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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
And here we end up full circle........

The essential ingredient behind the entire idea of thread....

While I dislike revisiting......I think worthy....
Julian said:
It was never my intention or approach in life that such is immediately possible.....but rather that with a foundation laid it follows eventually......

.took years and years on street to have position for such opportunities...but, as above.....you pursue things....you work...your interests...your reputation...skills...work ethic, etc......if your good at it you get farther in..
And such is the basis of thread and objective........

I happen to know at least 3-4 here who will pull 7 figure crop/ops within next several years.....

Because they "decided" to?...

Because they just got the idea to grow and make money and did such?......


I'm sure they would agree that most could not imagine the amount of blood, sweat, and, yes, even tears that came before that crop....

"First step"?

To grow.

Everything will take care of itself from there......

A 6k to 6,000?.....Best of wishes....Good luck.......

I'd say the mere thought means one already missed everything up till now.... :smoke:

"Blood, sweat, and tears".......

A phrase used so much throughout history for so many endeavors that it has contaminated the true meaning....

Because when we use that?

It's not an "expression".....those aren't "words"......

The reason why I am focusing and backtracking a little bit lately fairly firm is I actually know someone with limited success in 2-6k runs, minimal time, who has stated they feel firmly able to plan, prep,staff,train,stock and execute a 20-40k or a 1/2-1 acre out.....)


Thanks for the info on the coco Julian. I think leaving ontop or semi mixed on top/middle will work out good(letting rain expand of course). Beats the hell out of hauling bales of peat.

Did you ever check out azomite? I think this is good stuff. Google it.

I'm glad you put the HK down man and I'm glad you have such good taste In firearms

This is a good read and it does take blood sweat and tears to pull this off. If you havn't experienced that then your not really doing it period

I guess one cannot say they are fully prepared to do something until they have done it and experienced it and know what it takes. Maybe they failed maybe it was a success but without the effort they cannot sit back and say they know they can do it. Atleast I'm not betting on them.

Plenty of people "know" they can pull off huge numbers. 6 months later they got their dick in their hand wondering what the hell happened.

I do what I can every year. I'm not in a rush to blow up the spot too bad. Accumulating funds, experience, supplies, partners. All take time and to rush into anything isn't the way to go.

Sure some may advance/progress faster than others but not necesarrily to their benefit.

As far as down south man idk where your talking and don't want to know specifics but the draught down there in some places is bothersome. I would go for the sleeping well at night. Maybe that approach will pay off more in the end(who knows maybe a great life experience/new friends, partners) and you can hit it up down south later.

Still the price of real estate is at an alltime low. Some real steals down south

Stress will kill and I'm already losing sleep just running through my thoughts at night making sure I havn't missed anything and plotting and planning future moves.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Wolff said:
Thanks for the info on the coco Julian. I think leaving on top or semi mixed on top/middle will work out good(letting rain expand of course). Beats the hell out of hauling bales of peat.
Well, anything beats more work when ya don't have to :smoke:...

Another thought even earlier was running bricks through chipper, but, didn't work out that way....(and making that part of dry mix, etc, but, think latter way turned out better..although chipper product could be okay too....maybe not direct with dry mix but mix into initial holes, etc........but, again, different options would create another step..(thought for a moment about seperating coco and crystals into one dry mix and then nutes into another.....could give one a little more direct control over exact amounts of all, but....for me and my approach and preferences....bricks expanded by rain and crystals in dry mix essentially one step to me (don't count tossing something somewhere.....many per minute a "step", ya know?.....ie: Even in volume an insignificant task.....)
Did you ever check out azomite? I think this is good stuff. Google it.
I didn't forget conversation :smoke:....actually was looking at bulk the other day......if it's on the list when I shop, done deal :smoke:....(actually going to vary some approaches slightly also....readjust mixes again...slightly.......based on break down rates of everything, etc....but, again, all that depends on location and method...(If south going to completely readjust mix and applications....more controlled.....for prep, then for plant, then biweekly/monthly, etc......will see....but anything larger going to get a more tailored mix and times....

Still thinking and deciding a lot anyway....mix today won't be mix tomorrow and so on and then won't be same at execution.....so...
I'm glad you put the HK down man and I'm glad you have such good taste In firearms
:biglaugh:, well, I thought something funny........and, I guess a further point. The ones who can say that are they one who put it down :smoke:....
This is a good read and it does take blood sweat and tears to pull this off. If you haven't experienced that then your not really doing it period
Used that in several conversations since that post: Not just mere "words".....

(You know...and discussed the whole: Say what you think, do what you say, say what you mean"......)

To a lot of people...lately in life.....I see people using all these "words".......about everything....everywhere.........pisses me off a little.....

(Blood , sweat and tears meaning of course the rough "trials and tribulations"......:biglaugh:........)

Nah.......I meant blood.......lots of it.....:biglaugh: (know you did also.....as do many.....)

Quick backtrack on things above and earlier of interest:
All this focus and concern about someone else's self awareness and personal insight.....

One might think about that, and think..."why is this your concern....how they perceive themselves?.....why is it your business?....how could that possibly ever affect you"?


Certainly sounds good on the surface doesn't it?......

Yeah, see, except the problem is the very same person is sharing their thoughts, views and opinions........working on something...and, quite possibly...your decisions being made upon their observations about various things....

So much for the accuracy of those observations. Just determined unrealistic and inaccurate view even before anything else, so....There you have the importance :smoke:.

The blood and sweat I am sure many would agree is the fun part...the tears?....well......to people who eat and breathe blood and sweat.....well......great extremes necessary to bring the tears........great pain...(lucky if physical......)

Something all can do without.....:smoke:
I guess one cannot say they are fully prepared to do something until they have done it and experienced it and know what it takes. Maybe they failed maybe it was a success but without the effort they cannot sit back and say they know they can do it. At least I'm not betting on them.
Well....again.....we hit at some levels so many variables.....which is why the above psychological so important...:smoke:

And in the end...the above....I mean.....one grows....and it takes care of itself......(and then the issue of distorted perception of ones self and abilities judging whether they are ready for such, but, again........from planning through execution?...usually more than enough to show people what is what....myself included.......haven't always had the work ethic and patterns I have now......

Fuck man......I sometimes still overshoot and work myself to the ground...(literally....), so...on and on and on it's always a touch and go revision as to ones abilities and capabilities......

(The above for me being......you know...sleepless night and planning before day out...then maybe nothing to eat....too hot...too little water.....no breaks, etc.......Certain things I changed, made sure never to do (ie: doesn't fuckin matter if hungry or not, necessary, etc)...same with liquids, etc...which as earlier....evolved into even bringing many extra frozen/ice cold for head, body, take care of body temps, etc........you know.....which again goes back to trial and error, doing it, etc,......Usually I put in the extra....others taking breaks, and, reason is that way, when I'm finally ready for a long one...lot of stuff for them to finish, me not needed, etc, but, again goes back to what we are doing, etc.....planting usually works other way around....(I set up and direct for a while.....then I start getting things done and planting, etc.....gets reversed......but, all depends on exact details and what's being done and where and how, etc.....
Plenty of people "know" they can pull off huge numbers. 6 months later they got their dick in their hand wondering what the hell happened.
Well...you know...is what it is......you do what you can (anyone, anywhere) to help and can't do anything more.....
I do what I can every year. I'm not in a rush to blow up the spot too bad. Accumulating funds, experience, supplies, partners. All take time and to rush into anything isn't the way to go.
Again depending on specifics, you know.....I started going farther and farther into season, and, as above, I mean, wasn't about numbers as much as just more time and energy and such left and wanted to take advantage of that.....you know....rather be out working and doing something, moving forward than sitting all uppity...etc..:smoke:.....and then when another break.......felt like more....and on and on........

You know....even many things aside such as ability, capability.....brings us back to planning.....to locations and developing them......etc...ready today?...great....budget covered?...even better and would be impressed if one double checked and then doubled budget :biglaugh:....problem is spot isn't ready, or don't have a spot, etc.....so :smoke:....

Especially when discussing the larger...and larger, and larger.....

Time alone which goes into planning and spaces.....fuck man....as earlier and elsewhere...can have projects on board for 3 years that were ready to go 16 months ago, etc.......)

(Ideally not....in some cases more time that goes by without something, people lose steam on it, so, so, once again a fine line and balance there going right back to individual........)

I'm having some problems with that lately and try to have to slow myself down.....use the thought and energy more wisely...(ie: Ready to go..."talkers" piss me off...can start something tomorrow be ready 2 weeks...etc....waiting hard for me in such times, but, again...you slow yourself down, re pace :smoke: yourself....and then continue ideally forward.....

For some, as above........that time going by is a condemnation of project and loss of motivation, so...all depends......goes back to self issues.....is one really ready and planning or fucking around?...(judge of which is by what actions and who one is, etc....)

Blah,blah,blah, bla,bla,bla, blah, BLAH.....(for me.....see, tired....I'm in fuckin go mode :biglaugh:....local spots a mess and uncertainty....south no firm thing established let alone a start date and specific op.......A man without a spot as worse as a man without a country :biglaugh:....)
As far as down south man idk where your talking and don't want to know specifics but the draught down there in some places is bothersome. I would go for the sleeping well at night. Maybe that approach will pay off more in the end (who knows maybe a great life experience/new friends, partners) and you can hit it up down south later.
Nah.....not an issue...lot of things along those lines....no problem forseen......but, as above.....will work itself out I am sure....so....in it's own due time...and, even as early as sister indoor thread: Location presents itself to you...so.....
Still the price of real estate is at an alltime low. Some real steals down south
Yeah man, looking good everywhere for the most part.......everywhere.......have some very high hopes in a lot of areas this year and, another thing...can';t wait to get back to work per se and things flowing...(properties, market, trading, etc)........workaholic....people think making money the issue, but, nah.....the "game".......all about the game.....trading especially......winning the game?....what it's all about..(even with the growing once has something tucked away...not cause you need it, cause you love it :smoke:...)

Not sure if bottoms per se....more to go...but, looking good for many things.......would feel comfortable with many things for the most part.....
Stress will kill and I'm already losing sleep just running through my thoughts at night making sure I havn't missed anything and plotting and planning future moves.
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

Glad I'm not alone......fuckin Thursday and on my 3rd night of no sleep already this week :biglugh:

But don't do that man...relax......Summer's the time for no sleep :biglaugh:....(doesn't bother me....I have fun with it and lately a lot.....if not going to sleep, you know....you make use of the time....been stepping up my health matters and getting a lot more read and some work done...paperwork.....correspondence, etc....work with new business's....actually lately taking it one step farther and giving myself couple months to learn a lot of new languages, (started with more than a dozen but working my way down to which ones I feel most comfortable with and seem to understand the best, etc....different alphabets always gave me the most problem.......asian..although know basics differentiation of all characters, etc...) etc.....whenever in car...audio, etc....(sometimes in car for 70hrs with 12 sleep, so.....had to fill that void with something more substantial......of benefit...etc.......

Try and relax though man........I know how it is...I take a lot upon myself (stress from certain matters and people) that maybe I could let loose, but, you know....is what it is and at least I realize it, and, as above.....draw lot from it...so....I don't care too much.....stack of books btw lately is history...Cicero, Ceasar, Rome,etc..(why I switched it up not known.....just found their way off the shelves and onto desk :biglagh: Waiting on Marcus Aurelius and Machiavelli...been buying lot of books lately....(to add to the stacks haven't got to yet :biglaugh:.....)

So.......seems not the only one feeling it....thinking about it....breathing it:

And so it begins!

:smoke: :biglaugh:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Was just talking to someone about the world outside the US, and, thought worthy of mentioning since perspective a reoccurring topic :smoke:

Really been thinking lately of something "small" for myself somewhere safe.....fuck...5 acres would be fine.....(any acreage consider a "farm"....)

Morocco (very small sq. mile/mass) by latest UN/Interpol stats has 96,000 "farms"....

Now...as above....."words"...people tend to use numbers......

I've seen first hand people nod at that figure....in "understanding" of the above...


Anyone who can read that and believe they easily grasp the real life equivalent....well......would be a better man than most :smoke:....(I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to state such :biglaugh:....I've never seen 96,000 fairly major ops in the same general area myself :smoke: :biglaugh:....

(Mexico busted 6,000 farms in 2008 btw....and that was just a portion of the unprotected :biglaugh:)

2-5-10-20......50 acres, quiet..(a very "small" operation......ah......seems more and more attractive and of interest and realization of such not a difficult of prohibitively expensive task.....)

I have the same problem with "numbers" as I do with "words"......give people who speak them a hard time sometimes.......ie: "100k".......really?, ever hold 100k in your hand?....ever make it and hold it? :smoke:.....and so on, etc.....

Things mean a lot more and more is drawn when one gets past "words" and "numbers" :smoke:....

(100k actually lot of money....can completely change ones life long term..........home, education, school, investment(s), business, etc..little of each even better.....life altering......can affect future generations if worked the right way....)
Last edited:
great read, lots of excellent info....too much really. I have ben reading this off and on for more than a week and still havent read a fraction.

I am wondering what kind of nutrients you use and how you use it? I just cant seem to find the info here. Have you ever used Maxigrow / Maxibloom by GH?

What is your soil mix when u bring in soil?

Do u think the auger is really easier than a shovel? They look heavy and loud and a lot of work in itself.

Do u think 22" avg from may-oct is enough for no-maint with water crystals. It gets hot here in the summer, 100 isnt uncommon.

Thank you so much for this valuable information my friend.


Julian said:
Well, anything beats more work when ya don't have to :smoke:...

Another thought even earlier was running bricks through chipper, but, didn't work out that way....(and making that part of dry mix, etc, but, think latter way turned out better..although chipper product could be okay too....maybe not direct with dry mix but mix into initial holes, etc........but, again, different options would create another step..(thought for a moment about seperating coco and crystals into one dry mix and then nutes into another.....could give one a little more direct control over exact amounts of all, but....for me and my approach and preferences....bricks expanded by rain and crystals in dry mix essentially one step to me (don't count tossing something somewhere.....many per minute a "step", ya know?.....ie: Even in volume an insignificant task.....)

I didn't forget conversation :smoke:....actually was looking at bulk the other day......if it's on the list when I shop, done deal :smoke:....(actually going to vary some approaches slightly also....readjust mixes again...slightly.......based on break down rates of everything, etc....but, again, all that depends on location and method...(If south going to completely readjust mix and applications....more controlled.....for prep, then for plant, then biweekly/monthly, etc......will see....but anything larger going to get a more tailored mix and times....

Yeah I'm all for the less work thing. I'm thinking of cutting the coco bales in a tic tac toe pattern and using one cube per hole. I'm also simplifying my mix this year to see what I can get away with. Just gonna use some organic granular with the azomite, coco and mychorrhizal fungi maybe some castings(crystals of course). Couple top feeds to carry them.

JULIAN said:
The blood and sweat I am sure many would agree is the fun part...the tears?....well......to people who eat and breathe blood and sweat.....well......great extremes necessary to bring the tears........great pain...(lucky if physical......)

That last part really had me rolling haha

I have the same problem with being ready when other people are just talking about it. I wish I could instill my drive into them at times(friends/partners). They havn't been bitten by it like me though.

I feel as if I wasn't there to make sure things got done or done right they wouldn't get done at all and it's frustrating when your ass is on the line and you've thrown down alot of time/effort/money. Aswell as provide the motivation and "brains" haha term used loosely.

I've been getting into shape lately myself. been busting out the 5 miler and doing squats/dips/pushups. Hate to put my ass out there and not be able to physically take care of myself.

I admit I havn't been very good about bringing alot of liquids on site when doing prep. I usually just bring a gallon for me personally and it is gone in about 1 1/2 hours then I just grin and bear it. Not the brightest, intending on bringing atleast 2 gallons on these runs.

It really is true how the spot dictates it all. I also find it very interesting how one can go about their life and stumble across the best spots just keeping an eye out. It makes me look at land totally different and it's almost funny how close you can come to people(urban/suburban), traffic and whatnot without them having a clue. I mean who would be crazy enough to plant there right? almost falls into most obvious least obvious in a way.

Your right about slowing down and pacing yourself. I know what I can do but what I can do and what my partner/s can do are two different things so it's a funny balance. That's why I like the solo missions.

I've been reading alot also. Got into these Sherlock Homes mysteries by Aurthur Conan Doyle. I like the atmosphere of them. Hey give I, Claudius a try it's a great read on the emperor Claudius. I found it really entertaining.

Something I read in this thread awhile back. Can't remember exactly how the quote went but it was something along the lines of "the universe will let you proceed when you are ready" It was much more eloquent then that but thats basically what I took away from it.

I kinda feel like that's where I'm at. Moderate success in life and in "our thing" but still kinda feeling like there is alot more out there for me(life in general) It's kindof like not being content. Idk addictive personality maybe but that's part of the reason I love growing. It makes me feel as if I'm composing an orchestra of life in different places all from my hands. It's very satisfying to me.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
1. Above not ignored in case anyone wondering. Rep with replies.

john cutter said:
Thanks again to everyone contributing to this thread
Thank you....and my thanks also. Others contributions which have dictated direction at any given moment.

Wolff said:
Yeah I'm all for the less work thing. I'm thinking of cutting the coco bales in a tic tac toe pattern and using one cube per hole. I'm also simplifying my mix this year to see what I can get away with.

Just gonna use some organic granular with the azomite, coco and mychorrhizal fungi maybe some castings(crystals of course). Couple top feeds to carry them.
Whatever you decide and end up with as most beneficial and efficient, and, as with everyone, all the time, the above might change once or more before execution.....

That last part really had me rolling haha

I have the same problem with being ready when other people are just talking about it. I wish I could instill my drive into them at times(friends/partners). They havn't been bitten by it like me though.

I feel as if I wasn't there to make sure things got done or done right they wouldn't get done at all and it's frustrating when your ass is on the line and you've thrown down alot of time/effort/money. As well as provide the motivation and "brains" haha term used loosely.
Lot of emotions can strike one from such situations.....(others not matching an effort put forward....all a matter of when we tire I suppose and alter our own stance on it....

It was an honest man who added the "tears" to blood,sweat, and tears :biglaugh:, that's for sure...:smoke:

I know many who it seems by the day are lacking in serious drive.....and dealing with it per individual in different ways......

I have little more patience left for it, and long ago stopped begging people to let me hand them something. Never will again. Ever. :smoke:

Someone worthy of it? It's the other way around.
I've been getting into shape lately myself. been busting out the 5 miler and doing squats/dips/pushups. Hate to put my ass out there and not be able to physically take care of myself.

I admit I havn't been very good about bringing alot of liquids on site when doing prep. I usually just bring a gallon for me personally and it is gone in about 1 1/2 hours then I just grin and bear it. Not the brightest, intending on bringing atleast 2 gallons on these runs.
My best crew it was just getting funny.....(multiple coolers on site, all filled to the top, heavy frozen for later.....at end, end of the day we'd even have a lot left :biglaugh:......

Don't want to overdue liquids though.....(and should be noted water best.....truly)....I found extra for body and head really made a difference...have been doing that for quite a while......

Physically?......well, lot of angles and areas to be worked....I usually run heavy....but, also target upper...arms, shoulders.....last few years seem to be starting to have sports knees from all that planting...get a little stiff here and there...in that sense planting hardest for me personally (low to ground, on knees, stress on back, bank over close to ground for extended periods,etc......) Started thinking not too far back maybe the carpenters/tilers pads...(or if I could just finally get people to understand how to fuckin plant.....jeez :biglaugh:......I do tend to plant a specific way....ie: hole not "packed", on looser side (early penetration), but plant sunk high and then top around base packed tighter....(ie: earlier and easy saturation and easier penetration and sunk high and top packed so minimal damage from heavy rains immediately following planting.,...)

Makes sense to me and always worked 100%.
It really is true how the spot dictates it all. I also find it very interesting how one can go about their life and stumble across the best spots just keeping an eye out. It makes me look at land totally different and it's almost funny how close you can come to people(urban/suburban), traffic and whatnot without them having a clue. I mean who would be crazy enough to plant there right? almost falls into most obvious least obvious in a way.
My city spots always the best, and, that close to traffic....talking to someone now about some similar spots....

I've done some funny spots, that's for sure..(never lost until last one...which was by chance and could have been prevented....but success several years prior to that.....)

Every little edge counts :smoke:
Your right about slowing down and pacing yourself. I know what I can do but what I can do and what my partner/s can do are two different things so it's a funny balance. That's why I like the solo missions.
Strength of pacing oneself is beyond words.....actually in any area of life.....get a lot more performance.....quality performance also....

Year by year getting better with that......

And patience (which helps to establish the pace to coincide with effort and focus devoted at any given time....)
Something I read in this thread awhile back. Can't remember exactly how the quote went but it was something along the lines of "the universe will let you proceed when you are ready" It was much more eloquent then that but thats basically what I took away from it.
I Ching.....

General idea behind it and several other similar is sometimes in lfe we press hard when "the universe" simply has not decide to allow us to reach the desired position/next level.

It further states that, as such, any and all pushing forward will be met with resistance, and that the time is better spent developing oneself to make one that much more effective upon reaching that point....

That there are things we must know and understand, and lessons provided to learn those...

Only then will it be determined if we are ready to proceed....

(All sounding more like a religious standpoint and position, but, very little contained in there......about cycles of life and people......)

One of my favorites.....haven't been reading lately as much as I should....maybe get back to it shortly.....(A book ones does not "read" but "study".....)

Confucious once stated 50 years time to study might be enough to begin to have a command over it, so....I wouldn't claim to, and have been for..........maybe almost 10 years myself.....actively maybe 7 or so....

I find lot of those passages fascinating....

Note: Wanted to see if I could find above passage quickly online...not surprised I couldn't, but found a typical passage which I found funny...(general tone of many passages conveyed:

When clouds form in the skies we know that rain will follow but we must not wait for it.

Nothing will be achieved by attempting to interfere with the future before the time is ripe.

Patience is needed

I think I'm going to start taking copy with me when I travel :biglaugh: The passage above just something quick from online but made me smile :biglaugh:)
I kinda feel like that's where I'm at. Moderate success in life and in "our thing" but still kinda feeling like there is alot more out there for me(life in general) It's kindof like not being content. Idk addictive personality maybe but that's part of the reason I love growing. It makes me feel as if I'm composing an orchestra of life in different places all from my hands. It's very satisfying to me.
It is, and you are..(satisfying,orchestrating life)

I wouldn't call not being content and use "addictive" personally....(although sometimes feels like it.......well, at least that's what we say at the meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays :biglaugh: :smoke:

Doing something one loves and has an endless interest in creates feelings people who have never experienced such will never understand....

Doing something you love?....I mean.....there's an inner peace few can claim, so, how would they even begin to claim understanding :smoke:....

Hard sometimes to live in a world using their words and phrases to describe things which that world don't understand....(how many "average" people can claim they love what they do....happiness...being satisfied, etc....,...)

Still amused.....next book I pick up going to be I Ching

(Ehh...one or 2 more if I can find a good one(s) in like....15 seconds....)

Ahh...here's a good one relevant to recent discussions:

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.

If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.

Actually though...part of me thinks as Zen....ie: To even begin to try and discuss or explain is already diminishing it, and not true any longer :smoke:.....

Much more to it...overview before even beginning the translations, etc...


Julian said:
Whatever you decide and end up with as most beneficial and efficient, and, as with everyone, all the time, the above might change once or more before execution.....

Very true. Times closing in so I'm just going tio grab some things and run with them.

JULIAN said:
I know many who it seems by the day are lacking in serious drive.....and dealing with it per individual in different ways......

I have little more patience left for it, and long ago stopped begging people to let me hand them something. Never will again. Ever. :smoke:

Someone worthy of it? It's the other way around.

Hard to find such people but when you do gotta take care of them. I'm glad I have people that I enjoy helping and giving to because they do the same for me. At a time in my life I was surrounded by leaches... So it's a good feeling to have weeded them out... of course can always be a constant process but having a solid base is nice.

JULIAN said:
Physically?......well, lot of angles and areas to be worked....I usually run heavy....but, also target upper...arms, shoulders.....last few years seem to be starting to have sports knees from all that planting...get a little stiff here and there...in that sense planting hardest for me personally (low to ground, on knees, stress on back, bank over close to ground for extended periods,etc......) Started thinking not too far back maybe the carpenters/tilers pads...(or if I could just finally get people to understand how to fuckin plant.....jeez :biglaugh:......I do tend to plant a specific way....ie: hole not "packed", on looser side (early penetration), but plant sunk high and then top around base packed tighter....(ie: earlier and easy saturation and easier penetration and sunk high and top packed so minimal damage from heavy rains immediately following planting.,...)

I've been doing kettlebell lifting some too. I got this dvd with this Russian kettlebell instructor. some of the quotes on the back crack me up. for instance...

"Watch in amazement as high rep kettlebells let you hack the fat off your meat-without the dishonor of aerobics and dieting" haha thats the best one

also "Effortlessly absorb ballistic shocks-and laugh as you shrug off the hardest hits your opponent can muster"

I always get a laugh out of that. Maybe some of those tactical knee pads like the swat team uses might be better for out in the bush. Maybe a little more rugged idk. I don't have the best knees either...

Your planting method seems to make sense. also planting higher with the top packed up might keep them from sinking in too much later. Happened to me a few times. I'll give it a try.

JULIAN said:
Strength of pacing oneself is beyond words.....actually in any area of life.....get a lot more performance.....quality performance also....

Year by year getting better with that......

And patience (which helps to establish the pace to coincide with effort and focus devoted at any given time....)

Working on the patience. One of my weaknesses at times when ready to go. Sometimes forget things. Working on that

JULIAN said:
I Ching.....

General idea behind it and several other similar is sometimes in lfe we press hard when "the universe" simply has not decide to allow us to reach the desired position/next level.

It further states that, as such, any and all pushing forward will be met with resistance, and that the time is better spent developing oneself to make one that much more effective upon reaching that point....

That there are things we must know and understand, and lessons provided to learn those...

Only then will it be determined if we are ready to proceed....

(All sounding more like a religious standpoint and position, but, very little contained in there......about cycles of life and people......)

One of my favorites.....haven't been reading lately as much as I should....maybe get back to it shortly.....(A book ones does not "read" but "study".....)

Thats really interesting. I'm going to have to pick up that book. So many of those statements fall true to me and the way I look at my life. I guess true for everybody in there own way When you look at it from your own experiences it's much more meaningful and moving.

JULIAN said:
I wouldn't call not being content and use "addictive" personally....(although sometimes feels like it.......well, at least that's what we say at the meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays :biglaugh: :smoke:

JULIAN said:
Doing something one loves and has an endless interest in creates feelings people who have never experienced such will never understand....

Doing something you love?....I mean.....there's an inner peace few can claim, so, how would they even begin to claim understanding :smoke:....

Hard sometimes to live in a world using their words and phrases to describe things which that world don't understand....(how many "average" people can claim they love what they do....happiness...being satisfied, etc....,...)

Still amused.....next book I pick up going to be I Ching

(Ehh...one or 2 more if I can find a good one(s) in like....15 seconds....)

Ahh...here's a good one relevant to recent discussions:

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.

If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.

Actually though...part of me thinks as Zen....ie: To even begin to try and discuss or explain is already diminishing it, and not true any longer :smoke:.....

Much more to it...overview before even beginning the translations, etc...

It is an inner peace.

Some things are better left unsaid. Sometimes can take away from the meaning and value when spoken. Something I don't quite understand but know to be the case. It's almost like it's leaching from you when you speak about it. I'm just talking in general about special feelings or events. trying to explain sometimes diminishes the quality.

Our discussions help keep me "planted". With this thing of ours. Thanks again for your insight/knowledge

john cutter

where is everybody finding the longer narrow peat pots? I have always used peat pellets since I didnt need as much root penetration because I was indoors.

Now that I am looking for the longer ones I cant find them. Im wondering if im looking for the wrong thing... Julian, I remember you saying you rolled the pellets out, is that how you got them? Maybe I can just get some 3 inch round peat pots, then roll out the pellets to a longer length and place them inside the pot?
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What your looking for prolly exists, but I've never personally seen it. BackCountry makes mention of sappling/tree starter trays that are much deeper than the average starter tray.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Wolff said:
I've been doing kettlebell lifting some too. I got this dvd with this Russian kettlebell instructor. some of the quotes on the back crack me up. for instance...

"Watch in amazement as high rep kettlebells let you hack the fat off your meat-without the dishonor of aerobics and dieting" haha thats the best one

also "Effortlessly absorb ballistic shocks-and laugh as you shrug off the hardest hits your opponent can muster"

I always get a laugh out of that. Maybe some of those tactical knee pads like the swat team uses might be better for out in the bush. Maybe a little more rugged idk. I don't have the best knees either...

Your planting method seems to make sense. also planting higher with the top packed up might keep them from sinking in too much later. Happened to me a few times. I'll give it a try.
"Dishonor of aerobics" :biglaugh::biglaugh: :biglaugh:

That had me spitting shit up :biglaugh:....

1. Something......hours upon hours and days upon days and weeks upon weeks....hard ground....throw in moving from spot to spot and repetitive getting up and back down.....yeah...have noticed takes it's toll and knees..(and back).....

2. Sinking later: if you go loosely packed/level, this will obviously happen, so, I find preferred to go a "mound" per se, but top rather flat, as will settle later, of course.....and again plants sunk so no root issues from the sinking and settling, etc.....ie: Roots exposed towards top as ground settles....
Thats really interesting. I'm going to have to pick up that book. So many of those statements fall true to me and the way I look at my life. I guess true for everybody in there own way When you look at it from your own experiences it's much more meaningful and moving.
Everyone who seeks something.........an understanding, etc, should own a copy.....

Not to mention one of the most amazing works one will find......rarely are things written 6,000 (6k?) yrs ago applicable to day to day life in 2009.....(And not only applicable, but with a wisdom few possess to start with......words can't explain and of course fail.....)
It is an inner peace.

Some things are better left unsaid. Sometimes can take away from the meaning and value when spoken. Something I don't quite understand but know to be the case. It's almost like it's leaching from you when you speak about it. I'm just talking in general about special feelings or events. trying to explain sometimes diminishes the quality.

Our discussions help keep me "planted". With this thing of ours. Thanks again for your insight/knowledge

Always thought phrase (Thing of ours) appropriate due to all above...:smoke:...

john cutter said:
Maybe I can just get some 3 inch round peat pots, then roll out the pellets to a longer length and place them inside the pot?
They serve the same essential function and are less efficient used together and would slow growth momentarily. (I've done it, with many, seen first hand.)

One of the other. 3" pots can get significant growth,as can pellets expanded.

There's not enough room between the 2 to make them efficient as might be with putting a pellet into a 5"'er.

This has all been covered in detail, and not what should be topic at hand at this point in thread.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Was looking for an I Ching quote, and this page came up, which at first I was going to move on but then scrolled down to see it had many quotes from all applicable situations....

Might be of interest to some to go through any which they find themselves pondering: Ability,Accomplishment,Achievement,Ambition,Anger,Beginnings ,Character,Creativity,
Decision-Making, Doubt,Goals,Happiness and so on and so on (but a brief sample)...


Instead of solid accomplishments, the man pursues pleasures and self-gratification.
He will never achieve anything so long as he is surrounded by dissipating temptations.

I like this one. I need to post it on my bathroom door.

Are you making the fem stock?
I was researching the topic today and stumbled upon this regarding STS.
Both chemicals needed are cheap, readily available and you have to spray only twice.
I think I'm gonna go this route instead the ionic silver.
Why bother with a DIY generator and a solution of unknown strength if I can have someone mix the STS for me.

First, a stock solution is made. It consists of two parts (A and B) that are initially mixed separately, then blended together. Part A is ALWAYS mixed into part B while stirring rapidly. Use distilled water; tap water may cause precipitates to form.

Wear gloves while mixing and using these chemicals, and mix and use in a properly ventilated area. A mask will prevent the breathing of any dust, which is caustic. STS is colorless and odorless, and poses minimal health risks if used as described here. (See material safety data sheet links below). Note that silver nitrate and STS can cause brown stains upon drying, so spray over newspaper and avoid spilling.

Part A: .5 gram silver nitrate stirred into 500ml distilled water
Part B: 2.5 grams sodium thiosulfate (anhydrous) stirred into 500ml distilled water

The silver nitrate dissolves within 15 seconds. The sodium thiosulfate takes 30-45 seconds to dissolve.

The silver nitrate solution (A) is then mixed into the sodium thiosulfate solution (B) while stirring rapidly. The resulting blend is stock silver thiosulfate solution (STS).

This stock solution is then diluted at a ratio of 1:9 to make a working solution. For example, 100ml of stock STS is added to 900ml of distilled water. This is then sprayed on select female plants.

Both the stock STS and the working solution should be refrigerated after use, as well as the powdered chemicals, to avoid activity loss. Excess working solution can be safely poured down the drain after use (with ample running water) with negligible environmental impact. It's pretty cheap.

Each liter of stock STS will make ten 1-liter batches of working solution of STS. With the minimum amount of base chemicals ordered from Photographer's Formulary (see link below), this means that each 1-liter bottle of working solution STS costs less than 9 cents, and can treat 15-20 mid-sized plants. That's 200 1-liter batches of STS for $18. Note that the distilled water costs far more than the chemicals.

The STS working solution is sprayed on select female plants until runoff. Do the spraying over newspaper in a separate area from the flower room. You probably won't smell anything, but ventilate anyway. You now have what I call a "F>M plant"; a female plant that will produce male flowers.

After the F>M plant dries move it into 12/12 immediately. This is usually done three to four weeks prior to the date that the target (to be pollinated) plants will be ready to pollinate. Response times may vary slightly depending upon the strain. More specific times can be determined by trial with your own individual strains. In my trials it took 26 days for the first pollen. 30-35 days seems optimum for planning purposes.

So, assuming that a target plant needs 3-4 weeks to produce fully mature seeds, a strain that takes 8 weeks to mature should be moved into flower at about the same time as the female>male plant. A target plant that finishes flowering in 6 weeks needs to be moved into flower later (10 days or so) so that it doesn't finish before the seeds can fully mature.

A seeded individual branch can be left to mature on a plant for a bit longer, while harvesting the other seedless buds if they finish first. Just leave enough leaves on for the plant for it to stay healthy.


Within days I noticed a yellowing of the leaves on the F>M plants. This effect persisted for two weeks or so; after this they became green again, except for a few of the larger fans. The plants otherwise seemed healthy. No burning was observed. Growth stopped dead for the first ten days, and then resumed slowly. No stretch was ever seen. After two weeks the F>M plants were obviously forming male flower clusters. Not just a few clusters of balls, but complete male flower tops. One plant still formed some pistillate flowers, but overall it was predominantly male.

It is strange indeed to see an old girlfriend that you know like the back of your hand go through a sex change. I'll admit that things were awkward between us at first.

When the F>M plants look like they may soon open and release pollen, ( 3-1/2 to 4 weeks) move them from the main flower room into another unventilated room or closet with lighting on a 12/12 timer. Don't worry too much about watts per square foot; it will only be temporary.

When the pollen flies, move your target plants into the closet and pollinate.

A more controlled approach is to isolate the F>M plants in a third remote closet (no light is necessary in this one, as they are releasing pollen now and are nearly finished anyway). In this remote other closet the pollen is very carefully collected in a plastic produce bag or newspaper sleeve and then brought back to the lighted closet, where the target plants are now located. If this is done, be careful to not mix pollen types by letting the F>Ms dust each other. Avoid movement, or use yet another closet.

Take special care to not let pollen gather on the outside of this bag- a static charge is sometimes present. Drop small open clusters of blooms inside and then close the bag at the mouth and shake. Important: next, step outside and slowly release the excess air from the bag, collapsing it completely, so that pollen doesn't get released accidently. Point downwind; don't let it get on your hands or clothes.

This collapsed pollinated bag is now very carefully slipped over only one branch and is then tied off tightly at the mouth around the branch stem with a twist tie or tape, sealing the pollen inside. Let the bag inflate slightly with air again before sealing it off, so the branch can breathe. This technique keeps the entire plant from seeding. Agitate the bag a bit after tying it off to distribute the pollen. Don't forget to label the branch so you know which seeds are which. Other branches on this same plant can be hit with different pollen sources.

If no lighted closet is available, the plant can be moved back into the main room, but- be very careful: pollen is sneaky. After 4-5 days, the bag is gently removed and the plant completes it's flowering cycle.

Yet another method has worked well for me. I position the target plants in a non-ventilated lighted closet, and then I collect pollen on a piece of mirror or glass. This is then carefully applied to the pistils of one pre-labeled branch by using a very fine watercolor paintbrush. Care is taken to not agitate the branch or the pollen. No sneezing. The plant needs to be in place first; moving it after pollination can shake pollen free and blow this technique.

Regardless of technique, at completion you will have feminized seeds. Let them dry for 2-4 weeks.

I wanted to post some conclusions that I have come to regarding the successful reversal of plants using silver thiosulfate solution. It's been a year since I posted the other STS thread. I have done six batches myself, and have had full pollen release with all of them. Everyone else seems to be doing well, but there is very little feedback so who knows. A big thanks to those who contributed to the other thread... your input was a big help in refining the technique.

I was going to edit the original post, but I can't, as I am THE Country Mon now, not just Country Mon. Changed my email addy and got locked out.

There has been one key change that I want to pass along to everyone who didn't want to sift through the 25+ pages of the original thread.

I have discovered that using a stronger concentration of STS does not make a plant more likely to produce pollen. It just burns/stresses the plant. What DOES make a plant much more likely to complete it's mission and make pollen is a second spraying at the end of week 2.

My conclusion is that STS in any concentration is only effective at inhibiting ethylene for about 3 weeks; at that point the plant's natural female metabolism begins to take back control, and even a plant that is covered with male blooms can't finish the journey to manhood and produce pollen. A second spraying allows inhibition to last through week 6, which is more than enough time to release pollen.

Some of you have decided to use stronger concentrations of STS. This is fine as long as it doesn't burn your plants. Obviously there is a wide range of usable formulas that will work. But the second spraying is the key to follow-through. You can store the working solution you used for round one (in the spray bottle) in your refrigerator for two weeks; no need to mix a new batch from stock.

I don't see the point of going any stronger than the formula I originally came up with. It has proven itself many times over. The only change I might make is to adjust it slightly to Gobgoober's "molar-correct" mix ratio. This is not at all necessary, but does allow the most effective use of the chemicals together.

Here's a re-post of the formula mix instructions, with the adjusted recipe below that:

Preparation of STS:

First, a stock solution is made. It consists of two parts (A and B) that are initially mixed separately, then blended together. Part A is ALWAYS mixed into part B while stirring rapidly. Use distilled water; tap water may cause precipitates to form.

Wear gloves while mixing and using these chemicals, and mix and use in a properly ventilated area. A mask will prevent the breathing of any dust, which is caustic. STS is colorless and odorless, and poses minimal health risks if used as described here. (See material safety data sheet links below). Note that silver nitrate and STS can cause brown stains upon drying, so spray over newspaper and avoid spilling.

Part A: .5 gram silver nitrate stirred into 500ml distilled water
Part B: 2.5 grams sodium thiosulfate (anhydrous) stirred into 500ml distilled water

The silver nitrate dissolves within 15 seconds. The sodium thiosulfate takes 30-45 seconds to dissolve.

The silver nitrate solution (A) is then mixed into the sodium thiosulfate solution (B) while stirring rapidly. The resulting blend is stock silver thiosulfate solution (STS).

This stock solution is then diluted at a ratio of 1:9 to make a working solution. For example, 100ml of stock STS is added to 900ml of distilled water. This is then sprayed on select female plants.

Both the stock STS and the working solution should be refrigerated after use, as well as the powdered chemicals, to avoid activity loss.

The adjusted formula is as follows:

Part A: .7 gram silver nitrate stirred into 40ml distilled water
Part B: 2.6 grams sodium thiosulfate (anhydrous) stirred into 160 ml distilled water

Next, slowly add the silver nitrate solution to the sodium thiosulfate solution while stirring. This combination is then added to 800 ml of distilled water to equal 1 liter. This is your final stock solution. It is diluted 1:9 with more distilled water to make your final working solution, which then gets sprayed on your target plant.

Either formula will work great, so don't sweat it too much. But do that second spraying at the end of week 2... seems to be the key for getting pollen from the more difficult strains.

Please post your comments and experiences with STS.

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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
vod said:
Instead of solid accomplishments, the man pursues pleasures and self-gratification.
He will never achieve anything so long as he is surrounded by dissipating temptations.

I like this one. I need to post it on my bathroom door.
They're all good :smoke:......

Are you making the fem stock?
I was researching the topic today and stumbled upon this regarding STS.
Both chemicals needed are cheap, readily available and you have to spray only twice.
I think I'm gonna go this route instead the ionic silver.
Why bother with a DIY generator and a solution of unknown strength if I can have someone mix the STS for me.
Not at the moment, and unsure when. If necessary will just incorporate during next runs in separate batches/patches.

My understanding is STS toxic, requires appropriate handling and plant(s) does not take treatment well at all.

With procedure followed and treatment as outlines, CS solid results, so, CS was easy choice, at least until I find something by someone/people who have done both side by side and all differences noted.

AF fem still on my mind and objective. If I could get my hands on something decent, would be glad to switch over exclusively to AF's. Aside from the "wow" factor, I draw nothing else from big ones and my preferences for many reasons listed towards more smaller ones.

Plant count a valid issue but, factors gone over many times. (Yes, smaller more necessary but with smaller quicker turnaround and less risk associated, etc, etc, etc.....)

Another factor is at this second I really have no idea where upcoming season./ future going to take me......could be doing things in perpetual 12/12 environment 2 months from now,so....if not?....well, have some plans for this season, and maybe will start an out AF early fem run when season starts, etc...

Lot of variables for me personally at the moment as far as upcoming execution, but, one thing is certain :smoke: : Something going to be done, and, not small, even if local.......contemplating a mini hit and run local if all else fails...(secure property,have planted within week after close, sexing 2-3 weeks after close, and packed up shortly thereafter :smoke:.....maybe we stock...maybe other stock...maybe procured AF stock (and make fems same run....early run...etc...)

Really unsure, but.....just preparing myself as discussed above :smoke:

Ready to come full force at any time....:smoke:.....just need a direction....until then?.....preparing.....thinking.......planning :smoke:.....ready to do a 1 acre mini locally tomorrow....no problem.....wouldn't blink an eye......and ready to do it all myself (up to harvest) if fuckin necessary :smoke:....(have already prepped myself that a larger portion might have to be all done by myself to ensure what I want.....)

On the addictive note.....well.......I know I'm not the only one who misses it sooo much :smoke:.......(and coming off a bad season on top of it, so :smoke:.........this season quite a bit of ferocity going to be displayed :smoke:)

I'm ready to get back to work.........ready to go..........ready to get back to business......:smoke:

Plus I really want to get the "$3MM in 10 weeks" book underway :smoke:...(1 z per sq. ft, 1/2 acre, 20k, 2500 per)

I'm ready to put the "hit" back in "hit and run" :smoke:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Something else of interest and relating to dog runs and such....

Lately contemplating more horse properties, cattle, equestrian facilities.....

Came across a property which had several fenced areas for livestock, and, couldn't help but think about it :smoke: (Large fenced areas for variety of livestock, several, fenced of varying degrees, and, couldn't help but wonder what a test of ground(s) would reveal, and the possibility of simply plowing it all up (within fence line), maybe a little treatment necessary, maybe not, etc.....and the possibilities......(all the way to aerial issues, fenced areas, solid green, low profile, etc, etc.....not concerned with aerial due to overview, locations, etc.........ie: they would have to be flying directly over and most likely would not be as other areas of greater interest, etc.......

Could see possibility it even being too "hot" (ground, soil)....and having to wait yr or more for it to cool down (and hit it heavy when secured with whatever lacking and turn it all up...)

Really got me thinking :smoke:
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