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im not going to give up grat3, because i was nieve once also.

i didnt want to see what other said was truth so there was no way i could ever possibly see it, only untill you allow your beleifs to be flexible enough to change as new infomation is aquired will you realy learn.

you meerly eat and shitout their propaganda, your so used to it you see our buffet of truth and deem it not to be so.

youve locked onto an awnswer that has supported your beleifs so you refuse to delve any deeper


HIV is genetically related to SIV and current thought is that both HIV 1,2 have separate but both zoonotic origins.

I am still on the fence regarding immunization and autism. Ultimately I think the problem is genetic influenced by environment. We don't know what causes autism so can't rule out vaccine at the moment, especially when development coincides with vaccine schedules. But I don't think the vaccine that causes autism was a conspiracy in nature, just a lack of understanding of the complexity of the human body.


your brain will never see the connections between what we say and other things because you do not want to see them, i dont know why you always search for the against because if we "conspiracy theorists" are right, then your all fucked, so why isnt anybody caring about this?

because theres very good reaosn people like us try and warn you all, because the evidence out there keeps stock piling and stock piling, but as you all nievely dismiss what we say even though they are very real situations writen by the evil people we are tyring to point you towards who are allowing millions to starve in africa and causing war all over the world.

sit on your nieve asses or wake up, its all upto you people, what do you want your life to have been worth? do you want to peddle the govermental bullcrap and get a pat on the back while you get bent over and rodded?

or do you want to smack the sick fucker thats trying to bend you over and tell him, NO SIR, WE WONT TAKE YOUR SHIT.

its your fighting spirit people, use it wisely.

wake up and smell the roses people, most of you are actually in a mindset that resembles sleep.


The Voice of Reason
I see the connections...
I see information which causes me to discount the connections...

nobody's caring about the conspiracy theory BS, because they're smarter than that...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's good to see that douchebag finally discredited. What a waste of sperm that guy was.

Vaccines are good for you. Obviously, talk your doctor first.


Andinismo Hierbatero
The authors suggest a long history of the virus in Africa and call Kinshasa the “epicentre of the HIV/AIDS pandemic” in West Africa. They propose the early spread of HIV was concurrent with the development of colonial cities, in which crowding of people increased opportunities for transmission. If accurate, these findings imply that HIV existed before many scenarios (such as the OPV and conspiracy theories) suggest.

so basically these guys are running out of their way to find excuses to debunk the solid science that explains the pandemic that originated in the polluted vaccines.

as I said, it is all well documented and there are tons of witnesses; all you have presented are speculations; even the article you quote explicitly states all this is based on a model, not on anything real.

what is real though, is that if you make vaccines with polluted tissue, you will get people sick, this is an observable fact which can be repeated in a lab.

on the other hand, none of your arguments can be repeated in a lab to verify their authenticity, it is all speculation and all done to serve the purpose of avoiding responsibility.


just to reiterate-Dr Douchbag had an undeclared financial interest in an alternative vaccine-thats why he pushed his 'research' in the direction that he did-the tabloids picked it up and ran with it and now measels and mumps are on the rise in UKPLC-

anyone care to address that
Dr Edward Shoestring


The Voice of Reason
so basically these guys are running out of their way to find excuses to debunk the solid science that explains the pandemic that originated in the polluted vaccines.

as I said, it is all well documented and there are tons of witnesses; all you have presented are speculations; even the article you quote explicitly states all this is based on a model, not on anything real.

what is real though, is that if you make vaccines with polluted tissue, you will get people sick, this is an observable fact which can be repeated in a lab.

on the other hand, none of your arguments can be repeated in a lab to verify their authenticity, it is all speculation and all done to serve the purpose of avoiding responsibility.
lol... grasping at straws, eh?

I've debunked your bullshit polio theory... from multiple directions... I'm done arguing against conspiracy theories with zero supporting evidence, no solid science, and impossible timelines... keep posting the drivel if you want to, my point has been well made.


Andinismo Hierbatero
lol... grasping at straws, eh?

I've debunked your bullshit polio theory... from multiple directions... I'm done arguing against conspiracy theories with zero supporting evidence, no solid science, and impossible timelines... keep posting the drivel if you want to, my point has been well made.

all you have are speculations based on models, not reality.



Andinismo Hierbatero
and all you have is speculation based on coincidental timing, not reality.

thanks for playing =]

the fact is that there is a scientific explanation that clears away all doubts as to how a pandemic like aids arose.

all the evidence is there; there is more than what you choose to name to try to diminish as "coincidental timing"; there is video evidence as well as several eye-witnesses.

there are even doctors who were caught lying about what they had in the labs in congo.

polluted vaccines is also the best explanation to the violent outburst of affected people.

polluted vaccines is the simplest most logical explanation. Octams razor wins.


The Voice of Reason
so your argument is "it makes sense so it must be true"

bah... It does not make sense...

The remaining samples of the vaccines in question were tested twice.
The first set of test showed no traces of SIV or HIV.
The second set of test showed dna proof that chimps were not even used.
The HIV virus has been traced back to at least 30 years prior to the advent of polio vaccine...
The OPV theory does nothing to explain the other variants of HIV, beyond group m.

As far as the "timing of the pandemic" coincidence your remaining argument hinges on...
The colonialism or 'Heart of Darkness' theory, is one of the more recent theories to have entered into the debate. It is again based on the basic 'hunter' premise, but more thoroughly explains how this original infection could have led to an epidemic. It was first proposed in 2000 by Jim Moore, an American specialist in primate behaviour, who published his findings in the journal AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses.7

During the late 19th and early 20th century, much of Africa was ruled by colonial forces. In areas such as French Equatorial Africa and the Belgian Congo, colonial rule was particularly harsh and many Africans were forced into labour camps where sanitation was poor, food was scarce and physical demands were extreme. These factors alone would have been sufficient to create poor health in anyone, so SIV could easily have infiltrated the labour force and taken advantage of their weakened immune systems to become HIV. A stray and perhaps sick chimpanzee with SIV would have made a welcome extra source of food for the workers.

Moore also believes that many of the labourers would have been inoculated with unsterile needles against diseases such as smallpox (to keep them alive and working), and that many of the camps actively employed prostitutes to keep the workers happy, creating numerous possibilities for onward transmission. A large number of labourers would have died before they even developed the first symptoms of AIDS, and those that did get sick would not have stood out as any different in an already disease-ridden population. Even if they had been identified, all evidence (including medical records) that the camps existed was destroyed to cover up the fact that a staggering 50% of the local population were wiped out there.

One final factor Moore uses to support his theory, is the fact that the labour camps were set up around the time that HIV was first believed to have passed into humans - the early part of the 20th century.

You evoke Occam's razor, but fail to realize that your the simplest explanation is only the best explanation when the simplest explanation is not ruled out by other facts...
The casual acceptance of pseudo science & resistance to actual science amongst so many people is confusing, irritating, and scary.
BULLSHIT!! The links between thimerisol and autism are well founded. read THIS from the kennedy site and realize that there is VAST proof of a connection, and I and my family are victims, so don't tell me there is no link.

Here is the proof that the results were kept secret to deceive the public:


READ this article and evidence and then tell us that there is no link....the bigshots are hiding the truth and got caught doing it. I swear that if I could get all the people from Big Pharma in one room that covered this up God would be sorting very busily for a while to see if any of them escaped hell.

My son, now 15, is a victim of this....his siblings, born just PRIOR to the increased shots being ordered by the CDC have No issues, but he got the shots and is severly affected.

Guess what? In communities that refuse vacines for bablies, like the AMISH, there are virtually NO autism cases and never have. The doctors there never heard of autism until it exploded in the general population...but the Amish don't get it because they refuse this poison.

I could kick myself for not being educated BEFORE I stood there are watched my new born son, 15 years ago, getting a bunch of shots the day of his birth...I asked the nurse about it and she said" Its the law". i didn't know she was lying and that I could refuse them or stagger them at later ages...which is what I likley would have done....but pumping new borns, right out of the womb, with mercury is a sure way to screw up a society.

Money grubbing and dishonest pharma people are to blame...and the CDC as well...and someday justice will be had for those that covered this up. god Damn them to hell and I can only wish I had the resources to trach each one down and administer it myself.


Andinismo Hierbatero
so your argument is "it makes sense so it must be true"

bah... It does not make sense...

The remaining samples of the vaccines in question were tested twice.
The first set of test showed no traces of SIV or HIV.
The second set of test showed dna proof that chimps were not even used.
The HIV virus has been traced back to at least 30 years prior to the advent of polio vaccine...
The OPV theory does nothing to explain the other variants of HIV, beyond group m.

As far as the "timing of the pandemic" coincidence your remaining argument hinges on...

You evoke Occam's razor, but fail to realize that your the simplest explanation is only the best explanation when the simplest explanation is not ruled out by other facts...

look man, it is obvious you have been googling yourself through this discussion; you really do not even understand what you are posting.

all the data gathered you posted relies solely on a model of how a couple of people think things must have happened at a biological level.

there are not batches of the original tester vaccines; you even posted the date of the earliest sample and it does not relate, so you are not even aware of timelines within your own argument. you do not even get that they did the model to try to get the tester vaccines on the clear; because if they indeed had the original vaccines, there would be no need to go ahead and make up a model to determine dates, as the case would have been put to rest already.

like I said, you are just embarrassing yourself here.


The Voice of Reason
all the data gathered you posted relies solely on a model of how a couple of people think things must have happened at a biological level.

Testing the remaining vaccine relies on testing left-over vaccine from the period in question.
Test demonstrated it was not chimp dna, it was monkey dna and tests also failed to find any traces of SIV or HIV...

that data relies on no models.

The fact that there are multiple variants of HIV which your vaccine explanations fails to address does not rely on models...

the only thing that relied on models was the fact that HIV predates the polio vaccine by a significant number of years, and it was demonstrated to fall in the same range by three different independent models...

1. Zhu, Tuofu, Korber & Nahinias. "An African HIV-1 Sequence from 1959 and Implications for the Origin of the Epidemic" Nature, 1998: 391: p. 594-597

2.Korber, Muldoon, Theiler, Gao, Gupta, Lapedes, Hahn, Wolinsky & Bhattacharya. "Timing the Ancestor of the HIV-1 Pandemic Strains" Science, 2000: 288: p. 1789-1796

3.Worobey, Gemmel, Teuwen, Haselkorn, Kuntsman, Bunce, Muyembe, Kabongo, Kalengayi, Marck, Gilbert & Wolinsky. "Direct Evidence of Extensive Diversity of HIV-1 in Kinshasa by 1960" Nature, 2008: 455: p. 661-664

it is obvious you are upset by having your pet theory challenged.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Testing the remaining vaccine relies on testing left-over vaccine from the period in question.
Test demonstrated it was not chimp dna, it was monkey dna and tests also failed to find any traces of SIV or HIV...

that data relies on no models.

The fact that there are multiple variants of HIV which your vaccine explanations fails to address does not rely on models...

the only thing that relied on models was the fact that HIV predates the polio vaccine by a significant number of years, and it was demonstrated to fall in the same range by three different independent models...

1. Zhu, Tuofu, Korber & Nahinias. "An African HIV-1 Sequence from 1959 and Implications for the Origin of the Epidemic" Nature, 1998: 391: p. 594-597

2.Korber, Muldoon, Theiler, Gao, Gupta, Lapedes, Hahn, Wolinsky & Bhattacharya. "Timing the Ancestor of the HIV-1 Pandemic Strains" Science, 2000: 288: p. 1789-1796

3.Worobey, Gemmel, Teuwen, Haselkorn, Kuntsman, Bunce, Muyembe, Kabongo, Kalengayi, Marck, Gilbert & Wolinsky. "Direct Evidence of Extensive Diversity of HIV-1 in Kinshasa by 1960" Nature, 2008: 455: p. 661-664

it is obvious you are upset by having your pet theory challenged.

the lies are what you post, stating that it is a fact that HIV was present in humans earlier than thought basing the claim on a model.

diversity of HIV-1 is explained by mutations happening already after human infection, so it is clear you do not understand what you are reading...


The Voice of Reason
It is absolutely clear you do not understand what you are reading.

3 completely unrelated models showing coinciding probable dates conducted years apart is a far cry from "a model"

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