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hahahah lol,
Bro seriously, you mean to tell me you went out n bought seed to grow & prove that they were shite, lol, i thought i heard you say something like that a while ago but dissmissed it as me trippin out or somink! hahah, knightmare though, ah well, were you wishing you were wrong & hoping they were gonna prove ya wrong? funny anyway, ya mad lad!
On the Rockwool fella, na, i aint talking shit at all bro, i been doing hydroponics since 91 chap! sort of fanaticle about it. my mates think im nuts, but if they ever have any prob's who do they come running to, yip you guessed! Maybe you'll come back to me in a few months/years/decades & tell me that you now know why RW is shit & that you dropped it from your Netpots lol! Not that i give a shit either. It works for you doesnt it!
Just do a quick search on growing with rockwool & you'll find out about the quality's it carries, the bloody stuff does accumilate salts bro, believe me, its a well known side-effect dude, i know you dont give a toss, but its always good to know these things, & keeping your medium cleam can never be a bad thing bro! If i ever use RW i flush every 2 week & eliminate that issue which carries potential problems/as a precaution. Because it only happened to the plant in the middle under the light though, my moneys now on the reflective heat spot, but i anit sure at all! Anyway Thanks for the giggle bro! take it Easy!;)

yeah its all there on the 1st page of this diary in my 3rd post :)

how long before your up and running anyways scrog ??

ive gotta get my shit together and start thinking about my christmas smoke, descions descions, im not sure wether to go with a regualr seed run and start vegging towards the end of this diary or continue with doing autos

heres my thoughts

veg the whole of september then flower october - november pull down beggining of december and ready for christmas

or keep staggering the autos between now and christmas and have a constant supply upto and past chrimbo


are ye good at rationing yer stash? i ain't at all. thats why i am going for a perpetual grow.

depends on what the plants yield, ive just been looking at the diary between now and chrimbo and i could easily get another 3 harvests in from the autos and another 1 just after new year

if i do ill be growing 2 plants veg 2 plants flower but i could get 6 buckets in my tent, so if i needed to increase and get more i dont think it would be a problem, i could be pulling a harvest every 4 weeks or less if i take the 6 bucket option.

the only downer is the autos i have left are the bigger variety ones so space could play a factor in this operation

id be looking at 10 oz minimum haul altogether from the 3 harvests if each plant gives me 2 oz each which i know is possible and doing the 4 bucket system, obviosuly that would increase if i opted for 6 buckets but i think space and size of the plants would kill me



how many full size plants can you fit in your tent if you were ditching the auto's for a full grow and how much do you reckon you can pull from that? your lights are touted as being well capable of 1g per watt and upwards?


depends on method of growing

if i was to straight grow the plants out id say probably 2 and as for yield it would depend on the strain, veg time and method of growing scrog , lst , topping etc etc

my man scroger said he pulled 15 oz + if i remeber correctly off the uk cheese doing the scrog method with 2 plants but i have seen people pull just 15 oz + off 1 plant grown in dwc so like i say it can variy, the only draw back to that is the waiting time with no bud :(


Active member
Yeah, it was a 2 plant Scrog, in a 70 litre tote, BB Chiesel & yielded just under 16oz. That was the last Scrog i did in this same cab, about 18 months ago now, did DP Ultimate last at another location but was dissapointed with that one.
This Run will be up in the next 7 days for sure. the SwissCheese Pheno's i have, have alot of SK1/Cheese traits & stink so i fancied running them in a DWC ScrOG. They are well rooted now & ready to rock, beggin for a new home, just hope my plan works out. Ive put the UKCheese to the sidelines & im Gonna Give it its own Bubbler Bucket in the Corner of me cab, & see how she goes. Im pretty sure that the SCheese will yield more & i just have to find out now. Ive got a load of those outside, thats why i got the Swiss, but i fell in luv with 2 pheno's & just have to run it in DWC, I like the Mold Resistance factor too with these, so we'll see. Tbh they look very similar to the Exodus Cheese cut i have here, its mainly why i wanna run it. These little Auto's are just finishing off with a flush, so in a couple of week ill have somink tidy to puff to keep me going untill the main's are done, ill get a showthread up just now bro. G'Luck Buddy!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
skotty;3773366 i however dont grow this way my setup is as follows [IMG said:

Not quite. You're using 3" cubes, the illo uses a 1" starter cube. DWC outgrows soil for the same reason Aero outgrows DWC, massive amounts of O2 to the root system. A 1" cube will maximize O2; A 3" cube will minimize O2.

Not as important in an autoflower as a 20+ week sativa but, less work, less material, less money for greater growth ain't a bad deal.


Don't know why the pic doesn't show (from post 95 on page 7) but I see now that it's on photobucket. Those guys will flip on you in a heartbeat. Do yourself a favor and get your shots on IC's servers. Personal safety and all that jazz.
Last edited:


Not quite. You're using 3" cubes, the illo uses a 1" starter cube. DWC outgrows soil for the same reason Aero outgrows DWC, massive amounts of O2 to the root system. A 1" cube will maximize O2; A 3" cube will minimize O2.

Not as important in an autoflower as a 20+ week sativa but, less work, less material, less money for greater growth ain't a bad deal.


Don't know why the pic doesn't show (from post 95 on page 7) but I see now that it's on photobucket. Those guys will flip on you in a heartbeat. Do yourself a favor and get your shots on IC's servers. Personal safety and all that jazz.

ill experiment next round with the smaller cube method as i dont have anything to lose and with scroger banging on about it and now freezer boy, 2 veterans in the field of hydro it must be a winner ;)

ill post up pics when its all setup but if my plant falls over and breaks due to instability im gonna hunt you fukers down lol



actually the more i think about the 3" rockwool thing the more i think you guys are right.

the whole reason we lower the water below the net pots is so the top 1/4 of the plants root system can take in oxygen, so by using a 3" rockwool cube and letting the roots grow into that im actually restricting the air getting to them sooner,

the 1" cube would be more beneficial cause the roots wont have as much medium to grow through unill they hit the o2 giving them greater acsess to more oxygen and in return quicker growth.

by doing this i would probably see even greater vegging periods cause the roots have more open space and no restrictions

the proof will be in the pudding ill have something setup over the weekend and im gonna trial run this method

bit of a no brainer when you think about it

cheers for the input guys i can see why i signed up on this forum now ;)



also on the flip side it wouldnt effect the growth of autos that much because of their short life span and short veg period i mean as soon as they sprout there next destination is sexing within 2-3 weeks

i think however in regular seeds where you can veg for as long as you want it would prove more beneficial

as for salt build up in the cubes as scroger suggested, ive never encountered it in any of my grows so i found it a bit hard to get my head round, but if growing in just the rooting cubes will minimize the risks of it happening then why take the chance in the 1st place.

onwards and upwards



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
My first successful DWC used a 4" cube, no hydroton, no pot. It can be done but, as you just mentioned, fresh air is the whole point of DWC. If you have large cubes left over, slice them up into 1" starters.

What diameter are the cups? Much smaller than 5" then larger plants may become unstable. I only ask because I know who's head will roll if they go splat.


My first successful DWC used a 4" cube, no hydroton, no pot. It can be done but, as you just mentioned, fresh air is the whole point of DWC. If you have large cubes left over, slice them up into 1" starters.

What diameter are the cups? Much smaller than 5" then larger plants may become unstable. I only ask because I know who's head will roll if they go splat.

yeah ive been up all night polishing my hattori hanzo sword and the last thing you want is me breaking out kill bill style on yo ass ;)

i use 5" net pots and the reason for the 3" cubes is purely for stability, from previous grows ive seen my stems smash through the 1" cubes and always thought the bigger cube acted as a support.i couldnt imagine those clay pebbles holding a heavy budding plant for long, in the pic its only the bigger cube holding the plant at the base,

like i said im gonna give it a try and see what happens the only difference i can see is im gonna have to hand water the seedlings untill the roots have grown long enough to reach the res



day 23 from seed

all my plants are still on veg nutes even though the have all shown sex i like to let them run for a week ish before switching them over

the il diavolos rockwool has been flushed with just ph balanced water to see if i can get rid of her problems after being recommended by scroger ;)

she currently stands @ 12 " tall and has a nice skunk smell to her :)

the mi5's are on day 19 ish cant really say a lot about these other than there just doing there thing, they havent caused me any troubles what so ever and seem to coming along nicely

ive lowered the light to 20" above the plants and their loving it,

latest pics







a bit of info about the il diavolo

Automatic seeds of Il Diavolo are resistant to plague and mould and show good response to nearly all growing methods. Some cannabis growers notice a light nutrient sensitivity and, as such, the seeds should be fed lightly. If you feed her lightly and never allow the medium to dry out, this marijuana variety will reward you with an extremely resinous and bulky main cola, medium branching with plenty of smaller, frosty nuggets and a truly delicious strong and fruity, berry-like aroma

i would of thought .6 ec is pretty low dosage in my honest opinion but yeah it does show she is very very sensitive to nutes



Active member
DWC grown plants do require a lighter feed schedual (EC) anyway ive found bro, so 0.6 sounds about right to me for the stage of growth.
Yeah you'll see that alot of DWC growers started with larger quantity's of RW in the Netpots & as time passes they all seem to lose the stuff. OK it does hold a very good water to air ratio naturally, what makes it so ideal for hydroponics. But it does come with its qualitys, one of which is it likes to accumilate salt(build-up), which is a worry unless preventative measures are taken. Not so much in DWC but if you use Rockwool its a good idea to understand its qualitys. As for support buddy, ive never had a problem at all & i grow trees in little 3" or 4" net pots with no RW, just hydroton, my Screen is set at 12" usually & ive never had a problem with falling plants, obviously the scrog eliminates all that, but i still get Twisting, where the netpots twists in its hole/port in the lid of the Res, always does that, but its not a bother. If ya worried get yaself a couple of Yo-yo's, there only cheap, & you only need a few.

Looks like that plant has taken off & the damage has ceased, do you think it was reflective Hot-Spot now man? like i said its always a good idea to flush RW anyway, even if its to keep it proper, piece of mind n all that.
Ill talk you into getting a ScrOG on one of these days man lol!

One other pointer, when you flush its better to use a Very weak nute solution EC0.1 or 0.2 or so, the solution acts as a magnet to any accumilated salts in the RW & drags them out much better than just PH'd water alone bro. thats what i always do.

Ya Plants look Great btw buddy!


DWC grown plants do require a lighter feed schedual (EC) anyway ive found bro, so 0.6 sounds about right to me for the stage of growth.
Yeah you'll see that alot of DWC growers started with larger quantity's of RW in the Netpots & as time passes they all seem to lose the stuff. OK it does hold a very good water to air ratio naturally, what makes it so ideal for hydroponics. But it does come with its qualitys, one of which is it likes to accumilate salt(build-up), which is a worry unless preventative measures are taken. Not so much in DWC but if you use Rockwool its a good idea to understand its qualitys. As for support buddy, ive never had a problem at all & i grow trees in little 3" or 4" net pots with no RW, just hydroton, my Screen is set at 12" usually & ive never had a problem with falling plants, obviously the scrog eliminates all that, but i still get Twisting, where the netpots twists in its hole/port in the lid of the Res, always does that, but its not a bother. If ya worried get yaself a couple of Yo-yo's, there only cheap, & you only need a few.

Looks like that plant has taken off & the damage has ceased, do you think it was reflective Hot-Spot now man? like i said its always a good idea to flush RW anyway, even if its to keep it proper, piece of mind n all that.
Ill talk you into getting a ScrOG on one of these days man lol!

One other pointer, when you flush its better to use a Very weak nute solution EC0.1 or 0.2 or so, the solution acts as a magnet to any accumilated salts in the RW & drags them out much better than just PH'd water alone bro. thats what i always do.

Ya Plants look Great btw buddy!

i know the plants take lighter feeding in dwc, but im still convinced its the plants sensitivity to nutes as crazy as it seems, .6 ec is really low dosage and they should handle that with out any complaints, i just think its something to do with the genetics, even the breeders say that some growers experience light sensistivity,

i dont think it was the heat spot thing either cause my plant that is now in her place is thriving, it just seems weird how all the plants are on exactly the same dosage but she is the only 1 showing these signs, it hasnt stunted her growth either she is now 15"

anyways i do have a problem that you maybe able to help with it happens every grow that i do and i cant put my finger on what causes it

my plants will be absoloutly fine in veg on .6ec but when ever they sex about a 4-6 days later i always end up with what looks like slight nute burn on the tips, it haappens in every grow,

this time round id thought id keep them on veg nutes longer to try and counter balance it and was gonna switch to bloom nutes when they start throwing out hairs on potenial budsites, but this hasnt worked

at first i thought is was cause i was switching to flower nutes to early but ive obviously ruled this out now, do the plants have like a transition stage where you should flush for a week or a few days once they show sex and then introduce flower nutes, its sort of like the plants are going through a delicate period so go soft on their feed or just give them water,

i think i did read somewhere about people flushing before using flowering nutes but then i did see lots of growers saying they just switch stratight over, its not just a symptom with autos cause it happened with my blue cheese as well

anyways if you have any thoughts it would be good to hear them

on a side note i came back today after being out all morning and walked into my grow room and was hit full on by the ak47 smell that i know so well from the mi5's, once you start getting that smell you instantly know good things are gonna start to happen ;)



day 26 from seed

the il diavolo is currently residing @ 18" tall and doesnt look like stopping any time soon

i wanna see her start to produce some buds as she only has about 5 weeks left to finish

the mi5's are on day 23 and have grown quite a bit since my last update they havent had there growth spurt yet so im expecting them to shoot up any time soon

anyways the latest pics

the il diavolo, i love the way she is reaching for the light in the pics, she is gagging for it and its only about 13 " above her top




and my mi5's







Skotty, They are starting to look nice man! That bid devil is going to be nice when she is done. Wonder if those mi's are just going to be the baseball batt type pheno.

I think those rust spots are a cal def comming on/late development, my cloven pheno jems do that every time if i am not ontop of it.

Here is a little blurb from some stuff i have saved about hydro and cal def. I can show you pics of it directly if you want me too.

Hydro and Soil less Mediums

Calcium gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0- 5.3
Calcium is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 5.4-5.8 (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Calcium Deficiency.

Solution to fixing a Calcium deficiency
To fix a calcium deficiency you can treat by foliar feeding with one teaspoon of dolomite lime or Garden lime per quart of water, Or Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have Calcium in them will fix a Calcium deficiency. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients or it will cause nutrient burn!)
Or you can take crushed up dolomite lime or garden lime in a gallon of water and water it in the soil. 1 to 2 teaspoons per gallon of water, which will be slow acting. Garden Gypsum, which is medium absorption. Limestone, which is medium absorption, Rock Phosphate and Animal wastes which are both medium/slow absorption.
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