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Still Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Five.


Looking great OH, i was looking at hole 7 and what a beauty she is bro. That looks like one of yours that could get really tall, like a 10' ter or hell even more. She gets not just bigger each time ya show her, but a helluva lot bigger, im thinking she might be my favorite this year:).

Glad you didn't let GH in this year and if ya ask me, they fucking cant blame ya after last year. I bet they are still talking about the guy who recorded them, its a first il bet, lol.

Thanks once more for the show man just cant get enough of the killer monsters in your garden man.



You will not be forgotten
not having plants chopped, you and or your family being detained is always a step in the right direction!! sucks to get on their radar, but all it takes is them getting shut down a few times.. and unless they really have a hair up their ass about you... eventually they will go away.

Best wishes with the island growing, my bro just came back to the mainland for a visit from maui, looking to make a winter / spring visit myself!

hoping you dont have any more issues with the fuzz, happy growing and aloha :joint:


Active member
Damn....Your trying to tell me people actually read this shit?

Wow...I'm somehow touched....but you guys and gals probably already figured that out by now.

Got some questions to answer....I can see Weez shaking his head, muttering "Idiots...don't feed him....whatever you do...Don't feed him!"....sorry Weez....too late now.

Rusty? How be the psycho puppies? This pic shows the rigid training schedule the poor babies are on.

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The last couple of dogs we got came from the pound. We missed the puppy stage. Forgot all about puppies....

It's all comming back now.

Chucky...thats Bloody Widow....neat name huh? An old jungle strain, here forever, mostly Thai based crossed with White Widow male.

And the cane info ain't gonna help anyone unless they live here.

Used to be all the islands grew cane....and pineapple. Pineapple for all intensive purposes is dead. Maui had four sugarmills. Now we have one. And that was close to tits up...until energy prices went thru the roof...now it looks like the'll make it.

Dirtboy is right....Growing up here was an experience. But, sure as shit has changed.

Nuff memory lane.

Festivus...real dry this year. I fear your right.

Dirtboy...do they even fly GH on Oahu? I'd realy like to know how and when they work each island....information is power.

We have a bunch of us that do it here....call each other when they fly...make the houseplants disappear....statewide would be even better.


Hawaiian...Now they use a chopper. Good luck...if you have any questions as you go along....

Evil Cartman.... How are things back at the old mothership? Welcome to a better place.

Johng...Enjoy your trip...Weather's been nice...but windy.

The landowner is a little conglomorate called A&B. They don't like you on their land...depends who you meet up with and how it happens.

Rusty...The fields have security. But they stay on the main (paved) roads, and they tend to stick around the heavy equiptment, and harvestable fields (stuff that will burn, or costs big bucks). If they see you...unless properly trained...they'll chase you...find mud.

What happens when they find your shit....nothing good.

Again...who found it, and what were they doing in the cane in the first place?

Some will try to move the plants, some will destroy them in place, some will race you back to them, and some leave you alone.

Beautiful plants and beautiful dogs:) last time I followed you on c.com I left of where you and someone else was making an escape on your atv's, i gotta lot of reading to do to catch up


Well-known member
Well....It's Friday

Green Harvest is done. And thank god that's over. A much noise and fury....but what from I saw...an unproductive event.

They flew right up the gulch we have our overflow in....and missed them all....obviously small clones are hard to see. My partner Quai Chang Kane bet me twenty they'd be gone because I left quite the trail....wrong. The rain we had the last couple of weeks saved the day.:woohoo:

This one was a new one. And if any Maui people are reading please feel free to correct me....I only know what I saw....there may be some conjecture here. I saw choppers every day this week except today.

Looks like they have some new choppers. I didn't see the yellow ones working. Could be they are on Kauai working the fire there....I don't know.

And it looks like the DEA got itself a new Puma. They bothered everyone I know that's legal. Patient got inspected. Partner got inspected. Grey got inspected. Even my old patient got inspected....and she doesn't even grow it....she just has a card.

When I say inspected it's like JOJO says. Circling around looking from every angle. I was the only one that got visited in person though...I'm a little more in your face than they are...whoda thunk?

The choppers were staging in the park in front of my old patient's house and she said everyone was dressed casualy (no jumpsuits).

Thats wierd. Cops that I ran into had them on. Could be there just knowing nothing giant is in bud and are just finding the plants, marking where they are. They did that last year.

This is what makes it fun....trying to make sense of it all.

You guys on the BI tipped me off...seriously.

:thank you: Next time you see them...let me know.

Now that GH has done their thing....we go back to boring....sorry guys...come back next month and see what happens.

Plants in the light room are screaming to get out... With wifey still sick...Salmanilla...now slowly getting better...she yelled at me today for a good 20 minutes...a good thing, and GH around, and the puppies...I haven't been staying on the garden chores. So the weekend will be busy. Got some holes and plants waiting to get together....and a shitload of coffee to pick too.

And we had two afternoons of a nice soft rain, not a lot of sun this week....Stress test. see what rots.

Oh and for the record...the Valley OG clone stood up well to rot. good, not great yield, but the catterpillars love it....I know...more useless information.

LSY...Number 7...It's gonna be tall....If it doesn't fag....not the worlds most stable strain. Ya never know.

Dimebag. If you don't go over your limit (7 per card ) they won't do anything except take the overage...thats where the wrinkle is. What they consider mature vs reality... two different animals. If I had my limit of fat buds, they could see from the air...that would give them cause to come look and take. They could have easily rapelled down from the chopper.

Truepunk...I remember you! Took my banned ass over to "there"....looks slow...Who me? gloat? Noooo.

And for the record...In my humble opinion (yea right) part one was the best...before GH found me...Two was lame. Three was ok...not bad...skip four....and here we are at five....there....I saved you some reading. :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
There was a shiny new yellow bird on the helli pad @ the National Guard Amory on Wednesday. Haven't seen GH down here yet, guess they're too busy fuckin with you upcountry folk.

House of Love has a cross of SFV OG x OG Kush I would like to compare to your Valley OG.
We're calling it Happy Valley, and she's quite a tall gal considering her OGK roots.


Active member
This whole GH seemed like a training mission. Getting the new bird ready for the mainland.
How big your girls now. I'm trying to catch up at 7 1/2 and going! How is the bamboo lashing going?


Well-known member
I seem to have a good new, bad news kinda situation working.

Not to knock Rodney, HRM was right. It was my fault, started them too early...whatever, but Rodney, her offspring, are going off now.


For the last couple of weeks the weather has been....ehhh. Cool and cloudy....didn't get above 75. Betcha you guys on the east coast would kill for our weather...right now.

Where was I? Oh yea, gloating....sorry...

As the water around the islands warm up we should get into the grove. More sun and warmer temperatures. Maybe six weeks of perfect...it's out there....we only need it at the right time.

About the only thing that shows true potential is the Jack Herer...and a few others. The rest 'll go off early,


A bit more bad news...the overflow patch. We went in to water, found a bootprint that wasn't ours, dumped the water, dug up the plants and packed them out. At very least... the Headband plant is growing back where cuts are easy to take.

Now that GH has done their thing....the garden is back to full....too the gills. This is the first time every hole has a clone.


Now...the good news. Plant goes off early, I can get rid of it and shove a clone back in its place. We'll know soon...I'll yank Rodney and give it to my patient if it continues this damp and the mold gets going.

The O dub clone I just took. She went thru the rain pretty damn well. I hope the smoke is as good as the A dub. This plant has the yield that the A dub didn't. Yield on par with Skunkdog and Chem D.



Festivus... I'd go for that. PM me if you have the time. The Valley OG was rather leggy. And the plant in question is just about dry and ready to burn. Keep in mind I'm just a newbe with the clones...I know not what begat what.

Chunky...so am I. Another four weeks with peace and quiet. And if we have a hard enough rain to get the gulches running...we still have a couple of hundred thousand seed waiting for an Overgrow.

Dirtboy....The way these logs seem to run, is sometime in the near future we have a hard rain, then you get to listen to me whine and bitch about the mess....pickin' branches out of the mud.

Not this time...call me mister proactive. Just about everything that can come down is tied up. Easy job doing it before needed. The tallest is about nine....but it too wants to bud...I don't expect more than another foot on her....

then she'll fag....

nothing like positive thinking huh?

The Jack Herer double I have fanned out will be the heavy yielder. Maybe ten ft long, five ft wide, and six tall....and still growing.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
man you still got the log going... nice pics too
is that last pic an odubb or chemd? looks beefy

fucking rain woke me up. how am i supposed to go another week with the rain like this? im losing sleep. ugh...

festivus lets see what you got homie! Im curious to see what youve been busy making hahaha
the valley og is delish....

back to the peanut gallery...


Well-known member
Grey....You found the on button....your computer still works...Good deal.

The pic is the odubb. It takes the longest to root so she straggles in at the end. I made a few extra clones of her this run. Definitly a keeper.

You were dry today? All you need is a week. I think you'll get it. I know the rain on my fat buds blues too...I feel for ya.

Festivus...I got the cut from Grey. Hell....I got almost every cut I'm running from him. Unlike many on the island he is most generous in sharing genetics. And he is far more knowledgable in matters of the mainland genetics than I.

He still has some bad mainland habits I'm working on breaking... but I think you'd have a lot in common and probably a mutual friend or two.

LSY...Here is Hole 7. I think she'll get to 10 ft. But not much more. Plant is budding already. Too damn early.


Here is where the yield is. The Jack Herer double, no buds yet...


And I might as well throw a few more up

Hole 1. For scale the frames are five feet. Again...budding early


Hole 2. Rodney. Hasn't budded early...yet.


And the last two. The Japaneese hash in the forground....has potential. The Dieselrella plant in the background is budding...not too much there.



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
It works on my phone too
Ill be a bit more active wasting as much bandwidth as i can in your thread here haha

Bad habits to break yes. I think i hit rock bottom though. Things are looking up thank goodness

Festivis we do need to rendevous bro


hey bro. been thinkin about you. hope all is well. im glad you get a break from GH for a bit. i know they stress everyone out over there. kickin around my last bowl of DxR. what a great gal. ttyl!


A bit more bad news...the overflow patch. We went in to water, found a boot print that wasn't ours, dumped the water, dug up the plants and packed them out. At very least... the Headband plant is growing back where cuts are easy to take.

Well good eye on catching the boot track bro, ya just gotta know they were waiting for it to grow buds an take it before you, fucking bastard rippers. If it were me i would have tried to track em once ya got the plant outta there and rig up a ''DONT COME BACK TRAP''. You know i got issues with them lazy ass rippers who cant put their own work in yet take someone else's. Not brutal, but only 10 or so stitches and a note that that lets em know next time it will be worse, thats some bullshit.

Bummer about hole 7 man is there a chance of re vegging her, i have noticed you have not had messed around with any for a bit. But gotta say bro she is one damn beauty of a plant man. Maybe its just that ya got all them big ass bushes which look great and may give ya more. But wow what ya nice looking x-mas tree for sure man..

Lucky ya got that nice weather too, heck it was 95 an over around here and a friend told me it was above a 100, i even used my air, which i never use it.

Great pics man and looks freaking beautiful all along the rocks , a lot of work, but to get away and just hang out under a nice shade tree sounds great. Heck i may even take a hammock down there an have a nap, ,lol.

Great work man, good luck on finding the right clone so as it doesnt go off to soon on ya, but then could ya re veg those or are ya worried about mold? Killer Japanese hash plant too man, that thing looks nice, iv never seen one before but looks like its going to be good to ya,

Thanks for the great grow my friend:tiphat:



Active member
Mine are budding early also. My March start looks like hole 1 and my April looks like hole 7 but mine is 9 ft and just starting to bud. Both of these are Colombian crosses and I thought they wouldn't start budding till Aug. It hasn't gotten hot yet.We only get a few days of hot sun then rain for a week. The only plant I had that handled the rain while budding was a Willie Nelson X NY OG . Bra love your Jack Jack.


Well-known member
LSY....I know how you feel about rips.

But traps and messing up their shit just draws attention to what your doing. This was the best possible outcome short of us harvesting them from where they grew... I kept the twenty we bet....Green Harvest did indeed miss them....but my partner thinks he got hosed.

This late in the year regrowing is not gonna happen. Besides on average, a regrow won't yield as much as a plant from seed. You have that long period where the plant goes from bud back to vege. That's wasted time. And like wasted time we have wasted space...like these two.



The clones won't regrow unless they go back under the lights. Again, you waste time. No reason to do that....clones are easy to make. It takes four weeks to go from rooted cut, to touching the lights, ready to go outside. The clones have surprised me. So far they are holding up well against the rot...but winter will be the real test.



Rusty....I don't think that statement is quite correct.
But then...most of our indoor ladies look more like a bunch of your branches, lol.
There, fixed that for you.

Nameless....You streched that one out for a while....with that last bowl DxR slips into the land of plants gone past. Thanks for those smoke reports.

Silver...thanks much....And I do tend to follow certain writing patterns...glad you like it.

Grey...Bumming my five gallon pots?....I expect them back you know? Naaa. Keep 'em. Go 'head...I don't use them anyway....because the plants belong IN the ground. See? there's this stuff called dirt. Plants do better IN it...not on top of it.

Gonna ride this puppy until the wheels fall off....you know that, right?

Dirtboy...I gotta hand it to you. I've grown in the jungle...it ain't easy. Plants do great until the buds are dime sized....then here comes a week of rain.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
The fluidity of your post is impressive grasshoppa hahaha

I will try not to be rude and will wash out those pots when im done

Msybe well see