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Neil Armstrong has died


I love my life
One Giant Leap for Neil. Now he gets to use his energy in the furthest corners of space. Crazy week for Armstrongs, Lance gets crazy bad press and Neil leaves this game. Wish Neil could report back to us.



Active member
they should plant his ass on the moon . must of took alot of balls to do what he did. he could of become major tom easilly. rip


All of the astronauts from that period were my heroes, like a lot of kids I guess. I remember trying to find them on the moon with my brand new Gemco 6 inch Newtonian. He definitely had the Right Stuff, R.I.P.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Roy, Gene and now a real Hero Neil Armstrong. RIP He was a real life hero of mine. Up there with Chuck Yeager and Dick Bong(splashed 40 nips in the big war).


ICMag Donor
no death bed confessions?

I knew someone would bring this up, I cant believe that something THAT BIG can be made up. I saw the show about it and its just too much for my mind to wrap around that many ppl keeping it a secret. People like to talk too much!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The moon landers are the most epic humans that ever lived. Especially the first three. I had the privilege to meet them all once when they stayed in a hotel i worked at and were speaking at a convention. It was pretty unreal to meet them. they really are the rarest of the rare. the only 17 men to step foot on rock off this planet. I am normally never star struck, but I really was in awe.


As a child of the 60s, I watched all the Gemini missions and Apollo Moon Shots. My room was covered in posters of space and I had every model available of the Saturn V boosters, Apollo rockets, CSM (Command Service Module), LEM....name it. I swore I was going to be an astronaut. We're visiting friends who had the honor of meeting Armstrong and we were just talking about him not but last night.

Via con Dios Mr. Armstrong.
I remember after all those moon landings...every kid had to have a telescope or a science kit. I'm 51 so some of this is getting older but it really seems the Western world has lost its optimism since the 60's. It seems like there's no hunger for the future.


stoned agin ...
big shoes to fill :)