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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Page 420 of this thread - did the POTUS get impeached yet?

…..looks like the legal circle jerk in Washington over it all just made a bunch more lawyers more wealthy - and if it continues - who really looses thru it all? - The media circus makes a mint out of it too - so its in their best interests to just keep it going.


ICMag Donor
It's not just in Washington. His lack of popularity is global.

Note the tweet phone in his right hand.



Well-known member
the process continues
no question it's a pay day for some
but every disaster has its winners
and it is surely not stopping soon, the pipeline is full of sewage that wants to see the light of day


ICMag Donor
Allot of losers too. Look at the swath of bankruptcies, destruction, environment, missing babies, and ruined careers left in the trail behind.

Mr D

Page 420 of this thread - did the POTUS get impeached yet?

…..looks like the legal circle jerk in Washington over it all just made a bunch more lawyers more wealthy - and if it continues - who really looses thru it all? - The media circus makes a mint out of it too - so its in their best interests to just keep it going.

According to CNN polls it seems to have created the demand for Russia conspiracy Part 2.

76% of Democrats think Congress ought to investigate the origins of the Justice Department's inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election

Wendull C.

Active member
Page 420 of this thread - did the POTUS get impeached yet?

…..looks like the legal circle jerk in Washington over it all just made a bunch more lawyers more wealthy - and if it continues - who really looses thru it all? - The media circus makes a mint out of it too - so its in their best interests to just keep it going.

But , but, he must've done something because I hate him. Get him cause he is a bad bad man. He makes me cry and retreat to my safe space. Lmfao. Tds and impeachment fantasy for 420 pages.


Well-known member
More than casually interesting how frequently the word 'hate' is woven into the message.


Active member
Lulz Hillary pleading China to release drumpfs tax returns. Implying they would use the access she sold them to her private server. Ahhhh rich AF

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I'm no huge Trump fan, but I hear a lot of Trump haters spewing this line about,

"Trump has told 10,000 lies since he's been in office"

Seriously folks, have you done the math?
do you actually believe this statement is true?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'm no huge Trump fan, but I hear a lot of Trump haters spewing this line about,

"Trump has told 10,000 lies since he's been in office"

Seriously folks, have you done the math?
do you actually believe this statement is true?

Absolutely 100%.


Active member
I'm no huge Trump fan, but I hear a lot of Trump haters spewing this line about,

"Trump has told 10,000 lies since he's been in office"

Seriously folks, have you done the math?
do you actually believe this statement is true?

Hello all,

Yeah, there are a lot of duplicates in that total.



Active member
Good thing we have a president who doesn't lie.

According to Trump his father was born in Germany.

Strange. The state of New York has Fred Trump's birth certificate in their archives.

Who's lying? The state of New York or Trump?


Well-known member
"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", now that was a line of shit that actually effected my life. Funny the left only cares about petty lies yet ignore lies that actually matter. I would rather have Trump's policies in place compared to the agenda the left is trying to push.
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