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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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Game Bred
Damn that would be a great Yes on 19 commercial.

orange jumper on the side of quintette road 121° heat index 100% humidity out there in the mosquito and copperhead/moccasin infested swamp clearing the right of way with a fucking slingblade while there is a weedeater in the truck because you looked at smokey in his 10 gallon hat "crossways" that morning.
awesome commercial..

mike rowe narrating it!

"a vote against 19 is a vote for this.


Freedom Fighter
Remember my crazy statement that 2012 was the year for california, oregon, nevada, washington, and colorado? well i have already posted the link to the oregon iniative. Now it seems that my crystal ball is better than most because look at this.

2012 has always been the year. Now I have proof on two of the 5 states that I told you about. If you wait a little longer I will prove the other 3. I will keep you updated. keep arguing amongst yourselves. :)

But we are already doing that...except we are doing it THIS year--:tiphat:
From Rob....
If we can agree on an initiative that’s drafted to appeal to swing voters (meaning it can’t be too radical) and it’s placed on the November 2012 ballot, I predict that marijuana will be made legal in Washington state in just 26 months.


I love my life
An immediate family member did time for what would be legal under 19. FUCK you for wanting THAT prohibition continued by wanting people to vote no on 19, and justifying what THEY did to my family. There's your slavery.
Your analogies suck.

Did time in CA for growing in 5x5 area? Did time in CA for possession less than an oz? Did time over in CA for less than an oz of hash?

What did your family member serve time in CA over that will be legal under 19?



I love my life
18 months with the fldoc
3 years probation and $11,529.00 in assorted fees
thousands in stolen property by LEO
watching my non smoking wife dragged off in cuffs

all preventable by 19..hydro wants to keep whipping me till i say toby i guess...

well through all that.. IM STILL KUNTE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!

but like i said 215 did not free a single patient..hydro's moral compunctions are selectively applied at best and completely fabricated most likely...

Really Prop 19 is going to change the FL Leo?

Sorry you got popped in FL with a grow less than 5x5 and were caged. You should never have to face any of that. We just disagree that prop 19 will make things better instead of worse for CA or MJ freedom.

Prop 19 is a real great step for the rest of the world but not such so great for CA.


Time will tell

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Ok so 5x5 isn't the greatest, we all agree. But how much reduced effort will be created by it. Growing mj will be like brewing beer. Having it legal for anyone over 21 to grow will mainstream it. Without a doubt there will be more growers after 19. My neighbor and his wife told me they willl be growing a 5x5 after November. They smoke maybe an 1/8 a week so 1 good harvest could easily last them a year. Neighbors will no longer be able to be a Sally snitch if they don't agree with you or what your doing. Reports of mj smell will no longer arise suspicion with LEO. Police won't even bother with calls of mj grows. It will allow many officers to overlook these things. You all act as if you go 1" over a 5x5 that satellites from space will beacon a swat team to your house in less than 5 minutes. It's fucking hilarious what you anti19s try to grasp at to make even the most obscure of points


Game Bred
Really Prop 19 is going to change the FL Leo?

Sorry you got popped in FL with a grow less than 5x5 and were caged. You should never have to face any of that. We just disagree that prop 19 will make things better instead of worse for CA or MJ freedom.

Prop 19 is a real great step for the rest of the world but not such so great for CA.


Time will tell

any body in cali right now who dont wanna pay a quack and register with the gubenator (for maximum protection read:extortion) faces the same..worse really florida likes guns...CA dont likey the boomstick


Active member
geez dagnabit still in here bickering about 19....i was over this shit months ago lol. plleease...see a quack and register with the gubernator? thats a bunch of BS. ok so there was one or two doctors who had their licenses taken away but still plently of good doctors out there. and arnold isnt looking at some 215 list planning secret raids on everybody. your fear mongering just like anti 19s....

im not voting on this shit. there are reasons why i want it to pass, but there are too many things i dont like about this bill. 5x5 is a fucking laughingstock..props to dick lee on getting this on the ballot, but at the same time fuck that POS for writing in those bullshit limits....is it so hard to stick to 215 limits?


Game Bred
geez dagnabit still in here bickering about 19....i was over this shit months ago lol. plleease...see a quack and register with the gubernator? thats a bunch of BS. ok so there was one or two doctors who had their licenses taken away but still plently of good doctors out there. and arnold isnt looking at some 215 list planning secret raids on everybody. your fear mongering just like anti 19s....

im not voting on this shit. there are reasons why i want it to pass, but there are too many things i dont like about this bill. 5x5 is a fucking laughingstock..props to dick lee on getting this on the ballot, but at the same time fuck that POS for writing in those bullshit limits....is it so hard to stick to 215 limits?

awwwww i missed you too...:cathug:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
See, I think the no voters that are growers attempting to maintain the status quo dont realize that enough of us have had enough(meaning us or family in US prison system) and we smell bullshit a mile away now. They can try to throw whatever pitch they want, it aint gettin past us. Years of hearing the lines and preparing retorts have got us to the point that no ANTI's will debate in a public forum. NONE. NOT-ONE-SINGLE-ONE-OF-THEM.

Let me say it again.

Years of hearing the lines and preparing retorts have got us to the point that no ANTI's will debate in a public forum. NONE. NOT-ONE-SINGLE-ONE-OF-THEM.

There is a reason:

"The weed be lettin you know" -Smokey

At this point, it really feels as we have a bunch of little Anslinger Jrs running around trying whatever possible to protect what they have going on.
And they will be remembered for what they said here after the vote.

"Aint no runnin from...
Karma. Aint no runnin"

If that were true we wouldn't have a fifty page thread.

Call names... blame greed... label everyone with the same title...

It won't deter from the fact that some don't like the bill.

It doesn't mean that they are a prohibitionist.

It doesn't mean that they are greedy.

I see your reasoning.

It sucks.


If that were true we wouldn't have a fifty page thread.

Call names... blame greed... label everyone with the same title...

It won't deter from the fact that some don't like the bill.

It doesn't mean that they are a prohibitionist.

It doesn't mean that they are greedy.

I see your reasoning.

It sucks.

Not liking the bill is one thing.

Calling a yes vote a vote for continued prohibition is another.
Implicating a member here in a Monstanto GW Pharma consiracy is another.
Trying to say it is an erosion of American rights, then saying America is worse than nazi Germany is another.

Have your opinion...fine and dandy. But if you come on here with lies, or some bullshit nazi propaganda, you will be called out. Sorry, we have had enough of those tactics.


Can you point me to these offenses because I honestly cant remember calling you any names or lying. I don't remember saying you were calling anyone names(because I dont usually worry about someone calling me a name, hahaha). I am not sure what you are defending in the first part of your sentence there.

Sorry, I am getting married this week, in Vegas and trying to get ready. I dont usually resort to name calling and I am curious as to when I could have done this. And lies....I'll reserve comment until I see what you are referring to.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Years of hearing the lines and preparing retorts have got us to the point that no ANTI's will debate in a public forum. NONE. NOT-ONE-SINGLE-ONE-OF-THEM.

^^ LIE

At this point, it really feels as we have a bunch of little Anslinger Jrs running around trying whatever possible to protect what they have going on.
And they will be remembered for what they said here after the vote.


I am trying to protect whatever we (as a community) have going on.

I'm not about to try and divide or label anyone.

Congratulations on your marriage!



^^ LIE


I am trying to protect whatever we (as a community) have going on.

I'm not about to try and divide or label anyone.

Congratulations on your marriage!


Dude....get real. Ive got a wedding to attend to,you are just tryin me, I see right through you. R.Lee is waiting for a challenger this weekend. No Takers.... Not ONE. It's not a lie. And I am not going to debate on that further. You can think it's a lie if you want. I dont really care. If he finally got a challenger today, thats not a lie, it's news.

Can you point me to an honest-public forum debate on Prop 19?

The little Anslinger Jr's comment:
1. You were not even on my mind when I wrote that, sorry to bust yer bubble.
2. I wrote how I feel. Maybe you shouldn't wear yours on your shoulders?

Now you pop up in a thread and act as if I am directing something at you. And you reach??? Holy shit dude. You have issues.

You are a waste of time at this point. No I wont result to putting you on ignore, because I can take everything you can throw at me, but dont expect me to feed you any,troll. (THERE is your name call!!!) You bore me.(But THANKS for the Congrats!, For real, I appreciate that)
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You whine like a mule.

You group people together and then take shots at them, when someone calls you on it, you say you weren't talking about them.

This is a public forum dude.

Go ahead, see right through me.

I'm a waste of time... I'm saying what I feel too.



Game Bred
^^ LIE


I am trying to protect whatever we (as a community) have going on.

I'm not about to try and divide or label anyone.

Congratulations on your marriage!


he cant see me (him dont wike truth to much..hurts hims wittle fewwings)

but remember B³ he thinks you saying "it feels like we might have" equates to you calling him a name...
the mentality is flawed..regressed... in need of professional help...

and he/she wont provide you with the public debater ill bet $$$$ to doughnuts he says this forum is the public debate....


he cant see me (him dont wike truth to much..hurts hims wittle fewwings)

but remember B³ he thinks you saying "it feels like we might have" equates to you calling him a name...
the mentality is flawed..regressed... in need of professional help...

and he/she wont provide you with the public debater ill bet $$$$ to doughnuts he says this forum is the public debate....

Yeah...Thats why I have decided to stop playing with him. Waste of time, and at this point, I almost feel bad knowing about this flawed mentality.

I was gonna bet that money to0. Any takers?
A picture is worth 1000 words?

:artist: I paint you one...


  • nativeamericansdiscovercolumbus.jpg
    105.6 KB · Views: 10


I could write a 1000 words on how stupid that drawing is. Based on myths and lies. Grow up, drawing it doesnt make it any more real. Got a GW Pharma-Monsanto cartoon too?


Active member
What offenses besides HASH POSSESSION and a micro grow does this bill REMOVE prison penalties?

Will the current ICmagers who grow in CA with OUT a med card still be felons?

It seems a vote for prop 19 = continued prohibition and the status quo as regards MANY ICmag growers.

The only difference is now not only do the squares endorse imprisoning growers, but so does every prop 19 supporter. Thanks guys.


As NORML said:

-- I’m a healthy adult without a Prop 215 recommendation; can you tell me why I should vote against being able to carry an ounce of marijuana on my person?”

-- “I’m a healthy adult without a Prop 215 recommendation; can you tell me why I should vote against being able to grow marijuana in my house?”

-- “I’m a healthy adult without a Prop 215 recommendation; can you tell me why I should vote to keep the risk of getting a criminal misdemeanor record for smoking pot?”


If your point is that Prop 215 card holders will lose rights, that prop 19 will make what currently is legal in prop 215 become illegal, then...

“Wow, those sound like powers that (LA District Attorney) Steve Cooley and (San Diego District Attorney) Bonnie Dumanis would love to have… so how come they’re asking people to vote NO?”
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