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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..


More people with negative rep....thanks whiterabbit9...not even your scrap. Be seeing you...



Grinding extra.
You better watch your back whiterabbit.

You should know better than to privately "disapprove" of something access feels or says.

Besides, this is our thread, I don't see no flag in your back pocket!

This is BS!

Enough is enough. No one is going to feel like they need to walk on eggshells in this thread! Period.

"i started fuckem to show love and unity for my east coasters, from maine to the florida keys. every grower in fuckem is on the right side of the mississippi river. but 99% are w/in 100 miles of the atlantic.
the west coast does it real big, legally for the most part.
we on the other hand, dont have those luxuries.
so we remain like ghosts, doing what we do in the shadows.
every member here has been picked by me, or referred to me by a fellow member.
that is the only way to gain access to fuckem.
left coasters need not apply"

This is what this thread is about. And I think we've done a good job of proving to this community that we in "the real world" that take these chances to grow are doing a stellar job.

So now what? We allow certain "e-thugs" to tarnish our good name?

We become un-approachable to the rest of the community?

We put ourselves above someone that doesn't have some mother fucking letters in their signature?

Where does anyone get off acting like that?

We are a "social group" nothing more and nothing less. I'm sorry some of you seem to revolve your lives around this thread.

Where do you guys find the time to act the way you act in this thread in real life?

Or are you portraying something false on the internet?

The hood's not cool. The hood's not fun. The hood's not what you see on MTV and it's not pretty.


Pull my finger
Whoa! My "serious" meter is going apeshit!

I respect both of you guys, and remember, we are all brothers in arms. Soldiers in the same army. Our goals are similar, and we share alot of "shit"

I soooo hope you guys can agree to disagree.

This "Social Group" is what it is, and is very unique to say the least. Those who are members take pride in thier acceptance. I come here for entertainment and to share my expiriences with some of the cooler cats on this site. I get a kick out of some of the shit that gets posted in this thread and I must say, there is no other quite like it on the net.

The cool thing is, you guys can come up to confrontation, and put your differences aside and get back to whats really important. Right??

I plan to hangg around for awhile, member or not. I like the folks who post in here,and will continue to communicate with ya'll.

Keep bringing the pain!

I will be back in the morning. After I wash my balls and twist a fatty. Coffee and FUCKEM goes pretty well together.

By the way, Mrs. Swamp is now on the lurk here at ICmag. Ya'll give her a warm welcome if you see her about. She is a shy one, but she smells good.



Goodmorning yall Hope u sleep well and dry ...
Wt champ thats sd is a lil fatty bum bum :)


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
I though we all agreed to let that shit go...I mean come on! BB, myself, and even access at on point offered to let it go. AOMF as much as you disagree with access remarks towards others, arent you in fact doing the exact same thing to him? Your letting him get under your skin just as much as you accused him of being egged on by GF...

Art of making fire- BB - I'm bringing it up now, because I just read it. And I'll choose what I involve myself in, thanks. High horse? WTF?

EXACTLY!!! so get off yours! Let this shit go! Get back to the dankest shit on the planet grown by this F.A.M. or go start a flame thread...

Tona- Heard!! Shits getting old as hell
Kallen- Thanks F.A.M!

good vibes F.U.C.K.E.R.S

removing the banner was a herb ass thing to do to... Dis accociate yourself with a group you considered family cause you disagree with one persons treating of a troll and a few noobs? I got hazed and shit thrown at me left and right when I first started coming in this thread.



All my plants are fuckt :( MY pups have been on rampage in my grow rooom :( i would take picture but if i see a pup today i will kill it ...........I had 8 sleepovers Banana kush :( they all gone .....My fuckem lings they all gone :( one of the chemdog i afraid of it will die to :( the mm took up the fight but got some scars and the amenzia haze x swt 3 is fine hehe but damn im in a red zone right now trying to chill down but my puls is like a race horse neeed a big big splifff FUCK IT


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Damn Kallen! Not like it will make you feel better, but my pit ate 5 jack herer plants when he was a puppy. Our ONLY 3, and they werent 2 weeks from harvest....
sucks man:rainyday:
good vibes


Grinding extra.
removing the banner was a herb ass thing to do to... Dis accociate yourself with a group you considered family cause you disagree with one persons treating of a troll and a few noobs? I got hazed and shit thrown at me left and right when I first started coming in this thread.

It's not one person. It's an overall feeling I and others are getting.

It's also a personal descision to take it out my signature. I'm trying to disassociate myself with that sentiment in all apects of my life...

I haven't told anyone what they should do.

I'm stating how I feel some poeple act on this thread.

That's all.

It it doesn't apply to you, let it fly.

If it does, take it for what its worth to you, or don't.

I'm finished because I feel like I've made my point.

Can't wait to see how everyone acts at the next "community get together". LMAO!


Active member
Yo, 1st off, Kall, I'm SO F.U.C.K.I.N. sorry to hear that shit!!! Stay away from them dogs, I'd be wantin to hurt them too.

2nd, WTF is this shit, guys?????

We had a troll come in and talk shit, and we were repremanded by admin.

Some agree, some don't.


Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but opinions are also VERY dangerous. People start thinking their opinions are so much more RIGHT than other people's.

Fuck it, guys, leave it alone. You gotta be respectful of our FAM if you're a member. Plain and simple. You don't gotta agree, you just gotta accept their right to disagree.

Now come on, don't let some shit started by a troll fractionalize us. Let's just try to be above the Neanderthalish responses.

Access, AOMF, you guys are 2 of the best wordsmiths here at IC. Access, you especially can (and have ;)) told people to go jump off the GW in such kind words THEY had to be the one to resort to name calling.

Why not do shit like that? It's what I meant a few days ago by "being very British". No Brit is gonna say "fuck off, I'll shit down your neck, you pissant", they're gonna kill your ass with polysyllabic words, making it perfectly clear their opinion of you, with you wondering IF you were even insulted or not.

So come on guys, lets remember that we're FAM here, and cut this bs out.

I'm with T like a motherfucker. I check the thread like 12 fuckin hours ago, and this shit's STILL goin on. Come on now, after I been sleepin for a few hours and I'm wake n bakin I don't wanna see this type of shit, makin me feel like I gotta throw my :2cents: in. I just wanna smoke some, take care of my girls, and throw some pics up :fsu:

WT420, lookin good, dude! Them plants be growin fast as F.U.C.K.!!!

SD, lookin mighty sexy! :greenthumb: If your woman joins, have her look for That Girl, my girl's here too ;)

All the best,


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nicely said TG...

kallen i just saw that post man,real :fsu: bro,id be heated too...pups dont know no better yo,and howd they get in the grow yo?mf'd must be gettin big huh brotha.
are they ready to sell yet?get rid of them strain killers yo!!!


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Good morning all, I hope everyone has a safe and high day.

The garden is filing out real nice, maybee some pictures by the end of the week.

Kallen bro so sorry to hear about your garden,
my baby girl has taken out a few of my babies in the past,
but yiou have friends in this thread that will help you out with
anything needed.

Stay safe and high.


Mornin f.a.m. I see we're still:deadhorse.. :cuss:

kallen...I'll just echo everyone else when I say I'm sorry to hear about yer luck..If you need to replace the "seaweed" it can easily be done. Question is, "How high were the puppies?" lol...sorry man, I had ta as that little gem was from the wife..:bashhead: she feels for ya too...
I remember when my Chocolate Lab was a puppy. Not only was he Houdini brought back from the dead, meaning he was an escape artist, but he went through this phase of eating EVERYTHING. From rocking chairs to expensive shoes, everything was fair game. We had a roommate who used to leave dirty clothes around. She would leave socks and underwear in the bathroom and shit...well my 9 month old Lab decided to eat a pair of thong underwear one day. A day later and he is just puking everywhere. Another day later he's still puking and not shitting. Anyone who owns a dog knows this is not good. We took him to our vet where he was placed under observation for the day. Just layed in the crate...not puking. So the vet calls me and says "Well I don't see anything wrong...Oh..Wait..there it is..he just threw up.." So long story short, they give him an x-ray and nothing shows up. The whole time he's pukin and gagging everywhere and they decide to use a Barium dye, which will show any blockage in his insides. Well, they found it. After a 3-4 hour surgery, they removed a size small thong that was wrapped around his lower intestines and they also removed that part of his lower intestine that was involved. Ended up costing us right about $1500 dollars. Now, we can look back at it and laugh. Kinda. He's still a stupid Lab, but he hasn't really gotten into any trouble since that episode except for the occasional "let me roam the neighborhood off-lead for awhile" type of thing. There is no moral to the story, just thought I'd share. Remember that your cuts can be replaced easily, and that your dogs are still puppies that have much to learn. Especially not eating daddys flowers.. And that it's your job to positively re-enforce their GOOD behavior, and keep the growroom door shut..:yeahthats pm me if I can help in any way..

nice pics there SD. what kind of vertical height you working with? Or should I say do you have a cab or a room?



Pull my finger
Kallen: Damn dude, I must have missed your post last night. I am so sorry for you man. That blows billy goats dude. Hey, you're connected though, shouldnt be much trouble to get you back in business. Hit me up if all these FUCKERS hold out. LOL!

I gotta once and for all figure out the pic thing today. Gotta gewt the straight.

CD: theres like seven feet in height in that room, the other, about 8. Homebox xxl in that pic.

TG: I will have her on the lookout for your lady my friend. She is very shy, but friendly as hell, I dont think she will have trouble adjusting at all.

Maybe I can have some interesting pics by this afternoon. Seeeeyall Later!

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