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planting in bamboo patch


Yes you will need to plant in containers and even at that, bamboo's root system is so aggressive that you might want to elevate the containers on top of cinder blocks so the bamboo roots don't migrate into the bottom of the containers and choke your cannabis plants out.


Yes you will need to plant in containers and even at that, bamboo's root system is so aggressive that you might want to elevate the containers on top of cinder blocks so the bamboo roots don't migrate into the bottom of the containers and choke your cannabis plants out.

True that

you may even have to attach the containers to the trunks of the bamboos some how, about 6 feet up, depending on how big the bamboos are though. next concern would be light penetration.
You will need to hack out or tie some of the stalks to get light penetration. Put your plants on the backside of the patch. Choose genes that approximate the color of your bamboo type. Around here it's olive green. Nothing beats bamboo for stealth.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I had a neighbor where I used to live that planted bamboo on the edge of his yard. . That shit took over his yard and the yard next to him within 2-3 years. It was even coming up through the tar in the road and the neighbors driveway. Be careful where you plant it and what type you plant.
If you're planting in the yard, the nurseries around here tell you to bury sheets of corrugated steel in a shallow bowl shape to stop the root spread.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah your going to need atleast 5 hours of sunlight a day so your going to have to look up and adjust the canopy's growth almost daily as it grows so fast. I would also say ties that could pull the bamboo one way or the other. You can always open one area and see if this works. good luck headband 707

dirt farmer

Two kinds of bamboo. One will grow root ball in circle and not spread fast. When it get big you axe off some chunks. I think they call this clumping bamboo.

The other kind sends long shoots out from the root ball. This kind spreads fast.


the kind i grow in is 40-50 feet tall spreads out to around 20 feet diameter and the dead center gets just enough sun for about 10 plants in buckets, got to be careful when using cable ties because if you leave slack the bamboo shoot rub together when the wind blows and it make a lot of noise so people that know about bamboo know whats up from the sound, getting to the plants is another issues i usually just cut a path right through the patch with a hand saw. always damp in there and lots of critters, not the kind that is damageing to your plants but the kind that is damagin to you so make sure and wear long pants and tuck the end into your shoes. Once a centipede climb up one of my minions pants leg and he was stuck in the middle of a patch and freaking out, got bit where it hurts most too!!! was out of commision for a long time.

Hope this info helps. i never plant in those little bamboo types but should be pretty much the same.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
i think you would need elevation in your pots for light penetration.
cheers mozz

Hummm this might be the best idea .. If this is that really big bamboo you might want to have a pot that will lift to the sun if this is at all possible. bamboo moves a lot so your going to have to see how much it will move. I agree about the cables aswell I don't think I would use steel cables they would cut into the plant use rope. headband 707:)
I read somewhere that bamboo is the ONLY plant (other than MJ ) that FLIR detects. If this is true then you might be creating a huge target. I hope it was misinformation because Bamboo would be an awesome way to go. I planted clumping bamboo and Jap. Giant Timber Bamboo 7 years ago.....After being established for 5 years, the Japanese Timber Bamboo grows 2 feet a day! The root system can be contained by digging a 14 inch deep trench with hard pvc sheeting. The more determined ones will actually try to climb over this barrier , just chop the root when you see it trying to climb over. I also heard that snakes love it , but I've never seen one around. Perhaps the snakes like the thick weedy native bamboo you see growing everywhere here in the rural south.:witch2: