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Veterinarians' Hospital

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Lots of pics

Lots of pics

Back again
Not sure why I tend to do updates so frequently, I guess I am expecting something to drastically change in three days but I have taken a bunch of pics this morning for your and my enjoyment. Probably a little more for me

Lets start off with the vegging stuff

Here s my veg box, 5 plants in there. I still have 1 HH sitting back right, waiting to see what it does, it is really hungry now, been sitting in that 1 gal pot for a while

2 Super Skunks, I am hoping that the front one will be a future MOM, but we will see, seems to be a bit stunted, possibly cooler night temps

vegging mumbles, this one is as old as the HH behind it, and probably just as hungry, you can see the leaf discoloration. I just fed her yesterday.

Here is what the flowering plants get, the baggy holds Bud Blood, that stuff lasts forever

Flowering, I have individual pics of the plants coming up

Super Skunk plant, you see the yellow on the one leaf, that was at the top of the plant when I put her into flower

This should give you an indication of how much stretch this has gotten in a week

Two more shots of the SS, top colas growing.

Mumbles up front

This pic keeps ending up here but it is the same SS

The mumbles I just put in to flower. nice fan

Skunk hanging out, hopefully she grows big big buds

Well that is what I have got so far, will be modding my grow room over the next few days to conserve heat in there b4 the cold temps hit.

Thanks for checking out my practice
Cheers :joint:
Hey Dr Dog...I like all the pics I can get.:smoke: I know what you mean by things drastically changing. I go in my room everyday to see substantial growth. It's not usually till I update every week and compare the pics form the previous week till I notice anything. Anyways looks good :yes:


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Dog plants are budding up nicely. I'll have to get me some real nutes for my next grow. Seems like you really like that bud blood.

Take care bro.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Macro update

Macro update

thanks for popping in dude, you have come to the right place if you want pictures, I have gigs and gigs of pics of weed. I only post a portion of what I have, and as the buds start showing I tend to go wild

Well, I shall see what the blood does for me, I am getting the buds big enough now to start getting pics of. Hope you had a great Bday brother, check back soon
please note that looks like one of my hairs in the shots, funny that I did not see that until I posted them

Mumbles bud shots


That is all for now

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Dog, there's some decent frost on that mumbles already, how many weeks??? Damn lol did you take a clone or two? I'm trimming up the skunk tonight, I'll try to post some pics of her later so you can see what you'll be dealing with. Take care bro.... oh yeah lol I start the job pretty much when ever I want, so I may just work both for now seeing as I don't have to really be at the new job much, just to work on the budget and see what equipment needs to be repaired before next season.



Looking fantastic in here as usual. I just had my first harvest. I'm pretty excited. I'd like to see your proposed Bud Blood comparison. I just might pick some up. You only use it the first week, huh?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey B
Just over 2 weeks in flower now. Things are looking well with it, it is tough when you expect huge colas everytime you look at them, but oh well. Brings back memories of working on golf courses, when you talk about work

Hey twisted
Congrats on your first harvest, I will be by soon to check it out. I really like the bud blood, I can see an increase of pistils and it would seem the calyx are starting in really nice. Apparently you only need to use it first week of flower, but I tend to use it through it transitioning phase, so it first few feedings. The rest of time I fed them full strength nutes every 2 out of three feedings, and normally will give them a shot of liquid karma every feeding.

Thanks for stopping in

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Damn man that's pretty nice for 2 weeks. We'll know how much M39 is in them by week 5, they should put on lots of weight. They look very healthy, must be loving what you're giving them.



Those are some beautiful, beautiful bud shots Dr. Dog! And your buds are gettin fat--fast! Wish mine were where yours are--and I'm 19 days into flower in hydro. You have mad skills Dr. Dog!


New member
your right 'bout the budblood. its good for 1 week before the 12/12 switch to prep plant and can be used effectively up to the end of the plants stretching phase at about 3ml/gallon. Shits looking good dog.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey B
Yeah looking forward to seeing them pack it on, I checked on them a while back, I can start to see the bud creep up the stalk, should have some nice buds

Hey Mole
I don't know about having mad skills, I have some good friends that help me alot, there is not much to with weed, Ronco said it best, just set it and forget it

My brother
Whats goin on man
I will come by sometime early next week to visit ya, take some pics of your plants


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Already a nice frost and good solid foundation of buds on them Mumbles :yummy:

Great explosion of growth over the last week in the flower room :yes:
Things are looking very fine in your garden :lurk:

Hope ya had a great weekend bro :smile:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
New pics

New pics

Hey Bros
Tuesday Oct 23, pouring down rain outside. One month ago, my lawn was yellow and cracked, like I lived in Texas, today, super green and has standing water on it. I wish the herb was that resilient!
Well, I got up early this morning, sat for a while reading through the threads, and once my head cleared enough for me to talk, I decided we needed a new update. I have been really sick the last week or so, I have not spent much time with my plants other than just checking in on them, once a day.
Today they all got fed and adjusted, some of the lower bud sites and fans have been removed.
Bear in mind when you look at these pics, that the reflectix material on the walls is 4.5 feet high, I have 7 feet total for this area, not including bulb and reflector.

Twin towers, on left mumbles #1, on right Blubonic​


Quite a good amount of bud growth on this plant. Has a very sweet sugary smell to it already, almost like skittles, or another very sweet complete sugar based candy.​


Buds just starting to take off here, Stretch has seemed to stop, and plant is doing really well​


This plant has been a top performer so far, same age as the mumbles, and just about as much bud growth, this one was very bushy, I removed quite a bit lower growth. I am really looking forward to thanking her for all her hard work by killing her and smoking her in about 5 to 6 weeks.

Well that is it for these so far, I will be making an update to my blubonic thread very soon, check that out to see the monster in action
Thanks for checking me out :joint:


Still Getting Sky-High
:headbange Great goin Doc, SS is growing damn nice.. i'm gonna follow this :lurk: . lol i loved when u said u'r gonna thank her buy killing it & smoking it :rasta: :muahaha: the poor plants do their best to amaze us with their beauty, then we chop them off :puppydoge What a world!!! :kos:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great update Dog...the Mumbles is most impressive! All plants are impressive, and definately well formed for their age.

I find it great when you realize the stretch has stopped...let's you know what you're working with for the rest of grow there :yes: Then you can concentrate on the buds too! :yummy:

Great job bro! :smile:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Dr D :wave:
Wow - great update man! :yes: Your girls are lookin very sayxeee - lovin the twin towers!

Sorry you've had the sickness - hope you can get some rest and feel better pronto...

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Wow Dog, great update. Loving the mumbles, SS is nice too, may have to get me some of that. Hope you're feeling better soon.


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