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Team Microbe's Living Soil Laboratory - Round 2!

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The English Cut

Well-known member
Aloe cloning. Wow.
Coincidentally I just finished watching a Mendo Dope youtube vid of Aloe cloning with Minnesota Nice. He puts the cuttings in aloe water for 24 hrs then dips them into the flesh of the aloe fillet, then into the rapid rooters. He does no-till too, Maybe that's old news for you guys here but I hadn't heard of him before.

Anyway it's all fascinating, gonna give it a try with my next batch of cuttings any day now.

grower stak

New member
Has anyone had any luck with finding rice hulls from local breweries?
I don't know about distilleries but I get my rice hulls from a local brew shop, it's a hydroponics and brewing store, they have the 50lb riceland compressed sack (about 7cuft) for $29 or a loose 1cuft bag (simple path brand) for $12.


Rice hulls are stupid cheap at homebrew stores. 1 pound comes out to a bit shy of one fluffy gallon in volume, and is sold about $1.79 per pound currently. FYI morebeer sells these for the same price per pound, and offers free shipping for purchases over $59 I think.

Team Microbe

Active member
Aloe cloning. Wow.
Coincidentally I just finished watching a Mendo Dope youtube vid of Aloe cloning with Minnesota Nice. He puts the cuttings in aloe water for 24 hrs then dips them into the flesh of the aloe fillet, then into the rapid rooters. He does no-till too, Maybe that's old news for you guys here but I hadn't heard of him before.

Anyway it's all fascinating, gonna give it a try with my next batch of cuttings any day now.

I was wondering what someone was talking about yesterday when they asked if I watched "the video". Is Mendo Dope those rappers that grow massive trees in their backyard? I know they're organic... so that's dope dude. They've got a big audience and can really promote sustainable practices if they want to, and it sounds like they are so more power to them. I only dipped for 2 hours last night bc I had a busy day today, but if I didn't I probably would've left em in over night. I'm not sure how long you can leave the severed aloe snips out for without them going "bad"... at 2 hours mine were looking slightly funky - like the top film was starting to turn but the insides were still good. I'm really curious as to how well it works... this is my first time using raw aloe gel

I don't know about distilleries but I get my rice hulls from a local brew shop, it's a hydroponics and brewing store, they have the 50lb riceland compressed sack (about 7cuft) for $29 or a loose 1cuft bag (simple path brand) for $12.

Damn is it 7 cubic foot in each one? That would be amazing, I thought it was more along the lines of 3.8 cu ft. because they're similar in size with my peat moss bales. Are the 50 lb sacks you got labeled at all? Because I've gotten 1 that's labeled with RiceLand logos and one that's blank...

Rice hulls are stupid cheap at homebrew stores. 1 pound comes out to a bit shy of one fluffy gallon in volume, and is sold about $1.79 per pound currently. FYI morebeer sells these for the same price per pound, and offers free shipping for purchases over $59 I think.

The source I listed above sells it for 60 cents a pound if you include shipping, are you sure it's that much? $30 for a 50 pound bale is what I'm about to pay...

The English Cut

Well-known member
^nice one Crop, I still haven't had time to watch beyond the cloning part. There's so much useful info (and a lot of crap) on youtube but I only have a few hours in the evenings to watch stuff and funnily enough the missus ain't too keen on growing vids, even if it does end up boosting the veg crop as a nice side effect. Anyone checked the One Yard Revolution channel on youtube? Some interesting stuff on there for cheapskates like me.

grower stak

New member
Damn is it 7 cubic foot in each one? That would be amazing, I thought it was more along the lines of 3.8 cu ft. because they're similar in size with my peat moss bales. Are the 50 lb sacks you got labeled at all? Because I've gotten 1 that's labeled with RiceLand logos and one that's blank...

These are the bags I get.


Alchemical Botanist
take cuttings, put into water for 12-24 hours, dip into fresh aloe leaf for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then into a lava rock/perlite/aeration-humus-ewc mix. Into dome. Keep at 68-80 deg fahrenheit. Roots in 7-14 days.

I use the aloe fillet quickly as benzoic acid will start developing as a degradation product within about 20 minutes. So if you have been using an aloe fillet make sure to take the top off every half hour to expose fresh gel.

stupid easy :)


Active member
I think I'm gonna try the aloe vera cloning the next time I take cuts. Just wondering how many days in till you have roots showing?


Alchemical Botanist
I think I'm gonna try the aloe vera cloning the next time I take cuts. Just wondering how many days in till you have roots showing?

Were you asking me Croptober? If so, just read my post one more time. ;)
I did forget to add that i start giving them slowly increasing amounts of fresh air after the first 3-5 days. I forgot to mention;
i put cuttings directly into 3.5 inch containers and most plants show roots in 10-14 days with some earlier ones.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
here is the living soil i just got in today..i havent ever grew organic so instead of getting a kit and mixing up everthing myself and trying to cook it off i just went on and bought 20 gallons of living soil ready to go out the box..i still got alot of learning to do on this way of growing. i do have 30lbs of EWC that i will use as a top dress once they start to flower and i have cytoplus from bioag that i plan on using about ever 2-3 weeks if the plants look like they need it..thanks TM for the encouragement:greenstars:

Team Microbe

Active member
These are the bags I get.
View Image

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=58137&pictureid=1408190&thumb=1]View Image[/url] here is the living soil i just got in today..i havent ever grew organic so instead of getting a kit and mixing up everthing myself and trying to cook it off i just went on and bought 20 gallons of living soil ready to go out the box..i still got alot of learning to do on this way of growing. i do have 30lbs of EWC that i will use as a top dress once they start to flower and i have cytoplus from bioag that i plan on using about ever 2-3 weeks if the plants look like they need it..thanks TM for the encouragement:greenstars:

Hell yeah buddy :dance013:

You're gonna kill it this year! Much respect for making the switch from synthetics, that's a big step for all growers.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
thanks bro! yes it is was a bit scared at first bc i was just overwhelmed about a 1/2 a cup of this and 1/2 a cup of that lol but its all coming around now. i think after i see how good of quailty it is and mold wiped out i will be more then happy...this will be me when i get my first taste of the organic brew ---->:bat:

Team Microbe

Active member
Haha yeah man, I've lost count of my cups so many times and would have a serious problem on my hands because I was too high or something. Tonight I actually fucked up big time, and misjudged the volume of my outdoor mix while calculating the weight of each amendment to add. I added 3x as much as I needed because I thought I had 100 gallons, I only had 33 gallons so I just added another 67 gallons of equal parts peat/rice hulls/compost. Problem is, the 67 gallons I just added are a completely different NPK compared to the recycled mix I sent in and got tested. So now I've gotta pay for another test, and adjust it again before being confident enough to use it.

To my defense.... I was baking a birthday cake for my sister and forgot to wear gloves while straining the canna oil out of the cheese cloth. 25 minutes later - COMPLETELY GONE BRO. It was so strong for some reason, and lasted for a long ass time. Through her entire party actually, and afterwards as well. That's when I mixed the recycled soil mix and fucked everything up :wallbash: LMAO


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Haha yeah man, I've lost count of my cups so many times and would have a serious problem on my hands because I was too high or something. Tonight I actually fucked up big time, and misjudged the volume of my outdoor mix while calculating the weight of each amendment to add. I added 3x as much as I needed because I thought I had 100 gallons, I only had 33 gallons so I just added another 67 gallons of equal parts peat/rice hulls/compost. Problem is, the 67 gallons I just added are a completely different NPK compared to the recycled mix I sent in and got tested. So now I've gotta pay for another test, and adjust it again before being confident enough to use it.

To my defense.... I was baking a birthday cake for my sister and forgot to wear gloves while straining the canna oil out of the cheese cloth. 25 minutes later - COMPLETELY GONE BRO. It was so strong for some reason, and lasted for a long ass time. Through her entire party actually, and afterwards as well. That's when I mixed the recycled soil mix and fucked everything up :wallbash: LMAO

LOL i feel your pain! damn i need some that canna oil then..thats right up my ally..HAHA better stay off the oil at least till u mix that soil or u gonna be out more and more tests :laughing: i suppose it happens to us all though :dance013:
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