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Trophy hunters should be shot!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
nice one krunch, whatever the rights and wrongs of hunting , it cant be ok for these fucking "daddys boys" to kill a leopard, excuse my ignorence but do people actually eat leopards? id like to drop these 2 pricks in the middle of the east end and have them hunted,. hunting for food,,, yes of course, using a beautiful animal like a leopard to prove you dont have a little cock is not ok, peace and safe growing s2


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I'm not a hunter. Just not my thing. I like to fish.

But as far as hunters wanting to watch the animal suffer or getting off on them suffering.That's just ridiculous. Hunters go for the cleanest kill. It's greatly frowned upon if you miss and the animal suffers.

And as far as comparing fishing to hunting elephants. Well that's just so ridiculous I have no comment.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I agree fishing is not hunting. I love to fish. If I catch a big one I take a pic and let it go...

Most guides do not like it if you miss a clean kill shoot. The animal will need to be tracked down and that's the guides responsibility. If you only wounded the animal it will run off and die this is what they don't want to happen.. I'm not a hunter anymore. I was a water foul hunter when I was younger.. Field stripping a dear or other large game is not my thing and does not sound like fun to me.
whats a lion taste like ? anyone ate lion?

a friend of mine supposadly had some.
and said it was very... gamey. like any wild critter. dont know the source of this lion meat. as lion season here in the states are few and far between. :dance013:

i dont see myself being tempted to sample.

although, joe rogan used to be very persuasive with all that money.
I would much rather hunt for squeamish tree hugging hypocritical left leaning idealists who want to equate people with whom they dont agree with Nazis but they havent opened a season on them... yet.
ahahaha. bet you have confederate flag and swastika somewhere too..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
mono a mono you against the lion. No guns you need to make the weapons from your surroundings. You want a thrill do that instead of hiding with a rifle from 100 yards away..


actually the ideal kill for the hunter is the one the animal doesn't even see coming. real skill requires the hunter to get very close to the prey so his shot is clean and perfect. the second the animal only gets wounded, or startled all the adrenalin will flood that animals system and totally make the meat tougher and less tasty. so making the animal suffer is the last thing the true hunter will want to do. you'd be surprised how many shots a hunter doesn't take for one reason or another.

if we would know what happens to the animals before they end up in those neat plastic packets in the supermarket, we would stop enjoying it even half as much. the factory slaughter house will always produce terrible suffering, even if they work correctly, the animals hear each other scream and die. 1000 times worse then an animal losing it's life from out of the blue quickly without suffering on a hunt. when i think of the turkey barns they recently busted locally it makes me want to vomit. they clip their beaks so they don't peck each other, they hardly have room to move and always inside. once they are big they are off to the slaughter, terrible life for any living creature. our mass meat production methods are just bonkers, we are getting terrible quality at the end of it all too.

slowly more farms are going back to more natural farming methods, people who care about their food a great deal are getting their food from those places.


Active member
i seen how animals are raised and killed . thats why i quit veal years back. once i saw that poor creature in a tiny stall i lost my appetite for veal. havebnt had it since


The Tri Guy
i don't think you hang out with too many hunters. or you have never talked to the ones that i know.

good hunters go for a clean kill. they don't want to hurt something and have to chase it for miles ......... some of us would argue that the meat tastes like shit if the animal died in a state of panic, so most of us will go for a clean kill or go home empty handed

Haven't you ever watched an english fox hunt?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Haven't you ever watched an english fox hunt?
yeah,with you all the way gmt,fox-huntings totally barbaric, only thing worse is are the pricks on the horses chasing the dogs, never have or will eat veal,nearly came to fisticuffs when on holiday one year, had an argument with a resturant manager,trying to pass off veal as something other then what it was, veal certainly raises peeps temps, so fucking cruel,and please dont get me started on "foie gras" and the methods used there, peace and safe growing s2:ying:


To Have More ... Desire Less
hhuummm...foie gras"...wrapped in bacon and fried...yes edible orgasmic insanity...LUV~it


Active member
Looking at the amount of posts in such a short time i can see this thread going nowhere because ther are those that hunt & those that don`t like hunters & hunting .
I don`t trophy hunt but i shoot for food or vermin control . The foxes get the vermin so everybodys happy .


yes MJBadger, it's why i was tempted to bin the thread right at the beginning. some things people just won't see eye to eye on. but so far the discussion is staying civil, so lets see where it goes.

Red Fang

Active member
i dont disagree at all, was merely trying to justify this act.i do believe the meat will be used and would not go to waste but still not right. either way its a catch 22 type deal. i personally wouldnt do it, i think i would just go for the safari to check the animals out.
right on man, I know some countries like Zambia I think it was feel they have to do this and think they can both generate much needed revenue AND help save most of the wildlife, but I think there has got to be a better way then the slaughter of animals numbering in the few tens of thousands or less. It would be different if they were trophy hunting flies or mosquitos! :D