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The world's first Trillionaire!


h^2 O

Actually there is already one.

The Church is registered as a business in many countries and is the only company to own it's own country (Vatican). You would be amazed at their collective worth and as God is the head of the Church he is therefore the worlds first Trillionaire.

Check the total worth of the church and you will be horrified at what they actually own, they have countries, a mail service, even a navy and army.

the Vatican has a Navy?!!! what?! Must be some lame portcalls...probably have to be celibate and sober on shore leave. Lame.
I want to pit a Beefeater against a Swiss Guard


I wonder how many of the world's ultra-rich have already cloned themselves so they can use their clone's parts (heart, liver, kidneys, skin, eyeballs, etc) when needed?


Devil's Advocate
lol at Zimbabwe joke. Actually that's not funny that might be the good ole US and A one of these days. hehe

h^2 O

I wonder how many of the world's ultra-rich have already cloned themselves so they can use their clone's parts (heart, liver, kidneys, skin, eyeballs, etc) when needed?

no, that's what the 3rd World is for

you're probably right though


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.

makes me laugh every time...


the Vatican has a Navy?!!! what?! Must be some lame portcalls...probably have to be celibate and sober on shore leave. Lame.
I want to pit a Beefeater against a Swiss Guard

You cant beat a swiss army knife with a poofy hat and a badly designed scarlet straight jacket so i'm backing the Swiss on that one!

Can you imagine their army. "Okay boys, god says dont kill so were gonna birch the heathens until they repent!"


Active member
no, that's what the 3rd World is for

you're probably right though
I suspect you are both correct. The news media is finally covering the topic of private human organ sales. Most likely human cloning is 30 years more advanced than the average public suspects. It's like...one day you wake up and Here's Dolly!

The world's first human clone might be revealed to the world via a custody battle. I can imagine some couple in court arguing about paternity, so when the DNA test is done, it's revealed that the Father is the child!


Freedom Fighter
Actually there is already one.

The Church is registered as a business in many countries and is the only company to own it's own country (Vatican). You would be amazed at their collective worth and as God is the head of the Church he is therefore the worlds first Trillionaire.

Check the total worth of the church and you will be horrified at what they actually own, they have countries, a mail service, even a navy and army.

Let's not forget...they are Non-Profit!! This needs to be brought up in Court...for those Dispensaries that are being Persecuted for making $$--:2cents:

danny karey

Non-profit my ass, the art work alone would be worth billions, I wonder how much they are really worth??


h^2 O

You cant beat a swiss army knife with a poofy hat and a badly designed scarlet straight jacket so i'm backing the Swiss on that one!

Can you imagine their army. "Okay boys, god says dont kill so were gonna birch the heathens until they repent!"


Active member
Another idea for the world's 1st trillionaire may be the owner of the first company to mine minerals from the moon or near Earth asteroids.



HA dont be stupid wepon companys have probably already turnd over a trill.