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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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Active member
Once again, even if you are right, so what? How does that compare to now for non-215 people?

Why would a recreational smoker want to stack up on tons of buds? If they really need that secure source of buds, they are self medicating and should just get a medical recommendation.

With that said, I think they should have the right to stack up tons of buds without a medical recommendation, I just dont think its so imperative that I vote yes on this specific prop.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Why would a recreational smoker want to stack up on tons of buds? If they really need that secure source of buds, they are self medicating and should just get a medical recommendation.

With that said, I think they should have the right to stack up tons of buds without a medical recommendation, I just dont think its so imperative that I vote yes on this specific prop.

I think that there are a whole bunch of reasons that it is imperative to vote yes on this specific prop, and stocking tons of buds isn't even in the running. The thing that I think gives the most freedom to everyone is the employer having to show actual impairment - that is the single biggest leap forward here for thousands of potential smokers. 215 doesn't address it, and for most of the would-be casual smokers that I know, this is what keeps them from enjoying cannabis. This prop is the only one on the horizon, the others are all just bullshit at this point. You keep trying to pick fly specs out of the pepper.


I believe many things will come to pass with this new law, some we may like & some we may not but I don't see Quality declining at all. I believe there will always be Quality cannabis for consumers who want it.

The Strain Man

I know my quality wont be changing cuz im only smoking what I grow :D so it makes no diffrence to me I could care less what it sells for cuz I dont buy or sell. what 10 pounds a year in a 5x5 is not enough ? Free the herbs Mon:rasta: Vote YES on 19


I would love to see a metric for this proposed 80% drop in price? Never once have i seen a legitimate argument for it. Prices get controlled. As i mentioned before, a big business or anyone in business isnt going to sell an eighth they can sell today for $50 for $10...

Prices get controlled. Thats why BP, Chevron, Shell..whoever else all have the same price or close in gas..same goes for cars...and everything else in our society

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
the interesting part about these discussions is people fretting over whether they'll be legal in square feet while there are heaps of us still dealing with illegality in just having a single freaking plant.

i'd say some of you are spoiled little brats if i didn't know better.

Thankyou. good point

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I believe many things will come to pass with this new law, some we may like & some we may not but I don't see Quality declining at all. I believe there will always be Quality cannabis for consumers who want it.

If anything quality will rise because of competition. CAPITALISM.
i just hope we will see proper research being done, with the other cannabinoids and what they can do and their role compared to thc which is the only thing people seem to care about, since weed treats a variety of problems maybe we can see a rise in what the others can do making those cannabinoids more prominent to treat specific things a little better instead of generalizing strains


Active member
but imagine what you could do in a 6x4 indoors ;) then outdoors for the season.

if you are smoking more than this, you are more than a rec user. you are probably a medical user. which there are tons of medical uses. TONS. So in all honesty, i can understand the no vote, as Medical marijuana is valid. its medicine, not a drug to get high on.

also remember, EVERYONE can grow a 5x5 area. so that means no more having to share with your friends. they can grow their own too. and everyone compare ! whoohooo
Wow, I did'nt know of this update. Can I see a link please? I'm excited to hear about this because I have three roommates that uh, travel a lot :jump:


Active member
I think that there are a whole bunch of reasons that it is imperative to vote yes on this specific prop, and stocking tons of buds isn't even in the running. The thing that I think gives the most freedom to everyone is the employer having to show actual impairment - that is the single biggest leap forward here for thousands of potential smokers. 215 doesn't address it, and for most of the would-be casual smokers that I know, this is what keeps them from enjoying cannabis. This prop is the only one on the horizon, the others are all just bullshit at this point. You keep trying to pick fly specs out of the pepper.

Prop 19 will do little as far as drug testing and losing your job. Even the official prop 19 website says so.


Bong Smoking News Hound

You have to love hypocrisy.

It's not one of the seven deadlies, but the parading of fake virtue is surely the funniest of all political sins.

A recent example of the genre comes courtesy of the California Cannabis Association, a coalition of medical marijuana advocates.

In coming out in opposition to Proposition 19, the Cannabis Coalition, which includes owners of pot dispensaries, expressed its fear that some patients would be unable to obtain marijuana under the proposed law.

The association's stated reasoning goes like this: Proposition 19, the marijuana legalization initiative on the Nov. 2 ballot, allows local governments to maintain the status quo if they so desire. That is, they can forbid sales and purchase of marijuana within their borders.

In the association's worried view, a local prohibition might be broadened to include the currently allowed legal medical marijuana, leaving patients with two options -- travel to pot-friendly jurisdictions or grow the weed in the back yard.

This concern does sound noble. But the less noble reality is that Proposition 19, if it ever were to become accepted law, would likely run current medical pot dispensaries out of their often shady business. Who would bother with prescriptions when you can buy the drug over the counter?.

Hypocritic Rule #1: When you imply it's not about the money, it's about the money.

Under Proposition 19, the blurry line between the medical and the recreational marijuana user disappears overnight. Legitimate business interests would move in, displacing the ragtag troupe of entrepreneurs who supply marijuana to thousands, if not millions, of Californians, a large number of whom are faking afflictions to money-hungry doctors.

Instead of the Hippocratic oath, this medical marijuana group is taking the Hypocritic Oath.

What do I know about the medical marijuana demimonde?

Not much, to be honest.

For guidance, I turned to someone who does.

Dr. Bob Blake, a former chief of staff at Pomerado Hospital, heads Medical Marijuana of San Diego with offices in Mira Mesa and Orange County.

A year or so ago, I wrote a column about Blake, a respected E.R. doctor who doesn't fit the stereotype of the slime-bucket doc who writes a script for anyone with a tale of woe and a hundred bucks.

Blake has lost prospective patients, he says, because he insists upon reviewing medical records. He examines his patients, he said, relying on his 30-year experience in the E.R. to recommend a controversial form of pain relief.

In the strange world of medical pot, I'd guess the Leucadia resident is one of the good guys. ( I sure hope so. A prominent link to my column is on his website. )

If anyone should be concerned about truly sick patients' access to marijuana, I figure, it's Blake.

So I called him up and asked him how he intended to vote on Proposition 19.

"I'm voting yes," he said. "Marijuana prohibition has not worked."

He launched into a lecture, starting with the history of marijuana criminalization. He brought up the ginned-up anti-marijuana legislation in the 1935 Congress, the Capitol version of the lurid film "Reefer Madness."

Blake asserted that marijuana, unlike alcohol and tobacco, has not been proven harmful to major organs like the heart, brain and liver.

The physician scoffed at the widely repeated fear that legalization would make the roads dramatically less safe.

The drug's effects wear off several hours after smoking or eating it, Blake said. A driver is either impaired or not. Standard sobriety tests, not irrelevant urine or blood tests, reflect a person's fitness to drive, he said.

The difference between cannabis and alcohol users is that drinkers often don't believe they're impaired, he said. If anything, marijuana users are over-aware, a state of mind that promotes caution, not the risk-taking that leads to accidents that wind up in the E.R.

Finally, Blake dropped down to the crucial bottom line: The billions of dollars in sales tax that could be claimed by the state.

Hold on, I said. You've worked hard to build up your practice. What if marijuana is legally available to anyone over 21? What will that do to your bottom line?

"It will end my business," he predicted. "But I think it's the right thing to do."

Even if it passes, Proposition 19 may never go into effect, Blake warned.

The U.S. Attorney General's Office is winking at medical marijuana, but who's to say the feds will prove so pliable when it comes to California morphing into Amsterdam?

Medical marijuana has been difficult enough to implement. Decriminalization for adults? It could be a nightmare to nowhere.

But like it or not, Blake argued, marijuana is as deep in the American grain as moonshine.

No matter how messy 19 may prove to be in the courts, millions of Californians appear ready to vote for their personal freedom.

And if Proposition 19, currently neck-and-neck in the polls, falls short?

The medical pot industry -- and criminal drug dealers -- can breathe a sigh of relief.

Source: San Diego Union Tribune (CA)
Author: Logan Jenkins

brilliant read. thank you!


Active member
What I posted specifies that other section. It is further defining it, not saying both stand.

Well, you are interpreting it differently than I. Fine, we see it differently. Though, you have not proven anything to me except that you see it differently that myself and many others. Some of the people that see it my way are NORML and several other Cannabis Attorneys. I read a reputable MJ attorney's interpretation of Prop 19 and it gave me a lot of confidence. One of the things he said was unlimited storage of weed in your home from what you grow, which had nothing todo with 25sq ft.

I am not an attorney so I must look to people I respect to help me answer the areas that are confusing.


Active member
We can grow already! I'm not in a hurry to legalize recreational smoking when people who NEED it or severely want it can get it no problem. There will be a better prop out on the next ballot.

We have the ability to grow our own cannabis until then.

Again, I'm not looking for perfection, so dont use that line on me.

Well, try to grow some weed outside in Fresno County or the City of Fresno. Let me know how that goes. Since it's all fine and dandy to grow already.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
when 19 passes many things will change they dont have a choice. They cant arrest you if your not breaking the law.


Active member
Now is the time to strike. If 19 fails that will mean two things. 1) California voters DONT want mj and 2) mj should only be for seriously sick californians (215). If cooley gains AG of california who is going to get the hammer brought down on them? People like me and krunchbubble.

This is a fantastic point! I didn't look at it this way. I can see that happening. Basically, if Prop 19 doesn't pass, it could be the single biggest blow to the whole growing & dispensary business. It will send a bad message and the witch hunt will commence. Scary if you think about it.

Right in-line with that, I also believe the price of weed will not fall. Actually, I think it will go up for at least a year or so. If you really think through how it will play out, you might come to the same conclusion I have.

Also, I think it's quite possible, that with the Passage of Prop 19 that big business will drag their feet with attorneys, testing water, etc. I believe this will create a huge time gap where they won't be able to put a product out for quite some time. What a great opportunity for the small guy to use this to their advantage!

Put those three things together, and I can't see how any grower, dispensary owner/worker wouldn't vote yes for Prop 19.
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