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The Voice of Reason
diversity of HIV-1 is explained by mutations happening already after human infection, so it is clear you do not understand what you are reading...

Hmmm... then why do scientists generally think that groups M N O and P result from four different introductions of SIV into humans?

maybe you were confusing these groups with the subtypes of group M?


Andinismo Hierbatero
This estimate (which had a 15 year margin of error) was based on a complex computer model of HIV's evolution.

However, a study in 2008 dated the origin of HIV to between 1884 and 1924, much earlier than previous estimates.

The authors suggest a long history of the virus in Africa and call Kinshasa the “epicentre of the HIV/AIDS pandemic” in West Africa. They propose the early spread of HIV was concurrent with the development of colonial cities, in which crowding of people increased opportunities for transmission. If accurate, these findings imply that HIV existed before many scenarios (such as the OPV and conspiracy theories) suggest..

you are right, it was based on more than one model, however, all models are based off the first one, but incorporating or removing data, depending on the case.

but these models are just models, and all they do is suggest, and when making a conclusion, they are careful to note that IF their data is accurate, that such COULD mean X or Y.

the fact that the doctors lied about what kind of tissues they worked on is far too telling on its own anyway.
Hmmm... then why do scientists generally think that groups M N O and P result from four different introductions of SIV into humans?

maybe you were confusing these groups with the subtypes of group M?


You aren't going to get anywhere with this 'science' stuff you keep spouting off about. If you aren't quoting someone who has been on Art Bell's show, your source has no credibility.


Andinismo Hierbatero

You aren't going to get anywhere with this 'science' stuff you keep spouting off about. If you aren't quoting someone who has been on Art Bell's show, your source has no credibility.

you write that as if what anybody chooses to call "science" is indeed science just because you wrote "science" .

grow up and instead of writing these passive-aggressive lil posts of yours, maybe step up to the plate and explain with true science how come a violent explosion in hiv infection appeared just when labs in congo were giving experimental vaccines which we know were cultured in chimp tissue?

are you also going to run around googling models made so many years after the fact? filled with assumptions about the biological evolution of the virus in question to say the least.

that is not called science kid, that is called politics.
you write that as if what anybody chooses to call "science" is indeed science just because you wrote "science" .

grow up and instead of writing these passive-aggressive lil posts of yours, maybe step up to the plate and explain with true science how come a violent explosion in hiv infection appeared just when labs in congo were giving experimental vaccines which we know were cultured in chimp tissue?

I was merely suggesting that H3ad use better sources. Why the hostility?

are you also going to run around googling models made so many years after the fact? filled with assumptions about the biological evolution of the virus in question to say the least.

that is not called science kid, that is called politics.

Why would I use google to look for scientific models when I can just listen to Coast to Coast and get the real story? :hide:


My daughter had a seizur after a vaccine. All that shit is poison. Yeah, sounds like a great idea, let's inject our kids with a poison cocktail when they are babies. Sounds great. Face it, big pharma is poisoning us everyday so they can profit by treating us. People that think these are conspiracies have been brainwashed by society to look the other way and close there minds! "Conspiracy" = close mind = not true (to 95% of our population)


Andinismo Hierbatero
I was merely suggesting that H3ad use better sources. Why the hostility?

if that is what you were really saying, I then apologize to you man, for my outburst. :)

Why would I use google to look for scientific models when I can just listen to Coast to Coast and get the real story? :hide:

see, I don't get that either, I don't even know what coast to coast is...

Holy crap bombadil.360 is one loopy fellow. Gratefullhead, just give up and let this thread die so hopefully he shuts up.

thank you for showing what you are made of.
see, I don't get that either, I don't even know what coast to coast is....

Then you are missing out. It is a great source of information on various topics like the government caused HIV/AIDS, aliens from other planets have positioned themselves in major political positions around the world, time travel, various paranormal issues, astrology, psychics, etc...

All the stuff they don't want us to know about. :hide:


Andinismo Hierbatero
Then you are missing out. It is a great source of information on various topics like the government caused HIV/AIDS, aliens from other planets have positioned themselves in major political positions around the world, time travel, various paranormal issues, astrology, psychics, etc...

All the stuff they don't want us to know about. :hide:

Oh ok, I see... you really are passive-aggressive.


The Voice of Reason
grow up and instead of writing these passive-aggressive lil posts of yours, maybe step up to the plate and explain with true science how come a violent explosion in hiv infection appeared just when labs in congo were giving experimental vaccines which we know were cultured in chimp tissue?

dna test of the vaccine said it was not chimp tissue.


Andinismo Hierbatero
dna test of the vaccine said it was not chimp tissue.

who sourced the sample vaccine that was tested?

in a real investigation, you cannot source your own vaccine sample to clear your own name away... now, can you?

but these guys can, hey, they are scientists! yay! lol...


The Voice of Reason
who sourced the sample vaccine that was tested?
the only people who might have still has some.
in a real investigation, you cannot source your own vaccine sample to clear your own name away... now, can you?

but these guys can, hey, they are scientists! yay! lol...
the vaccine test results are only a small part of the puzzle... put it all together... the science overrides the supposition...

in a real investigation inductive reasoning based on coincidental timelines is not the primary method of establishing a conclusion.

but hey... someone suggested a possible link, so yay! it must be a conspiracy... lol
Oh ok, I see... you really are passive-aggressive.

I certainly hope you aren't suggesting those other topics have less creditability than this vaccine cover up? It sounds like you may have been listening to 'scientists' if you don't accept the infallibility of astrology.:abduct:

You are such an Aquarius.
Actually It has been found that HIV/AIDS was not in fact caused by the polio vaccine. It was caused by the Hepatitis B vaccine. The Hepatitis B vaccine was amplified in Chimpanzee kidneys, whereas the polio vaccines most likely contained kidney material other simian species. The theory is the same, but the wrong vaccine was originally fingered as the culprit.. The Hep B vaccine was widely distributed to gay men in new york city as well as Africa's black population. This would better account for the widespread heavy toll the HIV/AIDS disease had among the countries Gay population shortly after its introduction..


Andinismo Hierbatero
the only people who might have still has some.the vaccine test results are only a small part of the puzzle... put it all together... the science overrides the supposition...

in a real investigation inductive reasoning based on coincidental timelines is not the primary method of establishing a conclusion.

but hey... someone suggested a possible link, so yay! it must be a conspiracy... lol

your only argument is downplaying the facts by stating they are just "coincidental timelines".

facts: the labs in congo had chimps, you can see them in the video evidence.

facts: eye-witnesses confirm the use of chimp tissue in said congo labs.

facts: violent outburst of infected humans with hiv virus in the same populations on which the huge initial experimental vaccinations had been tested.

facts: doctors lied about even having chimps in said labs.

if these guys were being accused of growing herb, they would get sentenced.


It's good to see that douchebag finally discredited. What a waste of sperm that guy was.

Vaccines are good for you. Obviously, talk your doctor first.

"Vaccines are good for you..."

Wtf. U have got to be kidding. Do u work for big pharma? The same government that makes cannabis illegal, the best natural medicine their is, and ur defending the poison they put into our kids?? You got it twisted.

I don't know bout the aids thing but I know vaccines for our children is not good. Don't advicate that poison.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Actually It has been found that HIV/AIDS was not in fact caused by the polio vaccine. It was caused by the Hepatitis B vaccine. The Hepatitis B vaccine was amplified in Chimpanzee kidneys, whereas the polio vaccines most likely contained kidney material other simian species. The theory is the same, but the wrong vaccine was originally fingered as the culprit.. The Hep B vaccine was widely distributed to gay men in new york city as well as Africa's black population. This would better account for the widespread heavy toll the HIV/AIDS disease among the countries Gay population shortly after its introduction..




There is no link... there is no vaccine conspiracy... there is NO depopulation conspiracy...



Let me guess this study is right too! according to the journal of pediatrics mercury is good for brain development. Anyone who believes this is a scumbag and should be culled in a similar fashion to a male plant.