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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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Freedom Fighter
Or let's get it legal... really legal.

Right there with ya bro!!
Which one that is up for vote this year does this again??
Unless you have some super secret shit showing up...I would guess that is Prop 19--
There is no other Game in Town--
Vote Yes now, or wait for a better one in 2012...fuck those ppl that end up in jail over the next 2 years--
Yeah...let's do it like the Lame says...keep it illegal so we can show our "Dark Side"!!

Look at the change being made all ready alright 1 down Theres more room in my party van all aboard.:dance013:

Man it would be nice to not be in the same category As freaking Meth heads and herion junkys whos with me.


Remember my crazy statement that 2012 was the year for california, oregon, nevada, washington, and colorado? well i have already posted the link to the oregon iniative. Now it seems that my crystal ball is better than most because look at this.

2012 has always been the year. Now I have proof on two of the 5 states that I told you about. If you wait a little longer I will prove the other 3. I will keep you updated. keep arguing amongst yourselves. :)

It aint waiting till 2012 bra. 2010 will do just fine. When 2012 comes let us debate that then.


You whine like a mule.

You group people together and then take shots at them, when someone calls you on it, you say you weren't talking about them.

This is a public forum dude.

Go ahead, see right through me.

I'm a waste of time... I'm saying what I feel too.




Freedom Fighter
Look at the change being made all ready alright 1 down Theres more room in my party van all aboard.:dance013:

Man it would be nice to not be in the same category As freaking Meth heads and herion junkys whos with me.

If I misunderstood your other post, please help me out here--
You have me confused now, as to what you support--
If I misunderstood your other post, please help me out here--
You have me confused now, as to what you support--

:dance013:Where on the party Van thats all that matters these fools will want on any minute now!:dance013:

(but really that post was sarcastic Forum was getting heated decided to mix it up)

And i was just pointing out how its anoying that theres still lots and lots of poeple out there that Put Weed in the same class as, Herion and meth Real drugs.

Ps. :dance013::dance013: WE ARE IN THE PARTY VAN!!!!:dance013: :dance013: :groupwave: :groupwave: :groupwave: :groupwave: :groupwave:


Active member
Your a fucking moron if you think we had more raids with Obama then bush. There's no debating that. And if we had "mavericks" in the white house I would gave left the country. Fuck those insane pricks and their Joe schmoe mimicking holier then thou assholes. Obama could do more for us, but he sure is a fuck of alot better than McCain and that dumb white bitch

Hey bro think before you speak, DID I freaking say that OBAMA has more "RAIDS" than bush????

DUDE....What are you fucking 13 yrs old??? Highly doubt it, I've been here for a while now and I have seen you around... SO it makes it even more LAME to know that, and you still went aHEAD AND ASSumed..

How does everything I say get missrepresented... ??? WTF

And how do you know I wanted McCain over OBAMA?????


Go back and read my post if you care that much about OBAMA to call a fellow american a moron!!!!

I would so love to see you call me a moron to my face...

You don't even know me and you call me a moron LOL... Sounds pretty moronic to call someone you DON"T KNOW a MORON, MORON...see how that sounds??? hahaha how retarded, that's why we as a country will NEVER go anywhere, cause of PHD's like you....

Love to see you say that shit to my face, would love it....:tiphat:


Active member

Probably because you haven't read the proposition and instead rely on what people are telling you that may have an interest or motive into keep cannabis illegal.

For someone who's name is "sacred thc ritual" we'd think you would support the freedom of cannabis....

The problem is that it isn't FREE unless it's just left alone, impossible or NOT!!!

any more government involved isn't freedom... IMHO!


Active member
Well I didn't say having any of those things were bad, I just said that prop 19 does not free weed. For it to be free, there would be no possession limits, or grow space limits... or they would be the level on tomatoes or whatever... Also, the only people selling weed legally under prop 19 most likely be the politically well connected IE Dick Lee... again not what I would call any sort of free or freedom.

Thank you! CaptainTRIPS...:ying::tiphat:


Active member
You must spread rep around before giving it to kmk again....

DUDE you don't even belong in the category of this man, the only thing I have heard you say are elementary school grade comments...



Active member
Quit with the name calling and at least try to carry on an intelligent conversation.

If you don't believe that 215 and all other med laws conflict with the FEDERAL Schedule I laws, then WHY would the DEA raid MMJ locations in the med states?

I can link you to ICmag articles of raids in OR, CA, HI, etc.

The fact that you get so vehement while making misstatements is very perplexing. I think you are doing more harm than good for your side.

Your thoughts that a SCOTUS challenge would work because of Prop 19, DESPITE the fact that SCOTUS has already spoken on CA215 stating in Raich v. Ashcroft (recaptioned Gonzales v. Raich [when John Ashcroft resigned and was replaced by Atty. Gen. Gonzales) that MMJ was ILLEGAL federally because the FEDS had the power to regulate INTERSTATE commerce.

SCOTUS determined that EVEN A PERSONAL garden by Ms. Raich was sufficient to eventually reach the stream of commerce and THEREFORE the FEDS could PROHIBIT IT.

This is crazy but conforms with the SCOTUS decision in Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111 (1942). Check this case out and you will see that the SOCIALIST SUPREME COURT determined that a farmer may NOT grow wheat to feed his OWN animals on his OWN land, if it was in an amount greater than the FEDERALLY IMPOSED LIMITS.

Yell and scream as much as you want about this proposition, but don't lie to this community and act as if you are an attorney with a key to over turning 68 years of Supreme Court precedents.





Active member
can you please link me to the better bill on the ballot this november dear sir or madam (as the case may be) if it does not indispose you terribly?:thank you:


So you will bite on the first lure you are shown, now that's laying down for sure, sheepy sounds sheeeeeepy to me....???



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
everyone has an opinion and being called a moron is nothing if you would have been here from the start there where much harsher words being used. Everybody a tuff guy behind the keyboard you must be new here we have herd it all. Its never ending. What makes the difference is what happens at the polls I will be there and I will mark my yes you will be there and mark your no Now let's count and see if is passes. what else is there to do.


Active member
Well I'm no competitor either Hammerhead.... But ok, what ever flips your skirt ;)

It's not the words that bother me so much, it's the approach at which they are said, and as saying them the posts are full of contradicions in regards to what the response is to my or other poster's post????

I mean it's like folks just want to see it the way that suits their needs at that moment in order to "put someone in """their place"""" WTF"...

Or my favorite, to "Spank that azzz"..........???? again, what kind of value is there to a post like that???

It's just obvious that noone thinks before they speak @ someone in regards to the the post they are replying to ................. uuhhh?????

What are we here to do? Are we watching sport"z" LOL?????? or what ???

It just sounds to me like more of a competition than a discussion??? we get no where like this is all I'm saying...

And why should we just take the FIRST decent looking bill and go for it??? If it's truly freedom, than why are we stealing each others right to have an OPINION, by smashing them with high school drama, no intelligent being will stick around for a stupid argument??? We WANT TO GET SOMEWHERE DON'T WE, WELL IMHO working together as ONE would be our best chance at any freedom, in any direction......

Hey what happened to all of your badges and patches????? hahahaha


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I get frustrated because all of the question that have been asked have been answered every one. So this never ending thread that asks the same thing over and over is very frustration to say the least. I have done my home work on this bill. I believe that the benefits outweigh the negatives by far. there are some that disagree thats fine. Im not singling you out its all of the people that are voting no. We have some very knowledgeable people in here about this bill and we try in vain to help them understand the verbiage /wording of the bill but they dont want to listen that only means they want to keep cannabis illegal for monetary reason's. Politics on a cannabis forum does not mix well. I do believe that Politics and religion are not going to be allowed after this coming election. There is just to much hate. IMO take it to the polls and leave it at that. there is no way I'm going to stop being someone online friend because there opinion differs from mine. Some folks are very passionate about politics and can cause major problems. We have all voted for bad Presidents and bills that wont ever change. Im trying my best to help others understand but this has been the hardest part since no one wants to listen they beleive what ever is told to them and thats it. Like I said I will voice myself at the polls and hope that everyone that really understands the bill and has done there homeworks does the right thing for everybody and not just think about themsevles.


Hey bro think before you speak, DID I freaking say that OBAMA has more "RAIDS" than bush????

DUDE....What are you fucking 13 yrs old??? Highly doubt it, I've been here for a while now and I have seen you around... SO it makes it even more LAME to know that, and you still went aHEAD AND ASSumed..

How does everything I say get missrepresented... ??? WTF

And how do you know I wanted McCain over OBAMA?????


Go back and read my post if you care that much about OBAMA to call a fellow american a moron!!!!

I would so love to see you call me a moron to my face...

You don't even know me and you call me a moron LOL... Sounds pretty moronic to call someone you DON"T KNOW a MORON, MORON...see how that sounds??? hahaha how retarded, that's why we as a country will NEVER go anywhere, cause of PHD's like you....

Love to see you say that shit to my face, would love it....:tiphat:

Grow up fuckwit. I'd love to see you face to face ya little worm. So we're all agreed Bush was a cracker racist murdering scumbag piece of white trash and Obama is here to save us. :wave: PS. Mc Cain is a piece of shit also and it's thanks to Obama that at least the Feds are stepping lightly on State med laws (hmmm??) Then again if it weren't for that piece of shit Bush bankrupting us there would be no Prop 19....

So pieceofchit give us an earfull:)


Game Bred

So you will bite on the first lure you are shown, now that's laying down for sure, sheepy sounds sheeeeeepy to me....???


so i guess all the pleas and sir and mam are not common decency...

okie dokie..

the poster told me to vote for a better bill...

all i asked is to be able to read it..

but i like to read bills im not a "hope and change" type..
ive yet to see you post a valid reason i should remain a felon?
care to explain why i should vote for continued prohibition?
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