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2 Legal Co

Active member
Hey ZZ, it's starting to look like my tall sativa cabinet is going to end up being T5 VHO instead of T5HO... I have a ballast that will power 4 of the 54w T5HO tubes, but it runs them at 80w instead. Will I still be allowed in the club? Don't make me have to create another club (of which I will probably be the only member, lol).

How much extra heat do they make?
Saw one in a Grow store online, had an 'air cooled' cabinet on it.

Keep us posted as to how it goes please.


Señor Member
I don't know how much extra heat they make, but one thing everyone agrees on is that this ballast will run 54w T5HO tubes at 80w. So, what is that, 50% more wattage? Will that transfer to 50% more heat? That I don't know. All I know is T5HO lamps are very hot to the touch, at their normal HO state, so overdriving them will almost certainly make them radiate too much heat. I need to contain that heat and separate the plants from it.

I've never overdriven T5 lights this much. I did overdrive a 31w tube to 39w one time, lol. But that hardly counts. All I know is that when I ran VHO T12's over my deep reef tank, I had to use a chiller in order not to cook my corals.


I don't know how much extra heat they make, but one thing everyone agrees on is that this ballast will run 54w T5HO tubes at 80w. So, what is that, 50% more wattage? Will that transfer to 50% more heat? That I don't know. All I know is T5HO lamps are very hot to the touch, at their normal HO state, so overdriving them will almost certainly make them radiate too much heat. I need to contain that heat and separate the plants from it.

I've never overdriven T5 lights this much. I did overdrive a 31w tube to 39w one time, lol. But that hardly counts. All I know is that when I ran VHO T12's over my deep reef tank, I had to use a chiller in order not to cook my corals.

heat and watts almost directly proportional i.e more watts=more heat

2 Legal Co

Active member
So it's a 600-700 watt ballast? Where did you come up with that..... and the idea to use it for T5s? Most interesting. ..... I think. lol

By the way. What temps do you keep corals at? Just curious.


Señor Member
It's a popular ballast for reef keeping. It's called the Icecap 660. It is designed to safely overdrive everything. It can handle a maximum of 4 lamps at 440 watts, I think. The manufacturer designed it to work with VHOs, T5HOs, power compacts, our any mix-match thereof.

Most corals do well at around 75 degrees, give or take a few.


Active member
2 Legal Co... Up-Date...

I'll let 2LC explain what he's doing here...lol







Active member
It's a popular ballast for reef keeping. It's called the Icecap 660. It is designed to safely overdrive everything. It can handle a maximum of 4 lamps at 440 watts, I think. The manufacturer designed it to work with VHOs, T5HOs, power compacts, our any mix-match thereof.

Most corals do well at around 75 degrees, give or take a few.

I think you will be fine with the diy cool tubes you got going...

2 Legal Co

Active member
And now there is just One.

Sorry about the photos, I'm definitely not good with the camera.

These are/were from seed. One was ready, and the other still isn't. Soon maybe. lol

I won't have any weight #s, as i've not bothered to buy a scales. Let's just leave it at; I'm happy with the quality, strength, and volume.

The only 'problems' that I had were some gnats.


How would 4 LST plants do vegetating with a 2' 8-bulb fixture? 192 watts total or 48 watts per plant in a 2' x 2' area. Flowering will be done in a 3x5x6 room with a 600w HPS.


Señor Member
That sounds like a good plan, and it is the right amount of fluorescents for the size space, but you should know that most 8 bulb T5 fixtures are a bit wider than 2 feet, so if your space is exactly 2' x 2' you might have some problems. I think they tend to be around like 26 inches. Lengthwise, the 2' fixtures will fit in there just fine. It's the width that might be a problem.

That being said, even if you had to go with a 6 tube fixture, that would be plenty of light for vegetative growth, in that size space.

Edit: Or, you could put a 4 bulb unit suspended from above, while angling a 2 bulb unit over the front, and another one over the back. In other words, kind of making a quasi-dome shape over the plants.


Yeah, I'll build a cabinet around the fixture. That's just the general size I'm working with... Thanks for the input!


Active member
And now there is just One.

Sorry about the photos, I'm definitely not good with the camera.

These are/were from seed. One was ready, and the other still isn't. Soon maybe. lol

I won't have any weight #s, as i've not bothered to buy a scales. Let's just leave it at; I'm happy with the quality, strength, and volume.

The only 'problems' that I had were some gnats.

Looks like some Fat Sticky Buds to Me...:tiphat:


Question about vegetating with T5s: will the plants stress out when going from a T5 to a flowering HPS? I know when growers move from indoors to outdoors they need to "harden" the plant gradually to acclimate them to the more intense light.


Active member
Welcome aboard njrmutcd...!

YES... Great care is needed to make the transition from T5 to HPS just like from indoor to outdoor...

I place my 400W HPS at 24" from the canopy for a week and then slowly move closer 1" per day...

I learned the hard way on this, so take note...


Welcome aboard njrmutcd...!

YES... Great care is needed to make the transition from T5 to HPS just like from indoor to outdoor...

I place my 400W HPS at 24" from the canopy for a week and then slowly move closer 1" per day...

I learned the hard way on this, so take note...


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