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Trophy hunters should be shot!



i think trying to compare/connect most hunters with the guys who go for trophy only is like trying to compare/connect a butcher with a bullfight.

things end the same way in every case ....... but it is a real stretch to connect the dots

if i had the cash to pay for a safari i would bring a camera and leave the gun at home. i don't want to kill anything i don't want to eat and i don't want to eat a lion any more than i do rosanne barr .......... if i go on safari in hollywood i'll leave the camera at home, take all the trophies i can, and live off tofu:tiphat:

and i apologize for that visual ....... kinda:biggrin:
Mia....to my knowledge the passenger pigeon was

Mia....to my knowledge the passenger pigeon was

hunted by market hunters out of existence in the the 1940's
"market hunting"....and that was the last one. Market hunting was killing wild game for market.....when we are talking about hunting we are talking sport hunting....as it against the law to sell your harvest.

what funny take white tail deer for example...was there more at the turn of the century...1900 or now?????

The quick answer is now by a huge factor.....

What kills more deer in the US....cars or hunters????

Very easy answer.....Cars...by a wide margin.
Well I guess.
But we haven't shown ourselves to be very good stewards of nature in general thus far.
How many species have we "hunted" out of existence?
I do agree that many people are complete idiots in the sense that they'll deride hunters and then go to safeway and buy some chicken and steak for dinner.
I know I'm guilty to a certain degree, but I actually am willing to and do pay more for meat, eggs, etc. from animals that are humanely raised and culled.
Tastes better too.
And I don't think hunting is bad per se at all, I have friends who hunt regularly, it is the natural order and whether I personally like it or not Mother Nature could care less- but trophy hunting is still gay as far as I'm concerned.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Hey weed

Hey weed

hunted by market hunters out of existence in the the 1940's
"market hunting"....and that was the last one. Market hunting was killing wild game for market.....when we are talking about hunting we are talking sport hunting....as it against the law to sell your harvest.

what funny take white tail deer for example...was there more at the turn of the century...1900 or now?????

The quick answer is now by a huge factor.....

What kills more deer in the US....cars or hunters????

Very easy answer.....Cars...by a wide margin.

There are more deer now in Kentucky than when ol'Daniel Boone and the long hunters came to KY. Mainly because corn and soybeans fields can support more deer than a climax forest can. I like my fried wabbit too! IMHO its harder and takes more marksmanship to head shoot a moving rabbit with hounds on his tail than a deer,elk,ect, than the dumbest animal in creation the deer.
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ICMag Donor
i think trying to compare/connect most hunters with the guys who go for trophy only is like trying to compare/connect a butcher with a bullfight.

things end the same way in every case ....... but it is a real stretch to connect the dots

if i had the cash to pay for a safari i would bring a camera and leave the gun at home. i don't want to kill anything i don't want to eat and i don't want to eat a lion any more than i do rosanne barr .......... if i go on safari in hollywood i'll leave the camera at home, take all the trophies i can, and live off tofu:tiphat:

and i apologize for that visual ....... kinda:biggrin:
hiya,gm that post made me laugh,, fucking hunting rosanne barr, enough meat off her arse to feed the 5,000, but what weapon would bring such a beast down, maybe one of those ground to air missles on tower blocks a few miles from where i live:)peace s2


Active member
that is true trophy hunting ....... they are not going to eat the fox. to me it is just half a ton of humans,6 tons of horses and about 800 pounds of dogs in a death match with a 50 pound fox.

Thats one fooking big fox , i doubt any i have in my garden go above 25lb (see gallery) .
Fox hunting was actually banned in the uk , all they do now is trail hunt & if they happen to find a fox nothing is ever said . If i remember rightly there has only been one case reported & the fox hunt got away with it because they convinced the powers that be that they did try to call the dogs off .
The fox hunting brigade are fighting the legislation & trying to return to tearing a fox apart with dogs legally . Strange coz if anyone elsse used a pack of dogs to tear another animal apart there would be a prosecution by the RSPCA .
Eat what you kill.Reap what you sow. You want that Alpha male Lion head on your trophy wall?? Hey boy, get in the ring with it-- Spear &

Dagger style...hell I'll even respect you for the fight. Shooting it in a virtual cage from far away is the most pussy thing ever, and I do reserve

that word for people that think this is an honorable way to kill, pussy, get in the ring and show the Lion what you are made of. Shit or get off

the pot.This kind of killing is just wrong&I love hunting. Many of these sport hunters are just disrespectful dip shits.I have an uncle who killed a

huge amazing bear, he thought it was gonna be great, after he did it, he cried about it over a month and still regrets the kill. It was such a

majestic animal and didn't have to die for nothing. He kept the meat and the bear is now a rug for his family so he did at least use what was

taken but you that matter and have a conscious mind will understand my point. Ask yourself before you pull the trigger, does this animal need

to be dead? If a bigger animal could just decide to take you out when you were at home to keep you as a trophy, is that cool with your

family?? Remember folks, "just cause we could, does not mean we should..."

It comes down to understanding of the Nature of life and the respect of it simple..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

can't we all just get along???



Red Fang

Active member
ya know Fang (and others) I admit I empathize with your stance on killing pride lions, but you obviously watched some production on television that tweaked you properly.
hunters for the most part are the most respectable and considerate conservatores of wildlife. for those that find that hard to understand, step away from the television and experience nature firsthand.
then come tell me how unkind man treats animals. first look at how animals treat animals, is there any compassion or forgiveness/latitude in how they do what they have to do to survive?
i'm not defending hunters who choose to seek trophies, nor am i one, but i'm not saying they should be drawn and quartered...

there are much more atrocious things in this world...destruction of the rain forests being one example.

now how do you justify 'burning and then shooting' trophy hunters?

perhaps you should hunt big game.

I thank you for keeping an open mind. I am not anti-hunting, don't really agree with it or see the appeal but am not against it if it is done for food or to give to someone else for food. What I am against is the wanton (what does that word mean anyway? old fashioned word maybe but just know it fits here) destruction of a life just for gratification of some twisted sort, with good meat left to rot just for a head on a wall. If I was a pervert I'd get all kinds of flack for it but those who kill for thrill alone, equally perverted, get no such flack and that is wrong. I know responsible hunters do contribute to the conservation effort and that is admirable. Trophy hunters of rare species are not no such responsible hunters, like someone said they are aging guys with small dicks and big egos with a sadistic edge. Like someone else said, they should be left naked and weaponless among a strong pride of (preferably hungry) lions and see how they fare. If we agree that hunting should have a purpose and that raising of animals for slaughter is no better than hunting, we agree on all the important points. If instead you defend killing just for the sake of killing, you are wrong my friend!


Eat what you kill.Reap what you sow. You want that Alpha male Lion head on your trophy wall?? Hey boy, get in the ring with it-- Spear &

Dagger style...hell I'll even respect you for the fight. Shooting it in a virtual cage from far away is the most pussy thing ever, and I do reserve

that word for people that think this is an honorable way to kill, pussy, get in the ring and show the Lion what you are made of. Shit or get off

the pot.This kind of killing is just wrong&I love hunting. Many of these sport hunters are just disrespectful dip shits.I have an uncle who killed a

huge amazing bear, he thought it was gonna be great, after he did it, he cried about it over a month and still regrets the kill. It was such a

majestic animal and didn't have to die for nothing. He kept the meat and the bear is now a rug for his family so he did at least use what was

taken but you that matter and have a conscious mind will understand my point. Ask yourself before you pull the trigger, does this animal need

to be dead? If a bigger animal could just decide to take you out when you were at home to keep you as a trophy, is that cool with your

family?? Remember folks, "just cause we could, does not mean we should..."

It comes down to understanding of the Nature of life and the respect of it simple..
it is wrong to kill without a fucking very good reason! we can kill anything we try for. even bacteira. everything has the will to live. i do not kill unless i have to. but i still eat meat. but you are right. we use tools they do not. but do not make the mistake of thinking that because we let them live they would not eat you You dont want our copperheads Seamaiden and Z-ro. They can be similar to a cotton mouth in tempermant. Ill bet Ancient will tell you that if theyre hanging around, you just about have to kill them to be safe. Theyll bite a dog in a minute and always in the head.

Last year, i found one about 3' long and as big around as a soft ball lying in my entrance road. I drive a big 4wheel drive and i pulled up to it and got out. It rushed up and hit my knobby tires 3X. Most snakes arent much of a problem when left alone, but a copperhead or a cottonmouth will chase you to bite you - unprovoked - except for invading their territory.


You dont want our copperheads Seamaiden and Z-ro. They can be similar to a cotton mouth in tempermant. Ill bet Ancient will tell you that if theyre hanging around, you just about have to kill them to be safe. Theyll bite a dog in a minute and always in the head.


it is wrong to kill without a fucking very good reason! we can kill anything we try for. even bacteira. everything has the will to live. i do not kill unless i have to. but i still eat meat. but you are right. we use tools they do not. but do not make the mistake of thinking that because we let them live they would not eat you You dont want our copperheads Seamaiden and Z-ro. They can be similar to a cotton mouth in tempermant. Ill bet Ancient will tell you that if theyre hanging around, you just about have to kill them to be safe. Theyll bite a dog in a minute and always in the head.

Last year, i found one about 3' long and as big around as a soft ball lying in my entrance road. I drive a big 4wheel drive and i pulled up to it and got out. It rushed up and hit my knobby tires 3X. Most snakes arent much of a problem when left alone, but a copperhead or a cottonmouth will chase you to bite you - unprovoked - except for invading their territory.
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You dont want our copperheads Seamaiden and Z-ro. They can be similar to a cotton mouth in tempermant. Ill bet Ancient will tell you that if theyre hanging around, you just about have to kill them to be safe. Theyll bite a dog in a minute and always in the head.

You must really hate those snakes. Do you mount the copperheads bro? :D
Some 73 year old idiot who lives on a retirement community nearby with a golf course connected to it shot and paralyzed a 3 month old deer fawn last week.

With a freaking pellet gun.

Some people just don't care about killing things...their ego gets puffed up when they hit their target, and they have no empathy for whatever is getting killed, maimed,etc...

I've been real close to getting in brawls telling people what d-bags they are when they talk about shooting animals for no reason. They go pheasant hunting, but spend their time shooting blackbirds, sparrows,etc...and then expect a positive reaction when they talk about doing it later.

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