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The Real Deal AC/DC 20:1 CBD:THC

jump /injack

Glad I could help. For reference those plants were 9 weeks in veg, and the tent size is 27x27 in. The plant is a good brancher with short internodal spacing and relatively thin, weak stems. I didn't do any branch pruning except for removing some of the low-hanging branches at flower time that we're pointing down away from the scrog and not receiving much light. I did low stress train the main branch after it was about a foot and a half tall to allow more light at the bottom by pulling it one side and making it grow sideways. That lended itself well for using a scrog. It didn't need any other branch support other than contact with the scrog net. If you are not doing scrog and want fewer but thicker buds than plan on doing some heavy pruning and possibly branch support.

Your canopy made a believer out of me, when my 3 girls get bigger that is exactly what I will do, seeing is believing. I have them outside now and the wind whips them all over the place, soon I will be getting broken branches if I don't get them inside and into a tent. You and Jeff Noche keep it up, the information is needed, these plants are like nothing I've seen before but then I've never seen a plant with 20:1 CBD/THC.

jefe noche

Unicorniclops/Jeff Noche

Super pictures and information, that last one showing the trichomes is just great. Very nice canopy, its hard to believe that you only have 2 plants in there. You and Jeff Noche have brought some very needed growing tips and pictures that were hard to find, both much appreciated.

Thank you jump /injack!! Any questions feel free to shoot to me. Super happy to bring these healing ladies to the world!!

jump /injack

Jefe Noche, there is a grower on the site that goes by the name of "Hush" who does a lot of step by step growing of different cannabis plants and has a following, he makes it seem so simple, is there any way to get seed's to him through this icmag site in order to make AC/DC more available for those that need it badly? Got any seeds?

jefe noche

Jefe Noche, there is a grower on the site that goes by the name of "Hush" who does a lot of step by step growing of different cannabis plants and has a following, he makes it seem so simple, is there any way to get seed's to him through this icmag site in order to make AC/DC more available for those that need it badly? Got any seeds?

Sorry jump /injack no beans yet. Hoping to change that this season!! I will keep you informed!!:tiphat:
Sounds perfect Unicorniclops. Sounds exactly like my AC/DC. I have only flowered mine outdoors and am ready for a scrog of her. I am super excited for you. I love helping and am happy to supply the masses this strain!!

Well heck, these girls have matured really fast the past week. From the pics I last posted all of the white hairs are now gone and I'm getting about 5% amber trichomes on some of the colas. Looks like they're going to be done at least a week earlier than I thought... 8 weeks overall. I'm going to have to do a quick flush and chop soon. I'm not seeing any blue coloring on mine. Was that a result of your flush or growing outdoors (UV light maybe)?

jefe noche

Well heck, these girls have matured really fast the past week. From the pics I last posted all of the white hairs are now gone and I'm getting about 5% amber trichomes on some of the colas. Looks like they're going to be done at least a week earlier than I thought... 8 weeks overall. I'm going to have to do a quick flush and chop soon. I'm not seeing any blue coloring on mine. Was that a result of your flush or growing outdoors (UV light maybe)?

Mine was outdoors. Gosh what a fun time!! Harvest is approaching. These girls are truly a gift. They way she glistens with sugar coating. The delicate branches. Good job my friend. Flush well. I hope they cure awesomely. Congratulations!!!:woohoo:


Active member
Those in MI should keep there ears tuned for the HUEL PERKINS CUT!
They are a member of these forums who sprouted and tested out Cannatonc beans to find a incredible acdc like cbd dom cut I belive tested at 23:1!!!
I will try to remember to edit in a link to some info.

The pix I've seen of cuts are beyond stellar and I would consider it a solid alternative to acdc. Tho I'm sure the acdc is around but pos in limited circles.best of luck to all those who seek the cbd cuts and a special thanks to jeffe and all those who help to spread the med!!!

Big ups respect and happy growing!

Edit: huge respect to Perkins for dedicating the time to find and share such a great cut!!
Cannatonic - Perkins Cut
17.07% CBD, 0.87% THC, 19.65% Total Cannabinoids
19.6:1 CBD to THC ratio, has tested as high as 38:1 ratio with an early harvest

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Active member
Have AcDc x Hashberry going right now. 12 from seed from Hillbilly Genetic's...about to sex them this week, will throw up some pics here to share. They're going out for the season. Under that sweet sweet sunlight.

jefe noche

Have AcDc x Hashberry going right now. 12 from seed from Hillbilly Genetic's...about to sex them this week, will throw up some pics here to share. They're going out for the season. Under that sweet sweet sunlight.

Hatch Brew those sound yummy!!! How do I get a cutting? And thank you for your support on the threads!!

jefe noche

Those in MI should keep there ears tuned for the HUEL PERKINS CUT!
They are a member of these forums who sprouted and tested out Cannatonc beans to find a incredible acdc like cbd dom cut I belive tested at 23:1!!!
I will try to remember to edit in a link to some info.

The pix I've seen of cuts are beyond stellar and I would consider it a solid alternative to acdc. Tho I'm sure the acdc is around but pos in limited circles.best of luck to all those who seek the cbd cuts and a special thanks to jeffe and all those who help to spread the med!!!

Big ups respect and happy growing!

Hello Heusinomics!!

Thank you for the kind words. This beauty needs to be out there helping as many as possible. Glad to help heal the world!!! I will keep bringing this strain to the masses!!! Smoke on!!

Here is my 2nd AC/DC grow. They were showing amber Trichs almost to the day of my last grow (7 weeks, 2 days). I was able to better dial in the flushing this time, so they were flushed for 2 weeks. I didn't d a scrog this time, but instead used more judicious pruning to try and enhance bud size. By comparison there are maybe half as many buds that are much larger in size. They were standing up nicely in the tent, but flopped way over when I took them out for the photos.

jefe noche

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=63217&pictureid=1491183&thumb=1]View Image[/url]
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=63217&pictureid=1491184&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Here is my 2nd AC/DC grow. They were showing amber Trichs almost to the day of my last grow (7 weeks, 2 days). I was able to better dial in the flushing this time, so they were flushed for 2 weeks. I didn't d a scrog this time, but instead used more judicious pruning to try and enhance bud size. By comparison there are maybe half as many buds that are much larger in size. They were standing up nicely in the tent, but flopped way over when I took them out for the photos.

Awesome!!! Good looking. She looks delicious!!! Congratulations:dance013:


Active member
These can be gotten at a few select clubs in Northern California. I happen to have the genetics and would love to spread the CBD love out there.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57648&pictureid=1346891&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57648&pictureid=1346888&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Do you get high off this? From what I understood the draw of high cbd is the medical benifits with less or no high...

Im not a pain patient, for me its anxiety and depression in the day and sleeep disorder in the night so thc is my friend...

It would be interesting to breed with that thing. If it was a diminished high I would use it to make alot of the nutso strong stuff like mandalas satori more smokeable

Hey hefe what do you think would happen if a super lemon haze acdc cross happened... that would be cool...


cocosativas, actually thc is the reason for your ailments. through overstimulation of your brain and immunereceptors you only can relax & fell happy if you supply your body with more thc. to get rid of this try some pure cbd. it will help to give your body your natural sensitivity to your endocannabionoids back without having much of a drawback as far as i know.
Do you get high off this? From what I understood the draw of high cbd is the medical benifits with less or no high...

Im not a pain patient, for me its anxiety and depression in the day and sleeep disorder in the night so thc is my friend...

It would be interesting to breed with that thing. If it was a diminished high I would use it to make alot of the nutso strong stuff like mandalas satori more smokeable

Hey hefe what do you think would happen if a super lemon haze acdc cross happened... that would be cool...

That's correct... No high. There's a light-headedness at first that fades quickly from the small amount of THC present, one possibly from one of the other Cannabinoids.

My wife has bad insomnia and has tried everything. A bowl of AC/DC before bed and she sleeps like a baby all night.

Another family member has extreme anxiety, especially in large groups. This stuff knocks it right out. It's so subtle though that you don't even realize you ever had the anxiety to begin with. It really works and the anti-anxiety effect seem to last days.

As for crossing with stronger stuff... Why not just do a blend? With this and something else you could blend any ratio you want.

@Ronnie correct. I've read it's a high-cbd pheno of cannatonic.