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Tales of a Budtender

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Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
^Great story Mrs. Baba. I really love these kind of stories about the odd and strange things some people do in a social situation.


Well-known member
No dispensary around me either, never been to one, never had to show ID to buy weed, hell it’s been 30 years or more sense I bought any cannabis. I’m glad people have access to cannabis, I hope in the future all of the world realizes that it was a big mistake making cannabis and hemp illegal... Keep up the good work I don’t envy you having to wear all day...

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I can't wait til December when my one guy (an old friend) drives 600 miles to visit me...

When he brings his suitcase into the guest bedroom, I'm gonna ask him for his ID...Lol!:biggrin:


Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
I can't wait til December when my one guy (an old friend) drives 600 miles to visit me...

When he brings his suitcase into the guest bedroom, I'm gonna ask him for his ID...Lol!:biggrin:


Better have your uv bill checked handy too


ICMag Donor
Just a quick story today.....this older man comes in wearing a mask and he says to us that he has a medical condition and can’t wear a mask...I know right? We tell him that we do curb side service if he wants to make a purchase but he has to keep the mask on. He didn’t want to do that so he says he will just come in and make a purchase ...as he walks in he says he has a DNR and if he falls down dead don’t try to revive him :crazy:

It’s really good that people can’t read my mind :biglaugh:

Obviously he didn’t fall down dead and no one had to try to revive him but we all got a good laugh out that one ...

Have great weekend everyone :friends:


Well-known member
Sense I am an older gentleman forget the DNR, I want an advance directive, if I fall down give me the best buds you have, that’ll get me up and going again...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It’s really good that people can’t read my mind :biglaugh:


I always just say it in my mind waiting for the day when it just comes right out loud.

I hope to see when I have actually achieved curmudgeon status.

I also hope that whomever is in earshot appreciates the time and temper that it took to take place... should it ever...

Sometimes some people make me think it's a matter of time.

I think it's probably going to be a mix of Jerry Maguire not doing what everybody thinks he's going to do and Howard Beale from Network not taking it anymore.

I would have said something to the effect of "If this guy falls down in here, drag him outside and make sure his mask is on... tightly"...

But I am not a very nice person.


Good on you for fighting the good fight Mrs. B!!



ICMag Donor
It's been a pretty busy weekend at the shop....this mask thing is getting pretty crazy, I really really hate wearing one but it's where we are at in this country right now...I sure don't want to get sick so I wear my mask when I'm out in public. That being said I'm pretty sure I've said that no mask no entry here....
The lady came in yesterday probably in her 50's looked perfectly healthy...no mask on I'm the one at the window at the time so I tell her she has to have a mask to come in here...she says she has a medical whatever and doesn't wear one. I say well you can't come in here then...she says don't you have to follow the heppa laws and I said yes we do...we are a private business and can require mask to be worn in here we also require shoes and shirts. She says that there is a 75,000 fine and asks for one of our cards, I hand her one and tell here have a blessed day.
Not sure who she is going to "tell" on us to, the heppa police maybe? :tongue:

But people are coming up with lots of excuses for not wearing one...

One of our more popular companies is called Cookies, it was started by a rapper named Berner ...he has shops all over California, they are all bright blue and very fancy... well I've only been in one and it's really nice and the prices are pretty steep ....but it's still a top seller around here especally with the younger peeps...cheetah piss, London pound cake and white runts are just a few of his regular strains.

I have tried edibles a few times and hadn't felt any affects from them...the packages are 100mg per package and most are 10mg pieces....it just trips me out when someone tells me "oh I just eat one are even a half "of a gummy or what ever they take and they sleep like a baby, i wish they would help me like that, everyone is wired so different that it's such a personal thing with edibles.

Well it's getting close to closing for the night, hopefully no one comes in at the last minute, I need to go home and smoke a shit ton of cannabis haha

Have a great evening everyone :headbange


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
The bandana is a lot more comfortable than a damn mask, and you get fresher air.

First time I tried gummies was when a guy at an airport bar in DEN gave me a couple. Had an OK little buzz flying the next leg. My tolerance has since gone way up, and a couple 75 gr cookies is what it takes now. That dude is now my farmer buddy.


Well-known member
The bandana is a lot more comfortable than a damn mask, and you get fresher air.

First time I tried gummies was when a guy at an airport bar in DEN gave me a couple. Had an OK little buzz flying the next leg. My tolerance has since gone way up, and a couple 75 gr cookies is what it takes now. That dude is now my farmer buddy.

They did a test and the bandanna was worse than no mask, the single layer breaks the droplets and doesn’t stop them from going through. You need at least two layers...


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
They did a test and the bandanna was worse than no mask, the single layer breaks the droplets and doesn’t stop them from going through. You need at least two layers...

A bandanna, since it is a square folded diagonally, has two layers.

LOL, Problem is, I just wad it up and put it in the door panel of the PU truck. No idea which side is "in" or "out".

If I was concerned about catching a real virus, I would wear a N-95 under the bandanna. That way it takes the heavy contamination, and can be washed. Like a 2 stage air filter on a lawn mower.

White Beard

Active member
Feelin’ ya, Mrs. B - That woman can “report” the store, but HIPA can’t force a business to change its policies for the non-compliant; all it means in this case is she doesn’t have to reveal *WHY* she won’t/doesn’t wear a mask...it has nothing to do with her being able to force her way into your shop.

Likewise, I hear you on the edibles: for whatever reason, I seem to be resistant to effects of edible cannabis: I’ve made my own, I’ve eaten a number of different commercial products, from gummies to cookies to caramels to lollipops...Not a single buzz from the batch. I was specifically warned *not* to try eating an entire lollipop in one sitting...but half did nothing; three hours later, the other half did nothing. The next day, a whole one did nothing - and a second one 90 minutes later did nothing.

The *only* effect I’ve noticed from edibles is this: after an hour or two, smoking or vaping will get me MUCH higher, toke for toke, than without edibles. Weird, huh?

Glad you’re staying safe, remember that while “the customer is always right”, the truth is that customers a frequently as wrong as wrong can be - so don’t let ‘em get you down! Always enjoy your posts and your stories....


Well-known member
Almost any small business that has been open a while has a small sign somewhere saying

we reserve the right ...


ICMag Donor
Back to work after being off for a cpl of weeks getting the green house cleaned up... it’s getting a little slower as we get closer to croptober:)

This guy came in the other day and He was pulling out some sort of ID that was just a piece of paper didn’t have an ID with his picture and he also had a jail ID that was also just a copy of it but he was so wasted it was crazy he could even stand there...the security guy was telling him that his ID’s weren’t legit and he kept trying to talk his way in....I was a few feet away behind the counter at my register and said I thought was kinda quiet “he’s drunk and can’t come in here” he hear me and just started telling me to shut up and of course I told no I’m not going to shut up, then he says fuck you to me and the security guy immediately gets on his feet and tells the guy to leave ...George is pretty protective of me and was getting all serious and the guy is just yelling calling us all assholes ...Jackie the other budtender is such a sweetie, she’s like will you please just leave ...he leaves and heads down the road but it was pretty funny he went from 1 to 10 in seconds lol

I wish I could describe the way people say the words Indica and Sativa ...Indica comes out in-de-ka and sativa comes out sat-e-va ..not sure if you guys can tell the difference but it’s funny when it’s said so different. And then they always ask which one keeps me focused and which one lets me chill out...lots of questions about everything especially when they come in and haven’t consumed cannabis in years, the last time they had an edible was when their neighbor made some brownies and they were stoned for hours, it’s a bit different these days but finding your dose can be a journey and that’s what I tell them, I can eat a whole bag of gummies and not feel anything and then there’s the people that can eat 10mg and get so high it’s such an individual kind of high that we all experience different.

Thanks everyone for your comments and for making this fun for me....I appreciate all of you :)

Have great week and let’s get high!!!


Well-known member
wow, who´d have thought that selling meds can be so crazy! I bet pharmacies don´t get that sort of thing.
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