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What Male to use in a cross?


Out Of These 11 Pages How Many Threads Deal With The Title? Especially The Last Few Pages. Why Do People HiJack Threads & Totally Destroy What The Thread Is About To Play The Game I Know More Than You & I'm Right!"

There Can't Be 1 Winner Because You Both Think Your Right. Its Your Word Against The Others.
Gives Us Back The Thread As Titled & Start Your Own Thread Where People Who Are Interested In Your Subject Can Go. Doing It Here On This Thread The People Who Would Enjoy Your Subject Have No Idea Because Of The Title Of This Thread.

Thank You


ICMag Donor
This whole thread dipicts "corrective maintenance actions",,,,,,,nothin wrong with that!!!:)

It sets high goals with limited focus ,,,,no1 can do it better:)

there is only 1 method "multiobjective optimization" !!!....what we truly need is a "multiobjective genetic algorithm" and protocol for discrete event simulation............solutions present a compromise between system reliability and system cost..:),,,,,,,,,,,this is the gameplan!!!,,,no doubt:),,no stress!!

selection is always in relation to dominance among individuals in the "current" population,,,,,as 2pac would say "thats just the way it is!!!"..."ahhh yehhhh":)

germplasm is evaluated according penlized fitness values...... on the other hand, the nondominated individuals continue and are candidae solutions that may be stored in the "multiobjective genetic algorithm"....

All we gota do is figure out protocol for maintanance


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Out Of These 11 Pages How Many Threads Deal With The Title? Especially The Last Few Pages. Why Do People HiJack Threads & Totally Destroy What The Thread Is About To Play The Game I Know More Than You & I'm Right!"

There Can't Be 1 Winner Because You Both Think Your Right. Its Your Word Against The Others.
Gives Us Back The Thread As Titled & Start Your Own Thread Where People Who Are Interested In Your Subject Can Go. Doing It Here On This Thread The People Who Would Enjoy Your Subject Have No Idea Because Of The Title Of This Thread.

Thank You

You know what's even more annoying? Posts that are entirely in bold :D Almost everyone who matters has touched base in this thread. The title wouldn't attract a better audience. Besides, some breeders have answered the question. I believe it was "use the best male." LOL :tree:

ps- get a haircut hippie ;)


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
All we gota do is figure out protocol for maintanance

And people have done this. And they accomplished it without your unnecessary gobbledygook. What would Allard think of your posts? Who could possibly make sense of them?

Okay, we get it: you're dyslexic and autistic. Here's another joke for you. You've noticed they put the idiot before savant, right? ;)


Add to that example the Dutch CPRO-DLO collection: “A collection of approximately 200 populations was established at Centre for Plant Breeding & Reproduction Research--Agricultural Research Dept. (CPRO-DLO) over the past five years.(1) It comprises fiber and drug strains and wild or naturalized populations from a worldwide geographic origin ranging between 28deg and 58deg latitude.”

Etienne de Meijer did a study between 1989 -1994 about Cannabis diversity.He collected 200 populations from all over the world include Indiana University (South-Africa, Nepal, Afghanistan, Jamaica).This study was funded by the Dutch government.They did grow during the study the 200 Cannabis varieties they had collected for several purposes like fibre content, THC content, CBD content etc.

I dont know at this moment if they still have the seeds they've collected.Etienne de Meijer is working for GW Pharmaceuticals nowadays, while he worked for Hortapharm in the past.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:


furious george

New member

Ok, I think a big part of the problem we’re having is a conflation of terms. When you talked about the ‘cannabis gene pool’ I though that was what you meant. But you are also saying “our gene pool”
go ask Rob Clarke what he thinks about the state of our pool?
So am I right in assuming that you actually mean the hybridized drug cannabis gene pool?

LOL, amateur/closet breeders IMPROVING anything? I guess it's all about the "as best they can" part. I see nothing but enormous failure.

The breeders I am referring to are the ones who sponsor this site and use it as a vehicle to sell their seeds. I didn’t think it wise to attack what they are doing.

You see preservation and improvement.
Nope. Not sure how you inferred that. I mean I guess there is preservation in that as long as there are populations being grown then they hold copies of gene’s that can later be used if the apocalypse destroys all the landraces of the world sometime soon.

You seem to think somehow this can occur in closets. How cute

Nope, in fact exactly the opposite. I believe the biggest improvements are yet to come and they will happen when it is treated like every other agricultural crop of value.

And how does ego have anything to do with this? Egotistical to think closet hacks are eroding the pool while it drifts about with no direction? It's not egotistical my friend, it's realistic.

Egotistical in the sense of an exaggerated sense of self-importance. You take the piss out of him but englishrick has grasped the point that you fail to:

I have been lucky enough to have traveled widely. I’ve seen dozens of small fields of cannabis in Malawi. When I was working on a farm in Gambia, literally every one of my boys had a small ganja garden at their homes and each took pride in their smoke. They took me across the boarder to Senegal for a weekend trip to stay with the tribes who’s sole income is cannabis farming (now that’s a wild story, but for another forum!). I’ve trekked the jungle on the Thai/Burma boarder for 2 months and met dozens of hill tribes, all of whom had cannabis gardens a short distance from the village. I’ve seen varieties of great sativas in Laos from the mountainous north to the 1000 islands in the Mekong down south. Same story in north western Cambodia. In India (a fucking vast cannabis loving country) populations are literally everywhere, I recommend a trip there, It would provide you with a valuable sense of scale. I’m sorry for going all Uncle Travelling Matt, but you don’t seem to appreciate how widely spread the cannabis genepool is. To think what you are doing in the heavily hybridized drug cannabis genepool is affecting what’s happening in all the rural villages of India then you are egotistical.

There is an enormous world out there, and there are ganja lovers in every corner of the globe, tending this plant. I just don’t see the same level of threat as you.

Now if we were talking about the state of the heavily hybridized drug cannabis gene pool, you and I might find some more common ground.

Here’s a little joke for you:

There’s a huge female elephant down at the watering hole having a drink. But she has this tick burrowing into her back and it’s driving her nuts. A tiny male sparrow spots her distress and flies onto her back and digs out the tick. The lady elephants says to him ”Oh that’s such a relief, thank you so much, if there’s anything I can do to repay you, just ask” so the sparrow says “well, it’s been a while since I had sex, so maybe we could…?” “The elephant blushes and says “go on then stud”. The little sparrow gets out his tiny little member and starts humping away. Some monkeys watching this unfold from the trees above get all excited and whilst shaking the tree a coconut falls from it, smacking the lady elephant right on the head. “Ouch” exclaims the elephant, and the sparrow says “sorry luv, am I hurting you?”.

Last post, sorry for the hijack people. Arrrrgh!


fuck the ticket, bought the ride

Ok, I think a big part of the problem we’re having is a conflation of terms. When you talked about the ‘cannabis gene pool’ I though that was what you meant. But you are also saying “our gene pool”
So am I right in assuming that you actually mean the hybridized drug cannabis gene pool?

I'm talking all drug types, the hybrid soupy hack's mess and the landraces.

The breeders I am referring to are the ones who sponsor this site and use it as a vehicle to sell their seeds. I didn’t think it wise to attack what they are doing.

I'm going to speak my mind regardless who pays the bills.

Nope. Not sure how you inferred that. I mean I guess there is preservation in that as long as there are populations being grown then they hold copies of gene’s that can later be used if the apocalypse destroys all the landraces of the world sometime soon.

I didn't have to infer it, you said it. "I think it's admirable that amateur/closet breeders are doing what they can to improve and preserve the cannabis gene pool as best as they can." You even put it in bold in case I missed it. And the difference in our opinions is you think the landraces are doing fine and I think that globalization, skunkification, and legality have changed the landraces forever.

Nope, in fact exactly the opposite. I believe the biggest improvements are yet to come and they will happen when it is treated like every other agricultural crop of value.

Well looks like we do have some common ground ;)

Egotistical in the sense of an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

I'm not involved in the erosion of the drug pool. Therefore ego is removed from the situation.

You take the piss out of him but englishrick has grasped the point that you fail to:

Again you're wrong. I'm well aware that people grow cannabis all over the world. The difference is I think those populations have deteriorated since the 70s. You don't seem to be willing to consider that fact.

I have been lucky enough to have traveled widely. I’ve seen dozens of small fields of cannabis in Malawi. When I was working on a farm in Gambia, literally every one of my boys had a small ganja garden at their homes and each took pride in their smoke. They took me across the boarder to Senegal for a weekend trip to stay with the tribes who’s sole income is cannabis farming (now that’s a wild story, but for another forum!). I’ve trekked the jungle on the Thai/Burma boarder for 2 months and met dozens of hill tribes, all of whom had cannabis gardens a short distance from the village. I’ve seen varieties of great sativas in Laos from the mountainous north to the 1000 islands in the Mekong down south. Same story in north western Cambodia. In India (a fucking vast cannabis loving country) populations are literally everywhere, I recommend a trip there, It would provide you with a valuable sense of scale. I’m sorry for going all Uncle Travelling Matt, but you don’t seem to appreciate how widely spread the cannabis genepool is.

And were you there in the 70s? Can you see how the populations have changed or do you just want to say there's plants grown there? I have no doubt that people have gardens all over the world. The difference between us is I think many of those people have heard of skunk and the promise of "improved hybrids." I also think before the American sparked drug war the populations of third world outdoor cannabis were much larger. Lets see the pictures of the huge fields maintained generation to generation by a family. That's right, the governments have done their best to eliminate them.

To think what you are doing in the heavily hybridized drug cannabis genepool is affecting what’s happening in all the rural villages of India then you are egotistical.

Again, I have little to nothing to do with it. When I can I've educated against the erosion. Ego doesn't apply.

There is an enormous world out there, and there are ganja lovers in every corner of the globe, tending this plant. I just don’t see the same level of threat as you.

And like I said you seem to believe that landraces have been perfectly maintained and frozen in time.

furious george

New member
Nope, my 'experiences' with landraces span from '95-2003 (well '84 if i count my first trip to Malawi).

My friend, seriously, just go to Himichal Pradesh in india and go on a trek. In fact just look out the window of your train on the way up to somewhere like shimla, you'll see clusters of 1000's of seedlings every 15 minues, and once you're into the foothills proper, you just see how vast the place is (and how prohibition only applies to guys who look like they can pay a bribe). In literally every rural place we went young plants (it was april) were everywhere, popping up on almost every corner, between flagstones, in every ditch. It was exactly as stinging nettles grow in rural UK.

The variety of smokes I have tried from Jamaica, to Antigua, Malawi, Gambia, Senagal, Egypt, India, Thailand, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, not a trace of "Skunkification" much as I would have liked it I could find nothing (and believe me I sampled liberally and with gusto) remotely skunky until I hit Oz. It's just a case of my experiences differing from yours that makes me feel differently on this topic. I don't think either of use will convince the other, so...


Lets see the pictures of the huge fields maintained generation to generation by a family.

Some fields in Gambia photos were taken by a Dutch guy



Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Look, first of all I'm not going to post an article with Sam the Skunkman's real name on it. GET OVER IT! If you don't believe what I say, fine. I don't know how you have the audacity to call me hypocritical for not posting something that can get me banned.

I call you hypocritical because you ask other people for proof to back up what they say, but you are not providing anykind of proof to what you are saying.
...Is that one article where you base all your opinions?

Now this argument you're conducting has nothing to do with breeding. You're one of the people who's against big business and doesn't trust their methods or intentions. Good for you. I am not one of these people. I'll leave it at this: cannabis isn't legal anywhere on the planet. There isn't some foreign soil that the corporations can set up in. Like I said they'd require special licensing. If you want to believe they have foreign armies somewhere protecting vast greenhouses where they're properly maintaining out drug type germplasm then nothing I can say will change your mind. I think the idea is ridiculous.

You think globalisation is conspiracy theory? LOL
You trust big business intentions? WTF!
You really start to look a bit naive redneck to me... sorry ;)
It looks like you haven't done much travelling?
This planet is full of countries and places where having couple square miles of ganja growing is not a problem. Specially if you own the land and have practically unlimited funds.
If you are really serious about that license, you can buy it from nearest goverment official!!! LOL

BUT, I don't know this for fact, and you don't either, so it there's no really point to argue about this further..? :deadhorse
...I start to miss nvisionary! :eek:


Some fields in Gambia photos were taken by a Dutch guy



Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:

Now this is what we need! :kewlpics:

There surely are tons of places where "huge fields maintained generation to generation by a family". You could see those yourself if you get out more!
I've seen valleys in Himalaja full of Ganja, cultivated centuries by the locals. Couple days walk from where the road ends, and you're there! ;)
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fuck the ticket, bought the ride

Hopefully the Dutch guy didn't supply the seeds. Are those even african cultivars pictured? Or did you further my points.


I said globalization was a real problem for the continuation of the segregation that makes a landrace a landrace. I said NOTHING about it being a conspiracy.

Yep, I trust big business to be big business. Their job is to supply what we want. Where do you buy your food, gasoline, energy, spirits, cigarettes. What do you drive? How are you communicating to me? I'm not a hick, but i'd rather communicate with many a hick over some of the company on this board ;)

And when you asked these gardeners for skunk what did they say? Did they understand?
Did you bother to collect anything from your travels or did you just assume it'll always be available? Did you find any useful or novel traits in these fields you've witnessed? Did you manage to incorporate anything to our pool or is your only mantra: those poor people will protect our interests?


Yep, I trust big business to be big business. Their job is to supply what we want. Where do you buy your food, gasoline, energy, spirits, cigarettes. What do you drive? How are you communicating to me? I'm not a hick, but i'd rather communicate with many a hick over some of the company on this board ;)
Big biseness job is NOT to supply what we want. Their job is to make money to stock holders. There is big difference. Conflict of interest is HUGE!

And when you asked these gardeners for skunk what did they say? Did they understand?
Did you bother to collect anything from your travels or did you just assume it'll always be available? Did you find any useful or novel traits in these fields you've witnessed? Did you manage to incorporate anything to our pool or is your only mantra: those poor people will protect our interests?

I didn't ask for skunk! LOL!!!
There's no roads, no TV, no internet AND no skunk!

Unfortunately when I was there I didn't know about any of this stuff we are talking about now, so I didn't collect much seeds or found any usefull traits. I was more like, WOW, that's lots of ganja!

But I'm working with nordic outdoor strain that has original himalaja genetics in it. My friend did the cross, but I've done selective breeding for this strain for 10 years. I'm actually growing 100 seeds of F1-F4 generations again at the moment. I think with my current knowledge I can do better selections than 10 years ago.
...Another 10 years and my first strain is ready!!! ;)

But, I must say that it worries me also that genetics will be lost from some of these places. Our western culture, including skunk, is pushed to all corners of this world.

furious george

New member
And when you asked these gardeners for skunk what did they say? Did they understand?

The places I scored were not dispensaries or coffee shops. You get the one type of weed they have, what they or their buddies are growing. In india you get many many types of charas, but no point asking for skunk

you bother to collect anything from your travels or did you just assume it'll always be available?

Collected plenty from Jamaica, but that was because I was young and bought every bit I could get my hands on. And I got seeds that I collected no more than 50m from where Bob Marley is buried (boy did I think that was cool). But when i grew some out in '99 they were very clearly inappropriate for indoor cultivation, 7ft plant in a 12 litre pot was a bit much. So they've been a friends fridge ever since.

From then on, no I didn't collect seed. Number 1 rule of traveling in Asia is "Dont take drugs of any kind across any boarder" and I never had, nor do I have ambitions to be a clandestine cannabis breeder. So seeds were of little interest.

Did you find any useful or novel traits in these fields you've witnessed? Did you manage to incorporate anything to our pool or is your only mantra: those poor people will protect our interests?

Well traits varied enormously from region to region. Do you expect me to have taken botany field notes? Just on the off chance that nearly a decade down the line some internet pedant presses me for details?

Do I expect those people to protect our interests? Well they're certainly protecting their own, and in doing so are collectively keeping large, diverse populations of landrace cannabis growing. A combination of phamacuitical and academic interests, agribusiness, landrace cultivators, and clandestine polyhybrid growers, is a pretty potent team to preserve the cannabis gene pool. They all play their part. You talk like cannabis should be on an endangered species list, when it is one of the more abundant and varied of the clandestine cash crops.

EDIT: Looks like I'm responding to questions that weren't even directed at me! sorry!
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Owl Mirror

Active member
Sheesh ! I really detest snobbery

I suppose I am also "a hackjob stoner, fucking plants together in closets" but, I've gotten some awesome plants full of hybrid vigor.
Here are my current TWO females from the same seedlot which I created by crossing a landrace Mazar I Sharif and a landrace Nepali.
I sure hope the genes I've unleashed upon the world don't find their way in to Chimera's grow room.

pic is one-week into flowering


  • compare2 mazar x nepali females.jpg
    compare2 mazar x nepali females.jpg
    56.2 KB · Views: 11
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Out Of These 11 Pages How Many Threads Deal With The Title? Especially The Last Few Pages. Why Do People HiJack Threads & Totally Destroy What The Thread Is About To Play The Game I Know More Than You & I'm Right!"

There Can't Be 1 Winner Because You Both Think Your Right. Its Your Word Against The Others.
Gives Us Back The Thread As Titled & Start Your Own Thread Where People Who Are Interested In Your Subject Can Go. Doing It Here On This Thread The People Who Would Enjoy Your Subject Have No Idea Because Of The Title Of This Thread.

Thank You

if you bought a chicken and it laid a golden egg, would you be happy with the bonus or would you be angry that you couldnt have any breakfast ;)



ICMag Donor
And people have done this. And they accomplished it without your unnecessary gobbledygook. What would Allard think of your posts? Who could possibly make sense of them?

Okay, we get it: you're dyslexic and autistic. Here's another joke for you. You've noticed they put the idiot before savant, right? ;)

what did Allard know about multi dimentional theory?,,,i see quantitive genetics without special relitivity,,,whats the deal?

[edit],,chapter 10 [Adaptedness in nature] n = chromozones ,,,not 1 mention of the word hypervolume.........i dont think Alard understood indoor weed :)
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