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Trophy hunters should be shot!

You know why they have a spring snow goose hunting season in the midwest that allows calling with electronic devices with huge speakers, no limit on the geese and unpluged guns?????....I have been on many of these hunts....we make jerky, and pepper sticks out of the goose meat.....they have been having this season for over 10 years now...and the population is still increasing....over population has led to lots of distruction to the nesting grounds of this beautiful birds......of couse you probally believe this is also bad.

Red Fang

Active member
for those post #17 and beyond, I think based on all I said if you read it, that you can tell I am not anti-hunting but anti-senseless killing. If you kill a fish and then just throw its body on shore and let it die, I am not in favor of that and not thinking too highly of you and your morals, but it is not on the same scope as killing a rare animal that only exists in numbers of tens of thousands or less. Kill anything out of need or at least you are going to eat it after the sport of it all and I don't necessarily like it but understand and accept it. You kill rare animals for sport and I think there is something severely wrong with you. I have fished in the past and would like to again but it would be catch and release or eat, not kill senselessly even there. I never hunted other than killing pest animals in the yard, but I would not be opposed to the idea as long as what was killed was eaten by myself of given to others to eat. I have been to wild game suppers and those dudes are not my type but I respect them if they eat what they kill and have enjoyed some of their offerings. I do not go often but when I do I kind of like it. They do their part to preserve wildlife and they are ok as long as they aren't killing grizzlies or big cats or rhinos or other big animals with scarce numbers. And cruelty I am always against, whether in a hunt or especially on a farm.
Red fang

Red fang

What you do not realize, is those trophy hunts...are almost always auctioned off, by the government, state, game refuge, or some such....that money is then used to benefit those areas where the wildlife is taken.....in Nevada they are called the Goveners tags....they usually go for over 50k for trophy deer or elk...they allow 1 or possibly 2 tags and are super regulated with hunting guides and lots of oversite....they are not just some YAHOO'S....out shooting rare species.....In California the desert Big Horn horn hunt.....governers tag is usually auctioned off for over 100k.....and it's super regulated.....what you are seeing on TV is just a reality TV show.....believe me.....you did not get all the information.....just a TV show.

for those post #17 and beyond, I think based on all I said if you read it, that you can tell I am not anti-hunting but anti-senseless killing. If you kill a fish and then just throw its body on shore and let it die, I am not in favor of that and not thinking too highly of you and your morals, but it is not on the same scope as killing a rare animal that only exists in numbers of tens of thousands or less. Kill anything out of need or at least you are going to eat it after the sport of it all and I don't necessarily like it but understand and accept it. You kill rare animals for sport and I think there is something severely wrong with you. I have fished in the past and would like to again but it would be catch and release or eat, not kill senselessly even there. I never hunted other than killing pest animals in the yard, but I would not be opposed to the idea as long as what was killed was eaten by myself of given to others to eat.


The Tri Guy
Thats a bold fucking statement.You are putting catching a fish in the same category as killing an elephant?
Guess theres nothing good to be said about me then,(according to you )because I fish.

I'm suprised by the apparent contradiction, from your signature, I would have guessed you were an animal lover, not someone who sees them as existing for you to do with as you will. What if some local kids decided it would be fun to tie a firework to your cat's tail, because it was only a cat and they were people; and would find it fun to watch it panic. What if they enjoyed the hunt for a cat that they could catch to do that to?
Personally, the way I behave has nothing to do with who / what I am interacting with, it is about who I choose to be that determines my behaviour. I don't get off on watching something else suffer at the command of my will/skill. I don't understand anyone who does. Nor do I buy the "well I eat what I kill" argument. If you can buy a fish for a few dollars, and it takes you an hour to catch one to eat, then either your time is worth less than the cost of buying it, or you do it for the pleasure of bringing that suffering personally. If the former, then its not hunting for pleasure, its hunting for survival, and no one has a problem with that, providing its done in the most humane way possible.


Parker Schnobel
I'm suprised by the apparent contradiction, from your signature, I would have guessed you were an animal lover, not someone who sees them as existing for you to do with as you will. What if some local kids decided it would be fun to tie a firework to your cat's tail, because it was only a cat and they were people; and would find it fun to watch it panic. What if they enjoyed the hunt for a cat that they could catch to do that to?
Personally, the way I behave has nothing to do with who / what I am interacting with, it is about who I choose to be that determines my behaviour. I don't get off on watching something else suffer at the command of my will/skill. I don't understand anyone who does. Nor do I buy the "well I eat what I kill" argument. If you can buy a fish for a few dollars, and it takes you an hour to catch one to eat, then either your time is worth less than the cost of buying it, or you do it for the pleasure of bringing that suffering personally. If the former, then its not hunting for pleasure, its hunting for survival, and no one has a problem with that, providing its done in the most humane way possible.

Why do I even bother..............................................



What you do not realize, is those trophy hunts...are almost always auctioned off, by the government, state, game refuge, or some such....that money is then used to benefit those areas where the wildlife is taken.....in Nevada they are called the Goveners tags....they usually go for over 50k for trophy deer or elk...they allow 1 or possibly 2 tags and are super regulated with hunting guides and lots of oversite....they are not just some YAHOO'S....out shooting rare species.....In California the desert Big Horn horn hunt.....governers tag is usually auctioned off for over 100k.....and it's super regulated.....what you are seeing on TV is just a reality TV show.....believe me.....you did not get all the information.....just a TV show.

That one lion probably fed a whole village for a year with the money it cost. Im not for senselessness killing either, i am an avid hunter, all the meat goes on the table i dont waste anything, but if it fed a village or 2 then it might be justifed. 1 lion or 100 humans from starvation. those hunts take place in the middle of no where, the people out there have there own language so im sure it benifted a lot of people. 1 person will leave there spending 100 to 200k on a hunt by the time they leave with the rare but abundant species they have over there,zebra,lion,impalas, spring buck, rhinos, u name it. And allll that meat will be donated to the community as well. the hunter may take some, but they always leave most of it. They keep strict tabs on the numbers that are harvested each year also. these species are not on the verge of going extinct.

Red Fang

Active member
That one lion probably fed a whole village for a year with the money it cost...
I understand the point you are trying to make but it should not take exploiting a desperate population of people for someone to get a thrill at the expense of a rare species. Why couldn't they just donate that money to conservation or to the poor people instead of savagely slaughtering a rare species that will never be eaten? Read the entire thread, try to understand all my points, and then tell me if you still disagree with me and why and I will listen with open ears, mind, eyes and heart. thanks


i dont disagree at all, was merely trying to justify this act.i do believe the meat will be used and would not go to waste but still not right. either way its a catch 22 type deal. i personally wouldnt do it, i think i would just go for the safari to check the animals out.

Space Ghost

Why is that everyone jumps to the "worse than hitler" remark so quickly on the internet????


Active member

joe guy

That's a purddy trout if I can figure out to take the geo tag off and blurr my face ill post my prize trout too not the right spot but fuck it its the internet rite its all a pissing contest... lol. ....

Green lung

Active member
Trophy hunting is for pussies.

I don't consider trout, deer, hogs trophy hunting.

Hunting or killing other predators is another Pussy move IMO.



Active member
People who enjoy taking life for the sport of it bother me very much.
Hell I try not to even kill bugs, unless they're MITES!


Active member
Trophy hunting is for pussies.

I don't consider trout, deer, hogs trophy hunting.

Hunting or killing other predators is another Pussy move IMO.


I think it's ok to kill foxes etc. if they're being pests - same with hunting down bear individuals that are attacking humans.
Hunting and killing anything that doesn't bother you unless you want to eat it - I personally think it's wrong. On the other side - lion hunting is actually the ONLY thing that's keeping lion populations alive in many parts of Africa. If noone wanted to pay big $ to shoot lions then the africans wouldn't want cattle stealing man hunting animals around.


Active member
Everyone is missing each others points.

The pro hunting crowd agrees with the high fence hunting/trophy hunting is bad and cheap.
And the other side thinks its bad as well.

So much neg rep being thrown around.

It makes me sick seeing those type of clips OP. Id much rather watch the mexican guy getting chainsawed in half and his buddy getting a dull knife to the neck. But I'm kind of sick. Hmmm speaking of meat.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I would much rather hunt for squeamish tree hugging hypocritical left leaning idealists who want to equate people with whom they dont agree with Nazis but they havent opened a season on them... yet.
Green Lung

Green Lung

I hear what your saying...but tell that to all the cattle and sheep farmers out there that lose to the mountain lions, wolves, coyotes....etc......it's called controling a population.

Hunting or killing other predators is another Pussy move IMO.

Mia......I understand what your saying...but

Mia......I understand what your saying...but

Consider the snow goose example a few posts back....those hunters are providing money to the local economy, they are using the animal as food, and they are helping the environment, by reducing the population.......also....if you really want to see where hunting helps....go to wyoming, montana, Idaho, after a very harsh winter.....and see all the deer, elk, moose that died of starvation.....hunting helps keep the population in check with the available food for that population.

Another way to look at it.....of course i do not know you...and am not one of those kinda of guys who posts crap on the web just to see a chit fest..........Hunters & fisherman are providing food for their familys...if it means killing a fish or animal..they do it themselfs......when you go to safeway, raleys, or a butcher shop someone else did the killing....but you paid them to do it...........It's harsh....I know......but very true.

People who enjoy taking life for the sport of it bother me very much.
Hell I try not to even kill bugs, unless they're MITES!

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