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What's the big deal with Kush?



Real Kush very from valley to valley and so does there quality Cali kush well is it kush for the most part its hype good tasting weed if we want a great taste try lollys its all about the potency duration of the affect and quality of the high or stone or mix of both that counts who cares what a rapper has to say like they breed or grow there own please.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Of course Dali would show up and give us a brown nugget of ignorance! Who didnt see you showing up and downing everything but a haze? You have never even grown a Cali Kush so please dont start with your bullshit again in another thread that you have no exp with. Do you ever get tired of being the biggest troll on ICMAG? I didnt think so.

Smoke some OG,Tahoe, Lemon Larry, R****** OG, etc and get back to us. Hype? Idiot! They are stronger, tastier and have great stone than 99% of anything out there, so what if rappers talk about them? Must be hard being so intelligently stupid.
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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Kush. It's everywhere out here in Cali. I've smoked versions of it (OG, Tahoe, Master, to name a few) and found the tastes and highs to be fantastic. I think it's great night time smoke for my tastes and tolerance.

Skunk used to be very popular out this way when I was a teenager, and I think "Kush" is going through the same thing that skunk did back in the early '80s. Nothing wrong with that at all. Whatever keeps people smoking and growing the plant is fine with me. The many varieties of herb available these days is what keeps things interesting, imho.
Kush. It's everywhere out here in Cali. I've smoked versions of it (OG, Tahoe, Master, to name a few)

Love how Master Kush has become a Cali kush.... It's one of the first seed packs I bought back in the day, from the Dutch. Kushes are great, some of the best weed I've ever smoked in my 20+ years tokin (I'm 30) and could care less iif it's hyped. Why? Becasue it DESERVES to be hyped. Just like c99, the chems, hazes, ANY stellar weed in my book gets hyped. Who cares if it's "hype?" I want the best and only the best. So I smoke hash, Kush, or sour diesel. The purples just don't do it for me in any other area than taste so those are out. I guess the people that are hype hating like smoking rope. :tiphat:


The revolution will not be televised.....
Blink - Your seeds and the Socal Master are totally diff. The Socal is a very Bubba Kush looking plant. Almost like if someone took a Deep Chunk and a Bubba Kush and found a new strain a few years back. Hummmmm..........

Anyways I hear you on how the names have been changed to protect....the wait wait wait!!! No they just change names for any reason out here. Alot. Happens all the time.


Of course Dali would show up and give us a brown nugget of ignorance! Who didnt see you showing up and downing everything but a haze? You have never even grown a Cali Kush so please dont start with your bullshit again in another thread that you have no exp with. Do you ever get tired of being the biggest troll on ICMAG? I didnt think so.

Smoke some OG,Tahoe, Lemon Larry, R****** OG, etc and get back to us. Hype? Idiot! They are stronger, tastier and have great stone than 99% of anything out there, so what if rappers talk about them? Must be hard being so intelligently stupid.

I have pure hush and threw the last 8 years was offered a lot of what you guys masturbate over calling each pollyhybrid the grail to then hype it until the next ones ready to be marketed lol.

The only ignorance is coming from you and people like you Cali kush is a generic term used on lines that have as much kush in them as you have wake up and stop being such a dick.


Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane
It's the funk doctor spock smokin buddha on a train
HOW HIGH? So high that I can kiss the sky


You know its really about the smoke and if you guys love what people call Cali kush more power to you its about what you injoy right but this shit ow smokes better than yours is old and warn out many people that did have a lot of the so called elite clones culled them because they did not like them and or had better you want peoples respect earn it don't sit there in your air suspension bouncy mobiles thinking you gang bankers have it because you don't.

Real kush Afghans indicas have an important roll as do sativas all good cannabis is just that good this term elite needs to be droped and you young Cali boys need to take a leaf from the real breeders of old that put cali on the map not you young guys that have not even grown pubic hair yet lol.


ICMag Donor
I agree its silly and stupid, to name something kush ,with no kush in it..The original kush strains do deserve their respect..But i also believe that the hype surrounding these new strains is well deserved ...Alot of strains don't live up to their hype ,but theirs at least 5 or so that do... just my opinion of course


Rainman I am not sure who is calling who a troll here, but as soon as the man Dailyhempy spoke you started off with a very pointed, insulting and slanderous assault. Now I am not sure of your history with him, but it sure appears you started it. Is that the way this site is meant to be operated? Someone says one thing and you attack him? I wish you would reconsider using these valuable threads as your personal tools to attack people you do not like.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Dali - Blah BLah Blah!! The thread was asking about Kushes. Of which you have no exp so why is it everytime a thread pops up about Cali cuts you get involved even tho you arent here or know dick about the scene? Real kushes are not being trashed or disrespected. Its great smoke and its got a name that doesnt fit so lets flame everytime a thread pops up. You give the same tired arguement in every thread too. Cali kushes/OGs etc are way overhyped and not as good as a pure sativa from yada yada from 20 years ago!! Ohh and the cali boys/ growers are just fronting and need to pay homage! You are a clown.

Guiness - When you been around longer than a week you will be sure that Dali is a troll and can give advice. Until then have a coke and a smile and............Also the neg rep thing is for cyber NERDS.


Dali - Blah BLah Blah!! The thread was asking about Kushes. Of which you have no exp so why is it everytime a thread pops up about Cali cuts you get involved even tho you arent here or know dick about the scene? Real kushes are not being trashed or disrespected. Its great smoke and its got a name that doesnt fit so lets flame everytime a thread pops up. You give the same tired arguement in every thread too. Cali kushes/OGs etc are way overhyped and not as good as a pure sativa from yada yada from 20 years ago!! Ohh and the cali boys/ growers are just fronting and need to pay homage! You are a clown.

Guiness - When you been around longer than a week you will be sure that Dali is a troll and can give advice. Until then have a coke and a smile and............Also the neg rep thing is for cyber NERDS.

I liked rainman the move but don't much like you lol I have not grown indicas or kush okay them fat leaf short plants were mutations i take it grow up.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
whats the big deal if a killer pot plant happens to be polyhybrid or not?
i always thought that if the plant was killer thats all that mattered...


Sorcerer's Apprentice
whats the big deal if a killer pot plant happens to be polyhybrid or not?
i always thought that if the plant was killer thats all that mattered...

I agree with Greyskull. In the end, all plants are hybrids if you wanna go back far enough.

There may be something to be said for predictability of known and proven genetics vs. the crap shoot of random combination by the amateur breeder, however.

This is down to the individual grower to decide for themselves.


lol. how did i know hempytroll would end up in this thread talking his nonsense once again. lol. smoke some real Cali Kush before you start bashing it dude. Bout time to grow up hempy. Your Cali Kush hatin is gettin old. How can you have such a strong opinion on something that you never even tried before?. Such ignorance!


You know I was in Arcata on Labor Day weekend. I got an oz of kush and an oz of something more sativa leaning of no name. The Kush smelled 10 times more stronger, but the no name more sativa weed was my favorite of the two. It was stickier and had a more exciting and more complex high (the sat). I know it is all personal, about personal taste. I also know I was just a tourist too, not getting the best thing being offered. Both were $240 an oz btw. I don't know if an Arcata street dealer would lie about the strain he is selling.. I mean what would be the point? The price was the same. It was pungent, it was strong, the buds were smallish (is that a characteristic???) and I got no complaints when I got my people high... but I still preferred the sat leaning stuff. I am stoned so I am rambling.


Active member
the big deal with kush is.................... someone went "hey that stuff, its called KUSH, its 5 dollars more"

and someone said "...........................okay"

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