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Is sunlight and darkness the best high?

MaryJanes Juice

New member
A few years ago I had a interesting lifestyle. I went to bed a few hours after sunset, and woke up with the sun. I would put a candle on at 7 pm, with no other artificial light. I would bask in that and go to sleep usually by 8:30-9. Then wake up early with the sun or sometimes just before hand.

I would up feeling like a child full of life and joy for the day.

The entire day I would be outside. Either working construction, biking to and from stores or my job, walking the dogs to the dog park, or gardening outside.

I was always high. Yes, high. Totally optimistic. Very calm. I felt like i was on the best drug I'd ever known.

I was not using caffeine. I was not using marijuana, or tobacco. In fact, a few times I tried using it, it made me feel actually worse (which was the first time weed ever made me feel worse). I mean the feeling would be interesting, kinda. But it took away how calm I felt. Also it speeded up my heart. And when I tried smoking it at night it was like I could not calm my mind to fall into sleep. Like I couldn't allow the natural light cycles to calm me like they were doing. I did this darkness/sleep thing for 6 months. Never felt better.

I especially felt charged up when I would do construction outside, or do landscape stuff.

I would start feeling low if I had to work inside. Or if I , God Forbid, had to be on a computer inside for some reason. When I did that, it felt like I was in some sort of hell/prison/cave and I would get very irritable, fast.

I have read it before, on a website:

How tobacco or weed, somehow act as light in our body. And I thought about this. Both of these plants have trichomes...which probably store light energy from the sun..

And it made me think that maybe we are attracted to these plants because we are missing the sun.

And maybe its okay? Maybe this is a form of technology for us. To make use of these plants that are massive sunlight storers... you could think of them like solar panels, that we directly connect to us.

I think coffee could also be similar. Maybe the caffeine molecule is also a massive store-house of light energy...

But I have to say, that I never felt better when I was getting adequate darkness and rest at night. It felt delicious...so utterly delicious. It also felt illegal. Like I could feel this good all the time. And the fact that is was free. That felt even more illegal to me.

Sometimes I would walk around feeling kissed by God himself. No lie

I just wonder how much of our struggle in life is simply from this aversion from being fueled by the sun, and allowing darkness to balm us and repair us.

And I also wonder how well weed can truly be a decent substitute.

Because with the light and darkness I was getting... I felt super productive. But it was like, I was productive because I wanted to be. I was so driven, more than any other time in life. But I was so happy. It just felt like the perfect drug. At night time, that was the time for the stoney feeling. Laying in bed with the candle...it would start taking me over. I could literally feel the melatonin being released, gushing from my pineal gland...it was like this little pulse of heat... the first hit was small. But it only reminded me when the 2nd hit was coming...and it was the 2nd hit of melatonin that would gush out of my pineal gland and literally stone me to sleep...

The only way it seems to really achieve this natural high is to literally build a lifestyle where you get the sunlight all day, and then the darkness at night. And it rings true to me that if you do that, you will be close to heaven on earth.

In other words, it seems to me, we were meant to feel good all the time.

Marijuana is just like a reminder that this is truly how we are supposed to feel. But I just wonder if its the same.

I want to feel good all the time. Sadly after 6 months of doing this, I had to move and I was never able to replicate this habit of sleeping and waking and living. One, because no where I lived did people "settle" into that melatonin stoneyness at night early. Basically people would be active noisy running around with tv's on and lights on until 10 or 11 or 2. And two, I didn't have any reason to be outside... or have an outside outlet. So I failed. Miserably. And my mood and my entire outlook on life plummeted.

I then was looking for weed to restore my sanity. Using caffeine, tobacco, weed... they all work to some degree...

But well, we know the story. Its not always there. There's the issue of the law, etc etc.

I really want to return to this way of life... I just need my own place and a different job. But I do wonder... if somehow weed could truly be a replacement... ? Since, if we accept the idea that its a sunlight-storer (among other things)...then smoking it all day long would be the answer for me.

But also at the same time I feel like nothing could truly be the real answer as necessary sunlight and darkness.

Like there are many things indoors that are fun. Being in a band. Going on the computer. Movies..etc etc. But I would need weed to really drive that for me... drugs..

So its like I either choose that lifestyle, and try maximize it to the fullest...

Or just let go and give in to the natural cycles. The sun outside. The darkness... like give into that, and just Allow...allow the universe to work FOR me...

Its like a letting go, but you get everything.
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i can speak to this a bit. Firstly, it has been scientifically proven that sunlight stimulates the human body to produce vitamin d, and also that contact with grass (not herb) causes serotonin to be released. in the summer, overall, i feel much healthier, mostly because i am outside most of the day, and going to bed early, simply because i am exhausted from the day. the human body was not meant to be in indoor environments under weird, artificial lighting for extended periods of time, this can cause many bad side affects including among other things depression, and many different levels of insomnia.


Active member
yes i agree ^^

just laying in the grass high, makes you even more high

looking at the sky

following the sun pattern is good, you stay tuned


Yeah, did the same sleeping pattern you described one summer, but I was smoking the dank too. Felt great though, and its usually my pattern every summer, but in winter the short days and darkness from constant cloud cover removes me from the sun, I'm always a little depressed through Dec-Feb, not really sad, just not as bright as I am in spring/summer/Fall.

Disconnecting yourself from the indoors and embracing nature and the sun is great medicine!


Active member
Have you ever experienced a long power outage? We had an ice storm a few years back that left us and cities around us without power for days.. Only those with generators had power, which was few..

Anyways, I remember me and my family lighting candles all around the house before dark and the house would still be verrryy dark. When the sun went down it was very quite and combined with the darkness gave a feeling of isolation and sort of lonliness.. I actually liked this change of feeling, it was odd and different. I would sit in my room and read a book near a candle or listen to my cd player.. I was used to talking online with old friends or watching tv at night, and this change along with not being able to avoid any darkness at night gave such an odd, erie, yet cool mood/feeling. It was like being lost in the mountains and finding a cave for the night to relax..

But when morning came and the sun rose and lit everything up, I and everybody else had a feeling of being "alive" and "awake" in an emotional sense.. Being able to see everything again and the ability to go out and actually see and live everything around gave a very uplifting mood after this darkness/isolation feeling before sleep. I remember feeling like a kid again as you explained.

I can see where your going with this one!! :joint:


Active member
And yes during the winter it as always usually very dark and cold here for months.. Gives everybody a lessened mood and a little depressed, but when summer comes everybody is happy and alive again!!


Daylight/sunlight and the effects on people is very visible at northern latitudes, like Alaska and Nortern Canada.

Going from almost 24 hours of sunlight during the summer solstice, to under 4 hours on winter solstice can drive alot of people nuts. Local mental health clinics provide free 'light walls' to soak in some artificial sunlight.

All that sunlight can wreck havoc on your sleep schedule if your not prepared with good blinds!

P.S. my first post! how many more until I can post pictures?
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MaryJanes Juice

New member
Cool posts guys...
Marcellas - that is neat you really experienced what I meant about that feeling you want to go out and be in the world.. like being a kid...


free your SELF
There is something to this I think.

I read a report a while ago that showed the correlation of the introduction of artificial lighting with the rise in mental and emotional disorders.

Basically when some genius decided we could keep on working after the sun went down things started to get pretty fucked up.

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