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D-Train (white domina x qrazy train)


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
blowing up!

budman maybe i missed it but, are these all ladies? done sexing?

those geopots look nice.. you used them before ?


yes, i am proud to say that i am done sexing! i have 4dtrains, a blue widow and a connie chung....smooth sailing from here


the game has changed... I will be the last of us to jump on the blumat wagon... :)

if its as great as everyone says, than i am in for a treat. i will be documenting that installation. get comfortable

Lookin' good budman - both the photo size and the plant. ;)

The girls look like they're happier'n pigs in shit.. :ying:

thanks, i figured out how to resize with the stock photo editor.

they do look happy dont they?!?! THE BIGGEST change has been the supersoil. it does all the work for you... give them a TEA EVERYTHING THIRD WATERING and get out of the way.

as some one else stated, blumats are the next step, i am already amending the soil and letting the girls take what they want, might as well let them drink what they want!!!!


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
blumat day!

blumat day!

its been four days so i believe these bitches should be thirsty. im going to soak em and install these damn blumats.

this morning i have purchased and created the rez. its a 20gallon rubbermaid brute trashcan. its going to be sitting about 3ft off the ground.

i have recut dripper line for each T connection. the drippers about two feet long. this should give me some freedom to shift them around....carrots have been soaking a couple hours now...waiting for the lights to turn on at 5.

going to lay feed line and connect the blumats...fill up and ph rez...then soak the plants really good. insert carrot and begin the dialing in process..

i let them soak, then screwed them together underwater after tapping to release any air bubbles


here is the dripper line cut to length. they are about ft long


i had a drill bit that i was able to improvise with. bulkhead locked and loaded


the 20gallon rez with be elevated on another 32gall trashcan. the can will be resting on blocks to give us just over three feet of elevation.,,feeder tube will be on the ground int he tent...not 100% sure about that though



Active member
Looking good budman :good:. Make sure you install an air release in your manifold directly after the res.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
Looking good budman :good:. Make sure you install an air release in your manifold directly after the res.

i have decided to open up the blumat on the end and drain into a cup. thanks...once i put the feed line on the plastic pieces, its impossible to get them off....wowzers

Looks Good, That Can full of water will weigh a lot. I don't know if that can lid will handle that.

thanks for the heads up. i wasnt planning on keeping the rez full...i was thinking half full is more likely, but still...that would be about 80lbs of water...thanks for the heads up...


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
with a quick meal break, it took me 3.5 hrs to water all the plants, set the rez, insert two blumats for 5gall. dial in the initial level and check in 24hrs....i have a feeling i will be checking again to make sure there are no major drips...

wrapped around my 3x3 tent...i have them up about 4 inches up in loose twist ties,





i have a T valve with a vent that runs up through the mouth, just kinda hangs there



I come from the land where the oceans freeze
i am amped up! i did tons of work today, went outside and played in the yard and layed down some sick blumats. so, i would be lying if i didnt tell you halfway through putting them in i wanted to quit and was wondering if i was going to regret this...only time will tell....

my plants look mega healthy and its because since i am using SS and have been able to water individually and really give em what they need on a plant per plant basis. it makes it so easy to just add water, no mixing nutes. i hope i am able to dial them in quickly as i dont want to stress them one freakin bit

i am staying out of the garden for a few hours but will be back to check before the nights over...when lights come on tomorrow and all is well, that will be a big milestone in regards to my COMFORT ZONE...staying positive

:thank you:


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
This what I was talking about when I refered to an air release :biggrin:. Plants look great btw, you're going to love the blumats.

I'm such a noob too. This forum teaches me so much. Thanks for watching I hope these blumats don't give me any lip.


Active member
Just keep an eye on them for the first week, and make very small adjustments after the intial dialing to a cling.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
they passed teh 24hr mark with flying colors (i.e. no floods)!!!!

i am already seeing a disadvantage. I REALLY like to take them out and inspect while watering. i just realized im not going to able to really "get under the hood" while hooked to these mats. 2-6weeks is when i really like to check for balls. its going to be much harder to do that crammed in a 3x3 tent.

the girls are starting to get stinky. carbon filter is workin over time and im not in even in full on jam mode

blue widow is flowering much quicker than any of the other. there are def two distinct phenos of DTRAIN


I come from the land where the oceans freeze

blumats are killin it. day four but i still miss playing with them. moving them around to fill in the canopy perfectly....

day 12 of flowering


dtrains fan leaves are gorgeous tear drops.




connie chung



I come from the land where the oceans freeze
a couple pots were light so i gave them a full left turn tic mark. will check tomorrow to see how they did, i am dialing in a couple of them while 2-3 are perfect. i will also be adding water to the rez tomorrow. i will do it as soon as the lights turn on so i have time to monitor the flow

verdict is still out on whether i will continue using the blumats.....garden is lookin killer







I come from the land where the oceans freeze
overall, canopy is pretty damn level, just stack the plants that are lagging


12day blue widow nug


12 day dtrain nug




Active member
A week from now once them blumats are set, you'll only be visiting that tent once a week possibly.. And that one to top of the res, check ph, and raise lights......

You're gonna se a good yield.... I like how you use the "main-lining" method on the plants, with the geopots....... nice, big, even,sexy colas are in your future.....


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
everything downstairs has maintained a clean bill of health...everything seems to be doing very well. i have measured the watermark in the rez and will see how much water they truly end up drinking. im kicking myself for not doing that when i set it up. i was giving them about a 6-7gallons of ph'd tap water every 3-4 days. i assume they are drinking just as much if not more.

i havent checked the ph of the rez but i have been phing the water before i pour it in to 6.5. with the supersoil i dont have to be AS cautious but its prolly a smart idea (considering my ph issues before i transplanted them).

should i be adjusting the ph in the rez and monitoring it every few days? any advice on this would be much appreciated.

today is day 14 and i believe im in for some stinkers. my carbon filter is overtime. i might purchase another 4x12 PHRESH to have on hand. i like to have backups and redundancy anyways. i am sort of OCD about some things in my life ;-)

i havent cracked a bottle of nutes in almost two months (this whole run) yay me. amended soil FTW! they are as green, healthy and happy as any plants i have ever grown. and let me make something clear, i have NO qualms with feeding them...if they need it. but until them, i will be adding just water through harvest.

only exceptions will be three (3) EWC/Sucanat teas on day 25/35/45.

this is all i have ever wanted. a simple, dumb, effective organic grow. this soil is allowing me to do this.

im getting more and more excited everytime i crack the tent. one more week i will be cleaning em up and lollipoping. haha, these dtrains look sooo good, the connie chung is really pulling through and the bluewidow is budding so fast. def off to a hot start but one of the dtrains is giving her a run for the money...

i hope you can feel my excitement guys?!