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VerdantGreen's quarters - 205w LED Organic Mod. ScrOG



Nice selection of strains and crosses you have:) What mothers do you keep?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi bootz :tiphat:
yes these original haze seeds should be the same as the original seeds that Tom Hill started with for his haze line. im was very happy to see that all 6 that i planted have germinated so a good start. i'll try to make some more seeds from these too.

hi unthing, my long term mothers are my DP Fem Blueberry, sharksbreath, martian mean green, UK Cheese and powerplant. i have also kept 2 of the lemon thai girls and will run them both again soon to decide which one to keep.

blimblom - sounds like you want a sativa dom hybrid. i also find that deep chunk and blueberry are quite uplifting and functional without being too couchy/sleepy. arjans haze 3 was a good mellow haze and not too tall, a little fussy with pH etc though. powerplant and martian mean green are quite racy and speedy if you like that kind of thing. really my advice to you would be to keep growing different varieties and keep a cut/bonsai mum of each until you have smoked it a few times (dont evaluate any weed until its been dried and jarred for a coupke of weeks at least) its all so personal, you want to find your favorites for youself. the fun in it for me is trying all the new varieties and trying my own crosses :)

The Cheese - thanks for stopping by.




i'm gonna love watching those O Haze grow out verdant. i just picked up some columbian gold seeds that i'm nervous about cracking. don't know if i'll have the space!

blueberry... YUMMY!


hi bootz :tiphat:
blimblom - sounds like you want a sativa dom hybrid. i also find that deep chunk and blueberry are quite uplifting and functional without being too couchy/sleepy. arjans haze 3 was a good mellow haze and not too tall, a little fussy with pH etc though. powerplant and martian mean green are quite racy and speedy if you like that kind of thing. really my advice to you would be to keep growing different varieties and keep a cut/bonsai mum of each until you have smoked it a few times (dont evaluate any weed until its been dried and jarred for a coupke of weeks at least) its all so personal, you want to find your favorites for youself. the fun in it for me is trying all the new varieties and trying my own crosses :)


of course personal taste goes a long way, but I have to start from somewhere, and your opinion means a world to me.
As I said my bagseed was a very nice strain comparing with the the stuff you buy readymade, but I had to scrap it because I moved. So I said that Im gonna buy some seeds and reading reviews from people with different mentality from me isnt helpful.

How many watts do you keep in your veg room? I mean do you keep your moms in a nearly hibernated mode?

thanks again, keep surprising us with your technik :)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
scwagg - yeah the haze is exciting, not sure where i'll flower it yet as i think i read it is better under 11/13 - perhaps it will go in my microcab. ill probably 'veg' it in here under 12/12 for a bit. i need to do some research :) but if anyone knows the best light cycles then please shout up :D

blimblom - no problem, one cheep way to get to try lots of different strains would be to buy a mixed pack from mr nice or somewhere. if you arent to bothered about the names then you can get to try lots of different ones and keep cuts of them.
about the watering for being away for a week, i have done it two ways - the simple way is to just leave some water in the tray that the pot sits in - enough to last it 3-4 days and then with big pots there is enough in the soil to last another 3-4 days.
the way i did it this time was to use some trays as reservoirs and then put a flat stand above the water (propped up with short lengths of pvc pipe) with some capillary matting on it, then fill the tray and wet the matting, leaving the ends in the water so it wicks it up, and stand the pot on the matting. you need holes in the flat bottom of the pot for this and make sure the soil in the pot is in contact with the matting. check the pic of the seedlings and that is one of the trays/mats i used. hope that makes sense

im excited about the chemdog x sour diesel too, never grown any chem family and my hope is to make some f2 seeds and then go pheno hunting ;) they will defo be flowered in this cab.


here are some pics from today.

sharksbreath at 8 weeks, looking good and fat already. had it's last feed today i think


herijuana at about 6 weeks i think. this is starting to smell great and i took a reveg cutting of it today. this was just supposed to be a small test run but the plant seems a winner - never grown heri before so i wouldnt know really.


and the powerblacks were harvested today. the powerplant dom phenos where well ready and the more sativa/black forrest phenos were not so ready but it was getting a bit infested with mites so i decided to chop them all. i have the f2 seeds and i didnt want the mites to spread. i will empty this cab out when the other two plants are finished and give it a good clean to completely break the cycle which is hard to do in a perpetual grow. they havent been a big problem recently but not totally eradicated either.
here is the canopy just before chop. quite a few buds there (remember it is 4 plants)

one of the tops that got bent over - trimmed

and the biggest top

and here are the haze and chemxsour d seedlings :dance013:

cheers :tiphat:



I loved your poweblacks.

seed prices are something by themselves. I didnt bother in the past, and it was quite a surprise for me. I mean 100USD for 10 little Martian mean greens??

Probably I ll try some Powerplants to begin with. They are cheaper, and If I understand well its not a cross breed, so I can make my own seeds. Due to room constrains I' cant keep more than 2 moms. (you have watt constrains, I have sq cm constrains lol). So its always better to have some seeds around which live a long lasting sleeping life till you wake them up ;)

And then I ll maybe try some of the blueberries you mentioned.

I understood your watering system quite well, so easy and unsophisticated. And if it works for you, it will definetaly work for me (plants under LEDS will probably need less watering)...

I ll try to much your soil mix but Im not too confident I can find all your ingredients. Hopefully by the beggining of October I'll be ready for my first new grow ...

Keep up the great work, I love your growing style.


Active member
is that biggest cola the one from the bottom right in that pic? loving those power blacks verdant :) waiting on the smoke report for the different phenos ^_^


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey blimblom, you are on the right lines - i also try to buy 'line' seeds rather than hybrids because you can make more seeds and when you cross them with another line they will produce a reasonably stable f1 hybrid. my mmg and sharksbreath cuts came from a friend a long while back. powerplant is good as it is a nice speedy sativa high but also a good yielder and short flower time. skunk would be a good one for you to try too. once you have a made a few seeds and crosses (you only have to pollenate one bud or two for like 50 odd seeds) then you can swap them with others and end up not having to buy them so often ;)
as for the soil mix dont worry so much about not being able to find everything, the rock dusts could possibly be left out and other things can be substituted. you really want to have a good stable supply of what you use so that you can fine tune the mix over time.

bootz!, yeah i thin that may be the big one bottom right, have you grown out any powerblack yet? last time i got two of the fat pp phenos so im looking forward to trying the more sativa ones. im also hoping to get something pretty close to the original powerplant cut from the f2's as well.


Active member
hey VG yea i got two in veg right now and a couple clones of one of them, which is confirmed female :) so when the pix are ready you'll get em


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks rastaidd!

cool bootz - i let all of mine go abit longer this time and the bf traits came out more.

i managed to get about 100 viable f2 seeds as well which was the point of the grow anyway.

ill take a few cuts tomorrow for the next round - i like a few reserves just in case i dont get many girls with the seeds i popped. blueberry, mmg and the two lemon thais i think.

the main point of the chemdog x sour d is to make f2s' and then go pheno hunting - the whole range of phenos between chem and sour d sounds like a nice thing to sort through - not that ive tried either of them :)


hey all - update time :tiphat:

first the sharksbreath which has been wrestled into a decent looking canopy - what a difference a week makes!
im also testing out a home made concentrated comfrey liquid fertilizer on this SB. starting at 30ml/litre. SB can take a lot of nutes. this idea was inspired by some of Jaykush's posts and he should be posting a thread about growing your own fertilizer soon at the organics forum.

here it was a week ago after the screen was fitted


Can mod scrogs be made in the same fasion as you did in this example? taking a plant and threading it through the screen when large enough (then going straight into flower- in order to save veg space perhaps?)

regards :dance013:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey ashash, i never veg my plants onto the screen for the same reason - because i dont have a veg cab big enough. that is an extreme example - sharksbreath is only a moderate stretcher. usually i veg them a bit less than that. if you check through my albums i usually take a pic when the screen is fitted. with small screens around a foot square and the big repot i always find they stretch enough to fill it plenty. really the best way to learn is in practice. you will get to judge how much a plant will stretch (research helps) usually the more sativa genes the more stretch.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey strainbrain thanks. yeah its gone pretty well over the last year or so.
btw, thanks for your posts/help about using UV lights. im using reptile tubes. i have a couple of t5's in there now and i must say all the plants are looking good and frosty :)



Active member
good stuff. remember to turn em off while you are looking at your girls, UV is pretty bad for our skin.


do you believe that you ll be able to tell if there will be a difference in using UV or not using UV?

Its nice though that a gardener so consistent and openminded like you has the room to make experiments concerning real factual results.

In vitro test, or drawing board ideas are helpful, but can be hugely misleading if we rely to much on them, ignoring all the real word parameters we cannot calculate.

so your gardening hobby serves as a very consistent reality check

thanks again for all the help


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
btw, thanks for your posts/help about using UV lights. im using reptile tubes. i have a couple of t5's in there now and i must say all the plants are looking good and frosty :)

I'm glad you found it of value. I'm interested to see what you come up with in your experiment, too. I have to say that I continue to see ridiculously frosty colas in tent #1, especially on the right-hand side. Can't help but think it's because that's where my only UV bulb is. :smoke: