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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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Active member
You are just off your nut if you think throwing growers under the bus for the sake of micro gardeners is a step forward.

Prop 19 affirms by majority vote TERRIBLE law. As it stands now we are oppressed by an immoral law that has NO support from this community.

You seek to lend community support to this continued scheme of IMPRISONING growers.

Passing 19 may make it better for the CONSUMER but it does so at the expense of PRODUCERS and it asks this community to lend moral sanction to the imprisonment of humans over a flower.

History has shown that most immoral comprises fail. I view prop 19 as an immoral compromise and a violation of every human's unalienable rights to privacy and the pursuit of happiness; therefore I can't endorse it.


Again, as NORML said:

“Every dollar earned while marijuana is illegal equals some kid getting a misdemeanor, some mom doing jail time, or some dad being shot by a cop.

I support any person who wants to make money growing marijuana, but not at the cost of 77,000 arrests in California every year.

Prop 19 will allow cities – not Sacramento – to create commercial regulations. Why wouldn’t a city like, say, Ukiah, make regulations that best support their small grower economic base?

That’s the cool thing about something being legal; if it’s not working properly, you can vote in new people and laws to make it work better.

But if you vote no on 19, no city can do anything to support their small growers and Sacramento can still send helicopters and cops after them.”

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
A picture is worth 1000 words?

:artist: I paint you one...

phillip morris' revenue in 2009 was $25,709,000,000 (that means they made about 3 million dollars every hour in 2009) and was ranked #93 out of 1000 business in fortune 500 magazine. what makes you think they are going to come to california and produce a schedule 1 narcotic in direct violation with federal law to make a few measly million dollars....???

i think some of you have lived in the hills for too long.


Game Bred
Show me how we wont be raped by big industry. :thank you:

DMX "here we go again...same 'ol shit dawg just a different day"

i need someone to write me a few macros to hot key certain responses...

to the monsanto moron..

the board of directors of a multinational corporation would piss themselves laughing just before throwing the idiot executive out a 50th story window who suggests "maybe we should become involved in an ongoing criminal enterprise to manufacture,process,distribute and sell a schedule I narcotic. thus risking the PROVEN anti business current administration prosecuting the ENTIRE corporation and seizing ALL of EVERY employees assets under R.I.C.O. statutes.

all because California passes a RECREATIONAL prop...

monsanto involvement still seem likely?
how about Philip Morris?
think they wanna have a go at pound me in the ass prison because CA lets them grow?

i really need that macro...
computer geeks?


Game Bred
phillip morris' revenue in 2009 was $25,709,000,000 (that means they made about 3 million dollars every hour in 2009) and was ranked #93 out of 1000 business in fortune 500 magazine. what makes you think they are going to come to california and produce a schedule 1 narcotic in direct violation with federal law to make a few measly million dollars....???

i think some of you have lived in the hills for too long.

hey you....

watch it mister!!!!


Active member
vote no= not letting big business take over

something better will come along than prop 19

How long should I wait for this better bill? Is there some new law which prohibits a person from voting yes for this better bill if they voted yes on prop 19?


psst there is a bill on the Governors desk right now waiting to be signed. Its SB 1449 It makes what is now felony possession and makes it a misdemeanor, and takes what is a misdemeanor now (an ounce or less) and makes it the same as a jaywalking ticket.


Active member
psst there is a bill on the Governors desk right now waiting to be signed. Its SB 1449 It makes what is now felony possession and makes it a misdemeanor, and takes what is a misdemeanor now (an ounce or less) and makes it the same as a jaywalking ticket.

RadicalRuss said:
“So I should vote NO so I get a $100 ticket for an ounce and a felony for a plant, rather than making both of those things absolutely legal with no tickets or criminal record?”

:thank you:


Game Bred
psst there is a bill on the Governors desk right now waiting to be signed. Its SB 1449 It makes what is now felony possession and makes it a misdemeanor, and takes what is a misdemeanor now (an ounce or less) and makes it the same as a jaywalking ticket.
You guys are looking at this all wrong, If weed becomes legall and thus, accecpted You guys are gonna have nothing to cry and whine about Nothing to set you apart, Instead you will just be another stoner who can smoke weed legally "sarcastic yay" Yay! I alone Am the stoner Who wants to get high Like a Bad Boy Laddies My Mini Van Awaits, Lets do it.:thank you:


Freedom Fighter
You guys are looking at this all wrong, If weed becomes legall and thus, accecpted You guys are gonna have nothing to cry and whine about Nothing to set you apart, Instead you will just be another stoner who can smoke weed legally "sarcastic yay" Yay! I alone Am the stoner Who wants to get high Like a Bad Boy Laddies My Mini Van Awaits, Lets do it.:thank you:

Yeah...let's do it like the Lame says...keep it illegal so we can show our "Dark Side"!!
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