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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
that is the mom from the PC, MMMM, I think my next seed pop order just got changed


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Hola Mr. Core,

Respect for the pic update, the people where kinda getting impatient :muahaha:

That SD mom you're flowering is gonna be a treat! :joint:

Sorry about to hear on the hermi'd :bashhead: she kinda had something to her with her thin 11 finger leaves... Still, you got plenty to play with :D

The SSSDH is gonna come thru the roof, and the Pma will be following right behing.

... Man, it's getting packed there! :biglaugh:

Laterz, B

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Core, been a while since I've visited your jungle. Pollen Chuck is sweet man, I may have to see what she does outside this year, Bog style. Everything looks dialed in as usual bro, great job.


Karma Genetics

wow that mom is a super plant. Masive resin production...... Looking forward to how the sssdh's will finish


Grower of fine herbs...
Heya Core,

WOw that SD mom looks amazing dude, super resinous and looks like big nugs as well. My pollen chucks are doing well, going on their third set of leaves just chugging along in veg. So far both of the two look very similar, but to small to say anything for sure. Keep up the great work bro!!!



Active member
:bow: wow those buds look so symetrical and frosted :puppydoge

so healthy too that mom, not a single bad leaf i'd love to see a closeup shot before harvest thats one amazing room must smell crazy cant wait to see what happens :lurk: :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey Core, thanks for the updates and the Mom info!!!!!Sour D Mom..Im with Dr Dog..looks like Pollen Chuck will be my next poppers!!!!I havent had SD since I lived in NYC!!!!I miss the taste, smell and, of course, the high!!!! She looks like a lovely keeper man...BBL...Peace

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Mossy...aaah buddy i mist that last post of yours...Looks like you snuk one in on me at that time,without me knowing..but thanks for giving her a compliment she liked it very much ! :smile:

heya esbe ....hehehehheheh that statement is coming from Mr greenthumbs himself :muahaha: glad you like the show a bit....ohw and could we take up on that PM thingy from a few weeks ago? if you don't mind that is :smile:

heya Dog...yea my friend she is the main contributor of the strain Pollen Chuck...i hope she will cary over some of her traits over ...atleast that woz the objective of me...we just gotte grow and see ey :)...Mine are about 5 cm+ already :woohoo:

A5 x G13 x WW ..Pheno B

heya Browser :D

well thanks my friend ..indeed looks like i woz overdue??? lol....
mmmh yea she will be a good smoke i know that already :wink:you might not remember but you had some smoke of her...
and don't mind the hermie...i had already forgotten it
well i think the most of the stretch is over...the panama might go a bit more..but i'm expecting it will go in the right way....flower without veg is the way to go with her as you might know :smile:

hello B/R...:wave:
iyea my friend its been a while hu...but no biggie ..:smile:
aaah if you do you would honor me my friend...i hope she will make all of ya happy and grows pounds..lol
nway that is wishfull thinking for me ey...hehe..if you do i will be around broseph

heya Karma :wave:
thanks for dropping in again ...yea she's a trichbomb for shure...and has yield 2 boot....i knew verry fast she woz going to be a mom for a while ...
aaah yea the sssdh....you must of mist her last run ....i'm so happy i got the chance to grow her...very good smoke....my 10 oz is almost finished :eek: :puppydoge

A5 x G13 x WW pheno C

ellow NK :smile:
hehehe thx broseph ...i'm happy they are doing alright sofar..as do mine actually...but indeed its to soon to telll and i realy don't know what to expect from it...just keep a close eye on'm my friend..i will...

Heya GHETTO grower....:wave:
well thx man...realy nice of you to come in and say that about her...its nice to see a new face once and a while...i might have some pics but i'm not shure ..I've been deleting 2007..so i'll see what i can dig up...

my pleasure Zeus :smile:
but don't be expecting a sour diesel smell....coz the smell woz more like Northern lights ...but a bit more pronounced like i woz used to...he..hard to describe in english for me....you'll see for yaself :D
Last edited:
Herbalistic said:
Hola Core :wave:

How is it, that I often think about some strains you are mentioning growing currently and decide to make a visit, but I do forget it suddenly??


This time I posted right away, so I hope it´s ok for Herbalistic to join in :D

Im really looking after that Panama Red & (was it :chin:) A4 x G13 x (A4 x G13 x WW) they both look awesome & healthy at your gentle care :yes:

I always pay some :respect: for those people who grow hc sativas/sativadoms indoors with small spaces, I personally do it in a small closet, so I know about the patience it takes!!

Well, I suscribred this thread, so I shouldnt loose it anymore :D Now it´s just time to wait that those :canabis: grow, so I pick a :lurk: and chill if it´s ok`?

Be blessed with your grow, here´s some eyecandy from my recent harvest of Sweetpurple!!

This was produced accidentally by a finger ahead of flash, kinda cool me thinks :chin:

And the same thing with proper flash :D


I plan to start some sweet purple soon, How was the taste, high and yeild? Nice grow bro.


Herbal relaxation...
Sorry for the offtopic core :redface:

Mr.Tristate: Thanks for the compliment:) Here´s a short answer:
Taste: Delicious :yummy:
Yield: Very good, got almost my biggest yield from it :yes:
High: Poor.. It was very potent the first time/day I smoked it, but on the second day it didnt get me even high properly! :no:

Could be "perfect" strain for a cashcropper who isnt interested about the potency of his high yielding product that has very good bagappeal!!!

I strictly grow for personal use only and im after unique high with no ceiling! The samples I received from a friends grow were poor, but they were handled badly, so I did wanted to grow her out myself looking for better result..

I hope this was usefull information.. Please let me know viá PM If you have more questions.


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Hiya Core :rasta:

Yeah man, you post some pics and everybody starts to show up... The kids are hungry I tell ya! :muahaha:

Oh, so it's the same SD I sampled? and the beans I have (from sometime ago) too?

Then I remember her :D Quite a decent smoke indeed, covered in crystals. It had "a special" flava, but to be honest, my cup of tea rests with the PB and the PW, on the sweeter side :canabis:

Man, when you look at the pics of the early Pma, when she just went into flo and now :bashhead: she has streched BIG time! I look forward to when she starts to fill up :lurk:

Safe! B


Registered Pothead
Hope i am time to join the grow show core! Great plants and crosses. I received a pack of mongrul from seedbay and am very intrigued by this strain. I was wondering what your guesstimation would be on flowering times would be? I am gonna start all ten of these next seed run.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thx eatfajitaas ..it always is nice to hear from a new person ..:D
welcome in ma thread

Np what so ever Herbal ...those are some fine specimens nway...i realy like visuals so i don't mind..:smile:
pitty she failed you on the 'high' department :puppydoge

heya Browser...
yes it woz that SD you sampled...and i believe the beans i gave you where from a SDv2.5 male....i believe i crossed it with a annac's Mind Boggle f2 at that time...i called them High tones if i remember correct :chin:?
indee it is a decent smoke..i'm toking her right now and i'm up there..soaring hehehe...but you are right the PB and PeeWee are more intense in flavour...but aprox he same punch imho...

she's a bout a meter now....and i think her stretch will be minimal now the worst part is over...she forming nice buds all over..pics in a min :smile:

heya GS ...Well thanks mate ....good to see you again :bow:
hope all is well overthere.....thanks for the + man i realy appreciate it !!

shure Chubbynugs..plenty of roominhere....as i understand it, IC just updatede there software/capacity ... :muahaha:
no seriuos my friend your always welcome to join in !! :D

and as far as my geusstimate...if there anything like the parents i would say between 63 -70 days....i've started 10 myself and all sprouted ..hope your will 2 :wave:

update in a bit :D


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hello again....i've done some math on the hand of this thread and it seems i'm only in week 6....i've started flower at about 17/12/'07....
plants are doing good, and resin is building....i've started to feed them PK 13/14..so i hope they fatten up big time...
as it looks i've pickt some nice strains to grow....although i found 1 Lifestar with a banana....it did't take long to cut her and remove her from the room..hope the others won't follow her lead...
Nway..i've got pics to show :rasta:

first off a DCxC99..and she's looking gorgeous....i believe she's just a few weeks in...about 3 i think....but have to check that to be shure...
but resin is already on the fan leaves...gotta admit did't see that coming...

and a think i got a early finisher...or a banana burst ..hheheheh..naah serious ..I believe its a early finisher....A5xG13xWW cross..

and then a bogglegum... :rasta:

and here's some Lifestar closeup's....looks at that nice coated sugar :yummy:

and as last i took a few panama shots....also only a few weeks in....

i'll update on the new seedling when i got some spare time...hope you like them pics my friends :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
A man proud of his plants

You got some exciting stuff going on there, I love seeing resin on my fan leaves too, almost like someone giving you money!!

Nice update brother, sorry to hear about the nanner. Crossing fingers it is just one


Grower of fine herbs...
MMM looking really tasty core. Really nice frost on that DCxC99 that should be covered in resin by the end of flowering. Keep up the great work dude. Peace.


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