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Wh@ = Th@

the Rock

Active member
hey core thanks for documenting your grows,you are top notch. I got lucky and got a freebie of your pollen chuck (10 pack) I never really have gotten excited about freebies before but after hearing feedback about you from our community I AM STOKED
thanks again for being so generous


Registered Medical Patient
Lookin great mate...That Lifestar looks amazing...I love BOG seeds!!!!wish I had some more!!!Keep it up man, I gotta go snap some shots now!!!Peace

- Z

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Core, plants are looking awesome. Glad to see you doing some bog, always loved his stuff. The A5xG13xWW is a beauty too.



Hi Core.
Wonderful documentation about a wonderful grow showing wonderful strains.

I am happy that I found this thread.

TB Gardens

Active member
whattup core, your shit looks amazing bro. how tall was that a5xg13xww when you put her into flowering? loooks awesome


Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Hey Core, its not new here to say your plants r AMAZING :bow: especially the Lifestar & Bogglegum... Greak work as always bro! :canabis: :yes:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Dog....indeed,i am proud of'm....does that show ?..hehehe..
its exiting indeed...i think i got a nanner spilling pollen somewhere but i can't seem to find it....gatdamn if i find that plant....!!!!! been crawling on hands and feet ..Just cant seems to find it....

heya Sammet...the smell is just awsome Sammet...i'm shure i can find a keeper of every strain...but the Lifestars are the most reeking inthere....

heya NK....yea man ..that cross is just unbelieveble....these are packing on very nicely...i just can't wait to smoke this peticular one...well, all peticular ones to be honest ...haha

omg Sativa soul....she's looking damn pretty...dang i realy hope she make you a 'crash test' dummy hhehehe

thanks my friend Zeus :smile:...i like 'm to so far...they just need to to good in the Quality dept......but so far notthing then good reviews about BOG....

Ronley !!! :bow:
how ya doing my friend....the kudo's are much appreciated and i'm happy you like the selection a bit
Nhow i'm gladd you found my thread it been a while....well i did see your amnesia blue a few ago...that woz a sweet plant....:yes:

eya TB gardens :wave:
i think she woz about 25 - 30 cm of hight at that time....her stretch woz not as big as i thought it would be.....she did a 2X on me...notthing i could't handle :wink:
gladd you joind man :yes:

aaaah in that part we are not that much diffrent from each other :wink:
thanks for ya visit my italian friend :D

much appreciated Gruntman...although i had my share of probs along the way...now it seems i'm having bug probs again.....springtails....they seem to life in my sellar.... :cuss:

yea Zeus i know i know....i had hardly enough time this week....i woz around but could't post all of this....without compromising my hobby....so plz be patient......i realy should tell the new girlfriend what i do ..lol
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hello IC :friends:

2night i had the night off...no one that can look over the shoulder :wink: so its time for a needed update.....things are going so so...got a few unforseen problems...seems the springtail bug has done more damage then i thought it would....these affected plants seems to have PH problems coz of the bugs?

also i made the mistake on letting some plants grow to mush in veg ..seems alot of plants are seriously rootbound...this causes the early yellowing....but i tryed to solve it with s small cure.....i've taken the same pot filled it 1/5 and put the other pot in....this should keep them alive and kicking for 4 weeks more....

and to boot it..i think there is some nanner spilling pollen around..Just can't seem to find that little fuck :cuss:

all i all i have some problems but no plant overboard yet....!! :joint:
i made some pics to see for all ...
let me start with a early finisher ...the A5xG13xWW cross...and omg ...if she smokes as nice as she smells then i'm in for a treat.....only 1 pheno though...the 2 others are't as tasty smelling....

this is a bogglegum f2 and closup...

and her ...look at this on....i wanted to take a nice closeup of the trichs but i messed them up...nice healthy plant ....awsome trich buildup..this is one of the 4

aaaah and then a fine lady>.....the Panama red....
and she's doing better then expected....building up flowers that is...trichs are'rt as pronounced as of yet..hope it will in a later stage though
take a look my friend :yummy:

and to finish the evening off..i bring you my frostyest lady...a Lifestar Bx1..ohw man she has earnd a next spot in the flower room already..... :joint:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Core, sorry to hear about the problems, but with everything you've named in your post the ladies are looking impressive as always. That Bgum looks like a sticky one, love bogs stuff have some bog cross's that are burning images in the back of my mind, have to pop those soon. Panama red looks like she's going to be a tower, how tall is she now? Have a good one bro.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Spring tails? Is that a new bug?

I guess when you grow to the amount you do, it is tough finding all these problems, because I only ever have a few plants at any given time, I really notice stuff, but then again I have n one looking over my shoulder

All teh best bro, the grow is looking sweet to me


That Panama Red looks like it came from the jungles of Vietnam you have gave use a great show thanks, Very nicely done!!!


that panama red has got some sexy legs, gheghe! Nice looking plant :joint: And damn that lifestar's got alot of trichs, the leafs are snowed under :muahaha:



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya B/R :wave:

thanks for caring man....but your right, the problems are't overcommeble....some are a bit slower then the rest but i've been hitting them with pyrethrums ....should clear out soon.....i thinks these bugs live on my basement floor or something...i know what i should do next when the groroom is free....i will need to clean the floors with a disinfectant/cleaner ...we call it javel here....don't know the english word lol...
the panama would be around 1,1 - 1,2m..i think the worst stretch is over

hey DOG....:wave:
naaah man not new ...atleast not to me..Maybe for you it will be a new bug...i've got a great link for this bug....looky here....tons of info...
Springtail bug

hello GG...mmmh indeed..she looks very diffrent then the others...and she's doing good untill now....if she would fill out her branches like they are now...ohw wow, then i will be in for a treat
thanks for the kind words GG ...welcome abord :wave:

hello bon ..alles goe maateke :smile:
well thx mate ..i 2 find her sexy lol...and she's doing better then presumed...she does need to spill some trichs,atleast i hope it will do that.
i'm affraid i will need to run most of'm again...to much small probs ...i just know 1/3 of the plants are't growing to there fulll potential.....i'm taking the best specimens out to re-run'm
thx for the visit :wave:

and a small update on the Pollen Chuck....Crash test and the Mongruls..
things are going great...i've feed them for the first time....they started showing some def's....and immediatly gave'm a 1 EC dose....
i'm keeping them in small pots still...Nway....her is some pics of'm...

Pollen Chuck

Crash test...

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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro, thanks for getting the pollen chuck pic up there, I should have a few tadpoles to plant, very soon, and love to seee what you have them looking like.

Nice update, I guess I will be about 2 weeks behind you
AS for my waLmart tray, I could get a heating pad for like 35 at the local hydro store, so obviously I jumped at the deal when I found it.

Keep it growing brother


Med grower
ICMag Donor
who says you don't learn something new every day? I'd never seen a springtail before I clicked that link.

What are the origins of that Panama Red if you don't mind me asking? :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey Core...lookin great buddy, glad to see you were able to get away from the watchful eyes for awhile!!! All the girls look very sexy my man, you really know how to put on a grow show, no doubt!!!

The new genes are lookin great too, Im about to pop some soon myself, I cant wait to see what Im in for!! Peace

- Z

Kenny Lingus

Active member
Core said:
heya CF ...welcome my friend :D
you got a front seat bro...hehehe...vape is next to ya....the candy to :joint:
Good to have ya !

hey Sir...ohw man what did you smoke....can't understand a thing what you typed ..lol ..well the first sentence i could understand ...then it when just plain weird ....heheheh ...good having ya bro !!

and a small thing .....
i cut a few Panama's.....and look what happend at the first cut at the main top....realy weird...

it realy looks like blood does't it...at first i thought i cut my finger or something but i did't.....i tryed cutting it again but it did not happen again....
just thought it woz odd....so thats why i'm sharing....

Hi! I did experience this bleeding in 2 seedplants of Greenhouse Hawaiian Snow. Some people explained it as possible trait of tropical sativas, (punto rojo, etc...), and others beleive it has too do with the plants internal K-pressure or something like that... Just a drop of thoughts.

Keep growing out them nice satties man



Before the end of the month let us see some more pics of your panama red I want to nominate it for pic of the month. I enjoy a indica almost as much as a sativa, But a well grown sativa is just sexy!!!

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