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What are UK commercial grower growing now?

Harry Lime

Active member
Dutch Tony from DP reckons they have sorted their gear out now (dunno what is was though). Dunno if it's true either...I liked the PP for much same reason as you, Verdant.

So the ugorg aint rated for commercial then.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
someone who seemed to know his stuff told me that PP was used a lot in the coffee shops. they'd take it at different times and call it lots of other names too. it was a pretty revolutionary strain when it came out.



cant re Member
alot of stuff from dp was good, the blueberry was good, mazar, pp amounst others. but now they ares shit. and full of hermies. even if they sorted out there stock now, i would never buy a single pack, they have ripped too many people off and treated the customers like shit.

sal opette

ICMag Donor
Cheese or White Widow round here, sleepy red eyed empty the fridge type stuff - poorly dried - never cured.

Usually there is no choice, long way from California here boys :biglaugh:

Pure PowerPlant - that's african, err durban based? aways like the sound of it, buzzy high rather than stoned??


cant re Member
ive always bought nice stuff in the uk. your gonna get the odd swag now and again but ive had some really nice stuff over the years. some i wished i knew what it was and id be looking for it now lol. and thers a reason why its not cured, because if you buy wine say, thats 10 years old the price will reflect that. if commercial weed was cured and there were people willing to pay a premium price for it, it would be for sale i reckon.


gun was found near bye ................... you live bye the gun then you die by it imo

when your dealing with callous known violent criminals you cant take chances ! ............... you have to eliminate the threat
wrong,no gun,that was a lie,still no excuse to kick off,you want to your facts straight you bigot


wrong,no gun,that was a lie,still no excuse to kick off,you want to your facts straight you bigot

a loaded Bruni BBM blank-firing pistol converted to fire live rounds was recovered from the scene

any uk growers got blue dream and is there a cash cropper amnesia haze?


wrong,no gun,that was a lie,still no excuse to kick off,you want to your facts straight you bigot

there was a gun found right near the scene , he was a known gang member and a violent criminal .......... he was a threat and that threat got eliminated .................. and don't call me things like bigot for having an opinion that's different from yours !


tell you what its pissing me off with the riot talk take it to pm lads were not interested cheers Dankuser

mack 10

Well-known member
Round my sides G bud and Super G were good commercial fav's..
Aint seen em for some time now though..im sure someone has a cut still or a cross.
i know a guy who used to kill that g, gunk, g skunk etc.grew it for at least 10 years since it came to brum a long time ago.(i think the same g hazey speaks of) had it dialed but switched to cheese when that hit, an still grow's it now. the G has that super pungent afgani twang, would stink out the place before you even pulled it out. would floor the light smoker.


cant re Member
we had alot of orange bud about 15 yrs back there was loads about but im not sure if it was imported or not. it was ok.. very mello not much to it really but it was pleasant. nice daytime smoke

Harry Lime

Active member

heard a lot about it but never seen the stuff myself. People I know in Birmingham bang on about the chedda like the towns full of it. yet no one is talking about it commercially here?


cant re Member

heard a lot about it but never seen the stuff myself. People I know in Birmingham bang on about the chedda like the towns full of it. yet no one is talking about it commercially here?

i did mention cheese but im not sure because it smells so strong it is probably a commercial growers nightmare. definately ticks all the boxes though..



heard a lot about it but never seen the stuff myself. People I know in Birmingham bang on about the chedda like the towns full of it. yet no one is talking about it commercially here?

I have grown UK Cheese and Big Budda Blue Cheese and yield wise the BB Blue Cheese wins in both taste and yield, but the UK is a stronger couchlock stone and the yield is still ok but not for commercial tbh.


Hey speedemon i was reading a thread were a guy grew to exodus cheese & got 17oz with a 600watt it may not be commercial but thats a great yield from 2 plants i would be happy with this every grow? i was supposed to have uk cheese but i am unsure if its real
i have 1 cut in a waterfarm just now!! i vegged it for 6 weeks & i am 4 weeks into flower
now!! and i will be lucky to get 6oz i will try and get pics up soon..


cant re Member
yeah i reckon cheese yields good. but you have to look at it how they would, churning out a crop quickly you would flower from clone or wanna veg for a month tops. then you can get a higher amount of crops per year. times money really so they are not gonna veg plants for that long. and they will want something done in 8 weeks on the dot. or less if possible.

roll it large

yeah i reckon cheese yields good. but you have to look at it how they would, churning out a crop quickly you would flower from clone or wanna veg for a month tops. then you can get a higher amount of crops per year. times money really so they are not gonna veg plants for that long. and they will want something done in 8 weeks on the dot. or less if possible.

thats most good top qaulity cuts out the window then for me the extra week or two is worth it and the veg dont matter i got a seperate room for that

thats why you see sub par weed on the streets quick turn around chopped early and fast dried blasted with loads of light as they think more is better

hopefully one day (if ever) it all changes and quality comes first


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