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Thai x Panama


Active member
Hi everyone!
Here are some photos of my Thai x Panama. She is grown in 8,5 litre pot under DIY led light on 11/13 light schedule from seed.
Now shes in week 3 of proper flowering and starts producing resin on leaves near flowers.
IMG_20230609.jpg IMG_20230625.jpg IMG_20230705.jpg IMG_20230721 (2).jpg IMG_20230721.jpg IMG_20230722.jpg


ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome to ICMag @Specimen :) and thanks for sharing with us your current grow diary with Thai x Panama.
I like a lot the way you tamed her with perfect size for your indoor setup, speaks very good about your growing skills and understanding of sativa plants. Please, keep us updated!
I'm loving the effect from mine - great feel good, active high!

So glad to hear that @El Timbo ;) perfect to deal with heat during summer time!


Active member
This is how the plant looked around 7 weeks from defining budsites if i remember correctly :unsure:

Below is one of her bigger buds. I like the foxtaily structure, the tops are also pretty resinous. The smell is still very very delicate, usually i had to use carbon filter but this time its not necessary.


Active member
Very well managed in that space. Unsolicited advice - you may be heavy on the nitrogen, very easy to do on these types


Active member
Very well managed in that space. Unsolicited advice - you may be heavy on the nitrogen, very easy to do on these types
Advice is always appreciated ;). Even more so in my case because im still a newbie grower. As to the nitrogen, im using biotabs which indeed are quite rich in nitrogen. Im not giving her any additional nutes apart from compost tea one time and some calmag every now and then.

Is yours cured already? How is it in the terms of high, taste and smell?

excellent development @Specimen :yes: love her sexy foxtailed colas as well, flowers look :yummy:
Thanks. Cant wait to try her :canabis:


Well-known member
This is probably my favourite morning/day smoke.
I’ve grown her or sisters at least 4 times…
Super clean come down, potent enough without being dirty or anxy.
Very very similar high and terpenes to the OH imo.
Maybe not as complex but little bit brighter and more citrus to the OH…
Pop them if you have them. :)
Sorry couldn’t find many pictures at this time.





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Active member
Mine went down after 125 days of 11/13 (from seed). Approx 11.5 weeks after defining budsites. Haven't smoked her yet apart from some little sample bud after which the effect was very promising, very positive high without any anxiety or paranoia. Waiting for her to cure a little in jars. Below are some sexy buds


Well-known member
beautiful looking flowers! looking pretty resinous with big swollen calyxes and foxtails. sexy indeed :)

you said diy lights, did you build them yourself? how many watts does it run on? the light look cool and effective with that massive cooler. and with this result. :)


Active member
you said diy lights, did you build them yourself? how many watts does it run on?
Yes i made it myself, its a Citizen CLU048-1212C4 COB with a Meanwell ELG 100-36A power supplier. The radiator is so big so it can work without additional fan for cooling. It also has 10 little CREE XP-E 660nm leds which were turned off this grow. I didn't have the tools necessary to build it and had to buy them and learn to use them too. Frankly in my situation it probably would have been cheaper and faster to just buy some premade lights. Also my lights concentrate in the center of the box which is suboptimal.

Power of the main led can be regulated by changing the current on the power supply. The power consumed by the led was around 55 - 70 watts i don't know the exact value because the power meter measures also the power consumed by the mixing and exhaust fans. I had to tune the LED down a little in later parts of the grow when the plant grew taller because it was being burned a little and there was no more place to move the led upwards.

The final yield was around 53 g, considering this was almost without veg (11/13 from seed) and grown in 8.5 litre pot i guess its okay. Probably could have been bigger if i had cut some more branches and little popcorn buds.