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U.K cheese brightside cut ?


Well-known member
Was gonna say regarding that pic, that doesnt have the cheese skunk sawtooth leaf edge...


SamS's Skunk x Haze ....Give me the sawtooth! LOL.


Well-known member
The rank tcp thing is quite unique to the real one, if it was only flowered for nine weeks I would give her another chance before making your mind up.

There was a blue cheese called Stilton that predated Big Buddha I think.

Have you ever tried Psychosis?

Yer gunna give her another run and report back on that,wish I had an hps light now to run her under lol..ahh ok so stilton predates Buddhas b.cheese then hmm interesting,as for the psychosis the only time I ever seen it growing was hilarious..I had lived on the end of a terrace for like 4 years growing in a bedroom at the back of the house,the neighbour had a boyfriend that popped in and out now and again, always said hi, I was smoking and joint down the park with my dog one day and he walks past clocks I've got one on the go,reaches in his pocket pulls out like an ounce and gives me a nug,I smell it look at it and say wow that's nice ,some cheese cross or something he says na mate this is psychosis,better than that cheese shite ,that shit makes depressed as fuck.
I was due to move a couple weeks later as landlord was selling the house and as I was packing up and loading my shit in to a van out front he ushers me in to his Mrs house,the one right next door to mine and goes she's out so come have a look at this, upstairs he had a 2.4 tent full of the psychosis sog style, beautiful all finishing up,such a rank smell as well wow..then he says just thought I'd show before you left and by the way I knew you were growing the whole time just didn't wanna tell you and make you paranoid as I couldnt show you this for my own paranoia,but since you are leaving I thought fuck it he goes,did wonder the same about him as sure I would get a strange whiff now and again cuz his tent was literally metres away from mine albeit with two thick Victorian brick walls in-between but I just thought his Mrs was to straight to let him do it..his bud was terrible on the burn,overfed unfortunately but yer I've seen the plant,know the smell and the look but not the true taste...looks Hella similar to the cheese tho


ICMag Donor
Bimbles isn't the psycho cut 1000%,, I grew the psycho for a while,, psycho is really similar to brightsides but it doesn't hold the stink in the jars,, It gets vinegary,, I personally didn't like the psycho so much , it's not sweet enough for me,,, bimbles has a sugar taste that I've fallen in love with alot,, I majority prefer bimbles over the psycho

I wouldn't say bimbles tastes like pear drops to be fair,, ,, I found it to taste like the cheese that homegrow did later-on witch happened to be my favourite cheese back in the day,,, bimbles seems to be a perfect balance of cheese with a hint of blues , like blend of blues and cheese but leaning more to the cheese side,, I really really like it,,

This is what I am currently saying about bimbles cut,, you can quote me on this,,,

"bimbles cut is an original cheese pre buddah imho ,, but it's not the one jah calls exodus,, it's got a hint of sweetness that I personally love but it's not as sweet as the blues, that's cool tho as I don't want it to be as sweet as the blues, sometimes I like the blend of sweet and savoury, bimbles is starting to be my favourite cheese cut ever, at the moment I'd say it's not brightsides but I need to grow it under hps and nft to be 100% sureh,,, when I'm back in the game properly il smash this cut as I like it alot alot"

I've had a systemic issue I caught from infected root riot cubes that's basically took me out of the game for ages,, I've not been able to setup a clean room to do some tc work, so I've been screwed for a while now,,life has taken a funny direction,, once I get stable again il be more active,, till then I need to focus on cleaning up my life up in multiple ways,, once I get my tc area setup again everything will be back to normal ,,,, it might take me a while but il get there on the end,, shits been slow recently but when I come out the end il be all guns blazing,,
It seems all sorts of variables can affect terpene expression. Recently I grew a cut of Zkittles S1 that I kept from a pack of CSI seeds. I kept it because it was the closest one I found to the original that I’ve smoked in terms of smell and taste, pretty much the exact same smell as the real cut, just maybe not as loud?
I’ve grown this cut a few times now and it always comes out the same but my last grow of it using a different soil and taking it a week later than usual, it’s completely changed.

The Zkittles smell has almost been completely masked and replaced with a more strong skunk bud smell, much more dank than usual. The taste has changed as well, gone is the sweetness and now has a more liquorice, hash taste, it’s bizarre!
My mrs swears blind I’ve grown cheese by mistake but I know exactly what I grew, there is no way I could have mixed them up, plus they look and grow completely different. It’s very strange.

Every now and then I will pick a bud out of the jar and when squeezed I can pick up the Zkittles smell, although it’s more muted than usual, then other buds from the same jar smells completely different , more skunky, cheesy, it’s fucked up!

I think and this is only a guess, that it may have something to do with plant health? I must admit recently I’ve let mother plants slip in regards to health, more than once due to losing some interest in growing and life problems getting in the way but at the last minute I’ve got myself together and saved my plants from death. Got them back to a certain amount of health and redid cuttings then continued to grow them as mothers.

Something else I noticed with my cheese cut was how the smell in veg had changed also. For as long as I remember, you only have to brush past or shake the plant and it lets off a dark affie type smell but a few months ago I was convinced I’d mislabelled her and kept something completely different. Now when I rubbed or shook the plant it gave of a smell I can only describe as wintergreen?? Sort of a fresh piney smell. I was gutted but then thought to myself, I don’t keep anything that smells like this, it can’t be anything else. Again the plant had just come back from a near death experience and I did the same thing, saved it by taking cuttings.
Now my plants are back at an acceptable level of health, her affie veg smell is back I’m glad to say and it seems to be the same plant I’ve always had.

I’ve backed off posting this, thinking people will think I’m crazy but I’m as sane as the next man, lol. Everything I’ve described above has happened. I just do not know why 100%????
Piffs post pushed me to type this, it’s true, terpene expression can and does change somewhat with different variables, not always but sometimes, I’ve witnessed it a few times now.

Everyone knows how plants can grow differently under different set ups ect, we’ve all witnessed this but this terpene thing has blown my mind, ha ha.

I do remember years ago I used to grow a Grapefruit x Blueberry cut and every time the bud smelled like sweet blueberries but when I gave it to a friend to grow, his finished bud smelled of sweet pink grapefruit, I couldn’t believe it, I’d say that’s the first time I’d come across this, a different terpene expression from a different grow and I must say, I haven’t witnessed it since till recently.

20th century smokers were after the flavor and therapeutic value. Not a name. It's a modern anomaly that people want the name and don't care whether it's methyl salicylate or phenol tainted. When we all know why it was named Cheese. No weed smelled of phenolics until the internet. It smelled of butyrics. From baby shit to aged cheddar and everything in between.

Come on let's stop playing stupid. There's a wrong way to grow Marijuana and it's become the common way. Cakes come with recipes, so do strains. Can't wait for Schedule 3 Cheese that actually smells and tastes like Cheese.

They made opium into heroin. Ephedra into meth. And they'll be the ones to produce cannabis properly! Since the public isn't qualified. Hell the public may end up producing poison cannabis if they can't keep track of basic metabolites. Only big pharma can grow this crop right.


ICMag Donor
Ill never stop using that statement.
It really goes through carbon filters though and I want people to know what they are in for.

I was pretty sure about it being psychosis but if your sure its not that then... I trust your expertise.
Have you grown the psycho clone before,,have you had any experience a verified psycho cut or are you guessing?

I need to get this clone onto my old nft system with canna aqua with a hps then il tell you definitively,,

You are making me wonder how different this cut can be on my system now,,

The sample I had wasn't enough to put it in jars, I could do with having a full jar to know how it cures off,, the psycho has a specific trait where it cures off with a vinegar smell

From initial inspection I'd say it's not the psycho,, it's too sweet


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Have you grown the psycho clone before,,have you had any experience a verified psycho cut or are you guessing?

I need to get this clone onto my old nft system with canna aqua with a hps then il tell you definitively,,

You are making me wonder how different this cut can be on my system now,,

The sample I had wasn't enough to put it in jars, I could do with having a full jar to know how it cures off,, the psycho has a specific trait where it cures off with a vinegar smell

From initial inspection I'd say it's not the psycho,, it's too sweet
Im just guessing. Deffo didn't mean to add to the confusion


Well-known member
Bimbles isn't the psycho cut 1000%,, I grew the psycho for a while,, psycho is really similar to brightsides but it doesn't hold the stink in the jars,, It gets vinegary,, I personally didn't like the psycho so much , it's not sweet enough for me,,, bimbles has a sugar taste that I've fallen in love with alot,, I majority prefer bimbles over the psycho

I wouldn't say bimbles tastes like pear drops to be fair,, ,, I found it to taste like the cheese that homegrow did later-on witch happened to be my favourite cheese back in the day,,, bimbles seems to be a perfect balance of cheese with a hint of blues , like blend of blues and cheese but leaning more to the cheese side,, I really really like it,,

This is what I am currently saying about bimbles cut,, you can quote me on this,,,

"bimbles cut is an original cheese pre buddah imho ,, but it's not the one jah calls exodus,, it's got a hint of sweetness that I personally love but it's not as sweet as the blues, that's cool tho as I don't want it to be as sweet as the blues, sometimes I like the blend of sweet and savoury, bimbles is starting to be my favourite cheese cut ever, at the moment I'd say it's not brightsides but I need to grow it under hps and nft to be 100% sureh,,, when I'm back in the game properly il smash this cut as I like it alot alot"

I've had a systemic issue I caught from infected root riot cubes that's basically took me out of the game for ages,, I've not been able to setup a clean room to do some tc work, so I've been screwed for a while now,,life has taken a funny direction,, once I get stable again il be more active,, till then I need to focus on cleaning up my life up in multiple ways,, once I get my tc area setup again everything will be back to normal ,,,, it might take me a while but il get there on the end,, shits been slow recently but when I come out the end il be all guns blazing,,
I agree man this cut is a million % not psycho,I remember the psycho having a way more pronounced foxtail on the tips of the flowers and more autumnal on the fade,very very similar structure tho, as are the pics I've seen of blues as well,I challenge most people to tell them apart in veg lol... I'm toking on 4 week cure now and there's defo no vinegar,it's loosing the sweetness and becoming more of that dank chemical tcp Dettol thing,still a little sweet on the exhale but nowhere near as sweet as 2 weeks ago,also as I've said before that 6 week emergency chop I did last year that I posted to a friend,that one was jarred for nearly 3months and when opened smelled like straight stilton(the edible cheese) and the person that told me usually says 'na mate that just smells like weed' when you show them a nug and say this smells of grapefruit or whatever...unfortunately this batch was chopped at 9weeks with only a 6 day flush due to the pest pressure here,so the flavour isnt quite 100% there as is synonymous with slightly under flushed flower and she defo needs the full 10weeks I was told by my buddy who passed her,but ..it's still stanks like hell,needs triple bag,coats the mouth and has an amazing positive happy high that seems to have little to no ceiling,she's all I toke on now and it would make you laugh how many 'elites' I choose her over, yer permanent marker, rs11,zoap ect... pile of shit compared to this lady...
I'm still super intrigued to see how she comes out for you Rick bro,from what I've seen results can be quite drastically different,out of interest do you know what kind of lighting the 2 growers were using that gave you your recent samples mate ?


ICMag Donor
Led,, Athena nutes I believe,, but I can't be 100%,,

From preliminary smoke I'd say It's definitely not the blues cut, it's definitely not windows,, it's not brightsides, it's not psycho,, it could be the suicide but I need sonic to try it to have any weight to that GUESS ,,

I am certainly not an expert on the suicide cut,, sonic is ,,, im hoping to have sonic take a look at this cut soon as I believe he has probably seen this cut before,,

To me it seems like homegrown fantacys second cut,,, that was my favourite cheese smoke ever back in the day,, I get the feeling that this might be the same,,

I previously thought windows cut seemed similar to homogrown fantacys second cut but as I grew it myself I realised windows is too dark and affie on the flavour to be that homegrown fantasy cut,,

I gota tell you,, window grew his cut better than I ever did,, he brought out the sweetness,, a couple of my friends did too, but I never got it sweet like the homegrown fantacy one,, window made it very different to how I did,,

I've come to the conclusion that the only way I can identify these clones properly and unequivocally is to run it on my old nft, canna aqua, sun master super deluxe system,, it's fukin annoying but it's the truth,,, they are too heterozygous and have too much plasticity to expect to be able to identify it properly from other people's grows


Exodus Cheese - Luton Cut.

Have a look guys - Day four into flower at present.

The mother came from an operation over Cambridge area.


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Well-known member
Exodus Cheese - Luton Cut.

Have a look guys - Day four into flower at present.

The mother came from an operation over Cambridge area.
Certainly looks promising,I dunno I've kind of got cheese brain fog in regard to looking at so many pictures of skunk type plants lately and kinda lost reference points in my mind but as you said on the other thread, colour is definitely spot on,how much she stinks will be the true test i suppose,I mean the nose on mine is barely containable but I remember the one from the old days being another level,good luck to you bro and stay safe! Here's hoping eh


ICMag Donor
Exodus Cheese - Luton Cut.

Have a look guys - Day four into flower at present.

The mother came from an operation over Cambridge area.
Just because it's knocking out 7 leafs and they are a lil too jagged,, I'd say it's probably not brightsides,, looks like jahs to me,,

One thing I can say for sure is brightsides rarely knocked out 7 leafs on a fan