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The Blueberry Trials


Active member
I'm not a huge fan of HSO, but I have a pheno of Blueberry Headband that tastes just like black winegums. It is an over-the-top taste. It is not subtle at all. I didn't know weed could taste this good. Easily the best tasting strain I've ever had. High is fantastic as well. That typical blueberry narcotic and eupohoric stone. It yielded pretty shit on it's first run though. I will be taking about 20 cuts from the mother soon. Let's see what it does on the second go round.

H G Griffin

Well-known member
I remember following this thread on an old account before the pw got lost.

Good to hear your annus horribilis is over and things are improving.
Awesome that you found what you were seeking so early in your blueberry search, too.


i can vouch for the digiberry ........i got a pack of the very early releases.. many years ago......the scent profiles were absolutely amazing,,, i sadly lost my keeper .................i found it stronger than normal bb also .......the high for me was stronger but kind of less nuanced than a pure bb ..........kinda lost a bit of the sativa euphoria............but im a sativa smoker so anyone liking strong meds would prob prefer the digiberry line over a pure bb anyway

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
The Digi is going to be in my jars for years to come. The Ludens pheno is curing to a more mentholated blueberry Vick's, which sounds awful but it is oddly intoxicating. I am definitely running 50 of these if I can get my grubby little mitts on the beans.

Since my seed order never showed, I'm going to reorder some BB seeds and do some side by sides. I hope the DJ Short testers happen so I can run them next to the Dutch lines.

To be cont


Well-known member
Damm it man i could have had this already but screwed up and sent a non registered letter....it never arrived.
Good thing they are about to make more.
I should have bought 4 of these packs instead of new berry to be honest just for the seed numbers and all the positive reports and mainly the taste and smoke smell because how cool and rare is that, very rare.
I'm still happy in the end because the nice male I found and used has a blueberry stem rub.....those f2 will be grown and pollinated by these.
I can't say anything for Newberry as it was pure seeds and dried to a crisp so it wasn't at it's full potential


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Howdy Folks!



So did it taste like Blueberry? Uh, yes, it sure as hell does!

As these plants flowered they filled the room with blueberry aromas that ranged from fresh blueberry to candy blueberry syrup. Bright fresh acidic blueberry smells on my person after sniffing and working around the plants.

@VerdentGreen please set me aside some packs of Digi my friend I'll be in touch!

I would just like to thank DankFrank, VG and all involved for making this strain, I can't understand how it isn't world famous. Big props guys!

Pics coming....

Great Job Lester, great report on the grow, it gives me such a kick to see the great pics and reports people have posted over the last couple of years of the BlueDigiBerry.

VG :tiphat:


Active member
If it weren't for Coronavirus, would you have been at Spannabis this year? I'm always on the lookout for kickass blueberry strains, but being in South Africa makes it a bit tricky. I usually get all my gear from Spannabis. Our flights were cancelled though. So no Spannabis for me either.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I've heard good things about blue digiberry.

Curious though why you ended up running, and then choosing as the winner, a blueberry hybrid rather than a pure blueberry seedline? On the first post you said no hybrids would be allowed.


As far as anyone knows, the Digiberry clone is a Blueberry clone, by all accounts it certainly exhibits many killer blueberry traits.

The only 'hybrid' thing about BlueDigiBerry is that an outcross was made in order to create a backcross to the Digiberry clone (and a m/f line), Dank.Frank. spent some time searching for a great male in these bx seeds, which he was kind enough to send me some pollen from - which i crossed to my DP Blueberry cut.

So you have a tiny bit of sour bubble in there, which produces the odd 'burnt rubber' pheno that is easy to isolate if you really want.

The advantage of using 2 female clones as the basis for the BDB is that both sides of the combination came from Blueberry plants that had known blueberry smell, taste and effect qualities.

VG :tiphat:

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Just got up and put coffee on, opened the Digi jar and the dog had to go out. When I came back in the house REEKED of blueberries from the jar being open on the table. I could barely smell the coffee.

I am more and more impressed with this strain everyday.

Thanks for the info VerdantGreen! Y'all hit a home run on this one. PM sent..

Happy Times

Well-known member
Just got up and put coffee on, opened the Digi jar and the dog had to go out. When I came back in the house REEKED of blueberries from the jar being open on the table. I could barely smell the coffee.

I am more and more impressed with this strain everyday.

Thanks for the info VerdantGreen! Y'all hit a home run on this one. PM sent..

Now that sounds like a nice morning! Def would like to run the DigiBerry sometime


Well-known member
As far as anyone knows, the Digiberry clone is a Blueberry clone, by all accounts it certainly exhibits many killer blueberry traits.

The only 'hybrid' thing about BlueDigiBerry is that an outcross was made in order to create a backcross to the Digiberry clone (and a m/f line), Dank.Frank. spent some time searching for a great male in these bx seeds, which he was kind enough to send me some pollen from - which i crossed to my DP Blueberry cut.

So you have a tiny bit of sour bubble in there, which produces the odd 'burnt rubber' pheno that is easy to isolate if you really want.

The advantage of using 2 female clones as the basis for the BDB is that both sides of the combination came from Blueberry plants that had known blueberry smell, taste and effect qualities.

VG :tiphat:

VG, I got nothing but respect for you bro, but your strain is 100% a blueberry hybrid. Nothing you can do will ever make it pure Blueberry. Fact! Don't run from it, embrace it. From the reports I've seen, BlueDigiBerry is an improvement on the original blue lines, delivering consistent terps and flavor many of us blue fanatics crave.

Digiberry may or may not be a legit blueberry. You seem quite certain it is. I'm not so sure Frank would agree with you.

Sour Bubble sure as hell is not blueberry! BlueDigiBerry is 12.5% Sour Bubble. Clearly a hybrid. No way around that.

It is what it is bro. I'm sure it's a great seedline. It's just not straight blueberry which is what this thread was originally supposed to be about, or so I thought. :dunno:

If you or frank wanted to make a pure blueberry line, you'd need to first confirm one way or another the genetic background of digiberry, and then hit it with a blue line male and work from there. Not too hard to do really. Kinda surprised it hasn't been done already tbh...


ICMag Donor
Digi to a DJ blue male = mutant city.

You ran the CB x DB Bx1 cross. Carolina Blue had 4 or 6 stacked lines of DJ's work, can't remember which. Regardless - look at the mutated bull that came out of that line.

Why repeat that?


Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I don't think anyone is denying it is a hybrid. As I said it was the only hybrid I was including due to consistent reports of blueberry flavors and smells.


Well-known member
Digi to a DJ blue male = mutant city.

You ran the CB x DB Bx1 cross. Carolina Blue had 4 or 6 stacked lines of DJ's work, can't remember which. Regardless - look at the mutated bull that came out of that line.

Why repeat that?


I don't think I found any mutants in the CB x DB. Maybe I did and just don't remember. I'm positive there were no mutants found in the f2's I made and ran outdoors. I actually thought that cross was quite good! Sounds like others weren't as lucky as I was.

There's no reason to repeat something if it doesn't work. Just have to find another way. Or not. Doesn't really matter if there's no desire for the outcome.

Me? I've got desire coming out my ears and dripping thru my underoos. I'm gonna make this happen even if I have to do it my damn self! :woohoo:


ICMag Donor
Digi is still being played with. Just takes time.

Digi x [Dabney Blue x (Digi x Sour Bubble Bx2)] is what I for see bein made next. That would form the basis to find a new male to make a new Bx1 generation while including an old elite berry isolated from DJ stock.



VG, I got nothing but respect for you bro, but your strain is 100% a blueberry hybrid. Nothing you can do will ever make it pure Blueberry. Fact! Don't run from it, embrace it. From the reports I've seen, BlueDigiBerry is an improvement on the original blue lines, delivering consistent terps and flavor many of us blue fanatics crave.

The original blueberry was a hybrid too, can't forget those details. It was an F1.

Digi is still being played with. Just takes time.

Digi x [Dabney Blue x (Digi x Sour Bubble Bx2)] is what I for see bein made next. That would form the basis to find a new male to make a new Bx1 generation while including an old elite berry isolated from DJ stock.

I might have what you all are interested in/looking for. Several months ago I finished a run with some Blue Moonshine Bx seeds I made some years ago. I also collected lots and lots and lots of pollen. I also have a selection of F3 Blue Moonshine seeds I made. I have many different lines (from many different F2 Blue Moonshine females for a larger genetic diversity). The F3 Blue Moonshine would then be an F6 blueberry.

H G Griffin

Well-known member
I've got a Pure Blueberry(BB muffin edition) from JOTI that's just broken the surface. Had good luck with PSBC BB, but like trying new things. Only other JOTI gear I've tried was Black Cali Grapes and it was fantastic, so I've got fairly high hopes for this.


Elite Growers Club
Seedsman has a real tasty BB, the sativa looking ones, it's kinda not the strongest, but hopefully this one I popped in the sativa one instead of the bushy short ones. Dutch Passion had a good Blueberry in the mid 2000s, like 03 or so I grew it. I grew all of DJ Shorts BB and paid I think 200 for True BB and it was garbage. Some nice looking males, but the females weren't even close to as good as Dutch Passion. Hopefully I can pony up and get a pack of BB and White Widow from Dutch Passion. It's been many years but there WW used to be some of the strongest and stinkiest weed you'll ever encounter around 03-05 somewhere around they I grew it.

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