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High Grade Vintage Cannabis photography


Invertebrata Inebriata
Here's another scan from High Times, June 1976. The photo's caption reads, "The Grass That Made Milwaukee Famous
Ever hear of Columkee Bushes? Well, that's what I call the plants in this picture. Why? I used Columbian seeds and grew them in my backyard in Milwaukee. Don't laugh: these Columkee Bushes produced almost four pounds of dynamite weed. -R.M., Milwaukee, Wis."



US eradication programs

US eradication programs

In the 50s and 60s you didn't have to go overseas or south to find a bountiful harvest just go for a walk or drive. For me it was as easy as going to Mount Vernon the home of George Washington. He was very open about his love for Indian cannabis and grew it in his plantation. Thanks to mother nature cannabis could be found miles from the plantation. That's two hundred generations of golden brown nugs for the picking in November. Duffel bags at a time for free.
Then the government came along with there eradication programs. The price of pot sky rocketed to $30 an ounce and criminals hijacked the pot industry. With the help of the government crime syndicates introduce dangerous drugs to pot smokers and we have the problems of today. Thanks uncle sam for saving us from ourselves.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
generally, the closer to the equator the strain is acclimated to, the the thinner the leaves. so columbians and central africans had thinner leaves than mexicans and thais(the main growing areas were in the far north of country) which had thinner leaves than afghans and middle eastern strains.

there was still a variety of imported non-mexican sativas through the end of the eighties: thai, columbian, panamanian, belize(was the third biggest importer in the mid eighties). but most of it was commercial not connoisseur grade. remember that marijuana use declined sharply for the whole 80's after peaking in 1979/1980. people didn't want to hear about stuff associated with the sixties. exotic mj wasn't cool or trendy, indica and sinsemilla were the fads for the people who were still smoking. at least outside of the deep south and the southwest, homegrown indica/hybrid was very available in the early eighties at the higher end of the market like among yuppies(maybe not at your local jr. high school it wasn't). there was large scale outdoor growing in the northeast and midwest at that point then the gov cracked down with helicopter and long prison sentences and that's when indoor exploded.

there are still isolated smugglings of stuff from tropical countries, and even hashish, its just a tiny part of the market, like less than 1%.
An interesting 'analysis' completely devoid of facts but thanks for sharing regardless



Active member

That looks 'somewhat' like the (in)famous 'Oaxacan Spears' of the mid-70's - fond memories indeed.



if those are what Oaxacan Spears looked like in the mid 70s then Oaxacan Spears were unripe, uncured garbage that would burn your throat

and there is no way Oaxacan ganja would have the reputation it has if that green green shite is top Oaxacan ganja

sorry if I have misunderstood you bro but let's be clear here --- that is not what good ganja looks like and never has been or will be --- that stuff is unripe barely flowered crap spinach that a hungry cow would be insulted by

I'm also wondering how in the feck Colombian ganja could be expected to mature properly in Milwaukee

don't get me wrong, this thread is a lot of fun ----

but it's also confirming my suspicion that the reason a lot of old timers insist that the bud was so great "back in the day" was that back in the day 99% of them were teenage muppets who had never smoked anything before and didn't know any better

don't get me wrong, I know there was the real deal around then - not trying to deny that - but there is the real thing around now too, in abundance if you know what you are about


Active member
Nonsense, those don't exist anymore, lol

Hi Moldy Dreads

haha yeh you're right, I am merely a figment of my own imagination - and those pics of mine are only appearing due to the stoned power of our shared collective delusions

maya maya all is maya

... and all the old school dope is just for me... mmuhuhaha


We would only keep seeds from the best stuff, and hundreds of thousands a seeds per year were simply thrown out.

Its so heartbreaking to think how many different genetics were lost maybe because we would just throw those annoying seeds away. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


Old School Cottonmouth
I'm pretty sure Moldy Dreads was being sarcastic.

But calakamas wasn't. You ( calakamas) jumped on "bythetracks" for no real reason. What he said was mostly true as far as I know.

Then you say that mexi grass centerfold looks like oaxacan? Actually if you've ever seen oaxacan you'd know half it's reputation comes from it's calyx to leaf ratio. It's about 3-4 times the calyx to leaf ratio of other sativas in it's day. Which meant you got lots more bud than leaf in your lid, which makes it more potent by weight, since more of the weight is bud. It also produces large buds which makes it a gem to breeders.

The pic from "winter '75 wonder weeds of mexico" shown earlier in the thread is a much more accurate picture of HOG. Especially in comparison you can see how much more leafy other strains were. But still nowhere near as leafy as that grass centerfold.

Frankly, you jumped on "by the tracks" for having "an analysis devoid of fact" but he has personally demonstrated to me to be quite a bit more knowledgeable on the subject than you. Based on your two posts anyway. You told him he was wrong when he was right, (quite meanly with no rebuttal of info), and then you stated an obvious lack of knowledge about oaxacan weed, a very important strain of the day for anyone who knew anything.

Lets try to be nice and keep it a friendly discussion huh?

jim dankness

Active member
great thread!

shamelessly borrowed from the high times website... here's the winning bud from the first ever cannabis cup in 1988, skunk #1 by cultivator's choice. :joint:



Glad I found this thread, brought back a lot of memories. $25-4 finger bags, scales who had scales? LOL I remember being pissed when the price went to $35 an OZ.

Some of that weed was very good.

Acid for $1 a hit, lude powder for $60 an ounce, RORER 714's, Green Plastidiles....ah the memories....can't believe I can remember those times.

Concert tickets where $7 general seating.

Thanks for starting this thread.


scales who had scales?
Hell yea. I remember most of the people I bought from was done on looks of the bag and they always weighed more than what you were buying. For us here on the east side of the states it was 5 finger oz's of columbian gold for 35.00. Too bad greed took over and people become more concerned on making $$$$$ over anything else.


Invertebrata Inebriata
High Times reader letter,. The caption reads-
"Randall’s Handle
Randall the Vandal here in Ann Arbor, the dope capital of the Midwest. To my left and right, in an Ypsilanti suburban back yard, we have the lovely ‘Kona” sisters from Hawaii.
I love them both, but we’re not getting married… we’re just good friends.
-Randall, Ypsilanti, Mich."

Your father's marijuana.

Guest 26753

Best thread I have read in ages. Thanks to all who contributed images.


Really cool thread! Brings back tons of good memories! I'd love to get a hold of some of those old strains and really grow them out well. I had a friend that lived in San Francisco from the mid 60's to the mid 80's, he had tons of film canisters filled with labeled seeds, Columbian Gold, Oaxaca, etc. all were 25+ year old, but we couldn't get any of them to pop:( What a bummer, we were all so excited.

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