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The Thai


New member
Hi Ahortator

Strange as it may sound... those GN Thai Stick plants are of the type that was once most common all over the world. Down here in NZ all we used to get was big sativa weed. We would look in wonder at these grainy black and white photos of "Pakistani" hash plants in magazines. Little round bushes they were and we used to wonder what that was all about.

It isn't just the old school sativa genetics that are stuffed... it's the real hash plants as well. The real old photos of hash plants were all these strange little round bushes with little fat leaves all over them. I grew one once thirty years ago and it only grew three feet high naturally in a full season. I also had a pure one once from NCGA (the now extinct Northern California Growers Association) and it only grew two feet high with a single huge cola. Really unusual plants. Both of those plants grown outdoors in blazing sunshine all summer.

In comparison all the magazines were absolutely full of photos of DEA agents "assisting" local police in Africa, Thailand, Colombia and Mexico to eradicate groves of Marijuana trees. The standard way of growing cannabis back then by tribal villagers was in dense 20-30 ft high groves. So dense that only the tips could get enough light to flower.

The biggest crops I've ever seen in photos were Mexico. Huge valleys of hundreds of square kilometres just covered up the hillsides with solid weed. Up close all the plants were huge like those ones that Kangativa grows. I've always assumed that is the normal size of a proper pure sativa cannabis plant. There was heaps of media coverage when the DEA assisted the Mexican Govt to spray these valleys of cannabis.

All the old photos from the 50s and 60s are of cannabis plants 20-30 ft high. Even the old Govt photos of the first sativas they grew for research for the DEA are of monster trees even bigger than some of Kangitavas. Over the years the sativas have got progressively smaller and the indicas progressively bigger.

Colombian were the original giant Xmas trees though some Mexican plants were similar but with much larger seeds and calyxs. The biggest trees of all (in old photos) were actually African but I can't remember which part of Africa.

These days the biggest plant photos you'll find on the net are usually Himalayan. I've grown some of these and they are the closest I've personally grown (in terms of growth rate and shape and leaf size) to the old school sativas... except the buds are not sativa buds. They're hand rub Charas buds.

Also, for the record, you'll see some huge sativas in the old photos of the Cannabis Castle (I think that is what it was called) in Holland and there used to be photos somewhere on the net of a huge crop in Switzerland in a commercial greenhouse with a 20 foot roof height and the whole crop had hit the roof and run out of room without even starting to flower.

The important point is this.... there was absolutely nothing wrong with the potency of these big sativas. Their LSD type high was legendary. The genetics got messed with firstly by the big cartels that wanted to cut down growing time so they could get two commercial crops in one growing season outdoors in the tropics and then by the Dutch and others trying to reduce size and vigour for growing under lights.

It isn't just about introducing hash plant genetics. What seemed to happen with Haze for example is that indoor growers selectively chose early flowering and low vigour miniature plants while discarding the fast growing tree type plants.

All credit to Kangativa and others who are showing that the old school genetics are still there if you hunt around for them. I'm very interested in that GN Thai myself but I'm over committed already at the moment. I'm working on something but it's too early to tell if it's going to be what I want.



Active member
Hi Scrubdog

It is very interesting what you say. So the most interesting Thai strain must be the first (older) strain with brown buds.

Do you think that GN-Thai could be the present day descendant from that stuff? Or were they more similar to Kangativa's Early Mullum with deeply serrated leaves? The pic I posted before is from Kangativa, not mine.

I think that the story you told about Terry Clark, Marty Johnstone and Thai stick shipments in NZ is actually very fascinating. It would be great if you can tell more about it, please.

It is not Thai but I have read about a strain from La Reunión island called Zamal Mangue-Carrotte that is very psychedelic. Many said it is the more similar to mushrooms or LSD high that you can get from cannabis.

The problem again is that it is very difficult to find pure unhybridized seeds.

Best regards.

If you are interested in Zamal go here: http://mandalaseeds.com/Catalogue/Mango-Zamal

Mandala's gear is primarily Landraces and their Mango Zamal contains landrace genetics from: Zamal, La Réunion x Lakshmi, South India.

Don't quote me, but I think that Ace Seeds does a Zamal type as well.
Thai Stick Indoors 103 Days

Thai Stick Indoors 103 Days

First,not recommended for 'normal' folks,haha.

If I remember correctly ACE's Thai Stick is from Gypsy's stock,which is Kanga's work,have I got this right?

Always wanted to try 'Thai Stick' so my only option was to run it indoors.I am hopeful that we can either have Christmas Thai or if it goes much faster it would be nice to have Doomsday Thai for the 21st.I know that running this strain indoors will most likely give results that are a shadow of an outdoor natural grow.

I trimmed them back pretty hard at just under 100 days.TS1 got a real 'high n' tight' haircut due to lots o' wispy thin branchy buds.TS2 lower buds were a bit more substantial so I didn't hack her back as hard.

The lowers I hacked off at just about 100 days or so were quick dried and we took her for a drive around the block and kicked the tires.All I keep saying over and over is,"holy crap,holy crap". Even though my tolerance is sky high I found myself just saying 'holy crap' for about an hour and half.Amazing potency,going to be hard to wait.These gals look like they would be right at home in a bamboo forest.

Again,if I connected the dots correctly,well done Kanga,well done!Take care,be well,and most of all be safe my friends:)


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New member
First,not recommended for 'normal' folks,haha.

If I remember correctly ACE's Thai Stick is from Gypsy's stock,which is Kanga's work,have I got this right?


Ace's Thai has nothing to do with Gypsy. Dubi runs two Thai strains. One his own and one from Cannabiogen. Gypsy's GN stick line is seed hand collected in Thailand and unworked by anybody.

Only the Cannabiogen line has been worked to reduce Hermis. I think the Seedsman Mother Thai might be the Cannabiogen one also but not sure on that.



New member
If you are interested in Zamal go here: http://mandalaseeds.com/Catalogue/Mango-Zamal

Mandala's gear is primarily Landraces and their Mango Zamal contains landrace genetics from: Zamal, La Réunion x Lakshmi, South India.

Don't quote me, but I think that Ace Seeds does a Zamal type as well.

Ace Seeds did a Zamal cross they were giving away as freebies but they wouldn't sell the pure Zamal because Dubi said it was an unstable hermi. Nirvana had the pure seeds for awhile but various forums reported germination problems.

The only problem with Zamal is the same as Indonesian, Kerala and Colombian.... very small seeds with corresponding tiny calyxs.

Quote from Mandala Seeds " For the zamal mother we selected a male parent from an old and reliable South Indian stock that has been tried and tested by us since we collected it in 1992. The particular male chosen for this project convinced us through many outstanding traits that will serve this zamal hybrid well. The new infusion of genes from the male has tamed the wild zamal "

So that Zamal is now just one more messed up hybrid.

Sumatran tripping weed in the seventies was weed without any other drug added but it was like taking magic mushrooms. People who are not used to high THC speedy sativas often trip out on the stuff. It's not that uncommon. I've seen people do all sorts of weird stuff just from smoking weed. Some weed is actually quite dangerous in the wrong hands and this particularly applies to tropical sativas that haven't been messed with.

If you grow enough Thai, Cambodian, Vietnam, African, Indonesian... eventually you will strike plants that that have LSD type effects.



CharlesUFarley, lovely thai ladies you got there. :woohoo: I can contemplate these kind of wild sativas eternally. Even though they don`t have that modern hybrid frostyness. :)
Ace's Thai has nothing to do with Gypsy. Dubi runs two Thai strains. One his own and one from Cannabiogen. Gypsy's GN stick line is seed hand collected in Thailand and unworked by anybody.

Only the Cannabiogen line has been worked to reduce Hermis. I think the Seedsman Mother Thai might be the Cannabiogen one also but not sure on that.


Hey Canna,
I was working from this information https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=5081048&postcount=15

I do not want to speak for anyone else but I think your info on the CBG/Thai/Seedsman might be off,again I am no expert by any stretch of the imagination as I gladly defer to you or anyone else with more knowledge than I have(shoot,that could be anyone,haha).Just thrilled to be working with these wonderful genetics.Hope no offense is taken my friend,just learning and growing as I go.

Take care,be well and most of all be safe my friends:)


Well-known member
Hi Bushweed, nice to see you my friend.

I have seen a few months ago a pack of GN-Thai Stick, and the seeds were really big. If your Nimbin OMSxSkunk has bigger seeds they must be like chickpeas.

Hi ahortator, I didn't know the GN Thai had big seeds - I've only ever grew the cut, but that makes me happy in light of what cannabisnz has said about his favourite Queensland thai...

This summer I gave four Sumatran (not a Thai but perhaps related) cuttings to a friend from four different plants. These cuttings grew from 4 inches unrooted to about 1 meter tall plants in a month and two weeks. My friend told me that the last days the growing speed was becoming faster. Sadly he saw a few male flowers in some plants and along with the fast growing rate made him go into panic mode and he chopped all the four plants. So a late blooming plant that can grow a meter per month it's not something crazy here.

A foot per week is the normal growth rate here during December, January and February, however the pure SE Asian sativas can exceed that. Talking of Sumatran grass. I have a friend who collected seeds from around the super volcanoe Lake Toba in Sumatra (similar latitude to Kuala Lumpa and just a short hop over the Malacca straits) and the stuff he grew dropped people like flies....one hit was all it took. Two hits...dead! What's the potency like with your Sumatran?

I would like to grow them in guerrilla like you there in Oz. Would you be be so kind as to tell the hidden secrets of your watering method? Here, during vegetative growing, in summer, it doesn't fall a drop of water. And during flowering time, in autumn and winter it rains cats and dogs. We have the weather reversed

Well my secret is that I live in a rainforest and rarely need to water in summer (its our winter that is the dry season), and I grow small amounts - 12 plants is a good number for me (real growers will scoff) - but I do leave a 44 gallon drum near my plants to collect rain that i use during dry spells. Mainly though I have to carry 2x20 litre containers of water to my plants, which is hard work, but sometimes there's no alternative. Most real growers will lay down plastic pipes and drip feed their plants. Those guys seldom access the internet and grow on a significantly larger scale.

Kanga's MM cures to a light blue/green, whereas the GN thai can be green in flower but browns up during a cure. I actually prefer the MM because it is still powerful and spiritual, but not quite as wild a ride as his GN thai cut...more pictures of Thai stick...





Over the years the sativas have got progressively smaller and the indicas progressively bigger.

Brilliant observation. However there are some Afghani strains that grow 15'. I believe those genetics can be seen in some of the the giant Californian cultivars.


Well-known member
Hi Bushweed

You must ask to Kanga about the GN-Thai seeds size to be sure, but I convinced a friend to buy a pack and the seeds are really very big to what I am used to see. I hope to grow a few clones next season :D I would like to find the same pheno you and Kanga have got.

About my Sumatran, the seeds came to me labeled as "Sumatra Tuk-Tuk". As far as I know Tuk-Tuk is a village in the island of Samosir in lake Toba. Who sent me the seeds told me only that a friend of him was there as a tourist.

The first time I grew them I had problems at home so I was forced to give the plants to a friend. From about 13 plants none was male. Twelve were seedless females and one hermie with seeds. As I am not thinking to travel to Sumatra in the next few years and I wanted to preserve that rare strain you can imagine which is the source of the seeds I have now. So being descendants from only one plant perhaps they are a bit inbreed.

I tried to make seed crossing plants from that seeds with the last (twice revegetated and cloned) female survivor, but she died last March while the seedling didn't begin to flower and all my attempts to clone her were unsuccessful. Her buds when still alive smells like when you split a carrot and has the inside stem green.

I am not really sure about its potency because I haven't been able to grow them at full sun. When flowering the sun don't reach the spot where I can grow.

All I can tell you is that I am not a heavy smoker, the first time I smoked it (half spliff, very thin) I was in the country and I was sure that I was able to hear telepathically what were talking a few donkeys that were grazing. Later walking at home when I thought that the high was gone I met three riders and I said good afternoon to the three men and to the three horses :D

This summer I have smoked it a few times and I think that is very good but not killer. To my taste the high is better and more enjoyable but weaker compared to a Super Silver Haze. That is the reason which I gave the cuttings to my friend because I would like to smoke this stuff grown at full sun. Here at my home without direct sun light they are very prone to oidium, and the buds grow too thin so this time all that I am going to get are seeds. The wind and rain have whipped the buds and I have now a few seedlings growing I found on the damp floor. The branches are impossible to break, you can almost make knots with the stems but the buds are not so resistant.

I am going to grow the seedlings now in guerrilla with full sun light. I hope that the potency could become far stronger. That is because I am interested in your watering methods. I hope that goats don't feed on them.

:thank you: very much my friend.


Hi Scrubdog

I have friends in Colombia and as they are used to smoke mainly sativas they like sometimes to change into indicas. So it is not so strange.

Ii's difficcult imagine bigger plants than those grown by Kangativa and Bushweed. They are really growing masters and their Australian soil, sun and weather is actually magic. I remember the first time I saw Kangativa's plants, I was shocked.

I have read about a Vietnam Dalat strain growing to 30ft too, and Congolese growing to 25ft tall with 18'' leaves. Nigerians are said to be really great in size. It is a pity that those huge pure old sativas are lost due to greed. DEA and many countries governments had damaged almost all the weed biodiversity fighting their stupid and impossible war on drugs. What a great shame!

Here you can see a pure Zamal over a hut roof, supposedly 7m wide and 6m tall.





I have read that in old days there were even creeper plants that spread like a vine o a banyan.




Hi OldSkoolKlein

I agree with Cannabisnz. The Zamal sold today are hybrids, not the real stuff.

They must be very good hybrids but the best phenos are those that are more similar to the pure Zamal, so why to cross her with other things only to reduce a bit the flowering time.

I got some seeds two summers ago from a friend that got them as freebies from Brazilian Seed Company, but they were from 2004 and didn't sprout.

Thank you very much.


Well-known member
I wrote a large post, but I don't know why it has dissapeared.

Hi Bushweed

You must ask to Kanga about the GN-Thai seeds size to be sure, but I convinced a friend to buy a pack and the seeds are really very big compared to I am used to see. I hope to grow a few clones next season.

About my Sumatran, when I got the seeds they came labeled as Sumatra Tuk-Tuk. Who sent to me those seeds told me that they came from a friend of him that traveled there as a tourist. He didn't know more about the seeds or the plants.

I have done some reseach and I found that Tuk-Tuk is a village in Samosir, an island in lake Toba.

I am not sure if the high is so trippy as the Thai Stick or even if I can call the high that this weed produces "trippy". I only can tell you that I smoked half spliff in the country (after a year of abstinence) and I begin singing mentally about three songs at the same time in the same moment, and I ended talking telepathically with pigs (but they didn't want conversation LOL), a donkey, a few horses, and later returning to my home with a cat. ROFL

Later returning to my home when I thought that the high was gone I meet three riders and I said good afternoon to the three men and to the three horses too :D

I am not a heavy smoker, but I find this weed good. The high for me is not that strong sledge hammer stroke on your head, it is something weaker but more enjoyable compared to Super Silver Haze. Sometimes you think that you are not high. A seasoned smoker perhaps could find that is something weak.

The problem is that the spot where I can grow only has indirect sun light not full sun. These plants here are very oidium prone. So I gave a few cuttings to a friend because I hoped to smoke this strain grown at full sun.

I would like to grow a guerrilla. That is the reason I am interested in your watering methods.

:thank you: very much.

Hi Scrubdog

I have friends in Colombia and as they smoke mostly sativas they like to grow indicas and hybrids in order to change a bit. So it is not so strange.

It is difficult to imagine bigger plants than those grown by Kangativa and Bushweed. They are actually growing masters. I remember that the first time I saw Kangativa's pics I was in shock.

I have read about a 30ft Vietnam Dalat strain and Congolese plants 25ft tall with 18'' long leaves. Nigerians are said to be really huge too.

Also I have read about some creeper plants growing like vines or banyan.


"...there are also old ancient strains that live in the depths of tropical jungle that are of the creeper variety, that can grow almost forever andthe produce a stone that can make a hardened smoker turn white as a ghost 2-3hours after they smoke it. The live long by spreading out and growing new roots in a location many feet away from the mainstem of the plant as the NODES of the plant touch the soil and encorouge the sprouting of new roots and hence a new plant. Much the same as Bull grass grows by slowly spreading out and embedding new roots into the ground untill it has covered you entore pawn area or yard. But these strains cannot be grown under artifical lights in a growroom as they need so much space and so much heat and humidity to stay healthy that it woudl be impossible to produce that enviroment indoors without rotting you room out with mould and possibly blowing you light bulbs form excessive moisture if they weren't inside a cowl. Also, they need light of extreme tropical intensity to activate their resin fully. HID's just wouldn't cut it for these strains, and they can take over 8months to produce a flower with amber trics that are so small that you cannot see them with the naked eye. So IOW, when you look at these buds, they look like grass/lawn clippings. They do not look like they have any resin on them at all, and they also have very little aroma. But when you smoke them, watch out. Just make sure you are sitting down and have nowhere to go for the rest of the day, and perhaps half of the next day as you will sleep long and hard then you'll wake up many hours later and find you are still ripped hard on it."

It is a pity that so many amazing sativa strains are lost now due to the greed of the narcos and the stupid war on drugs.

Best regards :tiphat:

Hi OldSkoolKlein

Thank you very much. But I agree with Cannabisnz. I have no doubt that they must be amazing but they are hybrids not the pure stuff.

The real pure Zamal was sold a few years ago by Gypsy but now all you can find are hybrids. If you are looking for the Zamal psychedelic high it is a nuisance that you must search for the Zamal pheno between a bunch of seeds needing good luck if the real straight thing is out there.

A friend gave to me two summers ago some freebies seeds from Brazilian Seed Co. but they didn't sprout, they were too old, from 2004.

Here you can see a towering Zamal over a hut roof in her enviroment.





Best regards.


The first post I wrote have appeared now!!! So this second is almost the same.
Last edited:


Gday scrubdog how's it going mate? It just so happens that I'm crossing a pre 99 SSH x your Thai 82 male to this female Thai. Might be a bit hit and miss, but should throw a few interesting phenotypes. Kanga's crossing her to a standout Oaxacan that should produce some very special dope indeed. Are you still working with the Thai 82?

Gday bushy and scrubdog

hope all is good in your respective parts of the world

how did you go with the 82x ssh x kangas Oaxacan bushy?

and scrubdog I hope you get some big ones to the finish this year
all the best


Well-known member
Hi Kangalunacy, that was poorly described by me. What I meant was Kangativa has crossed the GN Thai x Oaxacan...As for the Thai82, I'm impressed by the smell of the BG x TH82, so I'm looking forward to playing with those pure ones.....though I had to postpone it due to the unprecedented monsoonal activity!! Also check out some pages back on the Revival sativa thread where a very nice looking Ciskei (bushman) x Th82 is shown...take care mate.


Gday Bushy,

thanks mate for clarifying the cross, gn thai x oaxacan would be a stellar union

I hope you get 100% on the pure82,s , and it gives you some better male/female ratios

And yes I already spotted the 82x bushmans it looks very nice kudos to the grower

the bg x 82 looks similar in growth to a few of the sshx82 that I ran

it hugs the ground and sends up flower spikes much like your citrus/sour fruit one

hope all is good for you and yours


Well-known member
You must ask to Kanga about the GN-Thai seeds size to be sure, but I convinced a friend to buy a pack and the seeds are really very big compared to I am used to see. I hope to grow a few clones next season.

About my Sumatran, when I got the seeds they came labeled as Sumatra Tuk-Tuk. Who sent to me those seeds told me that they came from a friend of him that traveled there as a tourist. He didn't know more about the seeds or the plants.

I have done some reseach and I found that Tuk-Tuk is a village in Samosir, an island in lake Toba.

I am not sure if the high is so trippy as the Thai Stick or even if I can call the high that this weed produces "trippy". I only can tell you that I smoked half spliff in the country (after a year of abstinence) and I begin singing mentally about three songs at the same time in the same moment, and I ended talking telepathically with pigs (but they didn't want conversation LOL), a donkey, a few horses, and later returning to my home with a cat. ROFL

Hi ahortator, great description my friend, I can relate to some of those crazy exultant moments after a fantastic sativa smoke, and yes the Lake Toba weed has a great reputation for such craziness.

Those large unmarked seeds you described for the GN Thai are the same for Kanga's Hmong Thai, as well as the Nimbin purple sat. At the same time I've seen other Thai seeds that look like typical hz hybrid or commercial sat/indica hybrid seeds - medium size with some speckles.

That Zamal looks incredible...but like the Indonesian and Thai weed - is very difficult to properly finish outside of the tropics, so maybe something like Zamaldelica is a good compromise. bushy


Well-known member
A foot per week is the normal growth rate here during December, January and February, however the pure SE Asian sativas can exceed that. Talking of Sumatran grass. I have a friend who collected seeds from around the super volcanoe Lake Toba in Sumatra (similar latitude to Kuala Lumpa and just a short hop over the Malacca straits) and the stuff he grew dropped people like flies....one hit was all it took. Two hits...dead! What's the potency like with your Sumatran?

Kanga's MM cures to a light blue/green, whereas the GN thai can be green in flower but browns up during a cure. I actually prefer the MM because it is still powerful and spiritual, but not quite as wild a ride as his GN thai cut...more pictures of Thai stick...

Thats pretty nuts. Did your friend keep cuts of the stuff from Lake Toba?


Doing what we do because we are who we are
No Gerald, but people still talk about it 17 years later....

I love hearing story's like this... reminds me of the days when mango was around.... i dont think i have seen or heard anyone growing or that have cuts or seeds of this aussie icon :(

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