what is for told to them ...

in the day of under standing it is we that fail to teach our children what they need to know to under stand the creation that surrounds them their whole life ...

we are the un-educated beings . if it was not for the imprinting of our past we would have already vanished form the earth long ago ..

so who is smarter the money or the man ...? you set a standard and say the monkey can not reach the level the man has set . but the monkey never changed his world we did ...now many monkey species are gone because of humans ... not other monkeys ..large die off is a matter of fact and soon we will be on that list and you can tag that any way you want .. it is not going to change the fact the human race are fools ... when it comes down to caring about the creation and species that share this earth we have almost destroyed ..

in a time when the environment of earth no longer is the Eden we wanted to hope for ,, pray your strain saves you from facing what you have done to the earth because what happens next will reflect the power of nature and humans will vanish in a mass die off and you may have that tag on your toe ...but chances are a blade of grass or a tree may out live us and tell the story to their off spring long after we are dead and gone from the earth ...

you want to see reality ,think about taking on a T Rex with your bare hands ..the out come is simple ....meat for the table or one less to feed ...
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I couldn't read 12 pages i made it to the first one but unless there are a whole bunch of people chiming in on this its probably a bunch of blah blah blah only these two re-vegged clones will save the gene pool of cannabis. I might be mistaken but in the natural world is where cannabis was created with different qualities for many different reasons the only reason we can harness these different qualities is because of thousands of years of evolution of a plant gave a plant different character traits. A clone will not progress this natural selection and only naturally occuring ibls based from plants origins will create natural drug type pheno - thin leaf hemp naturally. Your gotta keep the clones gotta keep the clones attitude and others has led to different cannabinoids being de-sellected not by evolution and need of the plant but by cash croppers and breeders who isolated characteristics they saw as negative but might have also lost very good traits as far as terpene and cannabinoids that we dont now and might never truelly understand so if you realy must ask where we went wrong the last thing I will say. Take a look in the mirror buddy because you are not better than nature.


I couldn't read 12 pages i made it to the first one but unless there are a whole bunch of people chiming in on this its probably a bunch of blah blah blah only these two re-vegged clones will save the gene pool of cannabis. I might be mistaken but in the natural world is where cannabis was created with different qualities for many different reasons the only reason we can harness these different qualities is because of thousands of years of evolution of a plant gave a plant different character traits. A clone will not progress this natural selection and only naturally occuring ibls based from plants origins will create natural drug type pheno - thin leaf hemp naturally. Your gotta keep the clones gotta keep the clones attitude and others has led to different cannabinoids being de-sellected not by evolution and need of the plant but by cash croppers and breeders who isolated characteristics they saw as negative but might have also lost very good traits as far as terpene and cannabinoids that we dont now and might never truelly understand so if you realy must ask where we went wrong the last thing I will say. Take a look in the mirror buddy because you are not better than nature.

look in this mirror ...http://www.end-times-prophecy.org/animal-deaths-birds-fish-end-times.html

none of us will be here in the future , so will it matter at all...its not about two clones, its about the death of 10's thousands of clones ,species ..and humans ...and you better hope someone is smart enough to out think nature because this is reality and you can face that just as well as the mirror but the mirror will not kill you when your not looking ..the die offs will !

here I can teach you all a simple fact .. look out at the planets in our solar system . they don't have life on them ..

nether will the earth soon if we don't step in and change it fast we are going to be the last life on earth ...

12 pages ....lol...... try 46 years and millions of pages


my point is simple its not just the cannabis strains .. the environment of the earth is failing . how much was to much ... we already pass that line ...they have to legalize cannabis and let anyone plant as much as they can as fast as they can ..

don't look at the next 100 years , because we only have about 4 or 5 years left ...IMHO if that !


its a good movie but just a movie . I am talking about real life in all creation ...and beyond ...

so if we are talking about real life then lets look be open minded about ... humans did not create it . they don't under stand it and they can not recreate it ..

we compare one thing to another to define if there is any common ground they share or to define what something is .. every thing you see has been given a name that was made up to create a under standing about what it is and how it fits in to the human under standing of creation that is in fact a very small dust speck in the logic of space and time .. we in fact as human have no idea the vast size of creation it self . we guess . when we don't know we make up the tag and call it something for the price of fame ..
or write a book naming things so others think we knew what they were in the first ..

the human logic is that of fools .. if we were to tag everything the human race has ever seen .. we would have next to nothing compared to creation it self ...

most of everything the human race knows is less then 3 thousand years old ...

we can guess we can make up theory and look at the logical sequence and pattern but it dose not change the fact !

and we know almost nothing beyond the life you live now ...so theory and imagination are the best hope to gain a under standing of any unknown ..

that said .. lets see it threw the eyes of a boarder line Savant .. the trees talking back and forth between them the blades of grass meaning less by them self's yet their numbers cover the earth like a soft blanket ..the insects hidden with in at any time could wipe the human race off the earth in days .. so what tree speaks and what tree under stands what is said ... or is the words a level of under stand we yet do not know or are we so disconnected we no longer think for our self's , will our children learn what is told to them and lack the abilities to think beyond what is for told to them ...

in the day of under standing it is we that fail to teach our children what they need to know to under stand the creation that surrounds them their whole life ...

we are the un-educated beings . if it was not for the imprinting of our past we would have already vanished form the earth long ago ..

so who is smarter the money or the man ...? you set a standard and say the monkey can not reach the level the man has set . but the monkey never changed his world we did ...now many monkey species are gone because of humans ... not other monkeys ..large die off is a matter of fact and soon we will be on that list and you can tag that any way you want .. it is not going to change the fact the human race are fools ... when it comes down to caring about the creation and species that share this earth we have almost destroyed ..

in a time when the environment of earth no longer is the Eden we wanted to hope for ,, pray your strain saves you from facing what you have done to the earth because what happens next will reflect the power of nature and humans will vanish in a mass die off and you may have that tag on your toe ...but chances are a blade of grass or a tree may out live us and tell the story to their off spring long after we are dead and gone from the earth ...

you want to see reality ,think about taking on a T Rex with your bare hands ..the out come is simple ....meat for the table or one less to feed ...

Your eyes are quite open brother.....what you see sometimes must scare you....I'll soon have 50 posts so I will message you....dont beat yourself up.
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