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What Do YOU do to stay Healthy..?


Registered Non-Conformist
16 ozs of sparkling water the moment I wake up.

Lemon or lime juice squeezed (organic) into my herb tea, every morning. I alternate between 4 different teas.

Protein laced brekkie followed by multi antioxidant smoothie. Daily. Alternate between 3 or 4 very quick brekkies. Herring, Soft boiled eggs, cottage cheese, oysters if I can afford em. Sometimes nut and berry mixes for brekkie, but every day, regardless, at least 2 handfuls.


Weed Cannasaur
-5+ km walk per day
-Spend a lot of time in nature
-No alcohol
-No caffeine
-No nicotine
-Cook food mainly from raw ingredients
-No processed food except for cereals, bread and granola bars
-Lots of sex


New member
I stopped eating hot pockets all together. I know that there were a lot of additives and the meat plus cheese was all processed. To make food with an expiration date of 2200 you know there are some chemicals preserving that stuff.

Well to make a long story short I only eat lean pockets now.


New member
Ride a bicycle and parked my vehicle fully like no tag. I have asthma so sometimes it can suck.

I do not watch any standard tv really. Movies here and there rarely with my gf. Have a smart phone and read or listen to music for boredom. This has led me to healthy thinking in ways.

Hardly eat anything fried or really unhealthy food although I do binge on soda with candy sometimes.

Hemp seeds and hemp seed oil daily since I consume zero fish. If a person doesn't eat a good source of fish frequently take hemp seed oil daily for your brain. Takes a while to really notice if you are behind on omegas.


Registered Non-Conformist
Ride a bicycle and parked my vehicle fully like no tag. I have asthma so sometimes it can suck.

I do not watch any standard tv really. Movies here and there rarely with my gf. Have a smart phone and read or listen to music for boredom. This has led me to healthy thinking in ways.

Hardly eat anything fried or really unhealthy food although I do binge on soda with candy sometimes.

Hemp seeds and hemp seed oil daily since I consume zero fish. If a person doesn't eat a good source of fish frequently take hemp seed oil daily for your brain. Takes a while to really notice if you are behind on omegas.

We think in some of the same ways. Salute. I do eat cold-water wild caught fish. And organic poultry. Was vegan for 5 years after a serious medical condition in 1991, then 10 years vegetarian. Eventually, I realized the preferred gluten-free higher protein diet I felt was best for me was not working without some animal products, regretfully. Because - I was veggie largely for ethical reasons equally with health reasons. Maybe I will get back to that regimen.

Also, Fonzie - I;m On Your wagon...!

As fun as it may be, alcohol is poison. Even absinthe. D'oh..! My last drink was kombucha... haha. No really, I can't remember the last libation I enjoyed. Probably a triple shot of Jager. Taking the edge off of a nervous harvest in a new house at least 18 months ago. That was the only time I drank in NorCal, in early October, on those last nights when you want to harvest, but it's not gonna rain for a week, so patience patience, easily achieved with just a SLIGHT buzz, in case of any unforeseen circumstances (which never happened, well maybe once..)

And stimulants ain't so great either. I simply don't need 'em. Unless I exercise, I can't sleep that well anyways..! Been 25 years since the last (tasty...!) cuppa joe in San Francisco. It was Ethiopia Harrar, and I remember it well. haha

Hats off to you ICMAG Geniuses..!
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Well-known member
What the hell is american jiujitsu? Jiujitsu is Japanese. it shouldn't even be called Brazilian. not trying to be a smart ass.one of the best kept secrets is seaweed.its why Japanese people are considered the healthiest people in the world.its a good thing I love seaweed


Walking/spending time in the nature, drinking green tea, red wine, working out, running when I feel like it. Key is to stay balanced.

Bongo Fury

Drinking water all during the day , green tea and natural food, meat only when invited , same with alchool ( I like very much beer..... ) and doing sports : Mtb and Karate. For me is very important mind wellness and that means passing over problems you can't solve. I do my best , if anything goes wrong ( and that happens to everybody ) I don't struggle myself. Relax is very important too , when work is over is over , don't take my problems in the family.
Last but not least , of course , a good vapo during the day . Never get angry with my vapo !

Bongo Fury

Drinking water all during the day , green tea and natural food, meat only when invited , same with alchool ( I like very much beer..... ) and doing sports : Mtb and Karate. For me is very important mind wellness and that means passing over problems you can't solve. I do my best , if anything goes wrong ( and that happens to everybody ) I don't struggle myself. Relax is very important too , when work is over is over , don't take my problems in the family.
Last but not least , of course , a good vapo during the day . Never get angry with my vapo !

I've forgotten No Tobacco ! Great breath change since I do vapo !!


Active member

Smoking tobacco heavily
Drinking too much alcohol
Eating beef

Usually eating Goat
Walking the dog (sometimes 7 miles, when weather permits)
Eating veggies and fruit (avocado, banana, apple when harvest season, blueberries, strawberries)
Sleeping 8 hours at the minimum
Farm labor (hard stuff)
Reading most of my waking hours (keeps the mind sharp and functioning)
Not sure if vitamins make a difference


Well-known member
i eat all of the meat that i can (no liver), put salt on my Frito's corn chips, fry everything in butter, worship bacon like a God, and absolutely fucking LOVE deep-fried gluten. have not exercised in fifteen years, weigh exactly what my doc says i should, & my cholesterol is dead on. healthy? i don't know about THAT shit...:tiphat: but i am damn sure happy...:woohoo:


Active member
I like walking in forests and checking out new lakes and streams.

Eating less Big Macs will help you stay healthy.

Man, I wish I had some of those McDonald fries now though. :biggrin:


Active member
ICMag Donor
I lift weights obsessively 5 days a week. I've been doing it for 27 years now. I also do some type of cardio exercise 5 days a week even though it's boring. I eat healthy most days, more out of vanity than anything else. I hate the feeling of being fat and I gain fat too easily.

On the other hand, I probably drink a little too much and take too many drugs.


Well-known member
NordicTrack for 30 minutes a day - for 35 years now, Bowflex for 20 minutes since 2013, 100 pushups a day challenge since June, plus some pullups and chinups. Take a recovery day every third or fourth day - hey, i'm 68 now, i find i need a break every so often.

Still an omnivore ... 3 food rules: (1) eat real food, (2) mostly plants, and (3) not too much.

Been having hormonal surges with the addition of the calisthenics, so I've cut out the daily red wine ritual for a while to let my body stabilize a bit.

i've maintained 175 lbs for the last decade without trying and i eat anything i want ... but shrunk from 6'3" to 6'2" ... living seems to be wearing me down (or maybe it's the gf)... lol


In my empire of dirt
love riding my mtb bike and spending time in the outdoors

but just as important in mental health:
enjoy the little things in life and be nice to others