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Weed in Spain, a lot of question. Help me please, i want to know!


Hi guys,
first im sorry for my english that's not the best.
I'd like to know how much do u pay weed, and which strange of weed, in the clubs in Spain? Do u have some site for read the menu? (Im spanish so, no problem)
Which genetics are they smoking mostly?
Is good the BHO quality?
How work the system of legalizazion in Spain? There's problem?

Thanks you for the answer guys. good smoke! :)

The English Cut

Well-known member
Hi, you may be better asking this in the Spanish sub-forum. I do know that there's no legalization, at least in my part of Spain. The Basque Country and Catalunya are more tolerant, there are clubs/associations but as far as I'm aware it's still essentially illegal. Last time I checked the most popular strain was Critical/Kritical of some sort or other. I'm not very up-to-date though. As far as BHO goes, I'd guess that 90% of smokers here in Spain have no idea what it is.


Hi, you may be better asking this in the Spanish sub-forum. I do know that there's no legalization, at least in my part of Spain. The Basque Country and Catalunya are more tolerant, there are clubs/associations but as far as I'm aware it's still essentially illegal. Last time I checked the most popular strain was Critical/Kritical of some sort or other. I'm not very up-to-date though. As far as BHO goes, I'd guess that 90% of smokers here in Spain have no idea what it is.

Hi TEC I was quite supprised to read your response.

scroll down the list and you will come across your country.


New member
I live in Canary Islands and here clubs are tollerated, it seems like authorities just ignore them.

But I am very dissapointed with how clubs work here:

Expensive weed (7-8€/gr)
Poor to average quality
Clubbers can't vote or take decisions
Lack of facilities (4 example: no ventilation)
And so on...

Most of them aren't partners of FAC (Spanish federation of cannabic associations) They are just a facade for dealers.

That's why I started growing again! lol

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Hashish is good in Spain. There are bars that tolerate cannabis and sometimes you can score there. Never bought weed in Spain.


New member
i dont get it says quite clearly that it is illegal, decriminalized is a long long way from legal

You're right mate, I've lived in Spain almost all my life and it's illegal. There are two loopholes: consumption is legal at home but not possession in public. The thing is dealers don't fall from heaven.

The second one regards the seeds: buying or selling seeds is legal, but not sprouting them. Big lol to Spanish politicians!


Well-known member
As from the first of July, first proposed, then approved.

Faltas graves
Entre 601 y 30.000 euros de multa

16- El consumo o la tenencia ilícitos de drogas, aunque no estuvieran destinadas al tráfico, en lugares públicos, así como el abandono de los instrumentos empleados para ello.
Users and carriers, even if not with intention to sale, in public places, and also leaving the utensils behind.
17- El traslado de personas, con cualquier tipo de vehículo, con el objeto de facilitar a éstas el acceso a drogas (las cundas).
Taking passengers in any kind of vehicle to facilitate access to drugs ("cundas")
18- Plantar y cultivar drogas en lugares visibles al público.
Germinate and grow drugs in places visible to the public eye
19- La tolerancia del consumo ilegal o el tráfico de drogas en locales o la falta de diligencia en orden a impedirlos por parte de los propietarios.
Allowing illegal consumption or dealing in places or not enough dilligence to stop it from the owners.


New member
As from the first of July, first proposed, then approved.

Faltas graves
Entre 601 y 30.000 euros de multa

16- El consumo o la tenencia ilícitos de drogas, aunque no estuvieran destinadas al tráfico, en lugares públicos, así como el abandono de los instrumentos empleados para ello.
Users and carriers, even if not with intention to sale, in public places, and also leaving the utensils behind.
17- El traslado de personas, con cualquier tipo de vehículo, con el objeto de facilitar a éstas el acceso a drogas (las cundas).
Taking passengers in any kind of vehicle to facilitate access to drugs ("cundas")
18- Plantar y cultivar drogas en lugares visibles al público.
Germinate and grow drugs in places visible to the public eye
19- La tolerancia del consumo ilegal o el tráfico de drogas en locales o la falta de diligencia en orden a impedirlos por parte de los propietarios.
Allowing illegal consumption or dealing in places or not enough dilligence to stop it from the owners.

The new law is going to be terrible, and the worst thing is we can't do anything to stop it, as long as PP has the majority.

Sad days are coming, I'm afraid.


I live in Canary Islands and here clubs are tollerated, it seems like authorities just ignore them.

But I am very dissapointed with how clubs work here:

Expensive weed (7-8€/gr)
Poor to average quality
Clubbers can't vote or take decisions
Lack of facilities (4 example: no ventilation)
And so on...

Most of them aren't partners of FAC (Spanish federation of cannabic associations) They are just a facade for dealers.

That's why I started growing again! lol

Good on you. are you growing outdoors or indoors?


i dont get it says quite clearly that it is illegal, decriminalized is a long long way from legal

Yes you are correct as in the boxes state Illegal, I was more relating to the writing on the right. and it says.....

Growing the plant on private property for personal use, and consumption by adults in a private space, is legal.

so I was thinking, if you lived on your own farm, and you can not be seen from the road or any other way for that matter, and I invited you all over for a "private gathering" and as you were all adults, then that would be legal. ??https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis_by_country#cite_note-131


Well-known member
Yes you are correct as in the boxes state Illegal, I was more relating to the writing on the right. and it says.....

Growing the plant on private property for personal use, and consumption by adults in a private space, is legal.

so I was thinking, if you lived on your own farm, and you can not be seen from the road or any other way for that matter, and I invited you all over for a "private gathering" and as you were all adults, then that would be legal. ??https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis_by_country#cite_note-131

Yeah, that little bit on the side is actually the fiddling basis of all the CSC's and associations and whatever.
That said, I live in a private property and well out of public view. Also I am waiting for the judge to decide what to do with a couple of plants the civil guards found when on a routine country inspection. As in spanish law there must be a "right of access" by river sides and original pathways, they argued they could go through.
Nobody used that long gone dissapeared path for the last 200 years, there are roads and even motorways now to reach destinations, as there are few hunter-collectors tribes left in today's world that would need to take a short cut through the farm, but that's irrelevant to the case. Now i am a bit troubled. Say, if i still use the useless "free" lawyer, i will be as good as left to the vultures. Being such a meagre thing and with plenty reasons as to get a total acquittal, or perhaps a 500-1000 euros fine, i don't know whether to secure that with a proper lawyer. Problem being a proper lawyer costs like twice the possible fine.
So, relax is a personal achievement, but spanish cannabis laws is not a recommended way to reach it.


New member
Good on you. are you growing outdoors or indoors?

Outdoors mate, I live in Canary Islands so we got plenty sun all year long. But I also had an indoors while living in Madrid.

I'm sad to hear your current situation, kaochiu, Guardia Civil has always been a major pain in the ass, I hope you get away with it!


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Yes you are correct as in the boxes state Illegal, I was more relating to the writing on the right. and it says.....

Growing the plant on private property for personal use, and consumption by adults in a private space, is legal.

so I was thinking, if you lived on your own farm, and you can not be seen from the road or any other way for that matter, and I invited you all over for a "private gathering" and as you were all adults, then that would be legal. ??https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis_by_country#cite_note-131

It is NOT LEGAL, but widely tolerated. Many people have been told by the Police that X "is legal" but that is bullshit, legally, I know someone who actually reported their 8 plants stolen, the Cops said "oh, they were Male weren't they" he, playing along says yes, they replied "ah, que bien, these do not contain THC (incorrect) and therefore we do not have enough to charge you" Also incorrect.

What they are trying to do is keep a lid on it, frightening people into only running 1 or 2 plants and again, totally outside the law, policing those in public view, they do not want people flaunting it, that is what matters to them.

A private party on fenced private land or house, flat, is totally legal, but be aware, private and fenced are not negotiable.

Enforcement varies according to local Police priorities and prejudices, here in the North East there are no Guardia Civil in effect, it is Mossos d Esquadra and culturally it is more accepted than in areas south of here.


Outdoors mate, I live in Canary Islands so we got plenty sun all year long. But I also had an indoors while living in Madrid.

I'm sad to hear your current situation, kaochiu, Guardia Civil has always been a major pain in the ass, I hope you get away with it!

God listening to the Gail force winds and heavy rain outside right now. The Canary Islands sounds bloody great!!!.


Yeah, that little bit on the side is actually the fiddling basis of all the CSC's and associations and whatever.
That said, I live in a private property and well out of public view. Also I am waiting for the judge to decide what to do with a couple of plants the civil guards found when on a routine country inspection. As in spanish law there must be a "right of access" by river sides and original pathways, they argued they could go through.
Nobody used that long gone dissapeared path for the last 200 years, there are roads and even motorways now to reach destinations, as there are few hunter-collectors tribes left in today's world that would need to take a short cut through the farm, but that's irrelevant to the case. Now i am a bit troubled. Say, if i still use the useless "free" lawyer, i will be as good as left to the vultures. Being such a meagre thing and with plenty reasons as to get a total acquittal, or perhaps a 500-1000 euros fine, i don't know whether to secure that with a proper lawyer. Problem being a proper lawyer costs like twice the possible fine.
So, relax is a personal achievement, but spanish cannabis laws is not a recommended way to reach it.

Shit man, that is a complete piss take, surely they would'nt do anything to you, at least that was my thought but it seems not and I have it completely wrong.

Is that a "best guess" on that fine or a true reflection?. it also seems like no matter which course of action you take it will lead to that fine, the fate has been set so to speak. so IF that is/was the case then it is best to take the quickest path to get it over and done with and move on. only my thoughts, as a state lawer is most definitly not the way to go.

So say I bought a farm, had it all check out by the land surveyor and solicitors, and it was 100% no " right of ways " ever existed on my new farm, nor was there any river or water way even close to my farm, can they just walk on my farm ??
Also add to the fact I had guard dogs ( like I do here ) so there would be no way anybody could come anywhere near my greenhouses. would that solve a the problem that you have had ??.


Outdoors mate, I live in Canary Islands so we got plenty sun all year long. But I also had an indoors while living in Madrid.

I'm sad to hear your current situation, kaochiu, Guardia Civil has always been a major pain in the ass, I hope you get away with it!

I have no idea about the laws on the Canary Islands, as you are growing outdoors, is it legal or tolerant there ?.


It is NOT LEGAL, but widely tolerated. Many people have been told by the Police that X "is legal" but that is bullshit, legally, I know someone who actually reported their 8 plants stolen, the Cops said "oh, they were Male weren't they" he, playing along says yes, they replied "ah, que bien, these do not contain THC (incorrect) and therefore we do not have enough to charge you" Also incorrect.

What they are trying to do is keep a lid on it, frightening people into only running 1 or 2 plants and again, totally outside the law, policing those in public view, they do not want people flaunting it, that is what matters to them.

A private party on fenced private land or house, flat, is totally legal, but be aware, private and fenced are not negotiable.

Enforcement varies according to local Police priorities and prejudices, here in the North East there are no Guardia Civil in effect, it is Mossos d Esquadra and culturally it is more accepted than in areas south of here.

Thank you C C for your reply.

They way I am reading that is my farm would not come under this legal side of the law. I would be or would like to buy down the south I was looking just above valencia down to almeria and going inland, do the Guardia Civil exist in this area ? and if so with no right of ways and no waterways or rivers near my land at all can they still come on my farm ??.

Also my land would not have a fence as in a wooden panel style, as you can imagine it would be a farm with a wire fence! so if I was to say ring you up and say hi buddy come over and have something to eat and a smoke on my patio, now would that come under the legal part of the law. also I would want a large greenhouse on my land this would be somewhat concealed by shrubbery etc, so you would not be able to see the greenhouse at all unless you walked right up to it, and that would be impossible, unless you have some magic wand to make Rotties not attack,!!

Also what is the gun laws like there, here I have guns a royal pain in getting the permits now, but very much worth it. what is it like in spain to have a shotgun on my farm.
