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the Mexican Landraces Thread


misterD farmhouse
No worries azad!

In case one day you want pick some! Look at s@nn*e's sh*p the jalisco are there, and they are pretty cheap.

Honestly the more i think about it, the more i think that oxacan did not really deserve to be a so call "IBL"

She could have been a bit more stable,.. i mean half of what i popped will be in time 8-9 weeks! But the other rest of the pheno will go slightly over 10 weeks, i'm sadly sure! And seriously i saw it even in early age, very vigorous with a more typical mexican leaf look! They are clearly more sativa, maybe not rock hard but i feel like that gonna turn really big. What so ever, i think that's what e$ko try to meant when he said "Semi sativa"
I'm nearly 100% sure the sativa dominant hybrid plants I have are Mexican in origin. They came from a bag of midgrade.

They are turning pretty frosty and all have a smell of Cantalopes, one is stronger Cantalope smell and another has a spicy scent to it also.

Looking forward to harvesting them soon. We harvested a hermie that was from the same seeds and the high was pure sativa with racy thoughts.

Lime Green

Active member
The same guy who gifted me my old Mexican seeds just received 35 special seeds from his Sinaloan neightbor. Apparently this guy has a coffee can of seeds, and offered some to my buddy some time back. Upon finding out he is a legal, medical marijuana patient, the man; who speaks little English, told him to wait, and not get those coffee can seeds. He came out with a small native cloth wrapped up. There began to be a stir among the other guys when he brought it out. He opened it up, and gave my friend the seeds, 48 total. The other guys then began telling him how good these seeds were, but given that my buddy is not Spanish speaking, he didn't get any details other than they are Sinaloan. He said they are some of the most physically beautiful seeds he has seen, with a shiny red hue, and variegated looking. He offered me some, and am now planning on a bunch of S1s.

Lime Green

Active member
Cannabisso, Apparently I can't answer your photo comment anywhere but here being a noob. The photo I have posted is
20-30 year old Mexican Bagseed. The Sinaloa seeds are supposed to be a Highland Gold variety from what we have been told.


New member
Pure Acapulco golds

Pure Acapulco golds

From 45 year old seeds. One love, rev.the natural.


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Pure Oaxaca midland

Pure Oaxaca midland

She's the giant in the back. Largest of all cannabis. One love, rev.thenatural


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New member
Pure Sonora giant.

Pure Sonora giant.

Nothing beats the real deals. One love, rev.thenatural


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New member
Pure Jalisco mexican

Pure Jalisco mexican

Not just any, but one pollinated with blue agave. One of the most unique in the world as it grows. Spiked leaves, blue tinted and super resinous buds that smell of the finest tequila. Much to learn. Not now. Enjoy, rev.thenatural


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Well-known member
Pure as snow, enjoy. Blessings, rev.thenatural

I'd love to hear the story of the collection of these Mexican strains, particularly the Zacatecas. My first thought is doubt about the purity, then, as I looked backwards from your last post to your earlier posts and I find this Zacatecas, I see the resemblance to my favorite cutting for the last 3 or 4 years, SAGE, which is supposed to have Purple Zacatecas in its lineage. I am amazed.

Your Zacatecas:


My SAGE cut:


I admit that these pictures do not show the resemblance very well, but I know the plant, and the resemblance is there to my eyes.

I have smoked better weed in my time, but this plant and I click. I am able to grow it well enough to see its potential and the beauty of its effects on my mind.

Please update with pictures as they get bigger and flower. I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your posts.

Mucho Gracias,



Oaxacan Pelo Rojo

Oaxacan Pelo Rojo

Here's an old school pic of a Oaxacan Pelo Rojo bud and a young Mexican plant (possibly also Pelo Rojo) for reference. Note the airiness of the finished product and the small five-fingered thin Sativa leaves, lighter overall color, heavy branching pattern, and medium inter-node spacing.


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HTCC 1975 Smoke reports

HTCC 1975 Smoke reports

HTCC 1975 smoke reports:

Oaxacan - has a minty taste and is also spicy. It tingles the taste buds. The minty taste allows the throat to stay open, which means you draw more smoke into your lungs without coughing it out. It's quite airy considering it's power.

Culiacan - has the airiness but not the power.

Top Mexican - astral.


New member
I'd love to hear the story of the collection of these Mexican strains, particularly the Zacatecas. My first thought is doubt about the purity, then, as I looked backwards from your last post to your earlier posts and I find this Zacatecas, I see the resemblance to my favorite cutting for the last 3 or 4 years, SAGE, which is supposed to have Purple Zacatecas in its lineage. I am amazed.

Your Zacatecas:

View Image

My SAGE cut:
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I admit that these pictures do not show the resemblance very well, but I know the plant, and the resemblance is there to my eyes.

I have smoked better weed in my time, but this plant and I click. I am able to grow it well enough to see its potential and the beauty of its effects on my mind.

Please update with pictures as they get bigger and flower. I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your posts.

Mucho Gracias,

Thanks my brother. They are all indeed pure. I do have much too share and it will be very debated, but the mission will be accomplished and the real truth of this cursed fruit tree and many other things will come out soon and set this tree free forever. Just know my brother, seven years ago I was a 340 pound dead man. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, septic infections, falling down water fall and west Nile virus all tried too kill me. Father gave me revelation concerning this tree and other things. Over 20 years of studying many fields, I was shown, that I knew nothing. I learned things he says others forgot and I teach too the willing and they cure as I have and my family. Much too discuss and its nothing but testimony my brother. For now enjoy and know that when I was guided, I went on search for these seeds and found by guidance what god wanted me too have, including the Acapulco golds. Then father moved me from tn to co and I got here and seen the confusion that people support about this tree spouted by even ones supposed to be growers. Its all crippi out here and I've tried the most so called potent strains and they are weak in comparison to the original genetics they come from. They cut it THC green and even earlier to supply demand and nobody I have met even comes close to the proper ripening of cannabinoids. They have convinced themselves you can breed for cbd and other cannabinoids, but they have to be ripened for and destroy disease over night. Green is bad. Why did everyone forget that? Send me a joint of the most powerful dutch balls you have grown by the best as I've already had and grown them. Any of the above trees given enough ripening under high blue hid light will destroy any dutch genetics tossed around and laugh on the face of a mite or powdery mildew. Hush rev before you get going too quick. Lol. One love, rev.thenatural


New member
Big blue ox

Big blue ox

One of ours. Haze bros blue dream x pure oaxacan male. Total sativa with no stone too be found. Smoked like pure Mexican funk and gave some young women at a dispensary the best high of there life. Point, nothing we breed either, compares with fathers originals and the chemical balance they have. My pure Acapulco golds are too strong too smoke. Would shut the cannabis cup down a day.. Guaranteed. If you cut them early like most do out here, they will punish you and leave you in a paranoid hell. Ripened into true pure cannabinoids and you will open your pineal gland and know things that will make you tremble inside if your looking. If not trying to find that which you have forgotten, its complete euphoria and creative expression. May Allah bless us to get Adams beans to his white brothers as Acapulco's especially are almost extinct and even the Mexican Europeans and sons of Adam agree. Funny how the serpent still tries so hard too keep the slaves asleep. Not for long. Blessings and peace, rev.thenatural


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Well-known member
This is what I've been saying... in a very different style of writing. I smoked almost 15 years before smoking my first "green" bud. You should read my "The Search for Trip Weed" thread. There are others here that know, but are often drowned out by naysayers.

Please preserve and spread these valuable genetics.

Looking forward to more posts. I'm amused and enchanted by your style, Rev. So far, I'm seeing plenty of valuable knowledge.

I leave with a picture of some well cured SAGE:




Active member

eskobar is running some of the same strains as you.

are you sourcing eskobar his strains?

really nice collection you have. :)


New member

eskobar is running some of the same strains as you.

are you sourcing eskobar his strains?

really nice collection you have. :)

No my brother. Just years of hillbilly searching through bales of Mexican back in Tennessee lol. Once father revealed some astonishing truths to me, I figured pretty quick that any delusional thinking of going to mexico and collectecting specimens was wrong. You can't get to the real farmers and I doubt the cartels would let you stop by and go through bales and drink tea lol. I took other science knowledge's I had learned in other fields and common sense and applied. Lol started simply talking to Mexican brothers back home and old farmers back home that have been growing Mexicans outdoors back home for 50 years, got a map and got busy. Years of growing them, you learn them with a little spiritual guidance and some common sense science. What I ran into though was indeed something huge something unreal and for seven years I've hidden with this for fear. Started talking some stuff on roll it up a few months ago and some got hateful at first however I think my brothers on riu are coming around to the light a bit and I've gotten allot of private emails from those who are open minded too learn. I'm being vague and I apologize, its just been allot. If you don't want to search me on riu then if you brothers will open the door, I will take time today too share this knowledge here. Its life changing and can set tree free forever. I can't hold it anymore as its too portant and all I want is to help my brothers. However I don't want no fussing or fighting if you guys ask for this testimony. It is very strong and will awaken the old ones who dwell here and the new souls will brighten. Blessings, rev.thenatural


New member
This is what I've been saying... in a very different style of writing. I smoked almost 15 years before smoking my first "green" bud. You should read my "The Search for Trip Weed" thread. There are others here that know, but are often drowned out by naysayers.

Please preserve and spread these valuable genetics.

Looking forward to more posts. I'm amused and enchanted by your style, Rev. So far, I'm seeing plenty of valuable knowledge.

I leave with a picture of some well cured SAGE:
View Image


Brother, that's part of the lost knowledge I was guided too. Back 40+ years ago, farmers in mexico would let there crops go longer, months longer than they do now. When you allow the tree to ripen longer, the acidic THC will start to convert to the more healing cannabinoids and there's no more negatives like paranoia, anxiety,laziness,thinking too much, burn out or tolerance. The tree also changes colors. I could write a book but I'll give it in short as I did elsewhere. Cannabis is not a herb, it is a cursed devolved fruit from another planet that is now dead. Oops. Your lied too about evolution and everything else oops. Even though the fruit tree of eden is now devolved like everything else, it still has to be ripened like a fruit through three major chemical and color changes that most all including your experts have no real understanding of unfortunately for them and you and the scientist in the medical field who are loosing out testing chemicals in early cut piss poor grown cannabis oops. Most since I moved out west I see cut before its even ripe good in THC and why people get slow healings and some negatives in the head and have to spend more for the junk oops. H.p.s. is the worse thing to happen too cannabis. It will not allow the tree too ripen through its stages and gives even poor THC. There is no red/orange high spectrum were they come from. Were cannabis in its cursed form was scattered by the Adams and evolved there is high uva/uvb and blue spectrum. High blue hid or 4100k and above t5 or all white led or white/blue led will accomplish this. The tree has to die through these chemical stages to be the best healer and high pressure sodium's make them want to live, because of the high red nanometers. Takes even an 80% sativa 3ft tall under a hid 16 weeks to even get truly THC ripe in first stage under a 1000 watt. So most cut dreadfully early. Acapulco gold for example is not darn gold. Its green however the further ripening in the old days turned the bud gold and also when decarbed in sun, which is still the best. Allot of tests done on Acapulco golds and other landraces over the years showed them not too potent, however the bud tested was cut way early. Too see this tree do what it truly does, depending on genetics, you need 20-40+ weeks too achieve. Is it worth the patience for those cannabinoids? I watched nine members of my family die from the same things god showed me how to cure with this knowledge. I'm alive testimony. There is a bunch I hope the teacher growers will humble themselves and learn as they need to quickly. If scientist tested proper ripened bud and seen the truth of cannabinoids they would not believe. You make Simpsons oil out of proper ripened bud, you cure all degenerative diseases and then the people need to eat the leaves and seeds. Much to learn. Blessings rev.thenatural

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