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Trophy hunters should be shot!


Kiss My Ring
there is nothing natural in killing something at the top of its game that almost certainly would have not died in the wild for many more years barring a freak accident.
seriously? are you not a participant in being a part of the top of the food chain?
not whether you want to be or not, but are the top predator on this planet? you disregard our own (NOT YOURS PERSONALLY) evolutionary advancement as such.
you imply this is unnatural somehow avoiding the true impartiallity nature demands.
the thought of thousands of unnecessary deaths from starvation and predation from wolves, cougars, bears, coyotes is balanced by science. not emotional insecurity at the thought of another creature suffering death needlessly.
man has been somehow extricated from the equation of survival, which may in some way explain the need to kill and retain trophies of their perceived participation in the natural scheme of things.
hunters serve a very useful purpose in conservation of natural resources. take that away and the corporate interests will have their way with the resources.
so fuck me sideways you think your out the looop?????:ying:

looks to me you won't even miss a lion pride.:moon:


Active member
i believe youshould only shoot things you are gonna eat.with the exception of rodents and those used to get eaten by the coyotes


Active member
I hunt, I also trophy hunt. Call me what you want. This will be year three hunting on foot hiking 25Km into the alpines to find my big horn sheep trophy. I have seen 10 legal rams to date, but not the one. So to date I have spent 100+ days in the back country trying for my trophy.I have seen him a few times this spring already I know hes there and this year will be his last.
Oh and No meat will go to waste.

I have taken a trophy elk and mule deer, still looking to bag a trophy whitey but maybe this bow season will be my lucky one.


I personally don't like the idea of killing things for trophies, but at the same time i have been guilty of killing snails just for the 'fun' of it. I actually feel bad about doing that sometimes.
I have seen a documentary where Lions (i think it was Lions, or another Large Predator)also kill just for the 'fun' of it too. They stalked a small animal, tore it apart a little bit, then watched it for a while, then tore it apart a bit more, and watched it. Then when it died, it lost interest.
Another thing that grates at me sometimes, is how it's ok to kill fish or chickens or cows by the million to eat them, but in most of the world it's not ok to kill sharks or whales or dogs and cats to eat?
The world is just one messed up hellish paradox, or as louis armstrong says 'a wonderful world'.


weed fiend
Looking at the amount of posts in such a short time i can see this thread going nowhere because ther are those that hunt & those that don`t like hunters & hunting .

Don't forget the third category - the "hunter" that doesn't hunt. I liked the one talking about the "heart shot", lol.

Red Fang

Active member
the show I saw was called swamp lions I think. The cubs were in danger of starving the females in dissarray also just because some jackass killed the pride male. You can't equate someone killing a deer for food with those who want big predator heads on their wall, there is no comparison.
I can relate to Red Fang's frustration. I too, share the rage when I see senseless waste of life, & wanton destruction in the name of vanity and greed. I will regrettably admit I didn't see the real truth in my youth, until I realized it before I left the military. I always wanted to go hunting when I was in my twenties, and then I finally got a chance when I visited a friend in Tennessee, whom I used to serve in the marines with. He lent me one of his bolt actions, and off we went to the hills looking for whitetail. We split up to stake out a couple of meadows. When sunlight started drying up the morning dew in my spot, I spotted an amazing buck walking slowly & cautiously within 50-60 meters in front of me. I just couldn't believe how close he got without noticing me, inspite of being well hidden! He had a nice set of antlers, and obviously wasn't aware I was there, at which time my scope was already centered on him. Then I guess, the wind shifted and he must have caught my scent, because he looked like he got knocked back by an invisible bat, & knew instantly I was literaly on top of him. He froze and stared right at me & somehow he knew it was over. As I began to squeeze the trigger, I realized there was no sport in killing him, especially with such a sure shot at close range. I swear that buck had the look of fate in his eyes, & was probably still in shock because he kept staring at me even after I lowered my rifle. Finally, I stood up & hand-gestured to get his ass moving before someone else takes a shot, and he took off like a blur. I packed in and met up with my buddy later, and he told me of no luck at his meadow. He asked how it went for me, and I told him I didn't see anything either. Hell, if I told him the truth, he would've been really pissed.

You hunters out there can call me stupid if you like, & that's fine. I did not lose my nerve, I just simply thought it was way to easy to pull that trigger, and letting that animal go was a reward in itself.


Haven't you ever watched an english fox hunt?

never had the chance or the urge to watch one to be honest.

that is true trophy hunting ....... they are not going to eat the fox. to me it is just half a ton of humans,6 tons of horses and about 800 pounds of dogs in a death match with a 50 pound fox.

you do understand that this is not what i would consider hunting right? like the high fence thing or releasing captive birds to blast away at ........ it is just some bunch of fools ''proving" something. i would not call it hunting

i doubt that anyone i know would ever want to be involved in anything like that unless they got to be on the foxes team.


Kiss My Ring
ya know Fang (and others) I admit I empathize with your stance on killing pride lions, but you obviously watched some production on television that tweaked you properly.
hunters for the most part are the most respectable and considerate conservatores of wildlife. for those that find that hard to understand, step away from the television and experience nature firsthand.
then come tell me how unkind man treats animals. first look at how animals treat animals, is there any compassion or forgiveness/latitude in how they do what they have to do to survive?
i'm not defending hunters who choose to seek trophies, nor am i one, but i'm not saying they should be drawn and quartered...

there are much more atrocious things in this world...destruction of the rain forests being one example.

now how do you justify 'burning and then shooting' trophy hunters?

perhaps you should hunt big game.


Active member
Kill what you need to kill to feed you and your family.
But there is simply no decent reason for all that other douchebaggery. Deriving pleasure from killing things always struck me as strange, but maybe I'm the weird one...
Humans are a rather selfish lot in general. Out of something like the eight or nine species of tiger that used to be, there are maybe two or three left. Barely.


Kiss My Ring
more animals are denied existence by habitat encroachment than any other means including 'trophy hunting' , getting hit by vehicles, and natural predators.
more tragically, few will notice.
get out in it! see what nature has to offer. more animals die crossing the Serenghetti (sp?) and i guarantee some were at the top of their game as it were.
there is just no denying mans influence on natural systems, but hunters (all of them) have more reverence and understanding of them than the millions of city dwelling numbnuts who castigate them for doing a natural thing...hunting.


Active member
Well I guess.
But we haven't shown ourselves to be very good stewards of nature in general thus far.
How many species have we "hunted" out of existence?
I do agree that many people are complete idiots in the sense that they'll deride hunters and then go to safeway and buy some chicken and steak for dinner.
I know I'm guilty to a certain degree, but I actually am willing to and do pay more for meat, eggs, etc. from animals that are humanely raised and culled.
Tastes better too.
And I don't think hunting is bad per se at all, I have friends who hunt regularly, it is the natural order and whether I personally like it or not Mother Nature could care less- but trophy hunting is still gay as far as I'm concerned.


Depends on the animal...I agree on lions but on deer and such I don't. If you do not use the meat it is wrong though. So, if you ain't gonna eat it, leave it alone. Unless it is a danger for some reason. But going onto a lion's territory to hunt them is wrong...


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Trophy Hunters are very scary.
I came from a long line of hunters, not trophy hunters, but subsistence hunting and later on when life got better and food was enough became some kind of Sunday gathering.
My father had few different shotguns, lovely hand-made Italian weapons, when he died a couple of years ago one of my first decisions was to sell all the weapons in our family.
By now probably some of you are thinking, what a twat that didn´t show any respect for dads things. Not right, it was more the case of making some money to help my mum being independent and to finish the hunting on my family.
One thing is hunting because you need to (for food, for protection of your crops/animals, in order to control numbers of certain damaging species,etc) , i respect that. But killing any animal to make a trophy out of him is just savage and tells me loads about the people that do it. Bad things of course.
In my not humble opinion is mostly done by guys with small dicks and a shitty sex life.
Sorry to all trophy hunters out there but you guys suck BIG TIME!!!


they need to make catch and release hunting . maybe a taser?
You can indeed do "Green" hunts at a much reduced rate to trophy hunts,a green hunt white rhino runs at $8000 whereas a trophy white rhino hunts depending on location and concessions is anywhere between 55,000-150,000 USD:eek:
A green hunt is normally carried out in the presence of a veterinarian,the rhino is darted with a tranquiliser,technical data is collected from the animal then its released,in this day and age conservation costs and the cash has to come from somewhere be it eco-tours,sightseeing or hunters paying to take the rare and exotic,if it werent for conservation many creatures just wouldnt be around. :ying:

Hank Hemp

Active member
I don't hunt anymore, damn it disabled. Killed a deer when I was a boy with my Father. We weren't in the field 20 minutes and I killed a deer. My season was over. Shortest hunting season I ever had. Now this was 50 yrs ago. I'll take rabbit or squirrel any day over white tail deer hunting. Boring Ol'Hank likes his squirrel fried w/grave over biscuits. yum yum, with a pile of fried hominy and some eggs. yum I say. Hell I've done went and got myself hungry.


Hunters enjoy being the one to cause the suffering / death of the animal, and that's why I look down on them, for enjoying the suffering.
Absolute drivel,I know LOTS of guys who hunt,never once met anyone who said they do it to inflict pain and savour the suffering,one shot one clinical kill,thats what the average hunter is after,they want meat in the freezer not to watch their quarry run off gutshot to die bunched up in the dark hours under a scrub pile to go to waste.