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What is the problem with recreational use?



IMO (IN MY OPINION) i think that the word stoner was a derogatory term used for the description of the rec user by those who really dont care for cannabis or any of its attributes or claims thereof.

I'd Date it to the 70's..Anyone have a usage memory pre 1970's ?

I think I picked it up in Florida in 1974 but it was really in Use in California in 1975 where I went to High School..

Um.. It was like saying "Emo" today.. I mean Stoner is from School for me..


My older cousins used the term in 1968 for the effects of thai stick herb which I imagine now was opiated. Otherwise they called using "getting high" Most of the vets coming home from Nam at that time seemed to call it getting stoned.I am not sure if it originated with Bob Dylan's song , I doubt it, but it by my aging memory seemed to catch on around then.
I like stoner much better than Pothead or doper.


Patient Grower
The phrase 'stoned' used to apply to being drunk on booze. Caught an episode of Perry Mason from the early '60s where Paul found the guy he was looking for, but the guy was stoned in a bar.

I think the phrase has been around for some time, and is derived from the behavior of a person who was actually stoned. You know, like with actual stones thrown by a crowd that wanted to punish the person.



Funny word ,stoned, I had wondered if it began in opium dens in which a "stone" was put under the users head and they would use the opium till they would no longer feel the stone, hence, stoned. That would explain much of the seeming inherently negative connotation as xenophobia toward asians was very high.
I disagree about the physically "stoned" idea as that would seem more a near death experience and not something associated with a pleasure act and the "stone fence" drink seems much more of a reach than smoking O, for myself opiates do make one "stoned" and not at all in the functional manner of cannabis.
If indeed it is a relic of the opium wars and dens it would indeed explain the cultural negative

Blue Dot

Tell me, do you think it better that 9 healthy potheads 'get over' on the system so that 1 truly sick person can have safe, legal access?

This is absolutely where you are wrong.

Right now in the short term the 1 sick guy may have access to meds he optherwise wouldn't have had but those 9 "fakers" WILL cause the populace to overturn 215.

If they put it on the ballot once they can put it on the ballot again you genius!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That wont happen now that the AMA has changed there view of medical use of Cannabis. Its only a matter of time before it makes it's way to pharmacy's.


This is absolutely where you are wrong.

Right now in the short term the 1 sick guy may have access to meds he optherwise wouldn't have had but those 9 "fakers" WILL cause the populace to overturn 215.

If they put it on the ballot once they can put it on the ballot again you genius!

Hey chicken little, the politicians see the money and only wait for a way to tap it w/o political suicide.Especially in your broke ass state.
Hell even in tight ass Oregon as soon as our well run( lol) program garnered a 2million dollar surplus the state government grabbed it up and spent it.

Let you in on some inside information from one of the old time instigators of this whole MMJ thang. MMJ IS the foot in the door to legalization or at least decriminalization and it has been since it began.
Not to say it was not fostered by a real medical need or that the individual cases used as example of the need are false pretenses. However the medical movement has been fueled by pro legalization activists from the start and the big money in Cali's MMJ industry is no accident.
When the money gets so large it is co-opted and tapped not dismissed. That was known at the inception of 215 and was/ is an expected outcome. It just was not thought wall street would break the banks and states and communities would go broke and come to need the money so soon;). Now we are seeing serious rumblings for finding a way into the green gold mine by politicians and governments.

As for your 9:1 ratio of fakers to "legitimate" users I call bullshit.And if this is the case it is the fault of the dr's making the bank from allowing it not the people who see a chance to "legitimize" themselves from an opressive, draconian set of laws.
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Active member
I think it comes down to mmj peeps wanting put a sellable face on legalizing pot. General public view of weed is of some dreaded out punk with some sort of glass teat tube. Weather or not this is a good idea is up for debate. But fact is we need to change public preseption of pot users. People are very judgemental & predgiduce so painting a prettier picture for them helps change their minds.

Blue Dot

Now we are seeing serious rumblings for finding a way into the green gold mine by politicians and governments.

Really? San Diego is in debt yet Bill Horn, Bonnie Dumanis, et al don't seem to be jumping on the "revenue" bandwagon.

Not everything can be reduced to money.

Blue Dot

I think it comes down to mmj peeps wanting put a sellable face on legalizing pot. General public view of weed is of some dreaded out punk with some sort of glass teat tube. Weather or not this is a good idea is up for debate. But fact is we need to change public preseption of pot users. People are very judgemental & predgiduce so painting a prettier picture for them helps change their minds.

But that's the problem. All those 9 'fakers" that pyth elluded to just REINFORCE the typical stoner stereotype and that doesn't progress the movement but sets it back.


Not everything can be reduced to money.

What country do YOU live in?
If it is still America vote the bastards out! Your gov is broke and they are NOT looking at a way to tax cannabis? If 215 means anything then they have a duty to look at it, after all it is legal at the state level right? It is then just another potential revenue unless ideology is trumping civic duty and if so then the bums gotta go , right?
When billions are flowing thru the MMJ canal you are a fool to think it is not just time and position holding back the feeding frenzy of pot dollars by government,at least at a state/local level where the pinch is greatest.

I see now you are a fearful person worried to anger you might lose your ability to just go buy some pot when you wish, due to people you have judged unworthy of the same. Wont you feel foolish as you bitch about the tax on your "medicine" in a year or so.

Blue Dot

It is then just another potential revenue unless ideology is trumping civic duty and if so then the bums gotta go , right?

Unless the populace who is doing the voting is already rich.

The San Diego populace is relatively rich compared to the rest of the nation so why do you think they would vote for the local government to tap into cannabis 'revenue" when the majority feels it's immoral? The populace in SD has money, they don't give a shit whether the local gov has money or not.

Your idealistic dreams only work in poor areas.


Unless the populace who is doing the voting is already rich.

The San Diego populace is relatively rich compared to the rest of the nation so why do you think they would vote for the local government to tap into cannabis 'revenue" when the majority feels it's immoral? The populace in SD has money, they don't give a shit whether the local gov has money or not.

Your idealistic dreams only work in poor areas.

let the government look to those rich folks to bail them out and see how "idealistic" I am and how "immoral" they think it is.


Patient Grower
Right now in the short term the 1 sick guy may have access to meds he optherwise wouldn't have had but those 9 "fakers" WILL cause the populace to overturn 215.

I guess time will tell since it is what it is. Care to put money on it? I've got $100 bill that says you're a clueless idiot.


What country do YOU live in?
If it is still America vote the bastards out!

Whiterasta: I agree with you 100% but here's what I see the problem is: Let's take our glorious speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi. Nancy is up for re-election(sp), one would surmise that Nancy will lose her seat after two years of disgraceful actions and literal dumbing down of our government officials. However, Nancy's opponent is Cindy Sheehan!!!!!!!!!
WTF are the people of S.F. thinking?
Because Ms Sheehan is a viable opponent makes our state and the people who actually vote for these numb skulls look like the fools they are. Especially those people that live in Pelosi's district.

So when our choices boil down to one babbling idiot or another it makes voting a real turn off.
I will be the first to admit I have not voted a few times in the past 25 years but, only twice.

let's see, do I vote for Nancy or Cindy.......... please, kill me now,..



Active member
Yeah if I had an Assad rec right now I'd go get one from a real doc asap...
I find it funny mr b was told he's the best when he's got to b the worst one there is practically.