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Trophy hunters should be shot!

Red Fang

Active member
I was watching some recorded show on trophy hunters killing a leading pride male lion and the whole pride was in dissarray as a result. Such scum don't deserve to live that act on a sadistic perverse desire to harm for their own thrill they should be burnt a the stake then shot pieces of shit that they are! What right do they have to disrupt a whole species for childish thrill? They are worse than Hitler and should be treated as such!

memphis man

no these threads are against the rules i for one love to hunt and if you have a problem with it thats your own deal. i just laugh and know that people like you wont make it the first week when the zombies come

Red Fang

Active member
ok sure whatever then! I have no problem with hunting for sustainence or as long as you eat it or whatever. But shooting rare species like lions to put a head on the wall? Those who do this should have their heads put on a wall! What strong opinions in favor of what is right are not welcome here? I have more faith in ICmag than that!

4 2 0

New member
Nothing better then getting out in the woods, blazing a j, and stalking some whitetails.

High Fence hunting is retarded tho, i cannot fathom why anyone would want to pay an absurd amount of money to hunt an animal in a cage?!?!


Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
ok sure whatever then! I have no problem with hunting for sustainence or as long as you eat it or whatever. But shooting rare species like lions to put a head on the wall? Those who do this should have their heads put on a wall! What strong opinions in favor of what is right are not welcome here? I have more faith in ICmag than that!

Man...that scenario would make a GREAT Twilight Zone episode!

Most of the show would feature a big game hunter, his preparation for the hunt, travelling to the location, and then the beginning of the hunt.

Show would end with him putting his target in his sight, camera would shoot through the scope for effect, and then show the target is another big game hunter.

The last scene/minute of the show would have the main character back home in his trophy room...which would be all heads of famous big game trophy hunters on the wall, and he would be watching the evening news with a report on a story called "Who's killing All The Great Hunters Of The World?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I was watching some recorded show on trophy hunters killing a leading pride male lion and the whole pride was in dissarray as a result. Such scum don't deserve to live that act on a sadistic perverse desire to harm for their own thrill they should be burnt a the stake then shot pieces of shit that they are! What right do they have to disrupt a whole species for childish thrill? They are worse than Hitler and should be treated as such!

ok sure whatever then! I have no problem with hunting for sustainence or as long as you eat it or whatever. But shooting rare species like lions to put a head on the wall? Those who do this should have their heads put on a wall! What strong opinions in favor of what is right are not welcome here? I have more faith in ICmag than that!

Agree With Ya...

Guest 18340

I'd be ok with hunting if the odds where more even. You know, maybe go after that Lion with a rock and a stick instead of an uber accurate high powered rifle...Now THAT would be worth bragging about:biggrin:
Totally agree with ya Red Fang!

Over in NZ people hunt wild boar that I think is wrong aswell (they set dogs onto them first to wear them out for a while so then they can run in and slit the throat, cruel much?)

I think that any sort of hunting that isn't about supplying food, or that involves cruelty is bull shit! Dont even get me started on whales and seals...
I admit I enjoy the thrill of hunting. I guess I'm closer to a caveman than a 21st century person, heh.

But! I try to hone that in with my own sense of fear and pain. So that means no bow hunting for me. FUCK shooting a beautiful deer with a bow, missing the heart by a few inches and letting him bleed out in pain for 5 minutes.


^^fucking shitbags..

Can you fucking imagine the suffering and pain? It's horrifying.

But I have no problem getting up close and personal with a big-ass, high caliber rifle and unloading a blast to the head or heart for an instant death.

The former sends chills up my spine and the latter...meh.

Now in case one of you dirt bags hacked my shit and know my name and everything, I'm not asking you to shoot me in the head.:biggrin:

I'm just saying, you know...you don't know it's coming, it's over instantly, that's really not a bad way to go.

But FUCK all trophy hunters and fuck anyone who takes a tough shot with a bow. I agree..

Listen to me yap with my bullshit that nobody cares about. Sorry guys I'm really high.


The Tri Guy
I agree, if the odds aren't even, ie just as many hunters die as the animals, then how is it brave or tough? Take a camera out with ya, and get some great shots, same "skill" needed but no harm done. Why some get a thrill out of the suffering and death of something else is beyond me to be honest, whether you're pulling fish out of a stream or taking down an elephant with a bazooka, it doesn't really make a diff, if you enjoy spilling the blood of another, then there's nothing good to be said about you. But to say that hunters should be shot, kinda loses you the high road on the issue.
Fact: if women didn't make such a big deal about penis size the amount of big game hunters would shrink to almost zero.

You think I'm joking and I kinda am but I'm kinda not too. It's always fat white guys and asian guys who seem to get off on this shit the most. Now what are the stereotypes of white fat guys and Asian dudes?

I'm just sayin.

Red Fang

Active member
Man...that scenario would make a GREAT Twilight Zone episode!

Most of the show would feature a big game hunter, his preparation for the hunt, travelling to the location, and then the beginning of the hunt.

Show would end with him putting his target in his sight, camera would shoot through the scope for effect, and then show the target is another big game hunter.

The last scene/minute of the show would have the main character back home in his trophy room...which would be all heads of famous big game trophy hunters on the wall, and he would be watching the evening news with a report on a story called "Who's killing All The Great Hunters Of The World?
that would be a unique turn of events wouldn't it? That is not what I am promoting though, if I could change it I would but a thread title of "Trophy hunters who kill rare animals for thrill..." would be too cumbersome anyway! I think everyone understands I could not kill or advocate others to do the same, it was just a statement of outrage. This does not diminish the fact that this outrage must be stopped! Any species that is rare or killed for sport alone should not be allowed.
I have

I have

Hunted my whole life....so....I am pro hunting....not sure the show you were watching...but there are dumbshits on tv and youtube everywhere.....and one is our president.

I just do not believe this thread will ....have any benefit on a cannibas website.

Red Fang

Active member
that and 75% of threads on toker's den, it has a benefit not as a cannabis website but as a member of humanity as a whole. To stand up for what is right, not to trample on anyone's indigenous rights but not to stand for fat rich guys killing for any last thrill they can get at the expense of a whole species.


Parker Schnobel
whether you're pulling fish out of a stream or taking down an elephant with a bazooka, it doesn't really make a diff, if you enjoy spilling the blood of another, then there's nothing good to be said about you.

Thats a bold fucking statement.You are putting catching a fish in the same category as killing an elephant?
Guess theres nothing good to be said about me then,(according to you )because I fish.
you ever watched a show on lions and the pride?....I have quite a few times....once the dominate male is killed and another takes over the new dominate male kills all the cubs....all of them.....then re-breeds the females with his geneics.......that is what happens in the wild....now that being said.....I did not watch the show.....just saing what happens.....

You do know where hamburgers come from right?

joe guy

Well if you were fucked in a forrest with nothing to eat your gona die and they will eat you no problem. so if its me or a dear rabbit idk care what it was I'm kill somthing you can only eat bugs and berries for so long. man was made to eat meat I have deer heads but I ate the rest to sustain life for my kids wife and I.. I'm not a priest but am a man of the lord and its in timmothy2 that anamials were created for us to eat so I do I use the tools of man to eat the foods of God.
I killed a sparrow once with a bb gun grandpa saw me do it made me dress it and cook it and sat there and made me eat every bit of it. that taught me a valuable leson that there is a time and place for hunting... but for any jerkoff to just kill it for the sake of killing is wrong. I'm not sure what they do with the meat if they give it the local tribe to feed them I guess its not all that bad like the river monster guy he allways releases the fish he cathes but if it dies it dose not go to waste.. so its a toss up on the but if they do that shit from a chopper that's just puss no matter what they do with the meat get on there level and use ur skill....

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