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The Wussification of Boys


Active member
When you can not reason with a child, they are too young and they are being unruly, damaging things, hurting others.

I find it quickest to give them a quick 2 finger slap on the wrist, accompanied with a stern voice and look.

I rarely have to use it, nor raise my voice.

I do it just hard enough to hurt a bit, not enough to raise a mark or even make the skin red.

And i only do it when the child has refused to listen for awhile.

But when the child is old enough to understand and can be reasoned with, made to understand or at least respect the property and bodies of others, then i do not see any reason for physical punishment.

And i never see reason for harsh punishment.

Kids can play and scream and shout and jump around, that is great, but when the kid is being an asshole and not listening, that slap works quickest and best.

My wife tried yelling for days, so did i, but the particular brat im talking about did not listen in the slightest or care, till i did slap his wrist.

I however make sure i get eyecontact with the child and show him emotional content as well.


Kiss My Ring
i was a little hellion that were i now my own parent i would beat shit out me.
things change.

spare the rod...

play dates...the parents should get the rod.
BPA, floride, chloramines, high fructose CS, antibiotics and steroids in food...et al. have them at severe disadvantage of living happy, healthy lives.

but criticizing dress is myopic. the costumes of the sixties were more bizarre then than waht i see nowadays.

gotta rum...

Useful Idiot

Active member
I don't know. I really do not care about the clothing,the funny hair style or colors,the face piercings, or the other things our kids do to stand out in a crowd. What really bothers me is that people are raising their children as they are their pals or buddies. And by doing that they lose respect for adult authority. Example...when I was growing up we feared ALL grown ups and respected them as such. Today adults fear the teenagers. Just a few weeks ago I had some 16-18 yr old ask me "what the fuck are you looking at"? I was grocery shopping. I really wanted to slap the shit out of him. But I just calmly said to him."you really need to grow up" He just walked away. When I was young I NEVER even heard a friend or myself even say hell in front of an adult!! All we can do is love our children and also discipline firmly when needed. Well that is all.


cant re Member
some people move with the times, some cant and find the changing world scary and cant understand why it cant be the same as the good old days. the good thing about the younger generations it that they embrace change. its the old fart generation that has seen its day...


Active member
some people move with the times, some cant and find the changing world scary and cant understand why it cant be the same as the good old days. the good thing about the younger generations it that they embrace change. its the old fart generation that has seen its day...

I still wonder, out of this obviously enlightened generation, who exactly is going to build things. Or even be able to communicate without a screen in front of them?
We can embrace change all we want, I'm not slamming that. I used to be a gay-bashing tool, until I stopped one day, and thought "What the hell, they are people just like me. Why shouldn't they be just as happy?"
I do believe, however, that most kids under 25 are lost. They simply have no idea how the actual world works. Not necessarily building rockets, but actual hands-on experience. I started working on things when I was 4 or 5, with my Dad.
The only thing I ever pay to have done is HVAC repair. I am simply not knowledgeable enough about it to touch it.
The point of that is, even if these kids pull their heads out at 20, they are still 15 years behind.
Gaming? Yeah. I don't know if the violent content is to blame, but spending 1/4 of your time on earth, in front of a mindless machine, swapping ones and zeros in a processor, for some meaningless reward?
Wow. That should scare all of us.
I view many kids I know, mine included, as drug addicts to technology. I see all the same warning signs, and the withdrawal behaviors of a junkie, when they are deprived of precious screen time.
They literally can't function for long without it, or at least talking about it. Moodiness, sulking, disrespect, anger. All but the shaking and puking.
Give this a listen, even if it's not your genre. I happen to be a big RJD fan, but even if you are not, just think. This song was written 23 years ago, and is chillingly prophetic. (not a great quality upload, but the best youtube had, with lyrics).
Sorry for the ramble, I think about this a lot. Not as the "Arrogant old guy, stuck in his ways", but as the 42 year old, with some very serious concerns for not only this generation, but all of us!



Active member
The funniest part is the retards who think violence is the answer, I dunno about you but every kid I've ever known who has used violence against others or participated in that has been a fucking dead beat. Beating kids up doesn't make them manly it makes them into hateful pieces of shit or totally fucks with there social skills.

/flame on :)

Not that I beat people up. But... I found a job where I can put that anger and have it pay me. Found a job that fits my nature, and that brought happiness, so I'm only tough when I have to be, but I prefer to be the nice guy.


Active member
I still wonder, out of this obviously enlightened generation, who exactly is going to build things. Or even be able to communicate without a screen in front of them?
We can embrace change all we want, I'm not slamming that. I used to be a gay-bashing tool, until I stopped one day, and thought "What the hell, they are people just like me. Why shouldn't they be just as happy?"
I do believe, however, that most kids under 25 are lost. They simply have no idea how the actual world works. Not necessarily building rockets, but actual hands-on experience. I started working on things when I was 4 or 5, with my Dad.
The only thing I ever pay to have done is HVAC repair. I am simply not knowledgeable enough about it to touch it.
The point of that is, even if these kids pull their heads out at 20, they are still 15 years behind.
Gaming? Yeah. I don't know if the violent content is to blame, but spending 1/4 of your time on earth, in front of a mindless machine, swapping ones and zeros in a processor, for some meaningless reward?
Wow. That should scare all of us.
I view many kids I know, mine included, as drug addicts to technology. I see all the same warning signs, and the withdrawal behaviors of a junkie, when they are deprived of precious screen time.
They literally can't function for long without it, or at least talking about it. Moodiness, sulking, disrespect, anger. All but the shaking and puking.
Give this a listen, even if it's not your genre. I happen to be a big RJD fan, but even if you are not, just think. This song was written 23 years ago, and is chillingly prophetic. (not a great quality upload, but the best youtube had, with lyrics).
Sorry for the ramble, I think about this a lot. Not as the "Arrogant old guy, stuck in his ways", but as the 42 year old, with some very serious concerns for not only this generation, but all of us!


I grew up talking to my great grandmother about the old days. She was born around 1900. This generation and my generation is truly well fucked. They got fucked around too, though. The generation right before me got thrown into the meat grinder. It's a battle.


Active member
I still wonder, out of this obviously enlightened generation, who exactly is going to build things. Or even be able to communicate without a screen in front of them?
We can embrace change all we want, I'm not slamming that. I used to be a gay-bashing tool, until I stopped one day, and thought "What the hell, they are people just like me. Why shouldn't they be just as happy?"
I do believe, however, that most kids under 25 are lost. They simply have no idea how the actual world works. Not necessarily building rockets, but actual hands-on experience. I started working on things when I was 4 or 5, with my Dad.
The only thing I ever pay to have done is HVAC repair. I am simply not knowledgeable enough about it to touch it.
The point of that is, even if these kids pull their heads out at 20, they are still 15 years behind.
Gaming? Yeah. I don't know if the violent content is to blame, but spending 1/4 of your time on earth, in front of a mindless machine, swapping ones and zeros in a processor, for some meaningless reward?
Wow. That should scare all of us.
I view many kids I know, mine included, as drug addicts to technology. I see all the same warning signs, and the withdrawal behaviors of a junkie, when they are deprived of precious screen time.
They literally can't function for long without it, or at least talking about it. Moodiness, sulking, disrespect, anger. All but the shaking and puking.
Give this a listen, even if it's not your genre. I happen to be a big RJD fan, but even if you are not, just think. This song was written 23 years ago, and is chillingly prophetic. (not a great quality upload, but the best youtube had, with lyrics).
Sorry for the ramble, I think about this a lot. Not as the "Arrogant old guy, stuck in his ways", but as the 42 year old, with some very serious concerns for not only this generation, but all of us!


Why is the junkie so desperate to get back to the drugs?

Because the drugs are fucking good.

However, in a world where computers and drugs are easily the only good things in your life, you start overdoing that good thing.

And anything good that is overdone, turns bad.

We could ban or complain or bitch, but the truth is, the only way to fix this, is by making a better world.

Being more nice.


Active member

The effects of violent video games. Do they affect our behavior?

I'm totally programmed to kill Russians from 3 news channels and cartoons alone. Wolverines! G.I. Joe, all of that. It's absolutely rediculous, but it's true. It's how I was indoctrinated as a pre-teen/teen through my culture. Toy guns. Chuck Norris. I know where naval bases are in Russia.(were at this point)

When I graduated, the games today were used to train new Army recruits. Virtual reality. I played something at least as sophisticated as today in an arcade over 30 years ago. It was a Dungeons and Dragons 3D Virtual Reality game, back when Mario looked like it was 16 bit.

I've got an X Box. Gift. Guilty pleasure. It's damn cool.


Active member
some people move with the times, some cant and find the changing world scary and cant understand why it cant be the same as the good old days. the good thing about the younger generations it that they embrace change. its the old fart generation that has seen its day...

I think it's because they haven't been around long enough to figure anything out. And there have been tons of losses and lies since they were 10 years old. They were little children when we had the illusion that everything was smooth sailing on some linear path of the world continuing to improve. To bad we didn't know it was a banking scam. As old as time itself.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Sheep are imagined to be timid, it's the new ideal.

I'm not sure if it's something in the water or if it's in the food. Everyone here rides bikes with helmets. Many of them are old guys with DUI's, they're wearing helmets too. I did crazy shit on a Huffy for years and the only part of me not to get cut up was my head.

Protecting the children has supposedly been the most important thing x20 in this country for years, but do people really think that protecting children from everything is the way to go? In the past, they didn't.

If violence isn't the answer, the option for violence is. People need to be afraid of retribution; more than ever before have it coming, and get nothing, encouraging more and worse. I bet most people on murder sprees are either pissed at everyone getting away with fucking people over in a thousand large and small ways, or they're the people who needed to be shown where the line is.

If "macho assholes are on the way out", then all of us are, because we're only educated monkeys and there is no number of Star Trek spinoffs that will change that. We can't be changed, only made strange.

Wussification is also a symptom of the larger problem of the sort of billionaire-funded social utopianism in the schools that's been such a boon for big pharma.


Active member
I tried for about a half hour to post this song without using a link. Couldn't do it. So I "open mouth, insert foot" about links. It's an OLD song by Tom Rush. Befitting.

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Active member
Yeah me an my wife talk about this a lot, about how many boys today are raised to be vajayjays.

I blame the soy in food, that shit messes with a males estrogen levels and lots of everyday products have also been linked to hormone disruption.


Active member
you know what I hate . sports with no scores. ya they don't keep track wtf. and then medals and ribbons for everyone. a ribbon just for being there . really? I refuse to go to a game where there is no score ever again.my childhood ended the real boys era. after that helmets and video games took off and its been downhill since. I prob fell off my bike a hundred times an I am ok no helmet needed. road rash and some bruising and ya a few broke bones. but thats what makes ya tough.


cant re Member
are you gonna tell me that back in the day you didn't have men in skint tight jeans? you do realise that fashion atm is pretty much what you guys would have seen when you were teens. flares, big hair, or whatever, modern fashion is just a remix of older stuff. recycled fashion..

im not that old.. I myself moved out in my teens and have looked after myself since. It does seem that I know many people my age who still think its ok to be a burden to their parents and live at home. I think a large part of it is to do with the economy and lack of jobs and money around. I think that in itself is enough to mess up a persons idea of how their life should be panning out.
and as for the whole modern technology bit, I love the new gagets etc I just hate how people use it. I think and ipod is great. I think social networking like facebook is completely bunk. and acomplete waste of time