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**((Thundurkel's 252w Fluoro Frenzy))**


Just Call me Urkle!!
Thanks I'm finally feeling normal and not throwing up my medication for once in the last few days sheeesh that shit was awful!!!

I'm uploading pics I took yesterday now


Just Call me Urkle!!
Ok stoners and stonettes (still waiting for the lovely lady grower to pop up) it is that time again where I cram my post full of BIG pretty photos of bud porn that you all love so much... Right now my cab isn't they way it should be (HD SOG) since I am in the process of getting my cycle going every week cuz I moved my bubble cloner and it fucked me up and ruined my every week harvest I was getting going. So I do have all my clones ready tho now that I switched over to using Jiffy Pots and diluted Root Tech gel and I'm getting 99% success at have roots on all of my cuts in 10 days and a 3rd in 6-7 days I was shocked! I think it has to do with where I have my cloning station setup which is on top of my flower cab under 2 2ft 20w 5000K T12s and the heat from my flower cabs is acting like a germination pad from what I can see. I'm really diggin doin my clones this was cuz it's cheap, more organic than shitty ol rock wool and from what I've seen it produces a STRONG root ball. I noticed this the other day when I was pulling root balls out of old containers and, the rock wool and bubble cloner cuts the were flowered pulled out fairly easy but then I came across my jiffy pot girls and holly shit were they a bitch to pull out and when I got them out it's root system was massive compared to my others. I'm not sure why they were so good but all of the Jiffy Pot clones were stronger and filled out the container the way they did but that's how I'm doing my cuts from here on out. I may try som Rapid Rooters but from what I hear it's not that much different than using Jiffy Pots with cloning gel....





These are what I was told is Super Granddad, I got it with my Mendocino Purple Master Kush and it looked similar so I figured it was just the same a got mixed up but it smells and looks different so I was curious if anybody has heard of Super Granddad?? It has nothing to do with GDP and it doesn't turn purple either, so far it's really dense and is giving me a kushy lemon smell, like it's close to the MK but has the lemon thing going on and when I asked my buddy who got them from his brother in Clearlake for me said he thinks that they are both Master Kush and one was just a MK cross so it's driving me nuts at the moment.....





Maui Wowi x Tooty Fruity start of week 6 closeup








Maui Wowi x Tooty Fruity start of week 6 macro





SR71 PK Bonsai at the end of week 5 closeup





SR71 PK Bonsai at the end of week 5 with tons of nute burn

Alrighty then!!! Hope you enjoy the photos


half cat half man half baked
I really enjoyed the pics man and I'm going to have to buy one of them USB macro camera things because that is awesome.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Just get a Canon Power Shot camera, mine is a older one so the new ones are even better I have the good ol Canon Power Shot A410 3.2 mega pixels and the new ones are 9 and 10 mega pixels so I'm sure the quality is just awesome with them and the face detection shit is cool cuz it gives me a green box when my focus is right and it will be yellow if the pic is blurred so that's a nice help when taking bud porn shots up close

Thanks by the way glad you enjoyed the pics
I used to do CFL's; now I'm using half the watts in H.I.D and never going back.

Don't mean to piss on your fire, they're great for quality - just lacking in yield.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Thats cool my quality is better though, and I get yields that rival small HID grows so no worries about pissin on my fire

Cozy Amnesia

Just get a Canon Power Shot camera, mine is a older one so the new ones are even better I have the good ol Canon Power Shot A410 3.2 mega pixels and the new ones are 9 and 10 mega pixels so I'm sure the quality is just awesome with them and the face detection shit is cool cuz it gives me a green box when my focus is right and it will be yellow if the pic is blurred so that's a nice help when taking bud porn shots up close

Thanks by the way glad you enjoyed the pics

Thats what I got too, a canon powershot. I had an older one but it spontaneously died, yet despite that I liked it so much I bought another. Great cameras!


Just Call me Urkle!!
Hell yea they are I hella want to get a new one...

And on that note I was playing around with mine today and took some pics cuz I finally got around to putting mylar all over the inside of my main flower cab. Including the ceiling and when I had just added mylar for my door I had got a increase in growth on the lower buds. So now that it's all over the walls and reflecting all the light the was lost from the tops of the bulbs in bouncing back down and my cab is 15-20% brighter!!! I'm hoping to get even better results but I still need to add 2 more sockets so I can put some 26w 6500k Daylight CFLs in there but until then here's what we have...


Here's a shot inside my 1.5sq ft 115w cab with my Super Silver Haze bonsai in the front and my PK in the back with some Thunder Goo's on the side, I put plants that don't hit the sweet spot in here to finish and it works out better so I don't need to keep the raised...

Here's a look in my main flower chamber after putting up the mylar this morning:joint: In the pic is a Thuder Goo in front and in the 2 rows on the right behind her is my Super Granddad that is getting fatter and frostier each day and in the left corner is a Thunder Goo mom I flowered a week ago and just Supercropped yesterday so that will be interesting to watch, I think I'll pull close to a oz from her

My lights with new reflection!!! Now I am getting the full potential out of my lighting system so I should get some better yields possibly:joint:

My Super Silver Haze bonsai at 4 weeks starting to fill out and I know she is low on N I've been trying to green her up I think another shot of Grow Big should do the trick fucking nute hog

Super Silver Haze week 4 in the flower cab

Super Silver Haze week 4 macro

Super Silver Haze week 4 macro

Super Granddad day 40 of 12/12

Super Granddad day 40 of 12/12

Super Granddad day 40 of 12/12

Super Granddad day 40 of 12/12

Super Granddad day 40 of 12/12

Super Granddad day 40 of 12/12

Cured Maui Wowi Tooty Fruity macro shot

Cured Maui Wowi Tooty Fruity macro shot

Cured Maui Wowi Tooty Fruity macro shot

Cured Maui Wowi Tooty Fruity macro shot

Well there's a look into my grow today and what I'm smoking at the moment and hope you all enjoyed this installment in Thundurkle's Fluoro Frenzy!!! :joint:


props Thundurkel- repping the cfl's well.

I love the SSH- just dont smoke it before bedtime! Its some get up and go type stuff.
Thundurkel - Damn those are some great shots!

?? did i miss the post where u stated the "sweet spot" to start flowering? if not can you tell us\me your range\window of time you started. was it different for each strain? i know that the "sweet spot" pertains to DrBud and his growing techniques but i wanted to see what has worked for you.

Thanks Sticky-


half cat half man half baked
Great pictures man! I really like seeing the structures up close like that.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Excellent work with the flouros, Thundurkel. Rockin' 180 watts of T5/CFL in a 1.8ft2 cab here, and I see nothing in my buddy's HPS buds that makes me regret the choice.



Just Call me Urkle!!
Excellent work with the flouros, Thundurkel. Rockin' 180 watts of T5/CFL in a 1.8ft2 cab here, and I see nothing in my buddy's HPS buds that makes me regret the choice.


Thanks man I don't think you will either!! Keep doing your thing and show your buddy how much more potent n frosty your bud can be!:joint:


man that tutti fruity looks bomb as always. is that more of an up/sativa kind of high? i know you love your narcotic pot, but i was wondering if this one is also knockout or more energetic?


Just Call me Urkle!!
Thank you #1cheesebuds, I'm so excited now that I'm not losing any lumens and they are all bouncing around the cab. My soil line is lit up bright now and I can tell I was losing a 25% of my light before, when my lights came on this morning I could see how much brighter the tops of my plants are lit up and how bright the floor of the cab is!!!!


Just Call me Urkle!!
man that tutti fruity looks bomb as always. is that more of an up/sativa kind of high? i know you love your narcotic pot, but i was wondering if this one is also knockout or more energetic?

LOL wow I just pissed off last night cuz I had to smoke more of it than my Thunder Goo for that exact reason!!! Yea I would have to say it's more of a creative up kinda high but I don't know if I have let it fully finish yet either cuz who knows maybe 9 weeks and she just knocks you on your ass cuz it's pretty stoney also, weird and hard to explain haha:joint:

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