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stopping coco compacting during flowering...


I do add some great white , is it pretty much the same ? mico's

Depending on the nutrients used, I recommended SubCulture-B because the bacteria can survive in high salt environments. No myco in the B version. I figure Great White would only work well with organics because of the myco. Never tried GW personally.


cant re Member
yeah , thats what i meant about better . they seem to grow healthier & my best yield ever came outa pots that were on my 3rd use .

i get more problems on plants in the fresh coco then i do on the reused stuff . i think its got to do with the coco already having a PH balance where the fresh coco doesn't . it takes a few days after transplanting into fresh coco for the plants to come around & start to grow healthy . & i'm pretty sure its due to the new coco having to be PH'ed & charged . i use fresh right out of the bag & charge it with my first couple of feeds . which is probably why i have defs for the first week or so . i really should precharge the fresh before i transplant into it , but i'm lazy & theres not much room here to do that .

no problems with root growth on the new plants into the old coco . the rootballs on the 3rd round when i finally toss them , have to be broken up with a shovel they're so thick & dense lol

so to be honest in my opinion , your worries about compaction are really not needed . my rootballs are like big hockey pucks when i finally toss them into the garden . the roots fill out the pots pretty good even when we think theres no room for more lol

very interesting.. what brand of coco are you using?
I use the canna pro straight out of the bag which is meant to be pre charged and buffered. the only time I ever get deficiencies after transplant is if I water too much.


cant re Member
He dosent do it to reduce stretch he does it to "simulate a tsunami" i laughed my ass off. Some people still think stressing plants makes them somehiw produce better.

But you are right hes pretty lit and his stuff is probably a little potent for him. He grows good dope but the beatings arent the reason. He just has some very potent genetics. Lol the whip is my favorite. I wish i could post the video of him drunk with a airhorn and his whip thing. Its fucked up to say the least but his face is visible the whole time... i was like why are you screaming at it and blowing a airhorn a foot away from it before i laughed so hard i cried for about 5 minutes i couldn't breath. Then came the air mover and the hoze i was like dude you are spraying water everywhere hes like it will evaporate... sure my area is dry but wow.

Hes not the brightest guy i know

omg that actually made my eyes water with laughter.. ive never hard of anyone whipping the plants. I guess there has to be a time limit though right? I mean otherwise he would just whip them down beyond revival. you should tell him that the average storm lasts 10 hours and they must be stimulated this long for best results.
ive heard of the old hippy trick ''sticking a nail in it'' but a whip.. that's a first for me.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
You guys that re use the coco, is adding an enzyme a good idea,
I imagine a bin of used coco with root bits resting with enzymes
breaking down for reuse in a few weeks.

I do micro, and when I do larger grows I'd like to think the coco
can be re used.

For now I just sift out the coco dust before I pot up.


cant re Member
I'm going to mix some polystyrene shredded up small into my coco to experiment.

hey, yeah im not sure how that would turn out. I guess the ideal thing to mix in is something that keeps the coco separated slightly but that the roots can still grow into.


cant re Member
You guys that re use the coco, is adding an enzyme a good idea,
I imagine a bin of used coco with root bits resting with enzymes
breaking down for reuse in a few weeks.

I do micro, and when I do larger grows I'd like to think the coco
can be re used.

For now I just sift out the coco dust before I pot up.

canna do a really good one which visibly breaks down dead plant matter. I think its call cannazyme.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
very interesting.. what brand of coco are you using?
I use the canna pro straight out of the bag which is meant to be pre charged and buffered. the only time I ever get deficiencies after transplant is if I water too much.

i use canna coco right out of the bag . never heard of the canna pro . will have to ask my grow store guy about it .


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Depending on the nutrients used, I recommended SubCulture-B because the bacteria can survive in high salt environments. No myco in the B version. I figure Great White would only work well with organics because of the myco. Never tried GW personally.

i'll have to check it out watts .
the great white has sped things up a bit for me with building roots , i see them come out of the bottom of the pot faster when i use it . so they must survive even with my chem nutes.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
canna do a really good one which visibly breaks down dead plant matter. I think its call cannazyme.

Yup , Cannazyme .... pretty good stuff too ! its one of the 2 bottles from the canna line that i still use once in awhile . the other is Rhizo for root growth , that works good too , but is expensive at 70$ a liter .


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
He dosent do it to reduce stretch he does it to "simulate a tsunami" i laughed my ass off. Some people still think stressing plants makes them somehiw produce better.

But you are right hes pretty lit and his stuff is probably a little potent for him. He grows good dope but the beatings arent the reason. He just has some very potent genetics. Lol the whip is my favorite. I wish i could post the video of him drunk with a airhorn and his whip thing. Its fucked up to say the least but his face is visible the whole time... i was like why are you screaming at it and blowing a airhorn a foot away from it before i laughed so hard i cried for about 5 minutes i couldn't breath. Then came the air mover and the hoze i was like dude you are spraying water everywhere hes like it will evaporate... sure my area is dry but wow.

Hes not the brightest guy i know

Please please please pleasepleaseplease.


Please make that video.

Get him a horsehead mask too. It'd cherry the whole thing.


Active member
Please please please pleasepleaseplease.


Please make that video.

Get him a horsehead mask too. It'd cherry the whole thing.

He wasnt too happy after the fact i got the one i have. He was like "thats fucking agro dude" i was like what did you think? I told you.

Well im glad sharing that memory made others laugh. I know i laughed my ass off when it was happening. Airhorns and scraming im like what is that supposed to be? High pitched thunder???


Active member
i'll have to check it out watts .
the great white has sped things up a bit for me with building roots , i see them come out of the bottom of the pot faster when i use it . so they must survive even with my chem nutes.

dans check out EM-1 for enzymes :tiphat: plants love it roots go crazy from it, and it aids the old root breakdown too


Active member
dans check out EM-1 for enzymes :tiphat: plants love it roots go crazy from it, and it aids the old root breakdown too


I have used EM-1 for years and am a reseller for Teraganix. I started using it when I was in the golf biz, used it for snow mold prevention and spot treatment, mix it with my compost teas to spray my green. That combo definitely built some roots. I took over a course with very poor greens, when you would try to repair a ball mark with a repair tool there was no roots or mat to hold it in place and it would do more damage than leaving the mark there. After just a could of months the root and mat on the greens was just extreme.
So, I was using it on my plants and your right the root system just explodes.
Did you know that it can be extended, one gallon can be extend to 22 gallons. I don't extend it for my plants though.


Active member

I grow in Coco/Growstone 75 /25, and really like the Growstone, spun glass product I think.
Have been using it for my last few grows. They have a few grades for be careful not to get the large stones, too hard to work with.
You might consider it.


2 Legal Co

Active member
I was only responding to some of his concerns.

Terribly sorry if I offended anyone.

Have a wonderful day.

Speaking of OLD strains. Warlock this morning, testing testing testing



Active member
Can you use Coco about the same as you would rockwool, except the Coco needs a pot to be put in ?

Well other than feeding different and stuff yeah you can use them for the same stuff. I clone sometimes in coco, often in rapid rooters and have ditched rockwool.

I also start seeds except ogs in coco. They all seem to die when i put them direct sow in coco but not rapid rooters. So i use those for seeds alot now too. Havent lost a seed in those yet.

Oh and far as the grow gkass it looks neat but i love pure coco and wont be adding perlite again probably
Well other than feeding different and stuff yeah you can use them for the same stuff. I clone sometimes in coco, often in rapid rooters and have ditched rockwool.

I also start seeds except ogs in coco. They all seem to die when i put them direct sow in coco but not rapid rooters. So i use those for seeds alot now too. Havent lost a seed in those yet.

Oh and far as the grow gkass it looks neat but i love pure coco and wont be adding perlite again probably
Do you use any enzymes?


Active member
Do you use any enzymes?

I did but no longer do as i found little impact over the two crops i used them. I also use fresh coco every time. New clone goes into a 1 gal pot that lives its entire life in start to finish. You can either just stick a bare cutting in with gel (i used powder but like Technaflora gel better) or whatever or even nothing and it will root. You can hydrate the coco with nutrient solution or plain water for rooting clones i havent noticed much difference except if you use solution the clones never yellow at all so i do that now...

Of note you can use tiny containers like the ones you dip fries into ketchup in just poke holes. Or those trays that hold rapid rooters you can put coco in those and when the clone roots the roots hold it together and you can pull it right out no problem!

I preffer cloning with rapid rooters. Also same with popping seeds now i like them alot and have great results. Beans sometimes cost me alot, sometimes just a thank you either way i hate to waste, especially tickets to the lotto know what im sayin? So i dont risk a og seed wont like germ in coco and use the rooters. I use the rooters for the tougher to root ones that throw me attitude. My kali mist amd a couple others are happy to root in anything.

I used rockwool for quite a while. My shop said maybe no more rapid rooters coming here not to happy about that. Anyone else have plugs they like for seeds and cuts? Not rockwool... i said i wont use it again unless it was flock. I found perforated with a fork from many sides it performs better but still hate it. Rapid rooters are ready to go out of the pack. Pricy but better than watching seedlings die from dampening off in coco... hapened with a wack of ogs i tried and said ill try plugs.

Ill use either but as stated i spend a little more for the ease and surity of plugs but good rooters love rooting in coco.

I could use perlite a buddy does that. Maybe ill fool around with grow rocks and a few other products. Though i havent ysed my new canna bricks just my old coco so maybe ill try some spares in that see how it works the stuff im using now is a mix of fibre, chunk and flake i bet the canna flake mught work better ha!