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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Core
Thanks for pointing that out, I was thinking they look kinda small as well, they are about 5 weeks or so, well two of them are. The mumbles and the skunk would be the oldest and they are the ones at the back of the pictures so far.
Maybe I will look around today and see what I can find in the way of boosters
But thanks for stepping in brother


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
there's notthing better then just plain PK 13/14 imo....i woz using Green sensation of plagron once and results where just so so...so now i'm combining them untill i finish the GS..it woz 50 € for 1/2L :yoinks:

little tipster from the Core....start adding bloom boasters in week 3 at 1/4 stenght and build it up every week....:wink:
but be xtra carefull with salt buildup
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey thanks Core

I was at home for lunch when i responded and back to work when you did.
I did get some bloom booster, I made a quick trip to my local hydroponics store and got some, granular form, but it came at the recommendation of the guy behind the counter.

Hopefulyl it will start to add some weight, all the plants will be thirsty some time this weekend, so they will get 1/2 strength, with their regular nutes

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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Dog, it will be interesting to see how much mass you get from that booster. Plants look nice and healthy too. Take care bro.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Thanks B
The booster was cheap as hell too
I do have a mumbles in flower, that I won't be giving any bud blood to, I want to see what the difference is

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Saturday morning wake and bake porn show

Saturday morning wake and bake porn show

Hey folks :wave:

I got up b4 lights on this morning and decided to take a whole mess of pics. I also wanted to try and give at least one plant some bloom booster today, which I did.

It was hard to measure out, as the smallest measuring device is a trunacated teaspoon, but I mixed up 5 l of nutrient solution, it made the water purple. I added just below what I normally would have for nutes, and a full dose of Liquid Karma. The bloom booster was at 1/2.

man, is it ever cold overnight now. Cold Cold Cold, was at freezing this morning with a clear sky. I had to go out this morning to my vehicle, get some change for my gf so she could get some Timmies on the way to work.

Well anyways lots of pics to add here, so I will get on with the show

Group shots

New mumbles #2

The above lady I put into flower just about 2 weeks ago, a bit of stretch so far, but that seems to have stopped. Just starting to get the buds coming in. I have not given this one any bud blood at all, I want to see if there is any difference, between this one and the other mumbles



This girl got the bloom booster this morning, the others will need feeding in a day or so, I should start to see if this plant likes what she got this morning by then.


So that would be it for today, I have some blubonic pics to put up in a bit
Thanks for visiting
Cheers :joint:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Nice update Dog, things are looking sweet. I may have to get me some nutes next time I'm near a store. Second Mumbles looks damn nice for 2 weeks. Take care bro.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Never give a dog a camera

Never give a dog a camera

Well bored silly today, so I thought I would get some nice macros

Mumbles Macros

Blubonic Macros



Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Very nice Doc, The Skunk & Mumbles look they'r gonna yield some decent colas :headbange , all looks good & healthy. Great job grobro :rasta:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Thanks for popping in brother
I am hoping that they produce large, fingers crossed
That bloom booster will be an interesting experiment.
Heat overnight is my only real issue, I am wondering if what it is getting like in there when it is in the middle of night. I think I might stay up tonight and see.


Snow Grower ~OGA~
No! not another Timmies addict :nono:
I swear you guys multiply like zombies everyday...all hudled in the drive-thru :yoinks:

Plants are looking great though man! :yes: I don't see any problems with "underdevelopment" for their age.
I think the close ups are showing a nice early frost and you plants are filling out on schedule.

Glad you made a cheap score on the nutes...hope it achieves what you had planned for it :smile:

Thanks for all the great pics to check out :lurk:


Still Getting Sky-High
Heat issue! That was my greatest enemy in my previous grow, but here it was TOO MUCH, from 84-95f even 100f sometimes :yoinks: plants got half burned. Then i had no choise but to buy them an a/c. But yours look very nice & healthy :rasta: . That bloom boaster sounds intresting... eitherway that mumbles is packing up nicely.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
New addition to my supplies

New addition to my supplies

One of the issues that I have is that I did not have a proper amount of water ready at any given time. I normally fill up a 5 L water res and a few 2 L water jugs and work with that. I find now with 5 plants they can drink up to 2 L per feeding, so that leaves me with having to use raw tap water now and then.

Ph is not an issue for me in my water, but it is heavily chlorinated and has fluoride in it. I normally don't feel comfortable unless it sits out for 24 hours or so. So on a Wal-mart run this morning I picked up a 6 Gal res and an air pump and stone. I want to run the water with the bloom booster and liquid karma already in it, and possibly add some molasses a little later in the flower cycle.

Total cost, 5 dollars for res, 12 dollars for pump and stone, should make for some oxygenated water.

What would an update be without plant pics
The skunk and superskunk respectively

And finally I thought I would put up a pic of me, with any identifiable things not available

Johnny Chimpo
Hey dude thanks for visiting, I really like taking great pics for everyone here. I get really happy when one really turns out nice. I cannot wait till the Mumbles is almost done, to get some really nice bud shots

Dude like you are not at Timmies, it is your duty as a Canadian to go there, you should know that. The bloom booster cost me 17 bones, It looks like it will be enough for a few grows, so I guess that would make it just pennies a joint. Thanks for your support, and all the rep that I get from you

Well I have never really had an issue with high heat, in the spring it makes my life a bit difficult with the cool nights and the near summer heat, but I adjust pretty well. The benefit of not being in an insulated area is that the heat will dissapate quickly and is normally basement cool in there, it does not hurt that my house is surrounded by huge trees, that block most of the midday sun. I did not require AC in my house last summer. Thanks for looking in .

Well dudes, I am off Tuesday this week, but work right through the weekend, I picked up an overtime shift this week as well, I need a new bulb, and at about 120 bucks I need to work a bit extra to get that with Xmas just around the corner.
So look for an update next weekend sometime, most likely Sunday

Have a great rest of your weekend bros
Take care

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Dog, great idea with the res. Are you running the air stone all the time or is it on a timer? Talk to you soon bro. You can almost smell those skunks :).


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Br
Timer on for 15 off for 30. But I have yet to add anything to it as of yet, no one is hungry, and the skunk is living up to its name


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:chin: You look nothing like your avatar :biglaugh:

Honestly dude. I'm anti-Tims :yoinks: Coffee makes me poop :redface: and their doughnuts are frozen :nono: Seems they have the whole nation zombified by whatever they put in their coffee...conspiracy? :confused: :biglaugh:
It's sweet Horton was a Leaf tho :woohoo:

Seems you've been going all out on your grow lately :yes: The hobby just keeps pulling you in deeper and deeper... :muahaha:

Thanks for the rep in return as well :smile:
Keep the porn comin too :lurk:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I shaved
what is wrong with pooping? I don't eat donuts and that such, just the coffee, Tim Hortons is the biggest drug dealer in Canada.
And yes, pretty much I am obsessed with growing weed

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
LOL, it takes your body a few weeks to get use to the coffee. I agree with Dog, they put something in the coffee. I'm jonesing right now for my morning fix.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Powdery Mildew

Powdery Mildew

Yo dudes, being off today, that means messing with my plants. And what is the point of playing with my kids if I don't take pics of them.

I have a small issues I am combating right now, It seems somewhere along teh lines I have developed a small case of powdery mildew. I am not sure how, my RH really never gets above 55%, and my temps are about 25ish with lights on and 18-20 with lights off. But nonetheless, I am seeing signs of it.

So I gutted out my area and cleaned the floors and walls with Lysol, and let it air out a bit. I then gave everyone a haircut, removed(of course) any leaves with the mildew and removed alot of fan leaves, to improve the air circulation.

I will have to keep a very good eye on this as some of my buds are really really sticky, do not want to have it transfer to them.

Not much going on with my vegging plants right now, they seem fine, but the lights on temps are nowhere close to lights on temps of my flower area. One of the superskunks is growing out of control, has pretty much got the whole area filled, time to trim it down. I have the guy whom I got those plants from coming here today, he will probably want some clones, so that will help.

Anyways here are some pics


I am very happy with this plant, it looks wonderful, and smells even better, it has that typical skunk smell, but a very sweet one, almost like teh skunk was out trick or treating and ate way too many candies. This plant is going on about 4 weeks which makes me pretty happy, still 4 or so weeks to go of awesome buddage.


I like the formation of this one, I don't think it will be a huge producer, being about 2 weeks older than it's super cousin, but it should still give me some descent smoke. Starting to get dissapointed with this one, it had so much potential, when it first started. It has received some bloom booster, last feeding. Estimated chop day for this one is late November, early December. Next time I grow this strain, I am going to do a classic scrog with it. Alot of the secondary bud sites, the buds are much too heavy for the stems, so I have had to weave the stems through onto the other ones, to prop the buds.


Mumbles, mumbles, mumbles..... This lanky chick, is starting to pack on some calyx's now. I thought she was starting to turn, but getting lots of new growth on the buds now. This girl was starting to get some mildew on a lower bud, so obviously, that bud is gone, I am not too worried about the lower sites, I want to cola this one out, big as possible. I realize that it is hard to make her out with the blubonic in the back, but I was doin lots of stuff earlier and did not get a pic of her separately.


This girl is rocking. Just about 3 weeks in now. I am ridiculously happy with her, she is getting covered inn crystals and is getting fat already, this one should be ready around xmas time somewhere, mmmmmmmmm, cannot wait.

Heads and Tails

So that will be it for today, I am awake time for a little bake

Take care bro's

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