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day 17 from seed

apart from the phukk up with the devil and its outta sync ph she is recovered nicely her new leaves are looking sweet an she is continuing to throw out pistils :)

the mi5's are doing just as wll they are currently on day 13 from seed

all the buckets are on different nutes ec some are on .7 ec some on .6 and some on .8 all the ph is between 5.6 and 5.8 this wouldnt be possible in a 1 res system hence i have full control over what each plant wants ;)

if my timing is correct and what the breeders state it should be about 5 weeks till harvest

also notice in the pics how the mi5's have stayed a bit squat i think this is a reaction to the lights, being to close so again i have full control over how big and how small i want my plants in veg,
this to me is a major advantage cause if i think a palnt is getting to big in veg ill just lower the light to slow it down and vice versa

a lot of people might look at the pics and say why hasnt the devil stayed small and thats because her flowering has kicked in so the plants genetics have taken over ;)

latest pics









lost in a sea

Fwiw-Ruderalis ("hemp") should have never,ever been introduced into indoor marijuana hybrid development.
It was a mistake Neville made in the 80s,when he was trying to shorten flower times but instead got marijuana with greatly-reduced potency and lots of hempy crap.
Do yourself a HUGE favor and DUMP THE RUDERALIS.
Get some real indoor marijuana genetics,and you'll have FAR better results,and pot. For what you're doing,Cinderella 99 is your best bet. Trust me,ruderalis or ANY ruderalis hybrid,aren't remotely worth bothering with,and if you like the smoke,it's simply a fluke,or you haven't had better,my friend.

That said,good luck with the grow!


ruderalis really should never ever have been added to the gene pool,, sadly it wasnt just neville that made that retarded move..


ruderalis really should never ever have been added to the gene pool,, sadly it wasnt just neville that made that retarded move..

Originally Posted by REZDOG
Fwiw-Ruderalis ("hemp") should have never,ever been introduced into indoor marijuana hybrid development.
It was a mistake Neville made in the 80s,when he was trying to shorten flower times but instead got marijuana with greatly-reduced potency and lots of hempy crap.
Do yourself a HUGE favor and DUMP THE RUDERALIS.
Get some real indoor marijuana genetics,and you'll have FAR better results,and pot. For what you're doing,Cinderella 99 is your best bet. Trust me,ruderalis or ANY ruderalis hybrid,aren't remotely worth bothering with,and if you like the smoke,it's simply a fluke,or you haven't had better,my friend.

That said,good luck with the grow!


facking hell boys, you cant be coming round my postcode spouting shit like this it dis-respectfull and ive seen people get shot for this kind of behavouir

You're on thin fucking ice my pedigree chums, and I shall be under it when it breaks. Now, fuck off


Active member
i didnt think any 1 would understand what i was saying as it is quite technical thats not to say all stoners are stupid ;)

lifting the light can effect the internodes to close and they will grow slow to high and they will space out more and if you find the sweet spot then its game on

ive come up with a soloution of were to put the lights for seedlings or vegging plants as a trial for me

37"-30" may increase stretching

30"-24" may cause tight internode growth

24"-12 may slow down growth

im not saying these figures are accurate but they are ball park figures for me to play around with and once ive found a few sweet spots well skys the limit ;)

the spots on the leaves were caused by ph to low i set my water to 5.5 and checked my ph meter which was out by .1 making the il diavolo out of range @ 5.4, the mi5's were set @ ph 5.6 which would of made the ph 5.5 hence why it only happened to the devil ;)

LOL, Yeah i understood what you were saying mate(i am stupid though), but i doubt you could baffle me when it comes to hydro & technicality. All i was saying basically was that all lights including HID's do the same thing as what youve observed man, thats all, what youve said is not new tec.
Something ive noticed there is your PH buddy, PH 5.4 aint out of range for DWC! Id look at that one closely.
The optimal range for DWC is 5.2 - 5.8, so at 5.4 your well within range & ive never seen damage like that from having the PH set at 5.3 or 5.4, i use the lower end of the range in Veg myself.
Best keep an eye on that one bro!

As for Ruderalis Gene's i think they do have a place in the Future & Breeders are making leaps & bounds with Quality by crossing them with Indica, & Sativa lines, there not just Rudi genetics what people are growing hence the quality.
I think they definately have a place Outdoor too, for me this is where these new crosses shine. A crop in Mid-Summer in Northern Hemisphere climate is very appealing & was not really possible or viable with Indica/Sati lines before. How can you Hate, New Auto's aint just Rudi are they, No-Body would bother with Auto's if that was the case lol !


Something ive noticed there is your PH buddy, PH 5.4 aint out of range for DWC! Id look at that one closely.
The optimal range for DWC is 5.2 - 5.8, so at 5.4 your well within range & ive never seen damage like that from having the PH set at 5.3 or 5.4, i use the lower end of the range in Veg myself.
Best keep an eye on that one bro!

i try never to let the ph dip below 5.5 or higher than 6.1 throughout the grow its the only thing i can think of thats caused it , because its only that plant that has shown the signs

i cant pinpoint it to anything else the feed dosage is .6 ec in her bucket her res temps are 71 which isnt a problem due to the amount of oxygen in her water, her roots are crystal clear , shes on just canna vega and rhizo, gentle breeze blowing so she is only just shaking,

as you can see it sounds pretty much perfect to me so its gotta be the dip in ph that caused it, i aint worried about it she will bounce back and go onto to yield me something,at least she better otherwise im £45 outta pocket and we dont want that now ;)



Active member
Thanks for the quick responce! the strains I have right now are NYLD, Purple Mazar, BlueStreak, Ak47, Onyx, HBD and 4 new Mossy strains...{and of course I have my sour60 x purple jemz cross of 412 seeds as well as 138 easy ryder seeds too!] I hit the 1oz per plant dry when I did my soil grow with AK, sour60 and white dwarf in 3 gal bags! So we will see...That is my "MAIN" reason why I am switching to DWC...YEILD!! looking to get @ "least" 2oz per with these strains....just dont know which to try first..any sugg.???
Oh, as far as the perpetual harvest, I did that with my soil grow around the same time as you sugg. (wk 4-5 to start new beans) and it worked great, so big-up's to you for mentioning that.....it let's me know I'm doing that part right!!!:dance013:
it really does depend on what strain you choose to grow but i would say that a minmum of 1 oz per plant in 10 buckets will give you 10 oz return minimum which in a 8-10 week grow is good,

if you spaced out your grow and germinated 10 more seeds at week 4- 5 you could have 10 oz + every 4-5 weeks minimum, when 1 set is finished flowering you then put your new 1's into finish off, its a perpetual harvest

the biggest advantage of autos is you can veg and flower all in the same tent and you dont have to worry about the light cycles

hope this helps



Active member
Id like to See what Auto's can really do, with a few 1k'ers, DWC & the Perfect enviroment.
Is that 'Cheesey's' NYLDeez(UKCheeseheadAuto's) you have there Uptos'm?, Looked to be a real cracker that one, very impressed with his work thusfar, Have been asked to test some of his stuff, if i can slot it in, that'd be very cool. Judging by the look of the last crop i saw of the NYLDzzz, your in for a real treat bro! Some nice strains you mentioned. G'Luck!


ive been gifted the pleasure of testing out some of *stitchs* new creations so im hoping when they arrive to get the super autos in 1 of the oxy pots and we will see what they can do :)


ooooo have had another thought as to the weird spots on the il diavolo what if

we know that plants like to transpire and give off their own liquids a bit like when we sweat ,what if the plant is finding it difficult to give off its liquids due to its respritary glands on the leaves not opening properly ?? and what would be the cause of this ??

in stead of the toxic evaporating off the leaves it is in actual fact just not escaping causing the leaves to show deficiency

my temps are 81 degrees and 45 % humidity

i would of said condenstaion if the temps in the tent were much lower at night then they were in the day but id see signs on the others plants so this rules that out


just placed an order for my next lot of beans and got some splendid free offers ;)

maxi gom fems x 3 ak47 x critical mass

big devil fem x 1 fruity skunk

and my freebies

Mataro Blue fem x 1 bluemoonshine x white widow x la blanca

la blanca fem x 1 white widow x snow white

onyx fem x 1 do i have to tell you about this strain ;)

Blue Himalaya fem x 1 blueberry x kush

super cali haze fem x 1 100% haze

im hoping they aint outta stock on the cali haze :)

not a bad list to add to my collection and if that mataro blue is anything like its description then i should be in for a treat

notice how i went for the bigger yielding varietys aswell, i did want russian rocket fuel but its out of stock

seeds will be coming to a diary very soon :)



ruderalis really should never ever have been added to the gene pool,, sadly it wasnt just neville that made that retarded move..

LOL Why are you trolling in here. Replying to REZ makes you look cool? You folks like to follow the beat'n path, stay there, while we find some thing new to explore. Every line has taken work to get where it is at, we are getting farther from the rudi fellas. Does having your head up the ass qualify you an AF expert?

So i should never run the chems because Mosaic virus??... Or the nanner factor? Or OG because the flower stretch is outlandish? lol i still run em.. To each their own. Ya dig mate?

Back to topic.

Skotty: About the sick one, could have just been the PH flux. Maybe just a sensative pheno.

They look nice and healthy otherwise, would be hard pressed to say they are defficient.

They should start doing some thing interesting soon how-ever



Active member
Yep, it's Cheesy's NYLD....and yeah, heard and saw that it is a heavy yielder in a bubbler...around 4oz dry was obtained! INSANE!!:ying:
Is that 'Cheesey's' NYLDeez(UKCheeseheadAuto's) you have there Uptos'm?, Looked to be a real cracker that one, very impressed with his work thusfar, Have been asked to test some of his stuff, if i can slot it in, that'd be very cool. Judging by the look of the last crop i saw of the NYLDzzz, your in for a real treat bro! Some nice strains you mentioned. G'Luck!


Yep, it's Cheesy's NYLD....and yeah, heard and saw that it is a heavy yielder in a bubbler...around 4oz dry was obtained! INSANE!!:ying:

welcome to the world of hydro , dont get me wrong i have nothing against people who spend their time growing in soil and get average yields , but if you wanna get the most out of autos put em in hydro and watch em grow :)

i think with the list of strains you mentioned you should get some nice returns

Skotty: About the sick one, could have just been the PH flux. Maybe just a sensative pheno.

They look nice and healthy otherwise, would be hard pressed to say they are defficient.

They should start doing some thing interesting soon how-ever


bang on mate i had a strong felling this is what it was and apparantley the plants are sensitive, me and the il diavolo have got a bit of history and by no means was it on top of my list to grow out, i was doing it to prove a point and to satisfy my own feelings about this strain ;)

as for the plants doing something well its still early days the mi5's havent sexed yet which is a massive boost as males should of shown by now and after my previous adventures with autos in hydro a lot can happen in 24 hours ;)

watch this space ......



day 19 from seed

havent got a clue whats going on with this devil, i cant seem to shake off this infection that she has got, its deffo not nute burn because that starts at the tips and works it way in, also another sign of nute burn is the leaves on the tips bend down, her ph is 5.8 and her feed is .7 ec. however it hasnt slowed her down in the slightest she is still growing everyday, (weird) never seen this defeciency before

as for the mi5's well there just doing their thing, soaking up the rays and chilling out and vegging nicely, they are on day 15 from seed so if males were gone rear the ugly heads i would of expected them to do so by now, but anything can happen between now and 21 days,

my arse is twitching and i keep checking in there for a any signs of nutz, id really love to see these mi5's go on to produce some wonderfull buds for me to share with you guys as they are showing some really good potenial ;)

if any 1 has any suggestions about the devil im all ears, but the fact she is still growing pretty strong makes me think its nothing to worry about








if you compare this pic taken 2 days ago to the 1 i took today you can see how quickly they grow ;)

and if the mi5's keep growing at that rate for the next 6 days ill be more than happy when they hit flower :)





looking really nice skotty growing really fast!


its still early days for my babies :)

ive lowered my light from 37 " down to 30 " as now my plants are a little more mature the might enjoy a few more for lumens ;)

i placed an order last week with my regular seedbank to take advantage of their free seeds offer and noticed they were advertising free himalaya blue diesel but on my order it says himalaya blue femized

i hope i get the diesel version, ive emailed them and they just got back to me with a copy of my invoice and it just says blue himalaya, not happy about that

i should get my pips tomoz and will know for definate on a positive note i will be getting the super cali haze :dance013:



Marijuana Enthusiast

its still early days for my babies :)

ive lowered my light from 37 " down to 30 " as now my plants are a little more mature the might enjoy a few more for lumens ;)

i placed an order last week with my regular seedbank to take advantage of their free seeds offer and noticed they were advertising free himalaya blue diesel but on my order it says himalaya blue femized

i hope i get the diesel version, ive emailed them and they just got back to me with a copy of my invoice and it just says blue himalaya, not happy about that

i should get my pips tomoz and will know for definate on a positive note i will be getting the super cali haze :dance013:


w00t w00t Cali Haze...Decided what your gonna pollinate her with?


w00t w00t Cali Haze...Decided what your gonna pollinate her with?

id cross it with rezdogs super silver sour diesel haxe x g13 and turn his seeds into an auto cause i know how much he loves the ruderalis trait :)

then after the 1st batch of seeds id grow them out and backcross them with the super cali haze and sell them on seed bay and make profit off other peoples hard work ;)

i think thats what most people do around here anyways



Marijuana Enthusiast
id cross it with rezdogs super silver sour diesel haxe x g13 and turn his seeds into an auto cause i know how much he loves the ruderalis trait :)

then after the 1st batch of seeds id grow them out and backcross them with the super cali haze and sell them on seed bay and make profit off other peoples hard work ;)

i think thats what most people do around here anyways


DAAMNNN that would make one mean super auto!:dance013: I would deff wanna try that! I will be watching!... Are you gonna get the cali haze going ASAP?


DAAMNNN that would make one mean super auto!:dance013: I would deff wanna try that! I will be watching!... Are you gonna get the cali haze going ASAP?

im gonna wait untill my plants sex before i take on any more adventures ;)

my seeds have arrived today so im now in possesion of the super cali haze ;)

and the blue himalaya did infact turn out to be the diesel variety so im well happy about that :dance013:

also some more good news 1 of my mi5's has shown sex and im the proud father of 1 baby girl (ahhhhh) but im hoping for triplets so fingers crossed :)

i measured the devil and she is currently at 8 inches tall and still reaching, cant diagnose her symptoms so i have no choice but to ride with it and see what she has to offer me

ill update with some pics later

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