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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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I've always cared to debate anyone of them, but unfortunatly for us they know that their constituency is the die hard no logic needed conservative republicans and they know they would get obliterated vocally in a debate regarding mj and its continued prohibition.

It's easy enough to come out and say fear mongering anti-mj slogans when you don't have someone next to you that can oppose these horrendous lies with truth and science, so why would they bother looking like a fool on a publicized platform?

Maybe the best advertisement is to make it known that these people will not debate you. If they could stand behind the numerous statements they have made criticizing cannabis, why can't they make a reasonable argument in a debate?

You have a good point. I've gone into "enemy territory" to educate and I was fine. Their arguments were so easy to answer.


ruger 500
just say no to taxation,richard is backed by gw pharma,its just a way to keep you from trying to do it the right way first,lets face it ,if you ever expeariance freedom you will want more,and they cant have that,and nethier can you ,rebell,fight back you peeps in cali are know for going to the streets ,dont lay down for this ,they simply trying to keep the sheepel in control,


New member
after seeing friends go to prison for years off small personal grows i can only pray that 19 passes and spreads across the country like a forrestfire


just say no to taxation,richard is backed by gw pharma,its just a way to keep you from trying to do it the right way first,lets face it ,if you ever expeariance freedom you will want more,and they cant have that,and nethier can you ,rebell,fight back you peeps in cali are know for going to the streets ,dont lay down for this ,they simply trying to keep the sheepel in control,

Sheep are penned for control and that's what the law now does to growers.. Got any proof of Richard being backed by GW Pharma or is it just a conspiracy theory being spread by greedy assed growers who would shoot everyone in the foot for short term profits?


Active member
Dude I highly doubt everyone out here that is not for prop 19 is for profit!!!! We really want decriminalization and the pwoer in the people's hands.. that all...

I guarantee that people aren't making millions for what they grow for sales, it's a fucking job just like everything else to many....

WOW.. People must think we're all hella rich out here in cali because of "growing", naw no way man..... It's not all it's cracked out to be!!!!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I dont want decrim I want legalization. Right now we already have decrim for less then an oz. Decrim only means you will get a ticket under a certain amount. legalization is just as it reads any amount is legal to have.


Active member
Leagalization means (to me), just more government involvement(fuck that), more lobbying, more bearocrasy, and why give them more money that they can fuck up anyways, the state doesn't ever do anything good with our money anyways, and we are always in debt....???? What kinda sense that make??? They are all just seeing the money in it, and not what's good for the people..

and when I say decriminalization I mean COMPLETE DECRIMINALIZATION, like growing and consuming tomatoes, just leave us the fuck alone, no tickets(citations) , no drama, no government involvement, just we get to chose what we do with it, and then all of you that think we are out for profit will know that there isn't much profit in it, it's just fucking farming,simple as that!


New member
I'm voting Yes. If you're going to wait for anything better than this, you'll be waiting a long long time. The time is now to vote this in. For most of us, one oz. is a lot off weed to carry around legally. You can keep all you can grow in your garden, just don't take more than an oz with you when you go somewhere. That's simple enough. From here, things will evolve. It's a starting point.

Yes on 19.


Freedom Fighter
Leagalization means (to me), just more government involvement(fuck that), more lobbying, more bearocrasy, and why give them more money that they can fuck up anyways, the state doesn't ever do anything good with our money anyways, and we are always in debt....???? What kinda sense that make??? They are all just seeing the money in it, and not what's good for the people..

and when I say decriminalization I mean COMPLETE DECRIMINALIZATION, like growing and consuming tomatoes, just leave us the fuck alone, no tickets(citations) , no drama, no government involvement, just we get to chose what we do with it, and then all of you that think we are out for profit will know that there isn't much profit in it, it's just fucking farming,simple as that!

That would be an impossibility in Cali-- Decrim means that it is still illegal on the books...and the cops just look the other way, and there is no way every Police Dept is going to get behind that--
Legalization is the way to go, and this is our first giant step!!
There is no Taxation with 19...unless you choose to purchase it from a store--
As for us that sling...well, we have always been Outlaws...and that will not change whether this passes or not, and no other Prop is ever going to make it ok to sling unregulated...so let's just go with this Prop, which does a lot to get the ball rolling--
Just the fact that you will be able to have pounds at your house...takes away the biggest part of our worry!!
Vote Yes on 19--


Active member
I hardly ever worry bro's,(about Pounds), I have a very good doctor, (19lbs x 99 girls) I NEVER PUSH NO WHERE NEARS THAT THOUGH... I RUN A NICE INDOOR 10 HOODS, 1000W (ALL OF THEM), And my out's will only be bringing in 15 at the most.. I have a lot of family that depends on me to keep them meds comming... all year!!!! I give a lot of smoke away too, but since I am in compliance I never worry.... I can undertand what yall are saying though...

I also commend you kmk420kali, oldstonerguy, for being able to talk about this like good folks should, without the bullshit arguing....

We will never get no whwere's with that kind of drama, I mean that's what is happening atm in politics anyways, they fucking argue all day and never get tshit done...

BY dividing the PEOPLE, (dems, reps, they're all the same to me) the PEOPLE are weaker agains any kind of opposition or any kind of ongoing work to get something passed or done..

The OBAMA Admin. hasn't done much good IMHO... Remember that gangster shit they did to clubs all throughout cali the day's after he swore in or so?????

Gangster ass shit is what I call it... He swore up and down he would stop the raiding and bullshit and what did he do??? (what did he let the fed's do?, Or What did he have to say about it???? NOTHING!

And all the OBAMA nut huggers chose to ignore all that shit and everything else he has done and shoved down our throats....

AND I VOTED for that failure! he just picked up the baton from Bush and kept it running, the only thing that "CHANGED" was the way the fucking mainstream media reports what is going on in the world and in our country.... It's all a big fucking acted show IMHO/////

again these are just MY opinions, and I am not gonna fuck around and argue with anyone, I will comfortably debate.... That's it!


Prop 19 is designed to keep pot price inflated, they didn't want it to drop out to worthlessness or else what would have been the point. So based on that id say slinging/growing will stay very lucrative for a long time. Unfortunately they are making it easy on the commercial end, BUT will the feds even allow large scale commercial is yet to be seen.

I also commend you kmk420kali, oldstonerguy, for being able to talk about this like good folks should, without the bullshit arguing....

Id like to touch on this too, kmk420kali, you always have a positive spin that's inspiring to think about. You set the example in this thread that I wish the other "yes on 19" guys would follow.


First Rich lee said it himself, I don't have time atm to dig up his quotes,maybe later.
Second the fact that they are limiting production for smaller scale growers is an obvious clue. You can pretend the 5x5 will drop price when you grow free weed to trade to your friends but that wont dent it.

If they weren't worried about preserving price this bill would be more flexible in personal cultivation options.

Oakland has also made moves already to cock block the smaller guys to help monopolize the large scale commercial.


Active member
I honestly believe that if prop 19 passes and people try to grow there own, you might be able to charge them even MORE for product.

There are trade secrets like 12/12 light cycles that most smokers don't even know about.

I knew this old lady neighbor and she grew for 20+ years never knowing how to make them bud. She would just smoke the dried leaves and thought she was doin' thannngs
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