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The Wussification of Boys

Flying Goat

Do you know what? I have spoken with people of all generations. (so fucking many...)
This new generation Has some things to learn from the older generation, lots, but regrettably, the older generations usually fail in learning from the new generations.

Who always bring something new and better to the table.

History has worked like this, one man gives something new to the world, a world changer, a maker for the better.

He/she is laughed at, ridiculed. But some of the younger generations listen. 50 years pass and as set in their ways people die off, this idea, this gamechanger is increasingly considered solid wisdom and everybody thinks the old people were stupid for not listening.

Hehe, frankly, this new generation is the best this world has to offer.
The reason why we have been so slow in legalizing cannabis?
We are waiting for all the hardasses and badasses to die off.

Society is kinda fucked for now, but it is not the young people´s fault.

It is entirely the older generations fault. (of which im part of.)

The hard asses, the badasses, they got us here and have no idea how to fix it.

The younger people often do.

The reason why its taking so long is because the hardasses the badasses and the bitches are fighting change.

As always...

Fucking monkeys... (us.)

Agree with you & tracking alongside, but there's another movement going on in a different culture... Amongst the NDNs, the city kids & city "resettled" families are moving BACK to the land, BACK to the rez...

Learning their own languages again, learning herbal healing, learning spirituality & oral tradition. This gets me excited.

One of hub's ideas is to do a 'wilderness school' for kids from UY who live in the city & come here on vacation... They can camp out (dry camp), learn to dig a hole to shit in & clean up their leavings, learn to start fire and cook over it. Know what simple box supplies you need for "bush tucker" when yer hungry. Learn how to cook a rabbit on a shovel & have it turn out delicious!

One thing I'm looking forward to when we get settled for good (the house we're building is temporary and we will sell when finished at a good price) is getting the goats, a very few Blackfaced Leicesters or Jacobs' Sheep, and some llamas so I can start teaching carding and spinning. The women of Bolivia & Peru make the most beautiful things from wool hand spun on a drop spindle & then woven or felted... Just like the Navajos.

I have a small Navaho loom in my kitchen and work on it off & on. Plans for bigger fullsize with seat (Appalachian loom, 1850s) with heddles & pedals after that.

All of these old crafts, as well as how to make your own soap, shampoo, whiskey, medicine, etc. has died off... or is dying off. Once we're gone, it's gone. It's up to us to be the teachers.

Once they burn the books (again!), what on earth will they do with no electronic toys? Work! Just like in Victorian England. Or starve. Not purdy.

The trick to be a jack of all trades... :dance013:

Flying Goat

When you can not reason with a child, they are too young and they are being unruly, damaging things, hurting others.

I find it quickest to give them a quick 2 finger slap on the wrist, accompanied with a stern voice and look.

I rarely have to use it, nor raise my voice.

I do it just hard enough to hurt a bit, not enough to raise a mark or even make the skin red.

And i only do it when the child has refused to listen for awhile.

But when the child is old enough to understand and can be reasoned with, made to understand or at least respect the property and bodies of others, then i do not see any reason for physical punishment.

And i never see reason for harsh punishment.

Kids can play and scream and shout and jump around, that is great, but when the kid is being an asshole and not listening, that slap works quickest and best.

My wife tried yelling for days, so did i, but the particular brat im talking about did not listen in the slightest or care, till i did slap his wrist.

I however make sure i get eyecontact with the child and show him emotional content as well.

Ah, geez... I am sitting here killing my back trying to catch up this thread but must comment on this one.

My son, age 3, refused to come to the table for dinner, preferring his finger-painting. When I insisted he come wash his hands, he stomped his foot. When I stomped back & said, "Come, wash your hands." He stood there, looked me straight in the eye >> and deliberately pissed his Barney underwear. Legs planted. Power struggle.

I smacked his butt sharply with one hand & we went to change pants & wash hands & eat supper. That was sufficient until age 6.

I asked him about something and he lied to my face. He got 6 swats with a ping-pong paddle on his jeans butt. Never had to paddle him again, we had made a "pinky swear" and he kept his word.

From this point, he was able to be "reasoned with," but not before. Even mother cats will swat a kitten that bites too hard on her ears.


Active member
Agree with you & tracking alongside, but there's another movement going on in a different culture... Amongst the NDNs, the city kids & city "resettled" families are moving BACK to the land, BACK to the rez...

Yeah, id heard of this.

Learning their own languages again, learning herbal healing, learning spirituality & oral tradition. This gets me excited.

Could be cool.

One of hub's ideas is to do a 'wilderness school' for kids from UY who live in the city & come here on vacation... They can camp out (dry camp), learn to dig a hole to shit in & clean up their leavings, learn to start fire and cook over it. Know what simple box supplies you need for "bush tucker" when yer hungry. Learn how to cook a rabbit on a shovel & have it turn out delicious!

Good to get back to nature, without nature we aint shit, though i would not want to lose the comfort of modern life.

One thing I'm looking forward to when we get settled for good (the house we're building is temporary and we will sell when finished at a good price) is getting the goats, a very few Blackfaced Leicesters or Jacobs' Sheep, and some llamas so I can start teaching carding and spinning. The women of Bolivia & Peru make the most beautiful things from wool hand spun on a drop spindle & then woven or felted... Just like the Navajos.

You loom? nice.Yeah, jawdroppingly beautiful the handwork from those areas.

I have a small Navaho loom in my kitchen and work on it off & on. Plans for bigger fullsize with seat (Appalachian loom, 1850s) with heddles & pedals after that.

That would be nice to be able to do, unfortunetly my fingers are too stiff.

All of these old crafts, as well as how to make your own soap, shampoo, whiskey, medicine, etc. has died off... or is dying off. Once we're gone, it's gone. It's up to us to be the teachers.

Oh i think most of the good stuff will survive, thanks to you and others.

I think there are always going to be some youngsters that will want to learn.

Once they burn the books (again!), what on earth will they do with no electronic toys? Work! Just like in Victorian England. Or starve. Not purdy.

All work and no play, make this jack unhappy.Learn from the past, not fucking repeat it i always say, there is a reason why we invented technology, life sucks without it.Just gotta find balance.

The trick to be a jack of all trades... :dance013:

If you cant manage being a master of some single thing, cause its kinda boring, then that is the thing to do. :D I try.


Active member
Ah, geez... I am sitting here killing my back trying to catch up this thread but must comment on this one.

My son, age 3, refused to come to the table for dinner, preferring his finger-painting. When I insisted he come wash his hands, he stomped his foot. When I stomped back & said, "Come, wash your hands." He stood there, looked me straight in the eye >> and deliberately pissed his Barney underwear. Legs planted. Power struggle.

I smacked his butt sharply with one hand & we went to change pants & wash hands & eat supper. That was sufficient until age 6.

I asked him about something and he lied to my face. He got 6 swats with a ping-pong paddle on his jeans butt. Never had to paddle him again, we had made a "pinky swear" and he kept his word.

From this point, he was able to be "reasoned with," but not before. Even mother cats will swat a kitten that bites too hard on her ears.

We are just like the animals.

A swat is better than ADD medicine.. (ive seen quite a few of those "hyper reactive kids" they always appeared to me as just assholes that never got slapped on the ass.)

Luckily i do not have to swat often, mostly i just use The Look.

Also i rarely raise my voice, so when i do, it counts.


I once was in the airport and observed something terrible. this kid with some obvious mental disabilities{not full on retardation or anything but probably a little bit autistic} ran from his dad, stood in the middle of the walkway and started clapping chaoticly for a few minutes, then digging in his ass and sniffing his hands. Once the dad sees this he drags the kid off to wash his hands. On the way back the kid drops straight to the floor and throws a fit. wont move. the dad leaves the kid laying in the middle of the floor with his like 9 yr old sister and walks off. He comes back with a kit kat bar and literally, like you would guide a dog with a treat, donkey and carrot styles his kid back to their seats. Im sorry but my mom would have lit my ass up in a situation like that. you don't want your kid to learn fear of you, you want them to learn repercussions for unacceptable actions. and in regards to losing knowledge, the big businesses and evil powers at be want that knowledge to be lost so you've gotta buy their crap and so they can make money off of you. I swear you could drop 60% of the population in the US into a food forest and they would starve to death. end of rant.

Flying Goat

I still wonder, out of this obviously enlightened generation, who exactly is going to build things. Or even be able to communicate without a screen in front of them?
We can embrace change all we want, I'm not slamming that. I used to be a gay-bashing tool, until I stopped one day, and thought "What the hell, they are people just like me. Why shouldn't they be just as happy?"
I do believe, however, that most kids under 25 are lost. They simply have no idea how the actual world works. Not necessarily building rockets, but actual hands-on experience. I started working on things when I was 4 or 5, with my Dad.
The only thing I ever pay to have done is HVAC repair. I am simply not knowledgeable enough about it to touch it.
The point of that is, even if these kids pull their heads out at 20, they are still 15 years behind.
Gaming? Yeah. I don't know if the violent content is to blame, but spending 1/4 of your time on earth, in front of a mindless machine, swapping ones and zeros in a processor, for some meaningless reward?
Wow. That should scare all of us.
I view many kids I know, mine included, as drug addicts to technology. I see all the same warning signs, and the withdrawal behaviors of a junkie, when they are deprived of precious screen time.
They literally can't function for long without it, or at least talking about it. Moodiness, sulking, disrespect, anger. All but the shaking and puking.
Give this a listen, even if it's not your genre. I happen to be a big RJD fan, but even if you are not, just think. This song was written 23 years ago, and is chillingly prophetic. (not a great quality upload, but the best youtube had, with lyrics).
Sorry for the ramble, I think about this a lot. Not as the "Arrogant old guy, stuck in his ways", but as the 42 year old, with some very serious concerns for not only this generation, but all of us!


Boy, did you hit the nail on the head. All of these things are bad for you on a basic energy basis. Cell towers & SmartMeters & routers emit some pretty dirty energy, but aside from that...

They're being raised to have a 3-second attention span and the brain of a gnat.

Example: With friends in Australia, we went to Blue Hole, a beautiful lake near Mt. Gambier, S.A. The 13 yr old daughter was texting the whole time. We went on a weekend fishing trip to Robe & her parents took the cell phone away as she had run out of her credits & was borrowing from friends (Telstra lets you do that).

She stomped off to the other side of the bay, most exercise she's had in her life, probably, and pouted the rest of the day. At supper, she begged to have it back, and even was in tears at not having access to it. By 8pm, she was crawling on her dad, trying to take it from him... IF THAT ain't addiction, don't know what is.

Not only a MAJOR waste of time, but they occupy their minds and interests around what is "trending" at the moment.

They don't "think" anymore, no more original ideas. Everything based on what is popular today, dead tomorrow. Without machines telling them what to do, where would they be?

TV emits radiofrequency flicker at the same rate as the brain's processing. Very hypnotic.

I prefer to CHOOSE what comes into my head, thank you. Don't need to compete against a machine to 'gain levels,' when I 'gain dinner' by getting mussels & algae from the beach. Walk & cold water are worth it. Barefoot. No "aqua socks." Yeah, I cut my foot before... Washed it out in the bathtub, poured vodka over it & stitched it up with dental floss at age 15. Gain = no hospital or clinic bill. Important, because I was living on my own, not at my parents' home.

Y'mighta noticed I'm catching up on this thread... I've been out at the place working the soil & spent yesterday at the beach. It's called a life. (not being snotty or nothing)


Flying Goat

Paladin made a statement: Boys need to be civilized, not made into girls or zombies.

I feel that what you are saying is paradoxal...

NOT paradoxical. Ever been amused at how a rambunctios young man can be suddenly quite the gentleman, opening car doors and saying 'Yes, ma'am,' and listening politely to the parents when he meets a young Lady???

MUCH difference between 'gentling' a horse and 'breaking one.'

Flying Goat

you know what I hate . sports with no scores. ya they don't keep track wtf. and then medals and ribbons for everyone. a ribbon just for being there . really? I refuse to go to a game where there is no score ever again.my childhood ended the real boys era. after that helmets and video games took off and its been downhill since. I prob fell off my bike a hundred times an I am ok no helmet needed. road rash and some bruising and ya a few broke bones. but thats what makes ya tough.
Awww, man... You would LOVE "Nekkid in Austin" a series of rants on women in the military, kids being protected to death, and the enstupification of the masses via public "education" system. Mao heartily recommended the near-exact same program coming down in the new Core Values system...

Yep. Y'all are gonna love that one...

@ StormShadow - Yeah, agree completely with the article you posted on page 5. Done by design. Of course, not all resort to violence, but it makes them desensitized and much more receptive to the idea...

Then they get a student loan they cannot pay and go into the Army or other branch to pay off the debt, and end up in a bunker someplace under a mountain, cracking jokes with their friends while the bomb little old women & kids gathering firewood in Pakistan via drones thru their joysticks... Translates perfectly.


Flying Goat

What kills me is seeing these single moms out here raising boys ...they can do a good job but they can never teach him to be a man! I see them telling there girls to go out there and get it while they'll take off work to stand in line while it's cold and raining to get him a pair of sneakers so he's not whining ...wth? Half won't even work or hustle for $$, seems they'd rather rob or steal! I get looked at funny for how I raise my shorties but now my peeps see the method in my madness ...I'm raising shepherds over here, not wolves or sheep!! When I was a single dad the gov never helped me the way they're helping these females.

It shouldn't be hard to see that the family bond has been wiped out and replaced with this selfish me, me, me attitude! I know I'm starting to rant now but why do you think the gov forces you to send your kids to school as earlier as 4/5 yrs old? Look at the Chinese, Korean, and pre WWII Russia for the answer .....those kids will dime out there own parents ...and they say the kids aren't learning anything in school lol

"You are not allowed to vote on any more posts today."

Big ups, bro! :laughing:

Flying Goat

my dad had an instant cure for ADHD

he bought it at Sears, in the men's department

normally, he just used it to hold his pants up :chin:

Pinball, ya old legend! Nice to see you drop in... :tiphat:

My internet is slow, but I was still laughing when the page popped up to give you a clap on the back, dude.


Flying Goat


Perfect example of histerical Main Stream Media whores...

Where are all the reports over accidents that happened when people are OK, get up, dust themselves off, & get back on???

Obviously, the idiot was a git, worried about mussing his hair. No real masculine being even thinks about that, except at weddings/funerals and possibly Church or a family foto.

Better a dash of chlorine in that genepool, methinx.


I live in a town of about 2,000 year-round residents who all ride bikes or 4-wheelers (had to sell my '72 Shovelhead & Sporty after I became a mother - responsibility. Dad ran out on me while I was PG. House all in my name. Baby coming, with no one to depend on but ME. I don't believe in welfare.) We all are careful because we look out for each other. ATM, the whole village is on "whale watch" in contact by cell phones so we don't miss the show when they come... :D

I have 3 broken vertebrae in my neck that basically look like popcorn on x-ray. Have trouble holding my head up at the end of the day, no WAY can my neck support a heavy helmet. (Found a styrofoam one at the local gun shop that is very light & painted black. I will wear this for summer if I go "into" the village.

Yeah. I'm stupid. I don't wanna muss my hair - Idiot. Already a Zombie.

Flying Goat

Amen, Brother. Testify.
I found that after a judicious application of the aforementioned treatment, my attention span to what my father said would increase exponentially and also resulted in a burst of long term memory acquisition.

Mr. Creosote - Glad you liked Pinball's wise remark. My grandparents raised me. Pop was Scottish. He referred to it as "taking the board of education to the seat of the problem."


Flying Goat


This quote (paraphrased from a internet chat room) emphasizes the common misperception that many video game players and parents of these players have towards the effects that violent video games have on aggressive behavior: “I see violent media daily and I do not want to kill anybody. Therefore, violent video games don't affect me.” The question of whether violent video game play is related to negative behavioral consequences (i.e., aggression) is not new, nor are the attempts by the scientific community to communicate these findings to public policy makers.

However, rarely does effective public policy concerning media violence get implemented. To support this claim, consider the following questions:

1. Does the scientific literature continually show strong relationships between
violent media and aggressive thoughts, aggressive feelings, and aggressive
behaviors? – Yes (see Anderson, 2004; Kirsh, 2006).

2. Have the leading media violence experts testified before their governing body
stating that violent media increases the probability of aggression in consumers? -
Yes (see Anderson, Berkowitz, Donnerstein, Huesmann, Johnson, Linz,
Malamuth, & Wartella, 2003).

3. Are children still consuming violent mass media regularly? – Yes (see
Anderson, Gentile, & Buckley, 2007).

4. Are there effective policies in the United States that minimize the
consumption of violent media by children of certain ages (e.g., under 15 years
old)? –No (see Anderson & Gentile, 2008).

Thus, scientific research has found evidence to suggest that violent media consumption, including violent video games, increases the probability of thinking, feeling, and
behaving aggressively in children and adults. These findings have been explicitly communicated to public policy makers. However, children still get a steady diet of violent media. Why is there such a huge disconnection between the scientific evidence of harm and public policy?

BTW Altered Beast was pretty fun on Genesis... but had nothing on Wonder Boy 1,2,3 on Sega Master System...

Your view on kids from the hood not having enough money to get internet access and game consoles is way off man... I can tell your from the suburbs...

You comparing video games from the era of Tecmo Bowl to todays games are weird.... You never played Duck Hunt or Gyromite?

Compared to Call of Duty and other first person shooter games...

I remember getting free Night Vision Goggles with my purchase of an older version of Call of Duty...

In the old school era I got a Robot on named Rob that looked like Johnny 5 from short Circuit ... if you cant see my point...then you cant relate

Love it when someone says, "Don't believe me, look it up!" and then provides cites... :tiphat:

They are toys that we enjoy in the suburbs. In the inner city, kids can get killed if they show up with a new video game. The shit is down & brutal.

You people talking about video games not harming anyone did not grow up DIRT POOR. Changes one's perspectives immensely.

Just speaking from life on the rez, ya know. We used to get spit on.

Anyone remember a movie called "Billy Jack" with Tom Laughlin?

Flying Goat

I once was in the airport and observed something terrible. this kid with some obvious mental disabilities{not full on retardation or anything but probably a little bit autistic} ran from his dad, stood in the middle of the walkway and started clapping chaoticly for a few minutes, then digging in his ass and sniffing his hands. Once the dad sees this he drags the kid off to wash his hands. On the way back the kid drops straight to the floor and throws a fit. wont move. the dad leaves the kid laying in the middle of the floor with his like 9 yr old sister and walks off. He comes back with a kit kat bar and literally, like you would guide a dog with a treat, donkey and carrot styles his kid back to their seats. Im sorry but my mom would have lit my ass up in a situation like that. you don't want your kid to learn fear of you, you want them to learn repercussions for unacceptable actions. and in regards to losing knowledge, the big businesses and evil powers at be want that knowledge to be lost so you've gotta buy their crap and so they can make money off of you. I swear you could drop 60% of the population in the US into a food forest and they would starve to death. end of rant.

Child does sound mentally disturbed. It is a power struggle with the parent. If the kid "warns" dad he's about to misbehave, he gains a treat. When dad fails to respond, he shits his pants. At least that's the DSM-IV version of it.

In a normal kid, I'd agree with you completely. They WOULD starve, cuz they never learned how to cook! I had to stand on a fruit box to reach the (wood) stove, but gran taught me how to cook, do laundry from a river or bucket, how to make spoons
out of tree limbs, etc.

Well, if it ain't got a drive-thru window or home delivery these days, forget it. I buy fresh food every 2 or 3 days, have a tiny fridge about as tall as me & thankfully, just a bit wider. ;p Why "stock up" when you're surrounded by plenty?

That said, once my pressure canner arrives, I will be swinging into action to fill our pantry & sell the rest.


Active member
I once was in the airport and observed something terrible. this kid with some obvious mental disabilities{not full on retardation or anything but probably a little bit autistic} ran from his dad, stood in the middle of the walkway and started clapping chaoticly for a few minutes, then digging in his ass and sniffing his hands.

You're only supposed to do that at home, with the shades down, while everyone's sleeping.


Lemme tell you a story about this kid i used to go to school with.
The guy was fat, shy and wore glasses.

He wasn't popular at all.
In fact, he used to spend most of his time completely alone and of course, everyone picked on him.
Some threw food at him, others would beat him up, insulted him or make up rumors about the guy.

One day, i guess he had enough of it all, brought a gun to school, walked to the cool kid's table and killed every single one of them before killing himself.

Of course, the media ended up picturing the victim as a monster and the bullies as angels.
But the fact of the matter is, those people deserved to die and the monster was actually the sanest person here.

So now you tough guys tell me, is bullying truly a necessary evil?
If you still think it is, i hope you and your family end up the same way those "angels" did.

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